
Debate Info

Yep Nope
Debate Score:20
Total Votes:22
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 Yep (8)
 Nope (8)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

2 points

False accusations are an obstruction of justice, and can completely ruin a person's life.

Side: Yep

It's called perjury. It's a crime. A felony, in some cases. So yeah. Lock 'em up.

Side: Yep
1 point

she should be given a punishment for false statement against an innocent person as this may degrade his reputation.his name and fame gets spoiled which cannot be brought back even if the girl wants.there is lot of wastage of boys time and money due to the false rape accusations on him.

Side: Yep

If they do it should be a very short sentence or maybe just give them community service but they need to be punished. False rape accusations are slander and if those accusations go into official documents then its libel. Someones character is destroyed by a rape accusation and even an untrue one will stay with them their whole life.

Side: Yep
2 points

It would be hard to prove. Even if he is found not guilty, it cannot be assumed that she then must be guilty. Furthermore, if she is found guilty, it's only a misdemeanor (which would have jail time but not much).

The best option is a civil lawsuit wherein the injured party may recover substantial damages.

Side: Nope
NicolasCage(505) Disputed
1 point

I don't think it should be under the circumstance that a woman loses a court case, but rather if the woman admits that it was a false accusation, or if it can be proven with substantial evidence.

There was a case I remember reading of a white woman whom accused a black man of raping her. He was in his late teens, and was close to getting a scholarship at a prestigious university, and the accusation completely ruined his chances and landed him in prison for years. She admitted a few years afterwards that she made the whole thing up, and the guy was released.

In a case like this, the woman should certainly have to pay some sort of compensation.

The only issue I see is that laws such as this in place may discourage women from admitting they made a case up.

Plus, the vast majority of rape cases are completely true, so it may undermine real examples and deter girls from speaking out and taking someone to court.

Side: Yep
Amarel(5669) Disputed
1 point

First, I don't think you can substantiate your opinion that the vast majority of rape cases are true. I don't think you can even guess at a percentage.

Second, due to the nature of rape, victims commonly say they made it all up, even when they didn't. They regret making the report.

Third, the example you cited makes for a slam dunk case if that man sues her accuser in civil court. Seeking compensation comenserate with damages in civil court is going to achieve a more just (harshe) outcome than simply applying a false report criminal charge (wherein the victim may not even be compensated).

I agree that a false accusation of rape is an outrage. It damages not only the victim of the accusation, but also the outlook for actual rape victims down the road. But unless you want a brand new law for this "special" kind of false report, the best response is still a civil suit. Otherwise the jail time remains on par with the misdemeanor of a regular false report.

Side: Nope
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

What's up Nick and how you doing !So Nick says-" I don't think it should be under the circumstance that a woman loses a court case, but rather if the woman admits that it was a false accusation, or if it can be proven with substantial evidence."

Hey Nick you remember this-"The nation was stunned in 1987 by an African-American teenager’s accusation that she had been brutally gang raped by a group of white men, including a local prosecutor and a local police officer. Those accusations turned out to be an elaborate hoax.Eleven years after Tawana Brawley’s sensational story was disproved, former prosecutor Steven Pagones successfully sued Brawley, her attorneys and Rev. Al Sharpton who had gotten involved with the case for slander." That enough substantial evidence for you Nick ?

Hey Nick you remember this-"On the night of March 13, 2006,Crystal Mangum and another woman were hired by members of the Duke Lacrosse team to dance and strip at a house party. Early the next morning, she reported to Durham police that she had been sexually assaulted by some of the lacrosse players. The allegations riveted the nation and then the case fell apart amid a series of inconsistencies in accounts of the evening. Crystal Mangum lives on in the public consciousness as one of America’s most infamous rape accusers.

Hey Nick you know what they have in common is both of them are Black !

So Nick the vast majority of rape cases are not completely true !

Side: Nope
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Let's revisit the Rolling Stone article Nick -" A federal court jury decided that a Rolling Stone journalist defamed a former University of Virginia associate dean in a 2014 magazine article about sexual assault on campus that included a debunked account of a fraternity gang rape.

The 10-member jury concluded that the Rolling Stone reporter, Sabrina Rubin Erdely, was responsible for defamation, with actual malice, in the case brought by Nicole Eramo, a U-Va. administrator who oversaw sexual violence cases at the time of the article’s publication. The jury also found the magazine and its parent company, Wenner Media, responsible for defaming Eramo, who has said her life’s work helping sexual assault victims was devastated as a result of Rolling Stone’s article and its aftermath.

Nick says-"The only issue I see is that laws such as this in place may discourage women from admitting they made a case up."

Didn't discourage the Progressive Rag the Rolling Stone from making up a case now did it Nick !

Side: Nope
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Nick the Progressive it should be very telling to you that Progressives own false rape allegations and i exposed it for you !

Side: Nope
1 point

Boys can get raped too. It's not just girls. False rape accusations aren't as common as they used to be back then and if it really is a false rape accusation, then the defense should easily be able to win the case. I think someone should be punished for making a false accusation, but putting them in jail is too harsh.

Side: Nope
0 points

Why is it too harsh? A false accusation can ruin someones life. The punishment should fit the crime. What is someones good name worth? I would go so far as to invoke the death penalty for perjury in a capital case. If someone tells a lie, in order to have someone executed, they deserve to die. Or do you think that's too harsh?

Side: Yep