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It is It is not
Debate Score:42
Total Votes:43
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 It is (20)
 It is not (20)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Islam is the worship of Satan, the devil

Baal worshippers cut themselves and their children with knives and worshipped the demon Baal-zebub, the Lord of the demons, bowed to idols, and used the half moon as their symbol. Muslims cut themselves and their children with knives when in mourning and on Islamic holidays, bow to idols, and use the half moon as their symbol.



It is

Side Score: 21

It is not

Side Score: 21
2 points

Islam is the Religion of Muslims and the Progressive crowd just loves Muslims but those Progressives would not live under Sharia Law nor would they live in a Muslim country. I guess because of Barry O the Progressives have become fond of a religion that views the very Progressives that support them as their enemy. Insanity reigns Supreme among the Progressive crowd !

Side: It is
1 point

I think Liberalism has become its own religious cult, much like Nazism.

Side: It is not

The Islamic clock tower in Mecca with symbol of Baal (and witchcraft) on top.

Supporting Evidence: Mecca Islamic Clock Tower (
Side: It is

Here is a picture of a Witchcraft ring used by Atheist "Witches" -

Supporting Evidence: Ring of Witchcraft (
Side: It is
sylynn(625) Disputed
1 point

Proof this is an actual atheist?

Side: It is not
1 point

I see a Christian fish and a cross in there. So according to your "logic" that proves that Christianity is the worship of Satan.

Side: It is not
1 point

Nope. It proves that some people claiming Christianity, like liberal Christianity does, are worshipping Satan, just like most people.

Side: It is
Iacov(68) Clarified
1 point

So a question for you.

If witches worship the devil (Wiccans don't worship the devil) do you believe my gods to also be devils?

Side: It is
1 point

Actually Wiccans do worship the devil. That's what being Wiccan is. Look it up.

Side: It is not
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

of course your gods are devils, they lie to you and you love their lies.

Side: It is

Here is a link showing the symbols used in Baal worship -

Supporting Evidence: Baal Worship symbols (
Side: It is
1 point

It is possible that Christians worship Satan as well. What would Satan have done with one lifetime Earth?

Supporting Evidence: Another look at it (
Side: It is
1 point

Some of them do. That's kind of the point. There are sects of Christianity that have attached to Biblical blasphemy, and guess what? They use the same symbols and do the same rituals. The Bible calls them "wolves in sheep's clothing". It's where we get the term from.

Side: It is not
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

You didn't follow the link, did you?

Side: It is
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

They are called Catholics .

Side: It is
1 point

Many symbols have multiple meanings. You don't even have to go to religious lengths to demonstrate this. Just look at the # symbol. This has been used to denote numbers, weights and now used as a means assigning keywords. The swastika is also an example. Used by more than one group of people for different purposes. You don't even have to do much research, just watch the beginning of the DaVinci Code

Side: It is not
1 point

Pretty sure the people using the # sign aren't all cutting themselves with knives in rituals.

Side: It is
sylynn(625) Disputed
1 point

Not everybody using any symbol is cutting themselves either.

Side: It is not

Republicanism is the worship of the Hindu god Ganesha. The Republican symbol is an elephant. Ganesha has the head of an elephant. Oh, what's that you have there as your profile pic?

Side: It is not
1 point

Nope. You actually use the exact same symbols and for the exact same reason. Just because 2 people have beards, that doesn't mean they are on the same team. But if they both have beards for the same cause?.... That's the actual issue that we have here.

Side: It is

It's not just Islam, the symbolism is everywhere, which is clearly definitive proof that there are Devil worshipers everywhere. They're in South Carolina, most of Malaysia, Sesame Street and Sailor Moon! They're everywhere! You should run and hide before the evil Satanists get you!

Side: It is not

Yes, and even the Americas look like a crescent moon (sort of, but that is generally enough).

Side: It is not
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

There is no "full American continent". There are two continents, North America and South America. You could say "The Americas look like a crescent moon". It's a stupid thing to say, but at least it would be correct English and geography.

Side: It is
1 point

Exactly. There are Satan worshipers everywhere, just as the Bible predicted. It predicted that the world would blindly serve Satan and come against Christianity. That's what the book of Revelation is all about. Buddhist nations? persecute Christians. Hindu India? Persecutes Christians. The Islamic world? persecutes Christians. The secular West? persecutes Christians...

And you might have a leg to stand on if Atheism and the left wasn't patting all non-Christian religions on the head like they want to be lovers.

Side: It is
1 point

You're being most unkind to the Devil.


Side: It is not
1 point

Not really. The devil is simply someone with a point of view that God opposes and sees as a parasite, a cancer to harmony, an agent to refine those he called to be his before our reality was ever manifested.

Side: It is