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Dermot's Debates: [clear]

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Winning Position: Here is the ‘quality’ type debating C D fully supports
Winning Position: American P C madness hits Dublin , Ireland
Winning Position: Trump is hilarious when he cuts loose, takes no prisoners
Winning Position: The Hypocrisy of Mr Angry ( Burrito ) as he accuses everyone of racism
Winning Position: What makes a person a good citizen?
Winning Position: What further changes will A I bring to our world ?
Winning Position: Beware debate sites like debate Island , it’s appalling
Winning Position: If it’s assumed racial profiling is wrong , why is that so ?
Winning Position: Can an algorithm be racist?
Winning Position: If you could go back and kill Hitler as a baby, would you do it?
Winning Position: Is mathematics independent of human consciousness?
Winning Position: Support C D and Andy
Winning Position: Do Americans think Donald Trump is doing a good job ?
Winning Position: Don’t put up with bullying on C D
Winning Position: Black men commit nearly half the murders in the U S ,why’s that ?
Winning Position: Is nature moving towards dissolution, or integration ?
Winning Position: Should an ape be given the same moral consideration as a child ?

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