
Debate Info

Years later no accept Only if Hillary won
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:22
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 Years later no accept (5)
 Only if Hillary won (7)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

It's a threat to the U.S. to not accept results of election

Democrats screamed that to not accept the results of the election was a threat to our Republic. A year and a half later? They've obviously scrapped that narrative.

The leftist self righteous finger wags mean squat.

Years later no accept

Side Score: 5

Only if Hillary won

Side Score: 14
1 point

Hello bront,

Couple things. In this great land of ours, I am free to accept what I choose and what I don’t. What goes on in my brain is no threat to this great country. To think it is, is bizzaroland.

Secondarily, wanting the president charged with the crimes he’s committed while in office, has nothing whatsoever to do with accepting the results of the election.


Side: Years later no accept
3 points

1)That pretty much says it all, seeing you created a debate about Trump not accepting Presidential results. There's a word for that, but I'll leave it alone.

2)I've asked you for a year and a half now for even a shred of evidence of anything and? Nothing. Heck I've asked the media, a swarm of libs on debate sites, and even Muelker himself for anything. I get nothing. Nothing......

Side: Only if Hillary won
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
3 points

Super Stupid you Progressives have been living in Bizzaroland since Hillary went down in flames and attacking the American Vote just further proves whom the Real Commies are.

Side: Only if Hillary won
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

What crimes you Flaming Idiot of the Progressive Party

Side: Only if Hillary won
LGBTelitist(9) Disputed
1 point

Bit we told them it was wrong to not accept the results of the election.

Side: Only if Hillary won
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

The alleged crimes Trump is being investigated for happened pre-election. There is more probable cause to suspect the Dems of collusion with Russia than to suspect Trump and the Reps (given the source funding for the bogus dossier and the way in which it was publicized). Since Trump likely paid off Stormy with his own money, it’s not likely a crime. Even if it were, it’s the same crime Obama committed (campaign finance).

I do agree with you that Presidents need to be held accountable for what they do in office. Things like arming cartels with guns that kill Americans, assassinating American citizens, wiretapping Associated Press reporters, or getting an ambassador killed and then, as a smokescreen, arresting a guy who made a YouTube video.

Maybe if we did things like held Presidents accountable for literal perjury, we wouldn’t have to deal with Trump as President today.

Side: Years later no accept
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Hello again A,



Side: Only if Hillary won
1 point

No. But if you DO something about it that is a threat to national security, then most likely yes.

Side: Years later no accept
2 points

''Hillary Speak;-We should never deviate from our cherished system of democratic government, providing I win that is.

Side: Only if Hillary won