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Science affirms it The political correctness
Debate Score:25
Total Votes:30
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 Science affirms it (11)
 The political correctness (8)

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JustTruth(127) pic

Is Homosexuality a Mental Disorder

It has become an accepted position in the media and among many that homosexuality is not a mental disorder. But, based on what scientific evidence? Let me knock down your opposition from the start. The most likely reason are studies from Dr. Evelyn Hooker and Havelock Ellis. Well Evelyn only used 30 straights and 30 hand selected gays, whjch thr Machine Society of gay pedophiles chose. When her studies were attempted to be replicated and 2,000 subjects were used, her find vs wer debunked. On to Havelock Ellis, well notice the lack of Doctor in his name, because he was kicked out of college and has no degree, because he advocated the right of gays to be with the child they loved and opposed age discrimination. So, when you present an opposituon argument, make sure you know that it is simply your phobic argument and nkt scientific.

Be kind. Do not be angry. 

Science affirms it

Side Score: 15

The political correctness

Side Score: 10
2 points

All the scientific studies have shown that homosexuality is a mental disorder with all the accompanying disablement. Are Down's Syndrome, alcoholism drug addiction, pedophilia and zoophiljja disorders? If so, then explain why they are. I am not saying that they are not, I am asking for the reasons that you have

Side: Science affirms it
Atrag(5666) Disputed
2 points

Well first you need to define "disorder" before we can debate whether it is or isnt. What do you mean by disorder?

Side: The political correctness
JustTruth(127) Disputed
2 points

No, you simply open a science medical DSM book and read the definition. We are not playing political crappola here. The word order infuses the idea that there is a certain order to behavior and sexual functioning. A disorder is when one is incapable physically nor mentally to conform to these ordered behaviors,

Side: Science affirms it
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
0 points

First is what needs to be defined is a "disorder" and how the Left views and defines a "disorder" then we can take it from there Arag

Side: Science affirms it
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
0 points

The Leftist don't view Muslims as seeing homosexuality as a mental disorder do they Arag

Side: Science affirms it
0 points

I dunno, but cuvpepe is DEFINATELY a mental disorder only understood by a very few in the White House. You have to be one to know one.

Side: Science affirms it
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
0 points

Crazy AL mental disorder is a Progressive problem these days because Hillary just could not win a 2nd Presidential Run

Side: Science affirms it
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
0 points

Crazy AL is focusing on the topic of the debate just to hard for you to do ?

Side: Science affirms it
0 points

Is this what you call scientific evidence?

"It should be noted that the “task force” that produced the second document was chaired by Judith M. Glassgold, Psy.D., who is a lesbian psychologist. She sits on the board of the Journal of Gay and Lesbian Psychotherapy and is past president of the APA's Gay and Lesbian Division 44 (Nicolosi 2009). Other members of the task force were Lee Beckstead, Ph.D.; Jack Drescher, M.D.; Beverly Greene, Ph.D.; Robin Lin Miller, Ph.D.; Roger L. Worthington, Ph.D.; and Clinton W. Anderson, Ph.D. According to Joseph Nicolosi, Beckstead, Drescher, and Anderson are all “gay,” while Miller is “bisexual” and Greene is lesbian (Nicolosi 2009). So, prior to assessing their discussions, the reader should note that those involved with this APA task force are not speaking or writing from neutral standpoints."

it's like asking a criminal to investigate his own crime

Supporting Evidence: The whack scientific evidence and the genuine (
Side: Science affirms it
1 point

Exactly. This is what happened. It must be understood that the idea of infiltrating the APA, Boys Scout, courts, politics, and RCC came from NAMBLA and not the IGLA. Imagine if we were to go into a mental ward and asked the patients to diagnose each other? I ask them for science evidence, which should be easy, since they claim that very reputable medical organization agrees with them.

Side: Science affirms it
jeffreyone(1383) Clarified
1 point

Imagine if we were to go into a mental ward and asked the patients to diagnose each other? I ask them for science evidence, which should be easy, since they claim that very reputable medical organization agrees with them.

The result is predictable before it's ready.

They are all fine.

Side: Science affirms it
0 points

Homosexuality, transgender, pedophilia, beastiality, xenomelia, apotemnophilia, are all pupils of Mental disorder network.

There is a long list of people who have been able to switch from the gay mental disorder and has nothing to do stigma.

Those are persons who need to be investigated to derive i believe genuine and perhaps irrefutable evidence.

Supporting Evidence: non bias evidence for mental disorders. (
Side: Science affirms it
1 point

Homosexuality is not a mental disorder. Homosexuality is observed in many animals besides people ( There certainly are environmental factors for sexuality, but mostly it's a genetic deficiency ( What we should do is accept those people, since they are perfectly capable, rather than punish them and put them in a mental institute.

P.S. Just to clarify, I am straight.

Side: The political correctness
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

Homosexuality is observed in many animals besides people

Animals also suffer mental disorders. I dont see your point.

Side: Science affirms it
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

Whey to go Arag you have now stated the homosexuals suffer mental disorders !!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Science affirms it
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Modern education and mass media is being used as a disinformation campaign trying to obscure the truth about what causes a person to be a homosexual and how miserable it is as a psychological condition. Trying to force everybody to accept homosexuality as normal is never going to make them feel better and it is never going to make homosexuality normal. What's happening is a small percentage of people have become exceedingly aggressive in trying to force society to accept their perversion. It is much easier for a deviant to try to convince you that they are normal than for the deviant to do the emotionally painful work necessary for restoration of normalcy.

Side: Science affirms it
JustTruth(127) Clarified
1 point

You are right and and also in captivity display more of these flawed behaviors. Also, ther have never been homosexual orientation found in any animal. Including humans. Also, homosexuality is based on human behaviors and even that varies in different cultures and societies

Side: Science affirms it
JustTruth(127) Disputed
1 point

Be honest. The statement is that homosexual BEHAVIOR is observed in many animal besides people. Well, how many gays and lesbians have you observed in heterosexual behavior, so should we call them heterosexual. To observe a particular animals as being homosexual, one would have to observe it for a life time in their natural habitat. Remember, Roy and Silo, the alleged gay penguin. They were called gay because these makes decided to raise an egg together. Well, despite the zoo keeper repeatedly proclaiming that the penguins never engaged in gay activity, the LGBT persisted. In 2009, Silo mated with Scrappy, a female penguin, but it is 2017 and most still believe they were gay.

There is no issue about accepting these people and institutionalizing them, except in the gay community. The gay community forced 1000s of gays out of therapy, against their will, which led to 100s of suicides.

No, there is a difference, you are liberal political correctness drone. Just to clarify.

Side: Science affirms it
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

"I don't understand about this. What does the Left have to do with homosexuality?" Well you have just answered the question homosexuality is observed in many animals ROTFFLMMFAO ! Confusion reigns supreme with you on the Left !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Science affirms it
Somebody(46) Clarified
1 point

Ahh... since many people asked about this, I would like to clarify that what I meant by saying that animals have homosexual behavior is that homosexual behavior is completely normal in nature.

Side: Science affirms it
JustTruth(127) Disputed
1 point

Try again. Saying that homosexual behavior is completely normal jn nature requires proof what is homosexual behavior. Is a mother and daughter hu man cuddling considered homosexual behavior? Is two men in India holding hands considered homosexual behavior. Do you think that 70% of prisoners who have homosexual SEX are all homosexual, making 70% of prisoners homosexual? Dr. Simon LeVay, who is gay, did research and concluded that there is no homosexual orientation in the animal kingdom and if it is found it is a rarity. Harry Hay, the founder of the gay rights movement, was obseeved in heterosexual behavior married to a woman for 35 years, so was he straight.

If your dog is in heat and a girl is on he period and the dog starts humping her leg, is the dog a humanphile? How about a dog who hu mls a fire hydrant, is the dog a hydrantphile? How about a woman who is observed behaving with a vibrator, is she a vibratorphile?

You can not assign human behavior to other animals and call that homosexual, if so then all animals are into bestiality.

The point is that you are being lied to, so regurgitated false positives that you have been fed will not be sufficient in making your argument.

Side: Science affirms it
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

People are not animals, homos are emotionally messed up in confusion about their gender and gender roles. They are generally miserable people. Just look at the homos on this site, you can see how bitter and miserable they are.

Side: Science affirms it
1 point

What I can't believe is that the moderator. THE MODERATOR made this a biased argument by making all the people posting under "Political Correctness" look stupid, and all of the people under "Science affirms it" look fine

Side: The political correctness
JustTruth(127) Disputed
1 point

Actually, what I did is what you all have done, and framed the argument. You have been led to believe that the science community support a the normality of homosexuality, when It has not such evidence to support it. It is in fact, political correctness and the APA has said as much, in that they say that the primary focus is to remove the stigma and the harm caused by being homosexual. I offered up the challenge to present all the so-called sciencd which is claimed.

Side: Science affirms it
mrcatsam(663) Disputed
1 point


Side: The political correctness