
God_'s Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of God_'s arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I this instance it is quite clear what happened and it is just as clear what needs to happen. The officers should be indited and they deserve it.

1 point


1 point

YOU'RE THE HYPOCRITE! : For talking about not copying debates and then copying! And he was not whining about the banning but commenting how you broke your own title by banning him thus making you a DOUBLE HYPOCRITE!

1 point

Her debate title was fallacious and blatantly broke it on multiple occasions: at least 2


I banned him by accident. How do I fix that? .


You've banned two already! and one of them was one who commented on the fact that you've broken your title... I don't think it was an accident: "There are no accidents" ~ Master Oogway

Overall her ability to maintain a statement of what she said she would do/ implied she would do is clearly false, showing her arrogance/stupidity (as they walk hand in hand)

0 points

You've banned two already! and one of them was one who commented on the fact that you've broken your title... I don't think it was an accident: "There are no accidents" ~ Master Oogway

1 point

Dumbass... didn't listen to a thing he said did you?

Besides this is a "No Banning" debate isn't it?

1 point

The beliefs and extremist actions of a few do not constitute the hatred of a whole.

1 point

1. Simplify the tax code. A flat tax rate.

2. Entitlement reform. Government employed doctors certify who is really unable to do any kind of work. Those recipients of welfare who can work must work to receive benefits.

4. End the war on drugs.

5. Eliminate deficit spending. Take Georgia for an example: implement a balanced budget law - constitutional amendment maybe?

6. Put an end gerrymandering.

7. Eliminate the US D.o.Edu.

8. Remove DOT and leave coordinating to the States.

God_(507) Clarified
1 point


1 point

I believe that in most cases applying this principle will result in a satisfactory, correct answer. This would apply to much of life, like everyday things (see GenericName's argument), but not to all of life, such as politics, romance, religion, etc. where it is common to have red herrings and other such objects of misdirection or interpretive implications.

1 point

It boils down to the fact that that mother chose to murder her child and regardless of what happened to legalize that it was her decision whether she should or not.

1 point

Prologos is right *

2 points

He said that sarcastically

1 point

Star wars! Star Trek! Ender's Game! Ghost Busters! *

1 point

And ogers, trolls, dwarves, elves, monsters, dragons, partial human things, other races, etc.

1 point

Lord of the Rings! Harry Potter!

2 points

They should not because during that time period the way everyone's country made their money was by conquering other people and taking their stuff. That is why it is called an empire. The Spanish and others who came over were doing the same thing the Aztecs/Incans/etc. did themselves: conquer. The whole killed 90% of the population via disease thing was unintentional. The spread of small pox was actually spread by the pigs they brought over because we know they carry disease and reproduce like crazy. Overall they are not criminals because they are just doing the same thing they were doing amongst themselves.

1 point

The right is the right to the freedom of speech not what you said. It doesn't matter whether it is insulting or not it is legal. The whole point of making that write was to ensure you had the right to speak your mind however if you say something that gets you in trouble you have to take personal responsibility for your actions.

1 point

No not necessarily, you can be just calling it the way it is.

However it can be said in an insulting manor even when stating fact.

So in all actuality this can go either way and is more of a gray area (non-specific) and should have been put as a perspectives debate.

1 point

We should engage them but not with our in infantry and stick to a tactic of bomb/missile out their weapon stores and crush any means for an offensive against the US/rest of the world.

1 point

One should remain abstinent until marriage that way you can have your child(s) (or not) with no worry that your partner will leave you or that he/she were just trying to have sex with you. Staying a virgin until marriage also helps to keep clear of HIV/AIDS.

1 point

You appeal is based on how your personality coexist with someone else's personality. If you personality is one they real like then your appeal grows. Also I would personally say that as you success grows how desirable you are increases as the are many opportunists out there no matter what you gender may be.

1 point

No because they don't carry as much and it would be pointless for most elementary schoolers because they have one teacher for all of their classes.

1 point

Damn dude... *

1 point

You're welcome *

1 point


1 point

Also some video games are physical such as an exercise game and something like an Xbox Kinect game. These can help to keep you fit and even become healthy. So not all have body damage.

God_(507) Clarified
0 points

Also some video games are physical such as an exercise game and something like an Xbox Kinect game. These can help to keep you fit and even become healthy. So not all have body damage. Dang it this is posted on the wrong side.

1 point

They only make you violent if you let your self become violent. True if you play to much you can get not enough exercise but that is why you have to keep that in check and schedule your self which is once again a personal decision. They also increase hand-eye coordination which can help you. Also not all video games are violent and thinking they are is biased. Some video games are educational as well and even some can help you stay fit such as exercise games or something along the lines of an Xbox Kinect game that involves a lot of motion. Over all your idea is biased and just bad.

1 point



That's a little messed up. But over all not that bad. I would work on the flow of the writing a bit more and the beginning is a mite confusing.

1 point

America is a great place. Our government ensures or rights and our freedom. Other countries don't have that and this good some thing Americans take for granted. Capitalism is also good you don't make money because you were "entitled" to it you made it because you put forth effort and worked for it. A lot of millionaires got their millions because they worked for it with hard work and good decisions. What is paramount thorough is that it is not okay to hate Americans it is okay to hate our government because that is your own personal opinion but to hate the people without knowing them or having met is is biased crap.

1 point

Why not? The pg-13 means essentially some violence and foul language but generally the kid can understand that it is not real or the parents can talk about it if it does become a problem. You can't shelter the kids their whole life and they need to live a little.

2 points

That is karma for him and is pretty funny actually but refer to my post on the other side for my feelings about what happened.

1 point

Honestly I am not sorry at all for the person but the prisoners need to be better protected. They don't need more punish ment that is what being in prison is for.

1 point

I personally think that Wendy's is a lot better than Burger King. Here's a few reasons:

1. Their chicken nuggets taste better

2. Their barbeque sauce tastes better

3. Their chicken sandwich tastes better

4. Their original burger tastes better

1 point

There is a difference between being bossy and being a leader among your friends. However being bossy is definitely not something to be commended for.

1 point

It is a belief because they believe that God does not exist.

1 point

Many CD users actually have good ideas for the world to name one: thousandn1. I know that there are also a lot of people with bad ideas though. Like It says can't make it worse!

1 point

Yes teachers should get paid more. Student loans are killing the college students of America and more so the teachers that are expected to give these students something to base their life off of because of their low pay. Pay teachers more and we will have more teachers and this will increase education quality which will lead to a smarter America.

1 point

It said in the description that the church recognizes matrimony as a union between a man and a woman not as a union, so no it will not happen unless they rewrite the Bible.

1 point

Flappy Bird shouldn't have been taken off of the Apple app store. It is just a game leave it on! Who cares if it is causing people a lot of stress that is their businesses and if it becomes a major problem then just stop playing the game. Jees!

3 points

No point making an argument! You've said it for me!*

2 points

Just like how Americans were first on the moon we should be the first people on mars. That globally and politically makes a huge statement if anybody in the world is going make a colony there it should be us.

1 point

I think that that would be a major factor in my decision and would influence it greatly but they would also have to agree but some if not all of my core beliefs.

5 points

Nice going!

3 points

Let's go back on that lazy part: Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Thomas Edison, Alva Tesla, Mark Zuckerberg, Max Planck, Bose, Sir Isaac Newton, Galileo, etc. Need I continue??

3 points

Let's go back on that lazy part: Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Thomas Edison, Alva Tesla, Mark Zuckerberg, Max Planck, Bose, Sir Isaac Newton, Galileo, etc. Need I continue??

4 points

Boy have penises and we get to have the good puberty (no periods or anything painful) and better sex (we don't have to give birth which is also painful).

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