
Debate Info

You did flap No flap
Debate Score:23
Total Votes:26
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 You did flap (12)
 No flap (8)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

I flapped my ass back to safety

I was in a plane the other day. The pilot got on the intercom and announced that the plane had lost its engines and was going down. 

I opened the door, jumped out, moved my arms up and down as fast I could and flapped my ass safely to the ground.

Prove me wrong.

You did flap

Side Score: 14

No flap

Side Score: 9
2 points

Comment for your free upvote.........................................................................................

Side: You did flap
2 points

Wait, you're that doctor who got dragged off the United flight, aren't you? Maybe if you hadn't flapped your arms you wouldn't have gotten so banged up as they hauled you off the plane?

Side: You did flap
2 points

100% possible_

Side: You did flap
1 point







Side: You did flap
0 points

I believe you buddy. I have faith that you did it. But, others aren't going to think a human could pull that off by himself. You need an extra character in your story. Let's call him Tod(he only needs 1 d because he is cool like that). So, Tod helped you out and he is great. He is so great we should actually start his name with a G. Ok, so now we have a story that people can believe without having to ask for any proof. You and God flapped your ass back to safety. And, you have your friend God who can back up your story, so if any one doesn't believe you, they should prove you wrong.

I hope you actually flapped your ass to safety because this sounds way too much like theism.

Side: You did flap
1 point

Aaaahhhhh... I told you that you were obsessed with religion. Even on a "flap" debate. Cartman is the A-typical militant Atheist that is so scared of a God, that they spend every moment of their day trying to convince themselves that He doesn't exist. That's sad really.

And... you are off topic.

Side: No flap
2 points

For Fox sake, do expect people to believe that flapping good story?

Side: No flap
1 point

Well yeah. I'll "Bill" you later for the info, and you should pick up a part at "Oreilly"'s for me later. But don't sexually assault the gals in there.... ya read me?

Side: You did flap

That's simple - if you did any such thing, then we'd all have heard about it from more credible sources.

Side: No flap
1 point

CNN reported on it. So it must be true........ ahem........

Side: You did flap
Atrag(5666) Disputed Banned
0 points

What am I talking about? Something that is enough for you to ban me Virgin Boy.

Side: No flap