
Debate Info

Yes it's long over due No Way let's stick together
Debate Score:22
Total Votes:25
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 Yes it's long over due (6)
 No Way let's stick together (13)

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Qymosabi(203) pic

Should President Trump start separating people

Trump ..the greatest President in American history has accomplished more than anyone could ever imagine. He is our lion,our protector. 
Is it time for him to  once and for all separate the races and the religions in order to fulfill the intent of our original founders and that is to ensure domestic tranquility. put the Jew with the Jew put the Muslim with the Muslims put the white nationalist with white nationalist put the blacks with the blacks and finally have peace and tranquility in our great nation. Each group can trade and commerce with all of the groups but for the good of the nation they must dwell separately. 
Or.... should we all just stick together and fight it out? 
We the people in order to form a more perfect union to establish justice and to ensure domestic tranquility.

Yes it's long over due

Side Score: 6

No Way let's stick together

Side Score: 16
0 points

Should President Trump start separating people

Hello Q:

Are ya gonna ship us around in box cars?? Do I have to wear my Star of David on my rags?? Are you gonna tattoo a number on me?? Are you gonna tell me to take a shower and gas me instead??

I dunno WHY I think you would, cause NOBODY has ever done that before..

Oh, that's right..

excon, Jew

Side: Yes it's long over due
BananaOfWank(94) Disputed
1 point

Are ya gonna ship us around in box cars?? Do I have to wear my Star of David on my rags?? Are you gonna tattoo a number on me?? Are you gonna tell me to take a shower and gas me instead??

We're going to demonize an entire race, ban straws, and tell 80% of the country how much we hate their religion. Oh wait. That's Democrats.

Anyone with 2 brain cells knows the op is a liberal named Nom.

Side: No Way let's stick together
BananaOfWank(94) Disputed
1 point

I dunno WHY I think you would, cause NOBODY has ever done that before..

Oh, that's right..

Which party would genocide Israel first? Rhetorical question. What race haven't Democrats went after in the last 100 years?

Side: No Way let's stick together
Qymosabi(203) Disputed
1 point

Perhaps you are just trying to start an argument but put simply perhaps people would be happier if they lived in their own communities. That doesn't say anything how about putting people in boxcars but perhaps planes and greyhounds would be a good idea to keep the peace.

Side: No Way let's stick together
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Should President Trump start separating people

Hello Q:

Are ya gonna ship us around in box cars?? Do I have to wear my Star of David on my rags?? Are you gonna tattoo a number on me?? Are you gonna tell me to take a shower and gas me instead??

I dunno WHY I think you would, cause NOBODY has ever done that before..

Oh, that's right..

excon, Jew

LMMFAO ! SUPER STUPID the party you support are Anti-Semites ! Can you not see the facts ??????????

Side: No Way let's stick together
Crank(64) Disputed
1 point

Are ya gonna ship us around in box cars?? Do I have to wear my Star of David on my rags?? Are you gonna tattoo a number on me?? Are you gonna tell me to take a shower and gas me instead??

Hitler chose Palestine over the Jews. Would you like to share with us your position?

Side: No Way let's stick together
2 points

I'm sorry, but are you actually naïve enough to believe that this is going to result in peace in our time or are you being sarcastic?

Let's experiment with this a little. Let's say we completely redraw the map and say that each race gets it's share of the former United States of America based on a rough square mileage per person at time of implementation. How are you going to first get that kind of demographic data (I'd add in "without breaking the 4th amendment via required DNA testing, which in itself would have its own set of inaccuracies and imperfections, but we've already apparently thrown constitutional law in the trash)? What set criteria would be in place to determine the status of how white or black or Asian or Jewish or Muslim a person has to be before they fit into any particular category, what are you going to do about mixed races, and what are you going to do about mixed race families? Tear them apart because the father is white and the mother is Jewish? What about the kids?

Next point: How do you force the relocation of well over half of the country? How do you compensate them for their homes and belongings that they are forced to leave behind? How do you actually move them? Where do they go while they're waiting for permanent housing? Camps? How do you determine which families are assigned which left- behind houses? What do you do about those who refuse to leave? Force them at gunpoint? Incite the second civil war?

Third: How are you going to enforce borders? What methods will be used to separate them, physically? A no-man's-land between states? Walls? If the former, what will you do about the inevitable people who cross the borders or take up residence in otherwise lawless territory? if the latter, how do you realistically expect to build tens of thousands of miles of walls, making the exorbitant costs and logistical nightmare of the hypothetical wall along the southern border look like chump change? What about visitation between family members? Ambassadors and foreign dignitaries? Or will the borders be open, in which case, what was the point of this exercise?

How will you employ the manpower to accomplish this? Do you actually think that the Department of Defense is going to follow the order to enforce segregation of the races? Our military, which has a significantly greater percentage of minorities than the general population?

How will you regulate how they interact? We've wiped our asses with the Bill of Rights to round up citizens, black, white, whatever other demographic, and relocate them. We've likely killed off anyone who tried to mount armed resistance, myself included. At this point, it's pointless to continue calling it the United States of America, as in order to do this we must kill the constitution. But! Will these new states operate independently, as their own separate countries? Or as equal partners in a central government? The latter is unlikely in a system of closed borders within a nation; it's inconceivable that citizens of any demographic would want the other states to have sway in their legal proceedings when they aren't even supposed to interact with each other. There is another option, that one race would have control over all government, and that is inviting total rebellion. Ergo, the only option is to have the new states functionally become their own separate countries. Congratulations; you, a "Patriot", have destroyed the United States with this thought experiment, believing it to be either the will of the founding fathers or the appropriate direction for our current president. And by your own logic of believing violence to be caused by interaction between the races, how long before there is all out war between these new countries?

I could go on. What will be done with our current military? How to divide up infrastructure? But I'll stop there for now. I don't know you but I hope you ask this in sarcasm, I really do. If you ask this in seriousness and even have the balls to call yourself an American, much less a patriot, I can't even be mad about it. I just pity you in the same way I pity any other retarded child.

Side: No Way let's stick together
1 point

Well stated and debated.

Side: No Way let's stick together
1 point

START!!???? He does so …… with expertise!!!!!!!!!!!! We should separate HIM … FROM …. The People!

Side: No Way let's stick together
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Hey DUMMY do you know according to Leftist Media if the ILLEGAL aliens are bringing any diseases across the border ? GRANDPAW should you not be concerned about the children in America since you SOCIALIST are so compassionate about the children?

Side: Yes it's long over due
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

GRANDPAW you SOCIALIST should start taking in the ILLEGAL ALIENS ! Supporting them with your money !

Side: Yes it's long over due
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

GRANDPAW all the illegals you SOCIALIST want in the country should be sent to Road Island and they can be your problem you OPEN BORDERS IDIOT !

Side: Yes it's long over due
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

DUMMY read and get you some information !!!!!!!!!

Side: Yes it's long over due
1 point

Tho it may seem a good idea. We should always expose the citizens that are different from them. This also improve racism so, no.

Side: No Way let's stick together

Lets stick together which also means that we should not abort viable unborn babies. They also deserve the right to live among us and not be singled out and killed.

The hypocritical Left talks a big game when it comes to their conditional tolerance and compassion for diversity.

They are absolutely the worst of the worst when it comes to respecting all innocent life, no matter their age or location.

To the fools that try to imply Trump wants to separate us...GET OFF DEBATE SITES!

You embarrass yourself.

Side: No Way let's stick together
1 point

I fully believe that, in this modern world of the 21st century, segregation because of race and sex should definitely not be happening. It would be like the whole world had been transported back to the 1940s and 50s when there was segregation on buses in America.

Side: No Way let's stick together
1 point

It's imperative that we stick together. When we separate into groups we inevitably come across territorial disputes and desire for absorption of lands and resources. Sure it happens now but it's not as bad as if we were to begin thinking one group is superior to another because we've been segregated.

Side: No Way let's stick together
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

It's imperative that we stick together. When we separate into groups we inevitably come across territorial disputes and desire for absorption of lands and resources. Sure it happens now but it's not as bad as if we were to begin thinking one group is superior to another because we've been segregated.

Jewel there is no bipartisanship ! Do you live a dream world ????????????

Side: Yes it's long over due
1 point

We all need to stick together. Everyone knows that we are stronger together than we are apart. Separating people with solve nothing! He has already separated us from the illegal immigrants, thats all we need.

Side: No Way let's stick together