
DevinSeay's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of DevinSeay's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Absolutely, the US follows a different system when it comes to party politics.

1 point

Of course, it's Berkeley. California.

Breeding ground for fascist such as Antifa.

DevinSeay(1119) Clarified
1 point

Well I'm glad you happy. Whatever makes you feel at home.

DevinSeay(1119) Clarified
1 point

If you call, slandering the US President over a scandal that has no evidence that it actually occurred, a joke then I would hate to be around your sense of humor.

3 points

The pot calling the kettle black.

Another politician that claims he is a normal citizen when in fact he is far from reality.

1 point

You came back after a year just to tell us that? You must have a lot of time on your hands.

1 point

Of course. Did this surprise you?

Stephen Colbert is not a "news" show but a comedy. That's why it is on Comedy Central.

However, the media likes to treat him as a "news" channel and draws from his show and place it into theirs. I've seen it.

Yes, the world must be coming of it's axis.

1 point

We all remember how the mailman use to go postal. Somehow, he would pull it out of his buttocks.

1 point

If I'm on that list, I want a capsule full of beer.

Might as well have fun when I get there.

DevinSeay(1119) Clarified
1 point

What about Iraq?

1 point

How are the conservatives trying to make the United States a Autocratic Republic?

2 points

Even though my gut wants a general knowledge test requirement, it's against the principals of the United States to require such a thing. I believe a general knowledge test about the candidate(s) would "enlightened" people a bit.

Funny story. This one guy was taking a video of him in the voting booth. You could tell he was a millennial and pretty liberal. Anyways, he picks Hillary Clinton and then goes, "oh... Well, her name sounds pretty" and proceeds to vote for someone that he doesn't know.

As Winston Churchill said, "The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter".

1 point

"Communism was a terrible idea that went perfectly right" -Ben Shapiro

1 point

Status Quo.

First of all, Russia, China, US, Pakistan, India, etc will not give up their nuclear armory completely, period.

Secondly, nuclear weapons have stopped more wars than start them. The obvious downside of this is that if two of these nations go to war, they can be faced with the possibility of a nuclear war.

In a perfect world, nuclear weapons would be outlawed. But then so would war and we wouldn't need them in the first place.

1 point

What goes up, must come down. That saying goes for the Dow too. People will soon start to sell off their stocks and it will decrease. It's just what happens.

1 point

It is the women in India decision to either move forward or stay back.

What a lot of people don't understand is some women are completely okay with this. Some women like not being responsible for multiple things like men.

The women in the US (if that's what your referring to) and most of the Western World are equal rights as men. Therefore, they don't need empowerment.

They have it.

1 point

"stay woke."

I didn't know what this word meant until I watched Dear White People.

Who in Sam's hell would say this? Not only is crude English, it also makes you sound like a toddler especially since she is a member of Congress.

She has been in way too long. Time to introduce term limits.

This is why we must keep English class mandatory throughout high school. My English isn't perfect, but I can place words together to make a sentence.

2 points

That's a lot of guest too. Even when I'm on here at midnight, with maybe one or two members on, there seems to be at least 10 or some guest.

At this rate we should have hundreds of debaters on here debating.

DevinSeay(1119) Clarified
1 point

Well it's just me thinking. I mean, they show dramatic TV shows (or use to. I think they ditched the idea a short while ago) about the weather. Then, whenever they have an intro it plays videos of the worse weather you can see with dramatic music in the back ground etc.

1 point

I don't know much about the Fermi Paradox and therefore I really can't debate it sadly.

However, I will add something. As said above, we are just now discovering other exoplanets. Planets in which we can't see, even with our technology. On top of that, they are light years away. In the end we really don't know.

Just food for thought.

DevinSeay(1119) Clarified
1 point

I'm not disagreeing with what you say, but just a heads up. Bill Nye isn't a "real" scientist. He is... or was... a mechanical engineer. He has no other "certification" backing him.

On another note, I do believe he is a very intelligent man. Even though I disagree with him a lot.

1 point

Likewise. Plus, I've realized CreateDebate is more relaxed .

2 points

I wouldn't go as far as saying that Islam is, "good". But not all Muslims want a bloodbath. In fact, the majority of them would probably like to be left alone.

Despite our differences all around, we are going have to warm up to them some time. Vice versa. Otherwise we will just keep going around in this circle. The first place to start is to eradicate radical Islamic terror. And we will need them to help us on that.

That's my two cents.

1 point

Not surprising. Everyday, I actually start to believe regressives have a metal disorder.

Yes, BLM, also who credits a terrorist for their founding, is delusional. At almost every major BLM protest, it has been followed by violence against police and regular citizens. BLM doesn't know what law and order is due to the fact they have never shown it.

You couldn't pay me to listen to this woman.

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