
Souloflight's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Souloflight's arguments, looking across every debate.

It is horrifying but i am not surprised. I mean this happens so often that it does not even shock me any more. ;(

souloflight(412) Clarified
1 point

yes i guess it is confusing but i just want to know how you think the greeks influenced us. =)

2 points

I guess, unconditional love, trust, support, and fun ;)

i dont know though since i am not even close to having a 'soul mate' ;)


For me there is a BIG NO to child labour. Firstly children are still young and may not be able to handle the pressure or do the job as well as an adult would. Children would be to immature, too dependent to actually work properly. It is dangerous for them too.

hahaha. ya i saw it. I must say that they are the randomest videos ever but highly entertaining. =]

That is not child labour. That it children working for their family through desperation. The meaning of child labour is "work that harms children or keeps them from attending school" (

My answer was as confused as us all. I believe that most of us dont really even know

2 points

I dont think we can say god is anything. God created good too and so he is good? If god is good and evil that makes him normal. No one is evil and no one is good. We all have a bit of both in us. And god would too, he would be evil when he has to be and with who he has to be and good with those and when he has to be. We can't label god.

coincidentally enough i have been thinking about this day and night, and now i come across a debate. Wow!! I believe that the paragraph is correct. We as children or young adults do not really have say at first about religion. We are brought up to believe in one religion, and as we strongly believe that other religions are wrong others think the same about ours. and our religion might actually be wrong, but we have been brought up with evidence and holy facts that it is just hard for us to comprehend and accept our religion being wrong. i say this as a muslim.

and so we dont really know what is right. WE DONT THINK IT IS RIGHT, WE ARE FORCED TO THINK IT IS RIGHT. that kind of negates the word, belief and religion.

2 points

ya i watched it. it is pretty cool. there is a movie "a midsummer nights dream" based on shakespeares play. It was in black and white, thats the reason i like it even more :) its classy but most people think 'it isnt modern' so it isnt nice.

hahaha, seems like a good one. The shooting makes me have second thoughts though. hmmm.....i ll watch it

That does not even make much sense. A temple is for is visited when you have to worship someone/something. The religion/belief of 'Atheism' is specifically for those who do not worship anything. what would they do at a temple???? The temple would be empty anyway.

3 points

aw thats cute, i actually like the picture. you seem to have a very smiling face ;)

if you have a fb account and do not add privacy settings then you are actually saying that i dont care who looks at my profile. It cannot be creepy then, it is just some people looking at other peoples profiles and pictures.

I totally agree with you. Reading this put a smile on my face i love how you have USED FACTS (the caps lock is for other people to know they should use facts too) AND LOGICAL EXPLANATIONS for what you support.

I love coldplay too. they are awesome. im so glad i made this debate and not someone else. because i would be COMPLETELY stuck if I was asked this question. :)

I would say yes it does, thinking that in our society people do want money for happiness. BUT then i thought that with ALL THAT MONEY they still aren't that happy or satisfied.

Money cant buy happiness.

2 points

I support the fact that international marriages should be promoted. The two partners would need t learn to tolerate each other which they should be able to do before marriage too. This tolerance would teach their kids good habits too. Open minded-ness is also an important factor in any marriage especially international ones. This would not only help them in marriage but in many other ways too

Schools should have uniforms because uniforms show unity which i think is a very important part of a school. Also buying clothes would be way easier since they would not worry about how their clothes look or which brand its from. Wearing normal clothes would be more expensive because if we get bored of them we are allowed to buy new ones, but with a uniform we have to stick to that attire.

2 points

Jar of hearts by christina perri. Its been stuck in my head since last saturday. And rumour has it and someone like you, both by adele.

3 points

This may be the opinion of a muslim but i think all religions are the same. If you think about it they teach you the same basic things. Everyone may think that their religion is the best but that only because thats what they have been brought up to believe. All religions are actually the same

I agree. It is usually religious beliefs and guidance that stops others from doing a lot.

We are all first humans and then homosexuals or nots. They have rights as we do too. If they love each other than why not. Plus i think that homosexuals are pretty cool. All the ones i know are really nice :)

2 points

I agree that racism is wrong. But what you said about them 'keeping their mouths shut' and all is also wrong. I understand your rage but i want YOU to understand that not everyone thinks like us and we may rebel against it but it will not change. So you are just wasting your breath by abusing them. But if you do want to say something it is better to say it to their face and try and make them understand. But as i said i agree racism is wrong, good decision :)

That is not the fault of graffiti that is the fault of the person and how the use it.

Graffiti is an art on its own. I think looking at graffiti is fun and it's beautiful. Some people just dont know how to use the spray cans properly and so that's what gives graffiti a bad name. But i love graffiti.

What. Ok this song was written and sang by a really awesome person. The change may not be big but it isnt fair for someone to just change the lyrics like that. The song has been a classic for ages and for the people who like that song it may be a big thing. Like me. It is john Lennon's song and i hate it how cee lo just changed it and thought everyone would be 'cool about it'

Well i have been doing it for like ever and nothing has ever happened to me. But when you do it, use your brain and swallow little bits at a time not the whole frickin' gum ball, that would just be stupid and dangerous. ;)

OMG. seriously person you really decided that it was a good enough reason to never swallow gum?? ;) lol it was funnily random though (not a word, yes i know)

Relationships may not last at that age but i think teenagers should experience it. After teenage years come the years when important relationships are made that might be forming your future and if you are clueless at that age then it may cause a problem

Of course they should be allowed. The partners would only think of adopting if they are sure that they would be able to raise the child properly. If they think they can then why shouldn't they? They have rights too. They are humans who want children too.

Of course debating is useful. Debating is an organised discussion that helps you not only to prove your point but also do learn about what/ why others think what they think and to learn how they look at the world. Id you dont win the debate you have still always gained some knowledge. And sometimes debating can make you aware of certain issues and problems

Everyone should experience love. Plus we love so many people and end up with one which means we lose the rest. So if you never love you wont find the right person. Plus being a 'loner' can really effect your personality.

2 points

I think that there is a difference between not being allowed for maturity reasons and discriminating by age. Age should not be the source of bullying or discrimination or unjustice because it is not the child's fault for being young and age doesnt make a difference in many circumstances

But that is just something they aren't ALLOWED to do because it is unsafe and for some people unlawful. But many kids still have sex at like 12 or something.

Well then i salute you. You are surely very happy and strong. But don't talk about your experiences, keep in mind that many children are not that strong. Maybe people who love to party and be around their friends need a facebook or mobile.

That is not even an argument. You just copied it from one of the people who commented on the actual youtube video. I SAW IT, I READ IT

It is much easier said then done to be strong. Especially children who are so vulnerable. Of course you should use your brain when accepting something. If someone jumps off a building then you shouldnt. But something like getting a facebook account isnt really harmful.

Ok that is true. But there is a downside to that. If people stopped getting married then what will happen to reproduction. Do you want our species to just end? And yes you may say that people can reproduce before marriage and that they can go to sperm banks or whatever. But many people wouldnt want to do that, it is also a sin in some religions.

Because it makes sense to the child to cry. And you cannot blame a baby for crying, they have to, can they get their own food? NO, can they change their own diaper? NO. Also which world do you live in???? (no offense, if grown ups don't cry in your world then i envy you) Grown ups most certainly do cry for pointless reasons. The reason for this so called 'selfishness' is only because it is too young to understand life. It only understands that it needs to sleep, cry, poop and eat.

I agree with you, actually what i wanted to ask is that is a dead marriage that one in which the two people who are married do not want to be together?

A divorce would only happen if the situation is really bad between the two people. So if once parent leaves then the fighting, arguing, threatening will be over, wouldn't it and if the child misses one parent they can go to meet them.

Actually when a baby cries it is not for pointless reasons. It cries because it cannot speak or do anything (change it's own diaper e.t.c) Older people cry more for stupid reasons than babies actually. It is in the babies nature but for us it is not we may not be able to control our emotions all the time. Plus how can a baby cry for pointless reasons when it hardly understands anything in the world apart from 'eat, sleep, poop, burp' you cannot blame a baby for crying then.

I think it is incorrect. Many people cry more as adults than they did as babies. Some babies, such as myself, only cry a normal amount and not all the time.

When cartoons or movies show people reading Shakespeare they always show the readers sleeping or yawning. I think this puts the idea into peoples heads that it will be boring thus when they read his plays themselves they dont give the books a chance and so fine them boring

6 points

Just say that you are stick on an island with two people. One is 'smoking hot' a you put it, and the other has an awesome personality. You start staring at this hot guy (with your mouth open, ofcourse) but eventually get bored because he doesnt seem that interesting. Then you turn around to the ugly ass awsome personality person and both of you start talking about interesting things. At the end of the day, who one? The awesome personality person kept you alive and free of boredom, didnt they? Personality rules!!!!!

Lets debate about whether we should debate or not! We should certainly debate! Looks like that debate's over.

I think we should debate about... Ok?

See, now i am glad that world does have people like you in them. Who actually understand a question or debate when they read or hear about it, WHO RESPECT WOMENS' RIGHTS. who live in THIS CENTURY and who (above all) ARE NOT SEXIST. yes, i know i repeated that, but for some people it has to be repeated. Thank you random person who i don't know, for being the way you are!!!!!!! insert huge smile here

Sex, it is a strong word. Something emotional, something you do to someone WHO YOU REALLY LOVE. But men take us as objects. We aren't there to help you to reproduce. Why do you think men think that we are only there for this activity??Because they do not have respect for us, they do not care what we think. Why don't they?? Because they are sexist. They do not take us as equals, as people who have the right to contribute and idea, to rebel, to stop something. They are sexist!!!

i think that a genius is made. They are inspired by many things around them, they get knowledge from different sources. They just use it in a different way as many people.

As the years go by more and more forests are disappearing. Industries are everywhere and they will not shut down because humans will always want more. In years there will be new inventions meaning more factories, industries, building e.t.c

THERE IS NO SPACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Plus if the teacher is monitoring the class i do not think that many students would get away with doing such a thing. Also when a marked assignment or project is given children usually focus on it and do not wander off in on their computers

Mostly the stationery used by children can harm them. Pencils can poke their eyes. Papers can cut them, compass' can scratch them, ink can splatter on them...(i could go on ;) )

You do not need to be mature to know that you shouldn't be practically inside the computer screen.

Children should work only to make them understand what it is like in the real world. They should become independent and they would also learn a lot more about the world, it's ways and how to live in it

Yo. I was kind of in a hurry that is why my spellings are sh*tty. So basically you have to use that brain of yours. Many strange or proper ideas have been put in the minds of people by the media or books. Of course i understand that before it was my wording that created the 'putting an end to it' problem but then didn't you understand what i really meant after reading the statement?? Also people have the right to be sexist but you and i and many others know that it is wrong. People have the right to do anything but should they do it if it is wrong??

Why is this even a question. It is not a matter of should and should not, if the girl wants to start off then she should. It is her choice isn't it? She has the right to and i would totally support her.

Smoking harms the smoker and the people walking past the smoker. The environmemt is also effected. It should be banned. If people want to smoke they should to it at their own homes or gardens. Also smoking publicly may give a bad message to children.

Colgate is the best. The minute i use it i feel good inside. My teeth feel happy, my mouth feels clean. The taste is also really awesome. Aquafresh is good too but you dont get the same feeling.

2 points

I think you are right but the question said "will putting an end to sexism HELP the world progress faster" not "will putting an end to sexism MAKE the world progress faster" reducing/stopping sexism will definetely make a positive change in society.

I think about a magical place in the clouds. Full of wonder and goodness and happy people. But sometimes a think of a narrow stretch of road that keeps going on and there are lots of people but they do not talk to each other.

I think it helps with creativiity because it broadens your horizons. The more knowledge you get the more things you can be creative about and more ways to be creative in.

0 points

It means that. Making the majority of people especially children thinj differently about discriminateping grnders

Science may harm us at times but it has broadened our horizons and helped us to understand more

I think it will because many problems that we encounter today are based on sexism and people's rights

I think that there are many hints saying that we evolved. But if we actually had evolved why haven't we evolved into something after humans. Things that evolve continue evolving. It is just a theory not a law

It simply makes you independent and aware of the world. You actually face many temptations which you have to resist. It gets you ready for the real world also you learn the importance of family when your are living with out them

I am not sad! I have friends who are PEOPLE! Google is my key pal and is certainly my smartest friend. So yes, google=my friend not best friend

I think there is because we cant just not be in the world anymore. Maybe we come back as spirits, roam new worlds, start again as someone else with out knowing it.

What is interesting about science is that people have confined themselves to studying because of religion. The contradiction of the two is what makes them both special. Science is interesting because Religion sometimes backs it up and sometimes wrongs it. The two are a great combination, they go together.

2 points

I would take it. Humans are never happy, they always want more and knowing that the end of their life is going to come is in a way preventing them from going out and getting what they want. Mistakes will still be made but we will be able to teach others more since we would have lived for years, seen so much. l

You are very right. A young girl is not all that strong especially emotionally.

I would choose dogs. Cats are lazy and yes they may be cute and 'lovable balls of fur' but they are not really that exciting. Dogs on the other hand are said to be 'a man's best friend' they can be cute as well as energetic and playful. Also if you choose correctly they are not dangerous. They also encourage children to play outside more often and run around.

2 points

Knowing/Discovering that you are adopted is very emotional. The child will of course give credit to their other parents but will want to find out who their biological parents are. They have a complete right since they are their parents. There will always be a special link between parents and children, no matter where they are.

The servants should be young. Because it is best for those children who are destined to work for others to become independent earlier. Also this helps them see the world out of the four walls of their house. This can also be an advantage for the person they are working for since younger children can reach smaller places (this does not mean they have to do harder jobs)

OF COURSE. many people say that marriage is harmful for everyone but EARLY marriage i just think it is ridiculous. The woman may not know if she even truly likes that man but she will end up getting pregnant in 1 year. these woman need to be allowed to live life or at least complete their studies.

with all due respect to every person and religion:

Maybe 'God' is just a one word answer people came up with to answer difficult questions that made people think out of the box. In that case humans made god.

Children are going to find distractions everywhere. they can start doodling in their copies too. The school can also block many sites. And open google or yahoo when the child needs to do some work.

For that the children have to be smart enough not to sit 6cm away from the computer. Also my father is in ophthalmology and he says that from sitting to close to a screen a child's eye site cannot weaken. Also a computer may get viruses but paper notes can get lost or ripped. (i explained this in a dispute with the first debater as well)

0 points

Ok. that actually made me laugh (the computer seed part) actually if we plant seeds it takes years for the tree to actually go to a height where it can be used for a product and there is less space in the world now to plant the trees.

Actually for many cases you cannot recycle paper. And many people do not care to recycle it, they just throw it away. Year by year there are less places to go trees. Millions of trees are being cut each month for products or area. Laptops can get viruses but paper notes can get lost, forgotten somewhere, ripped or spoiled.

2 points

Perosnally i think there is nothing wrong with it. I actually think it is cool but to respect others i would not really bring it up infront of someone who could get offended in any way. For jews it is ofcourse/maybe/mostly still offensive. With all due respect to them i dont mind it

Teachers are going around telling everyone to help stop deforestation but they still give out new note taking copies each semester when the old ones have not finished. Computers would help in this. Tue children could bring their own laptops too.

0 points

Definetely. The protesting idea is spreading through out many cities. It looks like they are winning. Everyone is supporting them in one way or another

I think social networking helps people to get interactive and be open to new ideas, people. This also helps them to know how to handle the different people they meet daily and different types of relationships the get involved in

3 points

If there was healthy food children would bring junk food from home. The school just wants the children to have food so that they can restore their energy. Drawing a line between the two foods is the childrens job they should do it them selves and be independent.

4 points

Another reason for wearing a school uniform is good is that the uniform will always be decent. It will cover every part of the body that the school doesnt want the children to show and the students would not be cauntious about what they are wearing.

4 points

I believe that the wearing of the school uniform should be encouraged because it reminds each child that they are equal (at least in school). It also shows unity and children feel included and it helps them to work as a team.

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