
ShiroSama97's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of ShiroSama97's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

both are pretty stupid................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

1 point

haha yeah! twilight is so stupid! XD he takes of his shirt and... and... HE SPARKLES! ooh, so manly and scary. (i hate all twilight stuff, everyone in it, and almost everything relating to it, etc) but if i had to choose between jacob and edward, it would be jacob all the way. Jacob can turn into a wolf anytime he wants, he has claws, and teeth, and strength, and a thick hide. stephanie meyer KNEW that vampires suck on their own, so she added super strength, super speed, the eye color, etc. (yes, vampires get strongER at night, but they dont hav super strength). WOLLVVVVEEESSSSSSSSZA!

1 point

Werewolves all the way. they can fire guns and use weapons (hello! they're only werewolves by a fullmoon/night/whenever they want or whatever). They arent hurt by the sun, have thick skin and arent injured by anything (except a silver bullet, but even that has to shoot something vital). They have the muscles, the claws, and the fangs.

Vampires are wimps. they have to be up close range to kill (unless they have weapons). They cant be in sun, they cant fly (well they can in bat form... when they're too tiny to do anything), and they dont get along with garlic, the bible, and holy water. anyone can kill a vampire with a weapon (i dont buy the stake in the heart theory... a nuke or a machine gun would take care of a vamp... or garlic XD). They dont have super strength... so why are they so special? whoever came up with the stereotype for vampires really wasnt smart about it.

Werewolves originated from two sources: 1). in the old times, wolves had a serious problem with rabies. the most famous was the Beast of Gevaudan. it was one of the largest wolves on record, and killed hundreds of people. Finally, it was shot with a silver bullet. this is where we get the theory that werewolves are killed by a silver bullet. 2). lycan is the term for wolf in latin, and were is the term for man in latin. Lycanthropy is a rare disease that gradually makes the victim's mind rot away and be replaced with that of a rabid wolf's (or people were bitten and became rabid). both were huge outbreaks in the 1700's. So, grown men would leave their homes and live in the forest, attacking people with their teeth snarling and frothing at the mouth. So, we get the term Were-wolf, due to the fact that men would act like a rabid wolf or had rabies. just for knowledge that some fat, pimply geek didnt write a comic and somehow it became so.

1 point

today i learned why scientists and christians (or people who believe in a higher power in general) dont get along. I'll just give you a basic summary.\

During the medieval times, catholics and christianity were a huge influence. The churches were so obsessed over who believed in what (i think people can personally believe what they want, but using only knowledge and NOT force, people can persuade others) that they would kill you if you defied them. The Muslim people forced others to convert, and this launched the crusades. NOW, more than 90% of Europeans were christians. One half believed that science was directly linked to God (their point of view would be "God directly created science and the idea that he is not real by logic to test our faith". these people would later become the athiests who must live by logic). The other half belived that you do not need logic at all and your life should directly revolve around Christ and God (these are our die-hard, awesome christians out there! their point of view would be "science is irelevant when you have all you need in the Bible). BOTH OF THESE POINTS ARE TRUEEE!!!!! but they were argued over for hundreds of years to the point that they both seperated. the church basxically was so anal about it, they seperated their own.

1 point

Hey! sorry i was in california for the past 2 weeks. So it looks like we havent had many/any recent debates... sooo... im here!

1 point

once again, we pretende to drink his blood (wine) and his body (bread) to honor him dying for us

1 point

well, from what i see, he is just asking reasonable questions and trying to learn a little about Christianity. God/Jesus are NOT needy and do NOT need attention. He and his diciples spent their ENTIRE life preaching the word of god, taking care of people who were poor, sad, angry or just having a bad day. They were the most selfless people on the face of the earth... i dont see where people get that he was needy and self-centered...

1 point

yes, i did, because i dont need arrogant loud-mouths who dont know jack about the Christian faith to rag on it :)

1 point

1. so he is indeed all powerful :)

2.not true! god sees us all as equals, from a criminal to a priest.

I think you got a little confused... those two things are very similar. he looks in both.

3. he died for our sins so we can ask for forgiveness when we commit these sins. Satan also plays a part in our sins. God doesnt want us to be happy without actually working for it and earning it. That is why he sent his son to die for us.

Jesus was born without sin or temptation. he forgave the same people who tortured him.

1 point

you know this isnt just for discussing christianity :) you can talk about problems and people can give you solutions :)

2 points

in the rules, i state that i dont really want people just ragging on it for the heck of it (or to be rude). It is a debate. Im not going to ban people who just say "thats stupid!". i will ask them WHY, and if they just be mean just because, then i dont need people fighting and argueing on this debate. Who are you to report me, hm? i will preach as long as i can... anyone on this site should also spread the word of christianity if they really believe :) who cares if i get reported? im willing to take a stand. Jesus was beaten, cut, and mocked, and he continued to preach even when he was nailed to the cross. Me on a little website like this and getting reported is nothing compared to what Jesus did.

0 points

people have the choice to go on this site, do they not? Report me then... im just trying to do some good :) sorry i accidently hit the ban thingy a few times (i thought my computer was being slow and i clicked it)... how do i un-ban people?:)

1 point

Haha thanks... here are the answers to your questions:

1. God/Jesus can create anything he wishes. He is GOD, but he is also all-powerful. He can lift anything he creates, for he is God. There is nothing more powerful then him. he is the strongest force of all, including Jesus Christ (well the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are all basically one). So, god could create a rock of any size and be able to lift it.

2. God does not wish to send people to Hell. he gives you a choice- you can become a good Christian (or Catholic, but i really dont know much about the Catholics other than it is similar to Christianity), or you can do what you want and be punished later. there is a verse in the Bible (i will try to find it for you) but it states that if you disobey God, a greater evil will punish you, not God. You could live your whole life being the worst person in the world, and on your deathbed, if you truely do want to believe and regret what you did and ask for forgiveness, you will go to Heaven. And people often think that being a good person makes you go to Heaven automatically. NOT TRUE. you could give to the poor, be nice to people, and other good things, but if you dont spread the word of Christ and "grow" in the Christian faith, you arent really a christian are you? This might be a little off topic, but i hope it answers your question.

3. Jesus died for our sins, he did not die out of vengeance. He never wanted to b e tortured or killed, but he knew what his mission was (he knew since birth.) and he knew that pain was temporary compared that we could just ask for forgiveness (And truely mean it) in order to go to heaven, no matter how late. He knew he would come back. he wasnt cruel to anyone... in his last words, he asked God to spare the very people that beaet him, put a crown of thorns on his head, and nailed him to a cross for forgiveness, for they did not know what was going on. Jesus didnt really make people drink his blood... he said. Jesus broke the bread on the Last Supper and said "take this bread, for this is my body that has been broken for you". then Jesus took the wine and poured a glass for each of his diciples, and said "take this wine, for this is my blood i have spilled for you.". we drink it in church to honor him (we drink the wine and eat some of the bread).

I think my third answer answers your last question... jesus was not this blood-thirsty barabarian.

Thanks for asking questions! :) i hope this answers them (if it doesnt, just simplify what i missed)

1 point

what are you talking about? cats claw your sofas up... dogs dont break furniture. you have to train them. only big dogs break furniture, but most people put big dogs outide.

2 points

What does that have to do with anything? Dogs hate rain just as much. There are things called puppy pads where they can poo and pee on the pad without hurting your floor... people have porches so the dogs dont get wet, and people have doggy doors so they dont have to get up and do it themselves.

3 points


2 points

well if they take SUCH good care of themselves, then why even buy them at all?

3 points

Dogs come in hundreds of purebred breeds and thousands of hybrids between breeds. Dogs vary from size, color, fur length, amount of attention, personality, trainability, and can be used for different things (guard dog, sleddog, police dog, etc). cats vary from color. Not all dogs need alot of attention. My friend has a st bernard, and he barely looks at it. on the other hand, i have beagles and they need alot of attention (but t hey're tiny and cute and easy to take care of). My friend has a poodle and she needs to trim it weekly. another friend has a boxer and it has never been trimmed. My friend has a lab and hardly excercises it, while another friend with the same breed of dog needs to run 17 miles every 3 days (so there are varying personalities and traits within a breed). ok- lets say you loved huskies, but you also loved a collie. so, mix breed them, and you have half husky and half collie in a single dog (you can mix traits, etc) not all dogs attack people, not all dogs drool, and not all dogs bark. So stop generalizing dogs.

Cats just sit. sure, they purr if you pet them, but most of the time you get your hand clawed for rubbing them wrong. they arent affectionate to you. you cant train them.

In a dogs mind: "my owner, you feed me, you love me, you care for me... You must be God"

in a cats mind: "my owner, you feed me, you love me, you care for me.... I must be God"

3 points

hey! I know there's alot of athiests out there, people that arent strong in their faith, or people who are just wondering about christianity! visit my debate. its called "Join the Christian Society". I hope to see you there! :)

4 points

hey! I know there's alot of athiests out there, people that arent strong in their faith, or people who are just wondering about christianity! visit my debate. its called "Join the Christian Society". I hope to see you there! :)

0 points

Well, this is my first post (hopefully one of thousands that i will post!). So, anyway, just call me Shiro (not my real name btw lol srry)... ill try to help you with anything you're dealing with, if you're wondering why/what Christianity is, or if you're thinking of becoming a Christian! I know this site is FILLED with athiests, so remember the rules in the description. And c'mon, this is a website where no one knows you at all, so talk about anything you want (NO personal info... it is NOT wanted) . Well, im here! :)

1 point

And hey, if you dont want to debate on this certain debate, then thats your problem, isnt it? :) So make your own debate, go on a different one and stop sniveling about another God intoxicated person BECAUSE YOU DONT NEED TO BE ON THIS CERTAIN DEBATE, IDIOT XD

1 point

you dont know anything about me, so i would just shut up. i have a GREAT education... A's and B's and i go to a private, christian school. Ill look it up for you cuz ur too stupid to do it yourself! XD

Historians conclude that Jesus was born in the last years before Herod's reign ended in 4 BCE

Ahistoricity is not, and has never been, a majority position. Few historians consider it overwhelmingly likely that Jesus was totally non-existant

These websites prove that there was indeed a real Jesus, at the same time period, with the same people. The debate is whether or not he is truely Jesus Christ, Son of God (which he is... you will be sorry sooner or later as stated in the Bible)

1 point

Wow, you're that stupid. look it up you ignorant cow.

He is real to many people, not just me.

Not really ;) and if it were, you would obviously fail

Ur the one talking. Get a life

2 points

well confused, if i were an illegal mexican who has their OWN PROBLEMS and OWN COUNTRY, they take our jobs, earn special benefits, crowd our prisons, suck money out of our government from deportation, and cause a crapload of problems (drugs, murder, gangs, etc) while america sits their and they have their own problems and dont have the time or money to mess with border issues, then yes. i would want you to kick me out. Its liberals like you who make this once great country an awful, mexican tainted, poor liberal society. We should kick you out too.

3 points

ugh GET OUT. we dont like you. you screw up our economy, take our jobs, and expect more!!! Hey- we have america, you have mexico. ITS YOUR COUNTRY! UR PROBLEMS. there are so many liberals in our society and thats why most of you are coming in! Most of the convicts are illegal immigrants- i always see a murder story, and before they show the criminal, me and my mom guess an illegal immigrant: And we're ALWAYS RIGHT. just go away.

1 point

The dream act... ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

ugh GET OUT. we dont like you. you screw up our economy, take our jobs, and expect more!!! Hey- we have america, you have mexico. ITS YOUR COUNTRY! UR PROBLEMS. there are so many liberals in our society and thats why most of you are coming in! Most of the convicts are illegal immigrants- i always see a murder story, and before they show the criminal, me and my mom guess an illegal immigrant: And we're ALWAYS RIGHT. just go away.

1 point

well, there are two kinds of cold in my book:

1) the bad cold- its when you are freezing, and cold just nips and nips at you when you are already cold

2) the good cold- its like those days when you first see snow fall in the first day of winter... and you run out, and you are in nothing but a tshirt and shorts, yet you cant be happier... its like that cozy cold instead of that frostbite-cold

1 point

1) women have periods!! it feels like mike tyson just punched you in the gut... for a week... you get uncontrollably emotional, and you constantly have to change tampons (which are quite uncomfortable) 4-6 times A DAY.

2) women are treated like crap... you have a higher percent of being rapd. Men woohooo at you and make jokes either way if your hot or ugly or fat.

3) you are right. on adverage, women are weaker. women cant defend themselves against an abusive relationship.

4) Women have more hormones then men. Thats why your "little comments or jokes" hurt us.

5) data shows that women do not make much money and are more likely to be fired.

6) Women get pregnant. 9 months of your feet swelling, vomiting, and pain. Have any of you men debating out there ever passed a kidney stone? Ya. that a pebble. Imagine that the size of a watermelon.

7) women have to keep their appearence up. Men dont have to wear makeup, shower daily, brush their long hair, and shave too much (yes, men shave their faces. women have to shave their legs, armpits, privates, and sometimes the face. yes. some women can grow facial hair). Men, sit in your tshirt and boxers while the girls look and smell nice- all that work for a nasty pig like you. no girl would be pretty without makeup (well some... but its only a handful).

8) Men can gain 5-10 pounds and not notice much. if women gain any weight, we get allll the fat jokes.

9) we cook your food. we clean your messes. my mom nagged my dad all day about how he needed to sweep the floors. he said we wouldnt sweep them for a week. my mom got a full big trash can filled with dirt and hair.

10) yes, most of us nag. but if you dont want a naggy relationship, then thats your fault for marrying us, now isnt it? But not all of us nag. me and my sister try to clean my dads messes, get his paper, and get him food (my mom gives him hell, and he is a really awesome guy. we try to help him out).

11) we get to raise your screaming brats while you sit in an office and email people.

Men- we dont enjoy these things. if we had a choice to get rid of these traits, you can bet we would :) dont blame us. i dont think you get how much we love you to do these things... men need women, women need men. Its just that men need women a little bit more.

3 points

Thats not the question.. the question was if he was good or bad... he says he has this big plan and all this crap, and then he takes a trip to Europe and sends his wife and all her friends to a trip to spain with a crapload of spending money... for the entire trip, it cost $300,000. Some example he is

0 points

wow... i am stunned how this debate has gotten no attention.. appauling :O

1 point

i am 13 and watch the news alot because i am SOOOOO bored around the house... its the only way my mom will let me do my homework later, so... me and my dad make fun of how ritarded and funny their commercials are... we saw a segment on the "dream act" for illegal immagrant from mexico wanted special treatment and crap, and then the next story was about how illigal imigrants from mexico killed two policemen near the border... XD great timing for those stories, great timing.

1 point

ughghhgg.... and they had this guy who peed himself and screamed and ripped out his hair because he was so happy Sandra Bullock won this award...

1 point

she is this fat lesbian comedian... not very funny at all, really... and they showed her and her new girlfriend kissing and being all romantic... nasty old creeper... ;-)

0 points

thats not a valid religeon... wheres your proof, hmm?

0 points

eh, shut up. i do want a vote. i dont care how you feel about it. a vote. Jesus was indeed in history books. he was real... the real debate is whether he was the son of god, you idiot. educate yourself you fool.

1 point

ugh difficult people like you just dont realize anything... you people need proof for it to be real. Its long... the Christian faith is very complex. Its amazing what will happen when you are a christian. You just wouldnt understand because ur tiny brain cant comprehend that there is a God. Oh well... i atlest try to help you. But if you really want to go 2 hell and you will be punished

you arent answering any of my questions either. If you're an athiest and dont believe in anything, why not believe for the heck of it? What do you have to lose? My true story answered your "how do you know its the correct one?". Sorry for not clarifying it.

You are really being that immature? theres no need to make this so mean... this website is full of athiests... not the right debate for this website... but if you really want to know whats so special about the christian faith, then ill go into detail... but get ready for a novel :)

1 point

Houston... good to know. no offense, but i really dont think anyone cares how you act...

1 point

haha! the fan girls are hilarious! so stupid and willing to do anything for that person no matter what happens. they have no lives

1 point

it doesnt have a winner. it just tells you the majority of people who do not like him. he has no talent. haha... once he matures in his talent, his voice is gonna be awful! Puberty changes you. Why should we cut him some slack? gimmee 1 good reason. You sound like an idiot

1 point

HA! who would be jealous of bieber? Who on earth would want to sing like a hamster on helium!!!

1 point

1) Why are you talking in 3rd person?

2) i dont think anyone could be so stupid to think you were justin bieber

3) justin bieber duznt have the time to spend on a little website like this.

4) if you are justin bieber (ha! yeah rite), then get a life. ur only fans are little girls. ur not hot, not talented, and you sound AWFUL. You have more haters than fans. People dont like you. Look at the pie chart on this debate. Look at how many people hate you compared to how many like you! You cant dance. you twitch. You dance like my dog when she sees a ham.

Why should we give jb/you a break? ur nothing special. this world thinks that people who are famous are some sort of god. my (hawt) friend can sing amazingly, and he looks wayyy cuter than jb! So why isnt he famous?: Because some lucky poser (jb) happens to know Usher (his friend's mom's cousin's friends brother's twice removed aunt's friend). You dont deserve to be on tv. The first time my dad saw you on youtube, he said "what a squeaky punk!". When he first saw Greyson Chance (I. LOVE. GREYSON) he said "what a cute kid... and what a voice!". GREYSON CHANCE IS SO MUCH BETTER! UR GONNA GET PWNED, BIEBER!!!! >:D

1 point

i personally dont like him at all... he doesnt sound good, hes not cute at all, and he is only famous for three reasons.

1) He is only famous for being famous

2) He is only famous because he knows Usher

3) he is only likeable because people in the studio take that squeaky mess and fix it up to a "song" (by song i mean a horrid squeaking)

1 point

i mean the local news shows.. you know, like good morning america, etc. Their stories they tell... some are good to know, like weather and local stuff about the state. But some of it is just ritarded!!! i honestly dont think anyone cares who Rosie O'Donald is dating.

-1 points

not true. eh ;) imma stop debating. i just wanted a vote, so ya

0 points

read it again. I think you are going blind. i addressed all your points. you are right. People can change their beliefs with enough proof.

0 points

The Christian faith is the ONLY religeon that gives you an option, instead of Ala or the Buhdda that says if you dont believe, you should be killed. The christian faith does not have a punishment if you dont believe while on earth. thats why there are so many idiots out there afraid of their death. He has the most logical religeon. The christian faith is the most practiced religeon. Im not saying you should change your beliefs, but if you are an athiest and dont think your soul goes anywhere or you dont have a soul at all, then why not believe in something just for the heck of it? i dont like the fact that people are going to Hell because of their ignorance.

True story: an elderly woman was at the hospital. her heart gave out, and she was dead. as the doctors got ready to shock her heart, and her heart continued beating. she woke up later, and she said she felt this wonderful love as she was floating up and up towards a heavenly light. the doctors said "how do we know you are lying". And the elderly woman (who could not walk) said there was a red shoe on top of the hosital. that day, they went up, and there was a red shoe on top of the roof. Enough proof? My church told me this with a video of her. i will try to look it up! :)

1 point


1. people thought the computers were going to crash in 2000. People thought bad things were going to happen september 11th, 2008.

2. This theory comes from the aztecs, am i correct (or some other tribe of some sort)? they all died out. So at some point, so they had to stop writing their calendar at some point. it just happened to be on 2012

3. Most people on earth's religeon isnt aztec, so you're an idiot if you think so. Dont believe everything everyone tells you.

1 point

ugh.. dont even get me started!!! preps who think they're emo because they wear thick eyeliner, people think they're emo because they wear black, and people trying to pull off that depressed mood for attention... Its awful

1 point


What's ur problem?

Hip hop and rap is just people talking really fast with sound added. not music.

yes, i can insult it.

Everyone has a taste of music, i get that. but this is from my perspective.

Yes, i can. i used to hate screamo. she showed me how to like it. You can.

not really. if thats how you interpret it, then think what u like.

You said that twice idiot

Then everyone else isnt being very logical, are they?

Its logical.

0 points

but there is so much proof he is! TO ALL ATHIESTS OUT THERE:

if you honestly dont think there is a god, why not believe just in case? Better safe than sorry... you dont want to burn in hell for eternity... :( i feel bad how many people are going to hell because of their ignorance

1 point

from family guy:

So Joe and everyone were playing cherades, and joe fell overboard (he is paralyzed in the legs).

Joe: AHHHHH!!! HELP!!! IM DROWNING!!! sinks

Bonnie: oh my god someone save him!!!

Peter: Kick, joe!! kick!!!

Lois: Peter, he's handicapped!

Peter: You idiot, lois! just because he's handicapped doesnt mean he's deaf!!! KICK JOE KICK!!!

1 point

from family guy:

So Joe and everyone were playing cherades, and joe fell overboard (he is paralyzed in the legs).

Joe: AHHHHH!!! HELP!!! IM DROWNING!!! sinks

Bonnie: oh my god someone save him!!!

Peter: Kick, joe!! kick!!!

Lois: Peter, he's handicapped!

Peter: You idiot, lois! just because he's handicapped doesnt mean he's deaf!!! KICK JOE KICK!!!

1 point

Ok, these are my favs in order:

1. Stewie- because he is so intelligent and evil for a baby

2. Peter- because he is so stupid

3. Brian- just cuz he looks like snoopy ;)

4. Chris- he is just like peter

5. Peter's friends- they are all so special and funny

6. Lois- i only like her when she has those outbursts... and not the naggy angry ones...

7. Meg. she is... not likable at all.... but i love how everyone makes fun of her!

(oh and alll those celebrities they make fun of... but there are wayyyyy too many to name, so...)

1 point

yeah. i think its funny how stewie is so intelligent and evil for a baby... yet he is so bipolar!

stewie: santa, i want uranium NEVERMIND THE REASON, um... a dead lois, and a superball!!! They're sooo bouncy hahahehehehohoh!!!!!

2 points

Yes!!! parents out there give their children drugs and alchohal, raise them to be future felons, abandone them, and abuse them. Do we want parents like this? I think parents should pass a quiz, have restrictions on certain things, and be able to financially and personally be there for there children. i have tons of kids in my class who ship their kids off with nanny's. Most of them are screwed up, and one kills rabbits and stray cats he finds on the streets. Its alll because parents cant take care of them!

1 point

he did way more than george washington. george washington was only the first.

1 point

well, i personally dont like dogs as much as wolves. wolves are hard to train, have bad tempers, but if you train them right, they are obviously the best. they can withstand different temperatures, and they are just beautiful.

1 point

hey morgan. yes, i agree. beagles are sweet, small, friendly, trainable, and come in a variety of colors. they are loyal and will always be there for you.

2 points

well, most of them are not. you cant make a generalization based on that most of them arent. my mom has the WORST humor, but my grandma makes me laugh every time. It also is based on your sense of humor. a cheesy joke could be the stupidest thing to one person while it could be the funniest thing on earth. And you have to define what funny is. Do they try to make jokes, are they naturally funny, or are they so dorky they're funny? it all depends on your perspective.

1 point


They have really perverted, messed up commercials. but yes, i agree with you. you cant judge a tv show on its commercials. what if the jetsons or loony tunes had perverted commercials? would you hate those shows too? Get teevo or just walk away and do something while the commercials are on. dont blame the tv shows for the commercials.

1 point

i personally dont like him at all... he doesnt sound good, hes not cute at all, and he is only famous for three reasons.

1) He is only famous for being famous

2) He is only famous because he knows Usher

3) he is only likeable because people in the studio take that squeaky mess and fix it up to a "song" (by song i mean a horrid squeaking)

1 point


i think he means justin bieber. Its just a debate, dont make it so personal.

1 point

He is a he-she! a girl trapped in an ugly boy's body!

-1 points

Yes, family guy is random, but dont you want a variety of different plots with the same characters than a boring futurama where they drag the same plot over and over?

3 points


Family guy is NOT idiot humor. They put alot of thought out jokes that are hilarious! I watch both (as do alot of people), so ur kinda hurting your own position. Well, if you want mind-stimulating humor instead of hilarious humor that will make you pee yourself, then yes. you are an intellectual snob.

2 points


Yes, those are classics. we all know what they are. how old are you? This is a conversation about FAMILY GUY or FUTURAMA, not those saturday-morning child show where the watcher has a load in his/her pants while watching. my 3 year old sister watches those shows.

2 points


1) you have no business in this conversation

2) you have no humor (or the cheesy kind)

3) adult swim got a lot of complaints (since alot of children watch adult swim) so they changed the commercials. YAY no perverted commercials!!!

1 point

Futurama is funny, but family guy puts waaay more thought into their show!!! the characters are lovable (except Meg lol), and they have so many more jokes that relate to our world.

1 point

Hip hop does suck. Its not music, its sound. They dont sing. They talk and add sounds, so yes, it is just a beat and special sounds. Im not a hip hop person because SCREAMO IS WAY BETTER. More people say justin bieber sux. look up all the debates- people dont say hes that good.

all in all hes not good but not bad either!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Um, yes. he is bad. look back on my ten point speech. Its pretty logical because i think about what im going to say instead of typing my "feelings".

1 point

twilight is AWFUL! Only idiots watch/read it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

haha. i couldnt hit the up button anymore, but i give u 1,000,000,000 points

1 point

I have a friend (a very hawt friend...) and hes 13. hes white. hes 5''10 and is buff. he gets in fights 99.9% of the time. He'd beat the crap out of u. not all white ppl are pansies, so get ur facts straight before u say something offensive :)

2 points

1. girls only like him cuz he's famous.

2. his hair looks like any other boy's (or girls in this case).

3. his voice is AWFUL.

4. hes screwed when he hits puberty.

5. hes only famous because he knows Usher.

6. Girls like love songs. a hot guy could scream a love song and girls would think its the best thing ever.

7. He is 16 and looks 4.

8. his voice is squeaky and high. he doesnt use his voice (its just soft...). Listen to Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance or Welcome Home by Coheed and Cambria. These people put SOUL into their songs.

9. He is short.

10. He looks like an angry allpaca. he is not sexy. all of this is acting for the ladies. NOTICE his girlfriends arent nice, okay-looking girls. they're hot, tall, skinny stupid blondes.

These are my ten commandments. I HAVE SPOKEN!

ALL pop and hip hop sux. its just a beat and special sounds. I am 13 and i hate him with a passion. He's just another miley cyrus- someone who is just popular at the time. there are more haters than fans. haha look up the key of awesome ;) legit music spoofs on JB.

1 point

1. girls only like him cuz he's famous.

2. his hair looks like any other boy's (or girls in this case).

3. his voice is AWFUL.

4. hes screwed when he hits puberty.

5. hes only famous because he knows Usher.

6. Girls like love songs. a hot guy could scream a love song and girls would think its the best thing ever.

7. He is 16 and looks 4.

8. his voice is squeaky and high. he doesnt use his voice (its just soft...). Listen to Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance or Welcome Home by Coheed and Cambria. These people put SOUL into their songs.

9. He is short.

10. He looks like an angry allpaca. he is not sexy. all of this is acting for the ladies. NOTICE his girlfriends arent nice, okay-looking girls. they're hot, tall, skinny stupid blondes.

These are my ten commandments. I HAVE SPOKEN!

1 point

do you mean becoming a lone wolf? Well you can be if you want, but if you choose to start a pack, you can add other wolves.

1 point

oh ya! if anyone knows how to make a game like wolfquest (look it up!!!), or if anyone would like to help, please just let me know!!! thx so much :)

2 points

isnt this sad??? they had that poor wolf tied up while its dogs bit it slowly until it died... i will add more links...

3 points

isnt this sad??? they had that poor wolf tied up while its dogs bit it slowly until it died... i will add more links...

1 point

it doesnt mean i have. i just want life experiences with them instead of why they're good and why they are bad

1 point

thank you for your opinion. But i am well educated and have researched wolves and dogs for the past year. I loveeeeee big dogs, but i also love wolves. My beagle puppies have just died and i am sick of having small dogs (even though i would take them back in a heartbeat). I have a big yard and will walk him everyday. But dogs are easier to take care of, but arent wolves just beautiful? :) thank you.

1 point

i think it helps alot. god put animals for us to eat, not to have for decorations.

1 point

they mourned the death of the chimpanzee for ripping that girls face off and blamed the girl. they think animals have more rights than humans. I love animals, but seriously? And they demanded people release the whale that killed the trainers. KILL THAT THING. God put animals on this earth to eat. Do u honestly think they are here for decoration? And fur. I know its wrong the way they treat those animals, but thats how they make a living. they're not going to treat the animals with love and compassion if they're just gonna kill them. i say gimeee a nice, bloody, triple-patty burger ;)

1 point

okay, first off 2 degrees makes no difference. and its not the chemicals we use or the fuel we burn. do you realize how much of it we would have to burn to even make a difference? And if global warming IS happening, (which its not) what makes you think people could make a difference using all "green" products? its a scam so people can make mmoney off of it. Global warming/cooling are a natural cycle. Like the Ice Age. Do you think it was because of something mammoths or saber-toothed cats did? Its just not logical.

1 point

Terrible series. It encourages teens to get pregnant, is at a sixth grade reading level, bad actors, WHO IN THE WORLD would fight over bella, they overblow things, Jacob is not hot (he looks like a llama), Edward is freaking SPARKLY, and its just bad!

3 points

Dogs can be anything because there are so many breeds of them! so many sizes, looks, personalities... and there is only one breed of cat: EVIL. if you like friendly, small family dogs there is a nice beagle. if you are a loner and dont have a family, then a dalmatian or husky would be perfect. if you want to run with your dog, then a lab is perfect. cats cant do those things. they just sit there and eat your couch and demand food. instead of a thank-you they try to claw your eyes out. :) hands down, dogs are better. much more loyal than cats too.. and smarter 4 sure...

1 point

any1 who wouldnt die for the sake of others is a selfish butt. hell, i would die for the sake of a stranger i never met. and the human race is way more important than any of your lives or mine! gosh you are all pathetic (the ppl that wouldnt die for anything). get some balls! other people have lives, so why screw up theirs for your own selfish acts? its not very Christianly

1 point

john1123 first of all she does not rule. she rules the minds of kids that prob crap themselves while they are watching her show. and any1 who is smart and doesnt fall for cheap cheesy entertainement would see she stinks. and she does NOT rule the world. God does. and by shaking her fat rolls, lip singing and doing crappy acting... if that means shes the best than yes. she is. she needs to just go away and dont come back. 4ever.

2 points

dofodofo(4) why dont you shut it? this is a debate. people can say their opinions. and if all little girls under the age of 5 didnt watch her, she would be no where. there are some good singers way more beautiful and talented than her. SHE IS ANNOYING. lol a bright future... i know where she is going- hell! and dont say she is a Christian cuz shez not. she thinks she is but she is not.

2 points

she is annoying ugly her songs sound like my dog taking a crap after i fed her a laxative and only little kids like her. have you seen her recent videos? shes POLE DANCING. do we want her rotting our young childrens minds? and if you want real awesome music look up the songs twisted transistor by korn, break stuff by limp bizkit, and ANYTHING by killswitch engage. sorry if you dont like screamo but i like it ;)

3 points

shes uglier than:

king kongs baby sister

a transgendered anerexic boy

rosie odonald (thats hard 2 beat)

anyway she is not hot. she looks like a monkey after it got sat on by a fat chick. shes seriously messed up

1 point

Women can b funny when we want to b but we are so sick of your crap why make jokes?

1 point

sushi. fried rice. sashimi. all sort of unique and delicious foods! it can be fancy or casual. mexican food is so heavy and greasy. i dont really like mexican food... japan kicks mexico's @$$

1 point

guys dont have periods. that is soooooo annoying and uncomfortable. and childbirth? 4got about that? its like taking a giant six pound crap. and girls have to make sure thay arent hairy and have to wear make-up and stuff. they (sometimes. the smart ones) have jobs and have to take care of screaming ungrateful barf filled poop sacs that we call... your children. if you spill your beer, guess who picks it up? who goes shopping for your needs? who has to clean the house? if you gain 10 pounds you just giggle and squeeze your fat rolls pretending its a boob. if we gain ten pounds we have to work out immediately. who does the laundry? who makes your food? who doesnt get to go play golf and hang out at a bar? WE DO ALL YOUR CRAP. ungrateful men... without us you would be like a baby. helpless, barfing, confused... and full of crap!!!

0 points

REPUBLICANS RULE! without us this country would go down the crapper. democrats are like women: they care about other ppls feelings... they want to make sure everyone is happy in life. they would invite a terrorist into their home after he just bombed something. ppl confuse democrats with Christians and it makes me sick. why give to the poor ppl when you worked for that money? and if some1s house just got ruined by a storm or something i would offer help and money. but if its a greedy beggar that just wants to make a buck off of ppls sympathy then HAIL NO. we republicans have backbones. we are strong. and without us this country would b poor and starving. leave ppl to their own problems and stick to yours.

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