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Nothing is my God Nothing is my God
Debate Score:27
Total Votes:37
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 Nothing is my God (10)

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If you don't believe a magic God magically popped out of nothing, you worship nothing

Nothing is my God

Side Score: 14

Nothing is my God

Side Score: 13
2 points

Once again you scoff at those billions who believe in a God without offering any credible alternative explanation for the existence of all the complexities of life on earth and ever expanding enormity of the Cosmos.

Its exact positioning from the sun, the precise angle of its tilt that is the cause for the seasons which are necessary for food production.

Despite all the romantic, non scientific speculations, Earth is the only planet we know for sure which supports life.


The chances of all the constants and essential elements necessary to support life occurring randomly by chance is indescribably ridiculous.

Even the most ardent evolutionist has difficulty presenting a tenable scientific argument for the phenomenon of Life on Earth.

A wise disbeliever would at least hedge his bets and acknowledge that A CREATOR of some description MUST EXIST.

Side: Nothing is my God
Factology(405) Disputed
1 point

Once again you scoff at those billions who believe in a God without offering any credible alternative explanation for the existence of all the complexities of life on earth and ever expanding enormity of the Cosmos.

That's just it though, no human really knows what created the cosmos. Forming beliefs about something you couldn't possibly know and can only speculate about is downright stupid. It's those who think they have the answer who are at fault, not those who recognize the fact that no human has the answer. Especially when their supposed ultimate truth is derived from 2000 year old books written by schizophrenic bronze age troglodytes who thought they could talk to a man in the sky.

Its exact positioning from the sun, the precise angle of its tilt that is the cause for the seasons which are necessary for food production.

If there was only one season, then crops could grow all year and be harvested at the same time because life would adapt to that climate.

Despite all the romantic, non scientific speculations, Earth is the only planet we know for sure which supports life.

Science says that there are trillions of planets which are very similar to earth, plus there are organisms called extremophiles which exist in environments that we wouldn't expect any organism to be able to. The tardigrade is a common example.


I don't believe in the big bang theory.

The chances of all the constants and essential elements necessary to support life occurring randomly by chance is indescribably ridiculous.

Even the most ardent evolutionist has difficulty presenting a tenable scientific argument for the phenomenon of Life on Earth.

A wise disbeliever would at least hedge his bets and acknowledge that A CREATOR of some description MUST EXIST.

This is where we come to the great fallacy of all creationists. The idea that since life is so complex and the universe facilitates it's existence there must be a creator. Have you ever stopped to think about what created the creator that's even more complex than it's creation? Surely if some creator exists it's mind is very complex, so what facilitated it's existence? You see a complex world around you, and think there simply must be something even more complex that created it, so if you think that thinking the universe could exist without a creator because of it's complexity is irrational, just think about how irrational it is to explain a complex thing by saying "there had to be an even more complex thing that created it and just magically exists free from causality because it's God". Complex systems in nature are not created by more complex systems, quite the opposite. Complex systems are built from simpler, smaller interactions. You are made of cells, which are much more simple than your whole structure, and those cells operate according to the principles of chemistry and are made of atoms and so on.

Side: Nothing is my God
Antrim(1287) Disputed
2 points

Still no alternative explanation detailing from where the chemistry and other elements necessary to spawn even the most simplest of organisms came.

You've said a lot, without really saying anything.

You've made assumptions that had the earth been geometrically different life could have adapted to this undefined design and untried realignment and flourished.

You have no evidence that this would be the case.

Indeed, the opposite applies, as all the visual, radio and mechanical probes have failed to identify even the slightest possibly of life in any of the billions/trillions of planets, all of which are of a different geometrical configuration to Earth,

Whilst the essence of your anti-religious/God synopsis is reasonable it is all old hat and does no more than take us down the well trodden path to nowhere.

I attest that it is altogether wrong and unsafe to declare something to be wrong without being able to produce indisputable evidence how and why it is wrong, preferably by submitting another factual and irrefutable alternative for comparison.

Side: Nothing is my God
1 point

Most religious worshippers believe that god is, was, and always will be. They do not believe god magically popped out of nothing.

Side: Nothing is my God
Factology(405) Disputed
1 point

Most religious worshippers believe that god is, was, and always will be. They do not believe god magically popped out of nothing.

I'm not interested in what stupid people believe. I am interested in the truth. Nothing can just "always be" because everything's existence is contingent upon something else. If you have no sense of causality then it is just as good as saying "God just popped out of nothing". The bible starts out with "in the beginning" so if God always was what the hell was he doing before the beginning, playing with his dick?

Side: Nothing is my God
Amarel(5669) Disputed
1 point

I’m merely correcting your topic title. “If you don't believe a magic God magically popped out of nothing, you worship nothing”. Worshipers don’t worship nothing, neither do they believe a magic God magically popped out of nothing.

Incidentally, everything cannot be contingent on something else without the infinite regress problem. The universe itself has either always been, or came from the nothingness that preceded it.

Side: Nothing is my God
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
0 points

Would you take your conservation to a Mosque and try to prove your point ?????

Now that could prove to be your end Dummy LMMFAO

Side: Nothing is my God

Tenses doesn't exist until God creates it. There is no before or after to God.

You are asking for an answer for the answer, which puts us in an infinite regress of answers for the answers. I need not know where or how God exists, but simply whether he created the universe.

Side: Nothing is my God

It always amazes me how God hating bigots refuse to use their same logic against their own magical beliefs.

If you believe in some big bang, and some magical first living cell popping into life, why would you deny the possibility that God came to be in the beginning?

So you believe the first living cell just magically popped to life, but can't give the same possibility to God?

Spare me, there is no debating a bigot so lost in his 100% assurance there is no God.

Side: Nothing is my God
1 point

But does nothing exist?........................................................................

Side: Nothing is my God
-3 points
Factology(405) Disputed
1 point

On what evidence do you base this arbitrary conclusion that nothing is "four zeros" ? That is literally total gibberish. Nature doesn't know what zero means.

Side: Nothing is my God