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 Donald Trump spends 67th day at his golf resort while Puerto Rico struggles with hurricane (8)

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Narek(89) pic

Donald Trump spends 67th day at his golf resort while Puerto Rico struggles with hurricane
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2 points

Well, I don't know how strong his golf game is but it almost certainly has to be better than his Presidential game. Maybe he is just sticking to the only thing he is good at?

Note this also probably means he grabbed a few pussies while he was at the golf course. He has been perfecting the dexterity for that for decades. Granted, he might have been able to use that technique to fish some Puerto Rican ladies out of flood waters, but they're a little too brown for that.

1 point

Trump is beating Obama at Golf, at travel expense, at time off, at disdain from allies, at the vast number of confirmed lies, at insults for frustrated people, at negative poll numbers, at dangerous rhetoric that could bring on nuclear war, at Executive Orders, at failed bills, at just about everything BAD! Now, THAT is a great President .... according to his "basket"!

1 point

Trump is beating Obama at Golf, at travel expense, at time off

And at salary money not taken, and at money and frills given to ex Presidents that equal over $1 million a year...

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
2 points

Trump is taking in more by holding on to his hotels and businesses (illegally) Than ANY previous President! He is soaking up money from foreign dignitaries that want to gain access to him (bribe him) and get their wishes considered!

What we need is to see his Tax Returns, find out where he gets his money that American Banks will not lend him! He doesn't NEED America, his son has affirmed that! Those who stay at his hotels will gladly supply what he needs above and beyond what "normal Presidents" get!

I can't possibly feel sympathy for him. He will make more before he leaves his Presidency than ANY other President ... unless he is convicted of collusion with a foreign enemy or other illegal act ... of which I am quite hopeful, not as a "liberal", but as an American! He will also COST America more than any other President.

1 point

Hello N:

Trump won't finish out a year.. All hail President Pence.


Chinaman(3570) Disputed
1 point

67th day of golf and hurricanes should always require impeachment.

1 point

Interesting. I am starting to understand now why he only seemed to get information about anything from Fox News - its because the government is not actually with him.

0 points

Puerto Rico should be taking care of their own problems. The island nation have dealt with hurricanes long before Trump entered office.