
Debate Info

this land belongs to makers not takers, of liberty
Debate Score:39
Total Votes:45
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 this land belongs to makers (6)
 not takers, of liberty (15)

Debate Creator

DarkWanderer(285) pic

Shall we still be slaves and work for wages? It's been for ages, this is outrageous.

this land belongs to makers

Side Score: 17

not takers, of liberty

Side Score: 22
2 points

You can either work for Capitalists, tyrants, despotic regimes, Communist regimes, the state, or a tribal chief. Either way, you'll work for someone. In capitalism you can at least pick who you work for & quit any time.

Side: this land belongs to makers
Amarel(5669) Banned
2 points

Shall we still be slaves and work for wages? It's been for ages, this is outrageous.

Work for whatever you want. Whose stopping you?

Side: this land belongs to makers

Shall we still be slaves and work for wages?

Based on your site time, you have no job. You make no wages.

Side: this land belongs to makers
Rusticus(809) Disputed
1 point

Good God the incredible hypocrisy! You've taken pot calling the kettle black to a whole new level.

Congratulations professional hypocrite!

Side: not takers, of liberty
Amarel(5669) Banned
2 points

Shall we still be slaves and work for wages?

Work for free. See if you feel less enslaved.

Side: not takers, of liberty
2 points

Work for free. See if you feel less enslaved.

Working for free is worse than working for wages.

Working for the product of your labour is better than working for wages.

I am fairly sure the implication was the latter. I am fairly sure you know that too, and decided to pull your one and only trick of misrepresenting your opponent's point of view.

Side: this land belongs to makers
2 points

Working for the product of your labour is better than working for wages.

So start a business or invest in property.

Side: not takers, of liberty
Amarel(5669) Disputed Banned
1 point

When wages are agreed on by both parties, the worker is receiving the product of their labor. Your labor theory of value died with Marx’s defunct theory

Side: not takers, of liberty
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Working for the product of your labour is better than working for wages.

STUPOR STUPID you just said you will for for free but are truly as STUPID as you seem ?

Side: not takers, of liberty
1 point

Rhyming doesn't make something more true. :)

Side: not takers, of liberty

You can always be master of your own fate and start a business. Good luck!

Side: not takers, of liberty
1 point

Good luck!

You'll need more than that if you intend to compete against the dominant market forces. The only time there has been any shake-up at all in the capitalist oligopoly is when the internet was first invented and opportunity existed to get a foot in the door.

Besides which, running a business requires a skillset specific to people who think like capitalists anyway, making it a moot point.

Side: this land belongs to makers
1 point

Shall we still be slaves and work for wages? It's been for ages, this is outrageous.

Hello commie:

It's true.. Capitalism isn't fair.. Bummer huh??

But, if you took away the incentive to INVEST, NOBODY would create companies. If you think government created companies do the same thing, WHY is China becoming capitalist? Why is Vietnam becoming capitalist?? Why is Cuba BEGINNING to become capitalist??

Communism doesn't work.. It never worked, and it never will work.


Side: not takers, of liberty
1 point

Communism doesn't work.. It never worked, and it never will work.

But more and more Democrats want it nonetheless...

Side: this land belongs to makers
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

But more and more Democrats want it nonetheless.

Hello bront:

Nahh… In the Democratic field of candidates for 2018, not ONE is a commie. If I'm wrong, link me..

You're confusing democratic socialism with communism.. They're NOT hard to tell apart, if you wanted to tell 'em apart.. But, FOX News doesn't wanna.. DUDE!

I'm a RAMPANT anti-communist. I'm also a capitalist who supports universal health care, a rise in the minimum wage, a clamp on unfettered capitalism, and a fettered tax system that shares more of the country's wealth..


Side: not takers, of liberty