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Monstrasitix's Debates: [clear]

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Tied Positions: Norris is immortal vs. Rambo has more balls
Winning Position: Does the Bible contradict itself?
Winning Position: Humans are animals
Winning Position: Who came up naming Illuminati?
Winning Position: It can"t
Winning Position: Google it!
Winning Position: What fascinates you in science?
Winning Position: New Zealand Artist Jon Evil Recreates Gore Videos with Dolls
Winning Position: Can Atheists have sins?
Tied Positions: it's strange vs. It's fine
Winning Position: Sick satisfaction
Winning Position: Stupidity
Winning Position: Is this my life?
Winning Position: Possibly the dumbest idea for a debate, but what the heck, I wanted it!
Winning Position: What could be the benefits/gains after/of dying?
Tied Positions: Outside vs. Inside
Winning Position: What music style suits you the best?
Winning Position: Yes we do
Winning Position: No
Winning Position: Life is worth dying, or isn't?
Winning Position: Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 6
Winning Position: Do you know your directions? So you tell me the difference between Left & Right
Winning Position: Is it possible to imagine or spot a non-existent color?
Winning Position: No it isn't

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