
Nicephorus's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Nicephorus's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Fauci contradicted himself as more evidence became available. This is in the spirit of science.

Trump isn't pedaling misinformation if the standard is a target that moves nonstop per the "spirit of science".

1 point

Masks and lockdowns prevented many deaths

Based on what? Clearly not based on Dr Fauci's leaked emails stating the opposite. And the US Health Adviser stated that lockdowns are useless if done in isolation. In other words the only lockdown that is effective is if no one, anywhere leaves their home. This was in a critique of the Chinese government's attempt to lock down. 2022-05-05/china-s-covid-battle-intractable-as-fauci-criticizes-approach

there was also doubts about untrained public being able to use or weak the masks effectively. A lot of people would not cover their noses.

And based on this, lockdowns and mask mandates are pointless. High profile government officials and medical professionals were caught on camera ignoring mask mandates when not in public. That means they knew it was pointless. Otherwise they would have worn them.

1 point

Putting Latinx immigrants in cages and deportation counts as draconian.

The border has always been run in this manner and is being run in this manner right now. Trump didn't come in, sit on some throne at the Whitehouse and decree cages. Trump didn't go to the border and decree cages by edict. Congress creates and votes on the laws that are enforced at the border.

Democrats can't responsibly address Trump's immigration sins until they reckon with Obama's

The number of undocumented immigrants in detention centers has increased by more than 50% since Biden took office

1 point

The Road to Serfdom

This spell-binding book is a classic in the history of liberal ideas. It was singularly responsible for launching an important debate on the relationship between political and economic freedom.

What F.A. Hayek saw, and what most all his contemporaries missed, was that every step away from the free market and toward government planning represented a compromise of human freedom generally and a step toward a form of dictatorship--and this is true in all times and places. He demonstrated this against every claim that government control was really only a means of increasing social well-being. Hayek said that government planning would make society less liveable, more brutal, more despotic. Socialism in all its forms is contrary to freedom.

Nazism, he wrote, is not different in kind from Communism. Further, he showed that the very forms of government that England and America were supposedly fighting abroad were being enacted at home, if under a different guise. Further steps down this road, he said, can only end in the abolition of effective liberty for everyone.

Capitalism, he wrote, is the only system of economics compatible with human dignity, prosperity, and liberty. To the extent we move away from that system, we empower the worst people in society to manage what they do not understand.

1 point

European Business, Dictatorship, and Political Risk, 1920-1945

Nazi dominance left businesses “almost incapable of asserting their own interests against those of the state” (p. 70).

1 point

You clearly think that. Only an hour ago you argued, "They literally claimed to be socialists", as if we should be convinced by what the Nazis said. Now you are backpedalling, just like you do every time you say something stupid.

Nowhere in my argument is it implied that NAZIs always tell the truth, so you just made that part up out of desperation I suppose. But ideologies do name themselves after the ideology they support and enforce. Democrats want democracy. Republicans want a constitutional republic. Socialists want socialism. The Chinese Communist Party wants Communism. Your narcissism and attempt to change my argument wouldn't be as annoying if you were successful, smart, fit or any other thing that takes a brain or ambition. But you're not, so it just looks like narcissism and stupidity from a loser that needs a government to help him out when millions of others just get it done while you are unable to take care of yourself like a big boy does. Hitler would have been leading a Socialist party, and you would have hopped right on board. I know it, and your government worshipping ass knows it to. You would have begged the Fuhrer for a bread line to get yourself just one more loaf of bread for the month. You would have given him more and more power because that's what socialists do. You can deny you would, but nobody gives a flying shit.

1 point

Your apparent belief that the Nazis always told the truth is beyond stupid.

Nobody thinks NAZIs or any other political entity in human history always told the truth. We simply look at the policies of Nazi Germany and see that they are collectivist and want the government to have more authority in the lives of their people. The Republican Party today opposes big government. The Democratic Party of today is for big government. Nazi Germany was for big government.

1 point

To BELIEVE that Nazi's were socialist's, is the fucking CRAZIEST shit I've heard in a long time..

They literally claimed to be Socialists and are labeled and described as such in all old books about the Nazi regime.

But, it's not just WORDS, is it.. Nahh.. It's the DEMONIZING of leftists.

No. It's us proving they weren't right wing ideologically or on fiscal policy as only the modern left has ever claimed.

It's the dog whistle you HOPE somebody will hear, like the fucking right wing nut who broke into Nancy Pelosi's house.

This has been debunked. The guy was was an illegal alien hippie type who was a nudist, was into hard drugs, and was homeless living in the San Francisco area for the last 20 years. He also claimed on Facebook that Jesus was evil. It also turned out that he's mentally handicapped and has posted both left and right wing rage bait on social media.

You have GUNS aimed at libs like me, don't you??

Did CNN tell you to say that stupid shit, or is it your own? If it's your own, grow the fuck up. If it's CNN's, stop listening to propaganda created to protect the interests of the billionaires who own the media. Their honest journalism rating is in the sewer.

1 point

Is the WaPo more to your liking? Nahh. Here's what they say on the issue:

No. They're a far left rag owned by a billionaire that censored the Hunter Biden story for over a year.

...Instead of controlling the means of production or redistributing wealth to build a utopian society, the Nazis focused on safeguarding a social

They did control the means of production. The Road to Serfdom pointed this out. As for a "utopian society", point me to any Communist country that appears utopian to you. By "utopian", does the WaPo mean censorship, mass genocides, killing fields and bread lines?

and racial hierarchy.....

The Democratic Party was wearing Klan sheets in the 1940s. The entire Western world supported a racial hierarchy in 1945, including the Democrats. Racism is a cultural issue and has nothing to do with a group's fiscal policy. China is racist as hell and leftist as hell right this second. The American left has created "A Day without white people" and even made calls for minorities to get vaccines before white people. Racism has nothing to do with political wings. Both wings have overt racists in them. Political wing has to do with whether you support the free market or you support government intervention or government control of the market.

2 points

It makes sense if the Chinese Communist Party is slipping money to said politicians under the table. Read Hunter Biden's emails, and you know that's what is happening.

1 point

Given that Nazism is traditionally held to be an extreme right-wing ideology

By the modern left and only in recent times because it was politically inconvenient for modern left wing parties in the West. In "The Road to Serfdom", it is referred to as a left wing movement. "the Road to Serfdom" was written in the 1940s and was published in many mainstream publications in America during that time such as Reader's Digest. Its author, Friedrich Hayek, was a liberal. Of course in those days, liberalism and Socialism were at odds rather than in a political alliance as it is today. He argued that as (classical) liberalism decayed, tyranny would prevail. When he said liberalism he meant free speech, etc, which is what liberalism used to be. Today's left has never existed before, so this distinction has to be made that in 1944, liberalism and Socialism were bitter enemies because their beliefs were polar opposite. The left today is a mixture of the woke mob, which resembles past authoritarian ideologies and classical liberals. Classical liberals like Bill Maher don't recognize the modern left because it is no longer classically liberal.

1 point

Maybe he did. The left now worships the Bushes and the Cheyneys, so you tell us.

1 point

Looks to me like right wingers understand that they are allowed to disagree with each other and the party. Left wingers do not seem to grasp the concept of not towing the line like you are in a cult playing as the cult party's plantation slave.

2 points

Oh heck. This is my state. Thanks for the info. I'll be voting for Oz now.

1 point

Mandating an injection is worse than both, and you supported it, so no one cares about the left's hypocrisy from that point forward. You gave the world open permission to say screw your body and your choice. Remember? What, you thought we forgot that you bellowed on and on about how our bodily choice didn't mean dick to you? Nah. We didn't forget bro.

2 points

Alaska has more oil than the Saudis could ever dream of, but the left are virtue signaling on the climate, so no digging allowed because reasons.

1 point

Yeah, but nothing will be done about it. It's quite the nice little fraud scheme. Do the dirty deed, drag it out past the election, and even if you are caught, it's too late. No court is going to just hop up and overturn an election after the official has been in office for two years. And even if they did, it would just create chaos and civil war while the media stoked the flames.

2 points

Seriously defend the border, and I wonder how much would stop due to no supply from our friends down south.

3 points

It's fairly basic psychology. Look up depression, anxiety etc, and the ways to overcome them is by things like being, grateful, having a positive attitude, not partaking in substance abuse and the like. Leftist ideology teaches the opposite of all of those things. How could one possibly be happy when they think their country sucks, racism is everywhere even in looks, smiles, lack of looks and lack of smiles via "micro aggressions"? How can one he happy when they have mild to severe anxiety and/or depression and abuse alcohol or drugs? Faith is another component of happiness. White leftists especially tend to be Atheists, so any "privilege" they assume they have is canceled out by their having no objective meaning or purpose in their life. Leftism by default is the recipe for the perfect storm of misery.

2 points

Biden isn't particularly bright and has never been. He made up nonsense like some kind of habitual lunatic even when he was younger and not in cognitive decline.

2 points

No one will miss Biden including Democrats. This guy has single handedly made noticable demographic shifts in voting. The media monopoly can't shovel propaganda fast enough to cover for this guy, and minorities are starting to realize how racist, elitist and psychotic and totalitarian the Democratic Party is.

2 points

Explain why migrants being shipped to liberal sanctuary areas is a bad thing

Hello B:

Uhhh, cause it's a crime called Human Trafficking.

So when Biden shipped migrants, it was human trafficking. Here's where you disappear from another debate. 2022/06/09/biden-admin-to-ship-migrants-from-border-to-us-cities/amp/

1 point

We don't debate videos remember? You could formulate an argument, but you can't. You don't want the migrants. You want virtue points for pretending you do.

0 points

Leftism doesn't believe in objective morality, so lying, distorting, leaving out context to them is fine, so they do just that. It's why they'd rather shout you down than debate you.

0 points

You can always tell the people who use emotions over logic when it comes to a creator. They are obsessed with the idea of a creator and can't stop talking about it or trying to convince themselves that one doesn't exist. Imagine spending all day talking about and studying the magical squid of Uranus as if you have nothing else to be into. And Dude, no one is gonna respond to a 10,000 word essay. It'd be like someone handing you a book to debate against. No thanks. Make a point or two, and you'll get a response.

1 point

I don't care who's President as long as it's not one of you deranged lunatics on the left. Probably why millions have changed political parties.

1 point

Most of the US military's arsenal and equipment is stationed somewhere in a red state. What's your plan when our governors don't give you access to that equipment or let your military personnel into our states, much less our facilities? What exactly do you think a civil war in a country with 370,000,000 people and 50 states looks like? I'd like to know.

1 point

I dunno where you come from, but the LEFT is MORE than a few Disney execs..

So condemn Disney for taking gay scenes out of its movies to appease the ultra religious, and explain why they don't take the same action with the religious in America. Or you could just admit they are simply a greedy, grifting multi billion dollar corporation who has tricked the American left into supporting them via their wallets by pretending to support the politics of wherever they think the cash will come from in a given region of the world.

1 point

I dunno where you come from, but the LEFT is MORE than a few Disney execs

Are you condemning Disney's move? Of course not. The woke ideology trumps all.

Look.. I'm vulnerable to the truth..

You think a media that called the Hunter Biden laptop fake news and misinformation and convinced you Biden would be a wonderful President is a media that can be trusted and is surely a conveyor of truth.

that's a hallmark for liberals

Are you for real dude? I almost spewed my drink out when I read this. You are literally required to ignore facts to be a liberal. If you did nothing but repeat facts in public, the left would dox, threaten and attempt to destroy you. Hell, they tried to destroy a far left liberal for the sin of saying "Day without white people" was evil and racist and that he would not participate. Then they tried to destroy his wife. Both were fired for being real liberals by the old definition. And people like you won't side with him, now will you? Of course not. You're a collectivist, so you are required to bow, and we both know you will. And stop saying you're a liberal when your party supports censorship, mandatory vaccines and lockdowns, and applauds the FBI knocking down peoples' doors for having the "wrong politics".

1 point

Isn't this kind of the point of the Supreme Court allowing the states to choose for themselves? You're celebrating a state choosing as was the right's point in the first place why?

1 point

One of those statements is true, and the other is not.

Explain to us the difference between the two sentences there Einstein. We gonna be waiting for an answer for eternity again? Yes, we are. Here's where you vanish because you don't know the fucking difference seeing there isn't one.

1 point

So show us the evidence of Trump committing a crime. Here's where you run off again with no retort because you're stupid, stupid, stupid and don't have to respond to anything you don't want to. No shit there Genius. You don't have to respond. You are fully free to retreat like you did in Vietnam.

1 point

Gonna be a cold day in hell once again before the left shows us evidence of any crime. Meanwhile, Biden's boys' emails show him doing worse, with evidence, than anything Trump is even alleged of doing without any evidence.

Nicephorus(223) Clarified
1 point

And now you're getting it fixed up, expanded and the gaps closed, right?

Yes, and the left called anyone who supported it a racist. Now the left are finishing said "racist wall" with no rebuke of its "racist" nature. They're either racists or slanderers.

3 points

right wing women HAVE wombs too

And are pro life. That's why they are right wing.

1 point

oh no, I guess he'll have to print more

Which caused the inflation and high prices we see.

He can also increase taxes

Your solution for a populace that can't afford the basics is tax them more. Clearly you aren't Robin Hood in the story.

The US could also buy gold and sit on it.

Good, more spending on something no one can eat that will only gain value as an investment in the future (theoretically) and help no one nor the debt now. By "out of money" he means they have no more purchasing power. Without purchasing power, you can't purchase gold even if it was some kind of magical answer, which it isn't.

2 points

I LIKE trusting the people I do business with.

You don't do business with teachers. They talk to your kids without you being present. You cool with them being taught to be Christians? I mean, the only way they'd adhere to it would be if it's sooooo wonderful, or so you claimed. What's to fear if Christianity isn't wonderful? If Christianity isn't wonderful, your kids will reject it. I mean how does it help to not know something? Wouldn't you rather they all know? Wouldn't you like your children to know about Jesus and those who believe in him? How can a Bible and what's in it hurt anybody? Let's use your logic. Christianity should be taught to kids in schools because knowledge doesn't hurt anything.

2 points

You think if they're homosexuals, they'll "groom" your children to BE homosexuals

Maybe, but mostly that they'll introduce children to sex at an age inappropriate time. Psychologists have written books about the negative effects caused by this act.

Or if they're commies, communism is SOOO wonderful that if a child learns about it, they'll immediately embrace it..

Children were taught Nazism and white supremacy. They embraced it because they were children, and it wasn't because it was wonderful.

2 points

You think teachers are commies and homos.

Many are. Kids record them in class, then put it on YouTube.

and, IF they are, wouldn't you like your children to know about them?

Wouldn't you want your kids to read the Bible and say a prayer in the name of Jesus every day? I didn't think so.

2 points

What particular knowledge do you want KEPT from your children??

How to be a racist, a child molester or a Communist

How does KNOWING something hurt??

By this train of thought, we should show little kids porn and how to torture people and animals.

How does NOT knowing something help??

Let's follow this train of thought. A vast number of Biden voters polled said they wouldn't have voted for Biden if they had known about his son's emails. You think that his getting elected, even if due to not knowing something, was a good thing. It wasn't?

Supporting Evidence: 1/6 of Biden voters wouldn't have voted for him if (
2 points

What about your surgeon? You surely wanna know what he did. How about your plumber or your phone repairman. You KNOW he's gonna put shit on your phone that you don't want on your your phone. And, what about your pharmacist??

None of these groups indoctrinate kids, and they can be sued for malpractice. The point doesn't even make sense.

1 point

If you wanna avoid teachers teaching shit you don't want 'em to teach, it should be done during the HIRING process - NOT after you've already hired 'em..

Democrats have pushed the right out of the education system, which is why we went from first in education to a low ranking, and it also means it's the left doing the hiring.

1 point

Well, I don't think that's trashing

Okay, tell us about some white Democrats in Congress who aren't your cup of tea and why they aren't.

1 point

Truly. Are we back to this ONE PERSON thing

The guy is still a teacher, meaning leftist's agreed with the meltdown, and there are countless similar videos of leftists that get millions of leftist likes. Not one like. Millions of likes.

1 point

The real conclusion is that the greatest threat to Communism according to Communist literature Is religion and religious concepts because the idea of God and being devoted to your family is a threat to the idea of the state as God. That's why they must try to distort it and eradicate it. It has nothing to do with their personal views of marriage. It has to do with their personal need to get rid of anything that threatens their own personal godship on the Earth.

1 point

is your crazy fucked up thinking that what ONE guy - ONE GUY says, means ANYTHING.

What I got out of the video was that the show is written by the left, and even the left knows what their own behaviors are really like, so they did a parody of their own behavior and actions.

1 point

Wha???? The ONLY thing ONE guy critiquing an episode of VEEP describes

So you can watch a video and debate it. Which means you probably watched the ones you said you don't watch but had no way to confront the points in them, which is why you claimed you can't debate a video as a cop out.

1 point

Absolutely. My child my choice.

2 points

The Democrats have a big problem. Most people are ignorant and not very smart. Usually that works in their favor, but in this case it won't. People who can't afford to get to work or eat don't care about politics. They care about ending their suffering. Their simple minds will simply say Trump equals cheap gas and food. Biden equals I suffer.

1 point

So, the feds are kidnapping American citizens, and you're happy about it?? Dude!

You were censoring them, burning down cities, and killing cops. You said the right needed to learn how to win. Are you surprised that your violence and anarchy was met with violence and anarchy?

I thought right wingers LOVED the Constitution.. No, huh?

Show me in the Constitution where half of your country can be censored, forced to wear masks, not be allowed to work for months, and be shut into their homes while rioters are allowed to run wild in the streets destroying property. Then, once you realize the right realizes you've trashed the Constitution, how you expect to be protected by the document the left is clearly ignoring. They want a country of chaos without laws. Show them a country in chaos without laws. You reapeth what thou hast sown.

Concerning the masked Commies, the Communist Control Act of 1954. Enforce it, and push these Nazi psychopaths into Hell where they belong.

0 points

Honestly, when you post nonsense like this you prove exactly why people think Righties are nothing but racist loons desperately trying to cling to the past to try to maintain their own perceived superiority.

Except that the person you are addressing isn't an American, and in America, the left runs pretty much everything of any significance while telling half the country that their elected President wasn't there choice, so burn down liberal cities for grins.

0 points

What is the biggest problem Americans face today?

Securing the voting system.

0 points

Oh God you're simply so stupid. None of the names on your list have opened a debate on Create Debate about it, so the outrage is yours you stuttering imbecile.

You don't have to take a position on a debate site to take a position in written form. Do you need a class on basic physics, or are you good?

1 point

Listen you idiot, coloured people are not part of some different society.

Then why do you call them "colored people" and not call white people "colored people" when both skin tones are colors?

They have been living in the west since at least the 15th or 16th century.

Then why do you go after black Conservatives as if it were the dark ages?

1 point

Hitler's Letter

My dearest Bronto and Amarel,

I hope this finds you well. It is very pleasing that you continue my work in my unfortunate absence. I have been meaning to reach out from beyond the grave and extend my support for some time now, but you know how these things go.

Looks like you are finally admitting that you are Hitler.

0 points

Lol. You made a false claim about how your fuhrer is performing in the polls today, then tried to support it with a link to an article from 4 years ago. But I'm Hitler. Ahahaha! OK buddy.

One. You denied a poll about his approval being 34% the day he was elected, aka you being wrong again.

Two. Your left wing, Aryan ANTIFATARDS wanted to destroy a statue of Churchill. Can you say morons. Say it slowly. M....o....r....o....n............ s

1 point

Lol. Wait, so if the land was unclaimed then how was Churchill able to give it to the Jews?

So you admit that your hero gave the land to the Jews. Your hero that's statue has to be protected from the modern Aryan leftists that he fought in WW2.

0 points

He isn't a Republican. You're just fucking stupid.


Looks like you lose again.

1 point

New Report Claims Kanye West Faked Support for Donald Trump to Benefit Black People

Cheat Sheet Showbiz? You are so dumb.

I like how it says he "faked support to help black people". What does that even mean? That him liking Trump helps blacks? I agree.

0 points

Kanye "George Bush doesn't care about black people" West?

I didn't think George Bush cared about any race, and I'm a Republican.

Now the left is licking Bush's boots, so if he didn't care about black people, that doesn't say much for the left.

1 point

Here's one. Two black Republican women were posing for a picture with Donald Trump. One says, "He wants to focus". The other replied, "Bofus?"

But on the inside they were thinking about their wallets and Joe Biden saying you aint black.

1 point

You skipped over Obama doing the same thing.

You're such an idiot. Such... An... Idiot...

You're such an idiot. Such... An... Idiot...

You'reYou're such an idiot. Such... An... Idiot... such an idiot. Such... An... Idiot...You're such an idiot. Such... An... Idiot...

You're such an idiot. Such... An... Idiot...

You'reYou're such an idiot. Such... An... Idiot... such an idiot. Such... An... Idiot...

2 points

If protesters DON'T obey Trumps troops, should they be SHOT?

If a looter comes into your home, should they be shot?

If ANTIFA burns down a black man's business, should they be shot?

If people attack CNN's headquarters, should they be shot?

If Obama deployed the national guard to stop riots, are they "Obama's troops", and should Obama be shot?

Trump says he'll send the military to the border. Bush and Obama did, too

By Catherine E. Shoichet, CNN

Updated 5:09 PM EDT, Wed April 04, 2018

Obama Authorizes Deployment of More National Guard Troops Along Border


Texas Governor Deploys State Guard To Stave Off Obama Takeover

May 2, 20159:27 PM ET

2 points

If we lose our democracy

You'll know when you've lost your democracy, according to Democrats, when the opposite party refuses to accept the results of an election.

You'll know you've lost your country when Democrats begin killing, looting and screaming racism about cities only they reside in.

You'll know you've lost your democracy when mayors and governors begin arresting mothers at parks, people at church outside in their cars, people at beaches, and a surfer alone in the ocean.

You'll know you've lost your democracy when the left starts running cover for the totalitarian, police state, murdering regime in China.

You'll know you've lost your democracy when the Democratic Party defends a group who burns down black neighborhoods and businesses, wears black masks to hide their identity, waves the Communist flag, and states in their own handbook "how to take down a country by pretending to be on the side of minorities, create chaos, and race bait the races against each other to destroy them from within.

1 point

Old Nazi trick. Attack your enemies while you play the victim.

Kind of like the left blaiming their city's racism on the right despite those cities being 99% left wing?

0 points

It stuns me. It's amazing how quickly his supporters are willing to completely overlook ANYTHING they would have bashed someone else for doing

It stuns me that you've never looked in a mirror. gameIfitwereTrumpwouldyougo_bananas

0 points

The people in your country do not know up from down

Yet in your country, the Labour Party was demolished by people who do know up from down? You are quite the little retard, aren't you?

0 points

Boasted about molesting women?

Supported tear-gassing peaceful protesters so he could get a photo-op in front of a church?

Used the bible as a prop for political gain while other's suffered around him?

Possibly commit felony voter fraud by registering to vote in a state he doesn't live in or have primary residence in?

Encourages his followers to commit assault on protesters while running for President?

Is a raging hypocrite who doesn't follow his own rules or statements?

Downplayed a virus that has caused the death of thousands of american citizens, which could have been reduced if it had been taken seriously?

ADAMANTLY and with fervor responds to any form of mocking faster than responding to ANY actual matters of importance?

We'd takr you position on Biden because none of that has anything to do with fiscal position. And the tear gas is fake news.

1 point

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow's ratings rise following unprecedented news cycle

This would be why normal people won't listen to anything Communists say. You have no credibility with the regular or moderate population, which is why the Labour Party got completely shredded.

1 point

So why do you twist reality backwards on a daily basis to shill

I saw no denial that leftists closed down minority businesses and wouldn't allow them to go outside. Blacks on black podcasts are getty nervy on Biden and the Democrats the last few weeks. It's no secret why.

1 point

I'm not wrong and I have banned you for telling lies.

You are definitely wrong to naively believe an 11 point lead in a non-aggregate poll nonetheless, means Biden can win.

1 point

They were right? She won the popular vote.

Meaning she lost the election, and you are completely unaware and clueless as to why Republicans don't waste time targeting blue states.

She lost the election because Trump used the electoral college system to reach the numbers he required first.

The way you worded that proves you have absolutely no clue wtf you are talking about.

0 points

Biden has so little chance of winning and is such a bad candidate that his party is demanding him be replaced. Too bad you never even slightly know what you're talking about.

1 point

Can't say Chinese buffet bro. It's racist.

1 point

Marx dna test wasn't real. He be a German Nazi who creates the Nazism.

1 point

Karl Marx was a Jew. Hitler tried to kill the Jews.

The Trump's family is Jews. You call them the Nazis.

1 point

Make little Excon to join the site so us can debate him.

1 point

He has an extremely high licentiousness and is luddite concerning common sense & normal brain functioning.

1 point


Focusing solely on mathematics, your number is impossible due to not being a possible dividend of any but only one possible number which isn't the number involved here.

1 point

You are a corpulent underwear stain with limerence for eating toilet urinal cakes.

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