
Debate Info

Valid Claims Invalid Claims
Debate Score:52
Total Votes:58
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 Valid Claims (23)
 Invalid Claims (19)

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iPhi(239) pic

Concerning the topic of Evolution, what claims can be made?

Valid Claims

Side Score: 30

Invalid Claims

Side Score: 22
1 point

Living organisms mutate and give rise to change. These changes can become permanent and even be passed on to future generations.

Side: Valid Claims
excon(18262) Clarified
1 point

Living organisms mutate and give rise to change. These changes can become permanent and even be passed on to future generations.

Hello i:

Close, but no cigar.. When dealing in matters like these, specificity is paramount. Lemme help.

The changes are NOT permanent, and absolutely WILL be passed on. Some of those changes, of course, die out as life evolves, and life continues to evolve to this day.


Side: Valid Claims
Grugore(856) Disputed
0 points

In order for evolution to be possible, an organism must be able to add new information to its genome. So far, scientists have not demonstrated that such a feat is even remotely possible. But atheists believe it can happen, even though there is absolutely no evidence for it. Thus demonstrating that it requires more faith to be an atheist than a Christian.

Side: Invalid Claims
Hootie(364) Disputed
2 points

In order for evolution to be possible, an organism must be able to add new information to its genome. So far, scientists have not demonstrated that such a feat is even remotely possible.

That's factually untrue.

Side: Valid Claims
excon(18262) Disputed
2 points

In order for evolution to be possible, an organism must be able to add new information to its genome. So far, scientists have not demonstrated that such a feat is even remotely possible.

Hello G:

Nahh… Photons from the sun MUTATES your DNA.. Gamma rays from outer space MUTATES your genes.. Your ENVIRONMENT changes your genes..

Those aren't secrets. Of course, if you learned your science in CHURCH, then these facts don't compute.. Dude!


Side: Valid Claims
ResearchIt Disputed
1 point

What if it is a slightly altered viewpoint.

What if new information is added. Slowly over time. Think of a DNA strand. That strand has the ability to be damaged, say decay or radiation, that causes some of the genetic make up to be altered slightly. Then this cell will either A) die B) Not be effected or C) the cell will excel. If the cell can live or thrive then it will go through mitosis, thus spreading the gene. When a new offspring is made, it is more susceptible to mutations due to the smaller amount of initial cells. These mutations of genes are what I would refer to as evolving. Over time, these mutations would become new species until they mutated again, or died. Some cells would be more susceptible to mutation over time, so some would stay relatively unchanged.

Side: Valid Claims

Evolution is undeniable, unlike religious claims. The reason it is undeniable is because the physiological and genetic properties of most organisms can be traced back to other organisms. To suggest that life must be created is to suggest that the only way to explain a complex thing is to imagine that there must be an even more complex thing. If you cannot explain life without God then how on earth do you expect to explain God? That is why the notion that life or the universe must be created is causally retarded.

Side: Valid Claims
Grugore(856) Disputed
1 point

So, you actually believe that the universe created itself? BWAHAHAHA!

Side: Invalid Claims
-1 points

To suggest that life must be created is to suggest that the only way to explain a complex thing is to imagine that there must be an even more complex thing.

Exactly, which is the opposite of the way we have noticed things to work. Complex things are preceded by less complex things, not more complex things.

Side: Valid Claims
xMathFanx(1722) Disputed
1 point


Ironic, as that contradicts your own claim to 'intelligent design' by 'ancient engineers'.

Side: Invalid Claims
1 point

This proves there is no God. Evolution is evidence that there is no higher power.

Side: Invalid Claims
Bronto(2002) Disputed
1 point

This proves there is no God. Evolution is evidence that there is no higher power.

Cool. I'll add this to my list of Atheists not understanding Darwinian Theory and using it as a part of their dogma rather than science.

Side: Valid Claims
Mint_tea(4641) Disputed
1 point

It actually doesn't prove there is no God. Simply that minds need to expand a little and some people don't need to take the Bible so literally.

Side: Valid Claims
excon(18262) Clarified
0 points

This proves there is no God. Evolution is evidence that there is no higher power.

Hello again, i:

Yeah.. I'm over here too.. Evolution doesn't prove there's no God.. It simply proves that Christians aren't especially good historians..


Side: Valid Claims
Bronto(2002) Clarified
1 point

Evolution doesn't prove there's no God..

Apparently, prior to a few thousand years ago, no humans were historians. They were eating bananas and swinging from trees. Or is that just your ancestors? I think mine were acting as skilled hunters on the prairie, or perhaps you'd like to make a monkey reference to brown people, eh con?

Side: Valid Claims
Bronto(2002) Disputed
1 point

It simply proves that Christians aren't especially good historians..

Oh? Let's take a peek, shall we?

We have 7 billion people on the Earth today.

Hey look. The population of the entire Earth was 5 million 5,000 years ago.

We must have been doing the whole pre human to human thing just before that...

Have you checked for a tail lately con? I'd really like to have a tail.

Side: Valid Claims
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

But STUPOR STUPID have you not professed to be a JEW ??????? Explain your confusion for us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMMFAO !!!!!!!!!!

Side: Valid Claims
1 point

If one species came from another species how come there are still both species here now? This disproves evolution!

Side: Invalid Claims
excon(18262) Disputed
2 points

If one species came from another species how come there are still both species here now? This disproves evolution!

Hello i:

When an evolutionary mutation occurs, it occurs in ONE plant or ONE animal.. It doesn't change the entire species at once.. So, there can BE a mutated variety right along side a NON mutated variety.

It's entirely possible for the mutated variety to evolve into something totally different than the non-mutated variety did.


Side: Valid Claims
Bronto(2002) Disputed
1 point

So, there can BE a mutated variety right along side a NON mutated variety.

Which variety are you con? Weed lizard clan?

Side: Invalid Claims
iPhi(239) Clarified
1 point

so what you're saying is that "if man came from monkeys then how come there is still monkeys?!?! lulz" isn't a good rebuttal...? perhaps

Side: Valid Claims
1 point

If Americans came from Europeans, why are there still Europeans...?

Side: Valid Claims
1 point

My understanding of the Bible indicates that the Earth is exactly 6,000 years old and even if evolution were possible, scientists claim that evolution would take millions of years to occur, therefore Evolution is fake!

Side: Invalid Claims
Bronto(2002) Disputed
1 point

Then you have no understanding of the Bible.

Side: Valid Claims
iPhi(239) Clarified
1 point

that's why it is posted under INVALID claims ;) sorry if it was confusing

Side: Valid Claims
1 point

DNA proves that humans evolved from proteins to bacteria-like things, to fish-like things, to lizard-like things, to rat-like things, to ape-like things, to modern day humanoids. Anyone who questions or denies this is a religious idiot!

Side: Invalid Claims
Bronto(2002) Disputed
2 points

Or a religious person that isn't limited by linear thinking and can imagine a creator creating a system that evolves things while he observes the results.

Side: Valid Claims
Hootie(364) Disputed
1 point

Or a religious person that isn't limited by linear thinking and can imagine a creator creating a system

That's the very definition of linear thinking: "You should not explore the myriad of possibilities because if something exists, then something else must have created it." Scientists are not limited because they (at least the good ones) do not make their conclusions first and then search for evidence to validate them.

Your rhetoric is backwards as always.

Side: Invalid Claims
1 point

That would just mean there is a creator and evolution, not that evolution is invalid.

Side: Valid Claims