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Debate Score:49
Total Votes:71
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Dreadnought(6) pic

Fact: xMathFanx And Amarel Are The Same Person

I'm absolutely certain of it. Two things have convinced me over the past 24 hours.

A) Both accounts capitalise seemingly random words which are not proper nouns.

B) Both accounts use a semicolon instead of a colon to introduce lists.

Either we have two different people who repeatedly make identical grammar mistakes, or we have one fascist imbecile with two different accounts.

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Side Score: 29
2 points

Heads Up a Troll Farm Idiot lives in a very Small Bubble !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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-1 points

"The silence is deafening..."

Perhaps it is because Amarel/MathFan opened a debate last week demanding to know why people use alt accounts.

Some people are just born to be slimeballs.

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Bronto(2002) Disputed Banned
1 point

opened a debate last week demanding to know why people use alt accounts.

Some people are just born to be slimeballs.

You often create debates about alts, and you have 500 of them. Isn't your hypocrisy mind boggling?

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Dreadnought(6) Disputed
0 points

and you have 500 of them

No I don't. At least make your lies believable you stupid 47 year old manchild.


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Mingiwuwu(1446) Disputed Banned
-1 points

Amarel has significantly higher IQ than Mathfan. Mathfan is very average intellectually and interprets things at face-value frequently. Amarel has layers upon layers of semantic manoeuvring and comprehension of the concepts he debates even though he picks the dumber side at times.

Amarel is probably the third-smartest regular user of this website at the moment. I am the smartest and FM is second-place but not during his Brontoraptor persona.

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Dreadnought(6) Disputed
2 points

I am the smartest

Only because your alien overlords have given you special brain powers. That's hardly fair, is it?

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Dreadnought(6) Disputed
1 point

Amarel has significantly higher IQ than Mathfan.

They are both the same person you basket case. They make the exact same uncommon grammar mistakes and their snide, sniping, bitter personalities are identical.

Shut up and get back to your alien demigods. They will not be pleased with your inadequate detective skills.

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0 points

Amarel has significantly higher IQ than Mathfan.

Totally wrong. Mathfan is actually way smarter than him and in terms of raw intelligence (not wisdom/knowledge/creativity etc. but raw IQ) he may be the smartest one here. Amarel is a fucking retard and I consider him to be nothing intellectually. Mathfan is at least learned in physics and mathematics whereas all Amarel does is glorify and romanticize capitalism and bash socialism while having no real skills or knowledge or anything but the repetition of utter hogwash.

Mathfan is very average intellectually and interprets things at face-value frequently.

Trust me, the average person doesn't write walls of text about the kind of subject matter he does. They barely have the attention span to watch 5 minute videos that over simplify information on youtube. Amarel on the other hand is a fucking simpleton. He literally thinks that the definition of capitalism is "economic freedom".

Amarel has layers upon layers of semantic manoeuvring

You are mistaking his word games, playing with definitions and lying as smart debate tactics.


No...just no

he picks the dumber side

All the time.

Amarel is probably the third-smartest regular user of this website at the moment. I am the smartest and FM is second-place but not during his Brontoraptor persona.

First of all I'm not fucking Bronto so suck my cock and your own simultaneously. Second the real order is as follows (and I will use different categories)

IQ: 1: Mathfan 2: Nom 3: Mingiwuwu 4: FM

Creativity: 1:FM 2: Nom 3: Mingiwuwu 4: Bronto

Knowledge: 1: Nom 2: FM 3: Mathfan 4: Mingiwuwu

Wisdom: 1:FM 2: Nom 3: Mathfan 4: Mingiwuwu

Basically the 4 of us are the only ones with any brains here and Bronto only gets 4th in creativity for his trolling and ability to distort information.

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3 points

Who give a shit. Honestly.

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Bronto(2002) Banned
2 points

I've seen Amarel and Mathfan debate each other, so I doubt it.

Side: Tails Down
1 point

I genuinely don't believe they are the same person but ultimately I just don't care. You could be right, you could be wrong, it really doesn't matter.

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Dreadnought(6) Clarified
1 point

I genuinely don't believe they are the same person but ultimately I just don't care. You could be right, you could be wrong, it really doesn't matter.

I disagree. It matters a great deal because this person is a manipulator, and manipulators are the people who are eventually going to bring our species into destruction.

He can change his apparent views as and when it suits him with considerable ease, but what he is unable to do is modify the way he uses grammar and punctuation. Those things remain constant.

If you are interested in knowing how far trolls like this actually go in order to disguise their identities, then read the following. It will give you some insight:-

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0 points


Amarel and I are, indeed, two separate people. Nomenclature has accused me of being roughly half a dozen people thus far.

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Dreadnought(6) Disputed
1 point

Amarel and I are, indeed, two separate people.


You have not been here for nearly three days, during which time I have been arguing with Amarel constantly. Now Amarel has vanished and you have arrived.

Nomenclature has accused me of being roughly half a dozen people thus far.

Another lie.

If you want to disprove my allegation -- and it appears evident that you do -- the best way to go about it is not by lying. Perhaps you could offer us an explanation about why you make identical grammar mistakes? That would be a good start. Why do you both introduce lists with a semi-colon? Why do you both never space your long dashes? Why do you both capitalise random words which are not proper nouns?

Answering those questions would be a much better start than telling lies and writing sniping posts.

Or do you perhaps not want to do that?

Side: Heads Up
1 point

I've debated the both of you and there is enough discrepancy to where I really don't think you are the same person but again and ultimately, it really doesn't matter. Same person or different, I've had good debates with the both of you.

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