
Debate Info

Some will Some won’t
Debate Score:26
Total Votes:27
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 Some will (15)
 Some won’t (6)

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excon(18261) pic

Will the children kidnapped by Trump EVER be reunited with their parents?


If you voted they “will” is that a good thing or a bad thing? If you voted they “won’t”, is that a good thing or a bad thing?

I have the feeling that some of you think that brown people who crash our border, should lose their children forever. Am I wrong?


Some will

Side Score: 17

Some won’t

Side Score: 9

They weren't kidnapped; they were voluntarily given up by their "parents". No one forced these people to cross our borders, they could have sought sanctuary in Mexico and all the other countries they passed through but decided to illegally cross our borders. Why couldn't they have sought refuge in Mexico or the other countries the passed through?

Side: Some will

Family values, my ass..........................................................................................

Side: Some will

Thank God that Trump saved these kids from the Obama sex trafficking cartel.

Side: Some will

You tell me, will a murderer or bank robber be reunited with their kids?

Why do fools NOT GET IT?

Breaking into our nation is a serious crime. They are not fit parents and will be separated from their kids if they break the law. We have laws that protect children from criminal parents.

When the parent is let out of jail, he can take his kids with him. DO YOU GET IT YET?

Side: Some will

Oh no. Now we find out that Obama is a kidnapper and that he ran Nazi concentration camps according to the left. What a shame.

Side: Some will

"Mexican kids held for months as punishment for border-crossing"

Stemming the flow of migrant minors into U.S.

March 11, 2015

Side: Some will
2 points

By Emmarie Huetteman

Jan. 28, 2016

WASHINGTON — The Department of Health and Human Services placed more than a dozen immigrant children in the custody of human traffickers after it failed to conduct background checks of caregivers, according to a Senate report released on Thursday.

What Super Stupid say it ain't so and reported by Leftist Media !!!!!!!

Side: Some won’t
2 points

An Associated Press investigation and Senate hearing last week revealed that the Obama administration cannot locate thousands of the 90,000 (and counting) migrant children it welcomed into the United States beginning in summer 2012. What’s worse, the Department of Health and Human Services found itself so unable to manage the influx of illegal immigrants that this policy effectively resulted in the U.S. government facilitating child slavery, including sex slavery

Speak up Super Stupid and tell how you Progressives care about the children

Side: Some won’t
2 points

The Senate’s investigation built on an Associated Press report that found more than two dozen unaccompanied children were placed in homes where they were sexually abused, starved, or forced into slave labor. HHS claimed that it lacked the funds and authorities that a more rigorous screening process would have required. However, the investigation also found that HHS did not spend all of the money allocated to it for handling the crisis.

What about the parents Super Stupid

Side: Some won’t
1 point

I expect that arrested parents will continue to be reunited with their children when not in custody as usual, unless there is some criminal risk to the child, as usual. This could change if executive order or legislation goes against the 9th circuit and places children in custody with parents. Obama was judicially barred from doing that since it was used as a deterrent measure.

There are some kids in custody not expected to be reunited with anyone. I understand they crossed the border alone. Many during the last child/border crises under Obama. Some of them are suing the government for ill treatment under Obama.

Side: Some won’t

Well Con. Trump said it was illegal to not seperate the kids from their parents because of a law the Democrats created (true). The left then called him a liar (false), and he signed an executive order to keep them together. Then the left sued him for breaking the law that they created.

Clear as propaganda and gaslighting?

Side: Some won’t
0 points

From what I'm able to discern at this time it sounds to me like some will and many won't ever see their families again.

This is just pure evil.

The one positive aspect of this is that it will hopefully mean a huge voter turnout in November that will fully repudiate Trump and give us a Democrat controlled House and even better yet also the Senate.

Side: Some won’t
2 points

Being a hypocrite who watched Obama do it and Democrats create the law, then scream bloody murder after they are in the pure evil. But the real evil. Not the fake Marxist evil.

Side: Some will
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

I got to punk you Progressive and it is just to easy LMMFAO !!!

At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens. That amounts to a tax burden of approximately $8,075 per illegal alien family member and a total of $115,894,597,664. The total cost of illegal immigration to U.S. taxpayers is both staggering and crippling. In 2013, FAIR estimated the total cost to be approximately $113 billion. So, in under four years, the cost has risen nearly $3 billion.

Pay attention to facts that you lack Dummy

Side: Some will
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Let me punk the Dummy again that truly is an Illiterate Progressive !!!!!!

For someone who racked up maximum taxable earnings each year, and who reaches the FRA of 66 in 2017, the maximum benefit would be $2,687 a month, or $32,244 a year. By contrast, the average monthly benefit is just $1,342 a month.

$8,075 per illegal alien family member ! Are you proud of that Rusty ??????

Side: Some will
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Hey you Illiterate Progressive are you proud of your tax dollars being spent on Illegals that enter the US ????????

Side: Some will
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

By the way Dummy all the goings on with immigration happened why before Trump but your to stupid to understand that !!!!!!!!!!! LMMFAO

Side: Some will
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Rusty your looking for a Blue Wave using children ????????????? How low can you Progressives go ?????????

Side: Some will
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

You have nothing Rusty and your CNN talking points mean zero. Do you use a straw at the Slop Trough of Propaganda ??????? LMMFAO

Side: Some will
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point traffickers/

A congressional report and criminal indictment resulted from a 2014 incident in which multiple immigrant children were handed off to a human trafficking ring.

Side: Some will
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point