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Debate Score:70
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 Resource based economy (46)

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excon(18262) pic

Resource based economy


Sounds good.. 

But, where do I get some of these resources and can I trade 'em for dinner?  Do I gather resources from the forest?  Do I dig 'em up?  Will my neighbor give me some?  Do I work for 'em?  Can I store 'em in my closet?  Will they go bad and stink?  What's the best resource? 

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3 points

But, where do I get some of these resources and can I trade 'em for dinner?

Um. The resources are already there, including your dinner. RBE simply proposes they not be privately owned by wealthy individuals who then profit from selling them to you. RBE proposes that the community owns those resources collectively.

Have you ever in your life sat down and actually thought about how stupid it is that three or four people control the flow (and content) of breaking information across the planet? Or that the same approximate number "own" the global oil reserves for 7.5 billion people?

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

What do you really know about about oil reserves there Dummy ?????

Let's have some fun with you okay !!!!!!

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) is an emergency fuel storage of petroleum maintained underground in Louisiana and Texas by the United States Department of Energy (DOE). It is the largest emergency supply in the world, with the capacity to hold up to 727 million barrels (115,600,000 m3).

And Dummy i linked your favorite site Wikipedia !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Enough UK oil reserves 'for at least 20 years of production' The UK has enough oil reserves to sustain production for the next 20 years and beyond, according to a new industry report. The Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) has estimated overall remaining recoverable reserves and resources of up to 20 billion barrels.Nov 8, 2018

Speak up Dummy on how ignorant you are !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And i linked your BBC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

Your DUMB ASS is a business man and you cannot figure out what a Resource based economy is ?

1 point

A resource-based economy or natural-resource-based economy is the economy of a country whose gross national product or gross domestic product to a large extent comes from natural resources

It is very obvious your DUMB ASS knows nothing about the above and your false claims of being a business man proves it !!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMMFAO

1 point

The dollar is going to collapse sometime withing the next 50 years


1 point

The dollar is going to collapse sometime withing the next 50 years

Yep, but it might be saved longer than one might expect. They have ways of fabricating excuses for currency to still have "value"

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

The way they are playing around, 50 seems optimistic. .

1 point


I agree.

Now is the time to stock up on valuable resources which money buys, e.g. water, food, land, etc.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
2 points

There's a reason why they say women come from Venus and why the Project is called that. It's a society for pussies living a life of no worth. They will embrace their femininity and ignore value or logic as they share everything selflessly.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

Someone should tell them that there’s nothing they can do that can’t be done.

jamesbody(80) Disputed
2 points

A nice critique of RBE

Rational Wiki is a far right cesspool of banned ex-Conservapedia editors which exists only to con unsuspecting viewers into associating the website with Wikipedia. It's the Breitbart of the internet. Nothing it prints should be taken remotely seriously.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

A resource-based economy or natural-resource-based economy is the economy of a country whose gross national product or gross domestic product to a large extent comes from natural resources.

Your favorite site is linked !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amarel(5669) Disputed
-1 points

Predictable. You can’t win on the merit of argument so you attack the source. Every fucking time. Hey, are they all literally Hitler?

Amarel(5669) Disputed
-1 points

“RationalWiki is a wiki whose stated aims are to critique and challenge pseudoscience and the anti-science movement, explore authoritarianism and fundamentalism and analyze how these subjects are handled in the media.[7] It was created in 2007 to counter Conservapedia

Supporting Evidence: Your fuckin stupid (
Amarel(5669) Disputed
-1 points

“RationalWiki is a wiki whose stated aims are to critique and challenge pseudoscience and the anti-science movement, explore authoritarianism and fundamentalism and analyze how these subjects are handled in the media.[7] It was created in 2007 to counter Conservapedia

Supporting Evidence: You’re fuckin stupid (
1 point

Yes it is indeed but our friend denies the words of the founder are actually valid when it suits his narrative

-2 points