
Debate Info

conservatives do it invisibly they are real fascists
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:17
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 conservatives do it invisibly (6)
 they are real fascists (3)

Debate Creator

brontoraptor(28596) pic

Why do we only see liberals starting violence and muzzling free speech?

conservatives do it invisibly

Side Score: 12

they are real fascists

Side Score: 4
2 points

Hello bront:

A similar straw man would be, "when are Republicans going to stop MURDERING black people?"


Side: conservatives do it invisibly
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

No, a similar question would be "why do we only see Republicans murdering black people?".

And the difference would be that we see liberal protesters on the news regularly starting violence to muzzle speech while we never see Republicans murdering black people. Murdering black people has historically been done by Democrats, and if black people are mostly Democrats, that's still the case today.

Side: conservatives do it invisibly
excon(18262) Disputed
2 points

while we never see Republicans murdering black people.

Hello A:

Murder isn't the correct word.. Cause when cops MURDER black people and get away with it, it's called "fearing for their life".


Side: they are real fascists
2 points

Because you wear dark sunglasses while the conservatives are doing it.

Side: conservatives do it invisibly
1 point

I think we see liberals in the daytime. At night the Breitbarts come in, when they can't be recognized as easily, and start trouble to BLAME on the Liberals. Got any proof that this is not true?? I haven't heard much about "trials" for the "night raiders". Money talks.

Side: conservatives do it invisibly
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

Must be those Breitbart Niggers that are rioting in St. Louis there AL LMMFAO !

Side: conservatives do it invisibly

So if you muzzle fascists then you are the fascists? Is that what passes for logic in your decrepit brain, Bronto? If I muzzle basketball players then am I a basketball player?

Hello? McFly?

Side: they are real fascists
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

No, but if you play basketball against bowlers while calling them basketball players, and they aren't participating but you are, then you are the actual basketball player. It's a closer analogy. You're welcome

Side: conservatives do it invisibly