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Debate Score:56
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If the Dems take the House, will they impeach Trump?


Side Score: 28


Side Score: 28
3 points

Maybe? Who cares... the Senate won't convict.

Side: Yes
2 points

Of course they will.

US politics has become winner take all. It doesn't matter if it's smart, or works, and certainly not whether it's fair.

This is what polarization gets you. This is what abandoning compromise and reason and independence gets you.

And impeached is what Republicans abusing their turn in power will get them.

Side: Yes

They could try, but it won't go through all the way since the Senate is Republican-controlled.

Side: Yes
2 points

I don't think there's enough evidence against him to start the process. I also don't think they'd have the gumption to until they got hard evidence. But then.....I genuinely didn't think he'd become President either so what the hell do I know about what they'll do.

Side: No
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

You Precious Jewel what you do know is Progressives oppose voting rights and trying to deny the fact just proves how really stupid you are. Bill Clinton was elected twice as was Barack Obama. Did you hear anything about Russian influence in those elections ?

Side: Yes
Mint_tea(4641) Disputed
1 point

Did you even read what I posted or are you just spewing stuff out of your rear again......wait....I already know the answer and don't need the visual.

Side: No

If the Dems take the House, will they impeach Trump?

If Democrats fill the House, they wouldn't be able to impeach Trump. I'm not pro-Trump, but I am pro-facts and those are important to consider when looking at impeachments.

Side: No
2 points

ROFLOL, first they would have to impeach most of the past Democrat administration... OBAMA, HILLARY, LOIS LERNER, LORETTA LYNCH, SUSAN RICE, IRIC HOLDER, ETC.

Trumps done nothing impeachable as they already know.

I wonder when the special counsel will finally drop the witch hunt. It makes the Left look like a bunch of fools.

Are you on drugs to be such to be such a partisan hypocritical deceiver?

Side: No
2 points

LMMFAO Super Stupid what has the Special Consul found on Trump ?

Will you Progressives ever admit that you oppose the Right to Vote ?

Why is it you Progressives try to now hide what has been unmasked that you are all about a Tyrannical Dicktator running the United States of America ?

Side: No
1 point

"As a matter of fact our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down."

Paul Weyrich - cofounder of conservative groups like the Heritage Foundation, Moral Majority, ALEC, etc.

"I don't want everybody to vote"
Side: Yes
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Didn't work for Hillary now did it ! What is your next complaint LMMFAO

Side: No
1 point

"A study found that more than 99 percent of voter fraud identified by a GOP-backed program is false. Now Indiana is using the faulty program to de-register voters without warning.";=desktop

Side: Yes
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Progressive you are now saying that voter fraud kept Hillary the "Sleeping Beauty" from breaking the "Glass Ceiling" ?

Side: No
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

According to the Progressive the GOP wages war against voters yet it is Progressives waging war against the American voter that voted against Hillary. You are really confused and a very good pawn for the likes of Chucky and Nancy !

Side: No
1 point

"Supreme Court finds the GOP packed black voters into two North Carolina districts to help win more House seats"

Side: Yes
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Progressive where was all the gerrymandering you complain about when Barack Obama was elected twice ?

Side: No
1 point

“An election corrupted by extensive, sophisticated gerrymandering and partisan dilution of votes is not ‘free and equal,’ ”

Side: Yes
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Progressive there was no sophisticated gerrymandering and partisan dilution of votes when Barack"The Boy King" won twice ?

Side: No
1 point

"By almost any measure, Democrats crushed Republicans in Virginia’s elections last week, sweeping all three statewide offices and knocking out more than a dozen incumbent GOP legislators.

Add up the votes in all 100 House districts, and Democrats beat Republicans by a 10-point margin, 54 percent to 44 percent. That’s an even wider margin than Democrat Ralph Northam’s victory over Ed Gillespie in the gubernatorial race.

By one critical measure, though, the GOP held its own: Republicans are poised to keep a slender 51-49 majority in the House of Delegates, assuming they hold onto slim leads in three races that appear to be headed for recounts."

Side: Yes
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

If the Progressives have such a good message for the American people then why is it Hillary was such a failure ?

Side: No
1 point

"I guess I really actually feel we shouldn't contort the voting process to accommodate the urban -- read African-American -- voter turnout machine."

Doug Preisse - chair of the Franklin County Republican Party


Side: Yes
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

So the Progressive says the African Americans don't have voting rights ! Well Progressive did the blacks have voting rights when Obie was elected twice ?

Side: No
1 point

Pennsylvania Republican: Voter ID Laws Are ‘Gonna Allow Governor Romney To Win’ ref

Side: Yes
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Progressive i thought the Russians affected all of the ballot boxes and had nothing to do with Voter ID laws ? So do you really know what stance to take in your confused world LMMFAO !

Side: No
1 point

They will try to get SOME control over the damage he is doing. Get him to denounce Russian involvement in our elections, get him to reinstate the State Dept., stop him from turning ICE into Nazi Brown Shirts, get him to repair the damage to our allies and pay attention to the REAL majority of America. Failing that, "everything would be on the table" to protect the America we know from its enemy. What Congress is SUPPOSED to do.

Side: No