
92nida's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 92nida's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

People actually spent time creating this nonsense? .

And people spent time writing on it!

2 points

Can anyone wear short shorts?

Yup!Anyone can... Quite honestly... Everyone has an opinion bout others! So don't really give a shit for something we shouldn't even bother upon.

1 point

You do make sense when you say that some people do not take control over it. But, here is the deal... Some people cannot help being fat cuz they are inherently low at the rate of metabolism. So while they really are healthy for their body type, they seem fat and unhealthy. So what people need to do is maintain their record of calories wisely and appropriately not gaining more than their bar of metabolism. Okay... And besides, thyroid is just not under a person's control. So how you think of people taking authority over their own selves is right. Just others being judgmental seems a little wrong. Body functioning to each one is only different.

1 point

who would win in a fight, superman or hulk

Since in this space I get to decide..


2 points

At least in India it is. Females here turn out to be more responsible, more reliable and have proven to be more sensible.

92nida(1400) Clarified
1 point

My name is sunia anada.

Love the name!

I was impressed when i saw your profile at

Where else could it be?

and will like to discuss a very important matter with you.

Just introduced yourself and have something important already?

Miss sunia.

LOL... Haan Sunlia!

Obs.. I'm jobless!

1 point

Islam is a religion. And has violence in it's holy scriptures. But, it is not what you can call violent. It is merely misused. Terribly..

1 point

Jesus was not a prophet. He is the Son of the Living God.

But, that does not make him God either right? That makes him simply the son of God. Right?

1 point

For a simple reason that I don't give shit who my neighbour is sleeping with unless he or he is my boyfriend. And I have better things to seek after!

1 point

Oh My God! This has made me religious... Shit.. I'm going to church! NOW!

1 point

Yeah... Which is why your asking if it is bad. Cuz if it wasn't bad really why would the thought occur the first place? You have thought of it cuz deep inside you wanna lose down those ounces. But, you can't and you know it is bad but your confused so you ask if it really bad and try convincing that it isn't..

Okay.. That was cocky.. Sorry.. Being fat isn't bad! Its just not preferable cuz it brings in the extra dangers. So toning it down is always a good choice.

0 points

It's Bible... It's not 'Breaking Dawn' where one can masturbate at the thought of two amateurs having sex!

2 points

Nope... Not really... He gets a lot of attention...


3 points

Have You Ever Lost Your Cell Phone?

Thank God! Not so far...

1 point

Islam reject Jesus as Son of God.

Yes... But calls him a prophet instead.

1 point

Disagreed... Because as long as we are on Earth as human beings still the authority of our senses and the happenings as of reality and truth as it goes. It is lawful that the past is a fact as it had happened and has grown somewhere on evidence.

1 point

-Islam believes that Jesus came down from the cross and became a Muslim

Balls... Where do you get all this from? Islam wasn't even there yet then. How can he have converted?

-Islam believes that when Jesus comes down for His second coming that Jesus will kill all the Christians because they didn't believe in Allah.

Crap dude... Wouldn't possibly since he brought Christianity about and besides he is suppose to lead the judgment day.

-Gabriel the archangel is not the Holy Spirit it is Jesus

What is the big difference man?

-Christianity believes that Jesus is God and not Allah

Yeah, but Jesus is called a prophet which is treating him next Prophet Mohamed. Who is treated equal to God.

No they are not similar. They are different. I know the difference between Islam and Christianity.*

Which is why they are only similar and not same.

1 point

when a drought or famine occurs, the kings did not bother about the poor. as a result, most of the poorer people died of famine

The British didn't give a shit bout the famine in Bengal either.

1 point

It's basically, Yes they were! In fact India has witnessed invasions since ages. Starting beyond the Aryans and the Dravidians. There were the Hindu rulers and then appeared the Muslim rule. The administration, the trade and the military conquests were all well known for.

As far as the government as you mention goes... The king almost always remained a head. Though most of this took a back seat during the reign of Ashoka or Samudra Gupta. But, the sole authority was vested upon his shoulders. There were almost always ministers. And Kautilya's 'Arthashastra' reveals the best of the Kingdoms then. The rulers divided the rule and classified it into smaller units leading into what is now called the Panchayat Raj.

Peace however as unstable as the World history goes was unavoidable and conquests and competition among the rulers was always on a hike. And there was also the internal politics to which the greatest of Mughal rulers fell prey.

After the Europeans entered the scene changed and foreign politics played a role. However, the administration was taken over by the Queen much later and the government looked much like what it is today.

In conclusion. Ancient India had several rulers who sought similar ways and before advent of the Europeans India was self satisfied with enough to trade, with rich education in the vernacular.

1 point

I think it's funny cuz some of them just lose control...

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

3 points

Okay... It is true that quite lame it is to claim a certain things which people rather fail to prove. The answer is quite simple no body knows. An Atheist cannot guarantee there isn't a God. A theist can't prove that there is one. Because no one is aware of what the truth of the ultimate end would be or is. The only people who know if there is a God are those who are dead. So everyone should really wait and see what it turns out to be. That would be a good option.

2 points

yeah i doubt your good looking and im sure if i knew you i wouldnt fuck you so go die and shut the hell up you ugly flat chested slut

And I wouldn't need a Bimbo like you to do it. It must be sad cuz no one seems to have you on top. Maybe you end up doing some Effin to yourself. BTW... Never call a girl flat chested unless you have seen her. A man needs some goods boobs and can't afford losing good ones!

1 point

You can do who ever you like.... Who cares! But if you keep talking this way you will have no body to do!

1 point

Okay... It is true that I believe in God. And I do not deny it. I'll be honest. I have believed in God because I was brought up in an environment that said, 'Either you believe in God or you get out.' So initially I had no choice. But, now I do. And I have chosen to believe in God.

To me God is only what nature is to you. To you it is nature that is responsible for the existence of any existence. And I have simply named that power, that source as we call it nature to be God. It is nothing supernatural to me in the existence of God. It is not magic or miracles. But, simply the judge of what happens and what is happening. The circle of life.

6 points

Racism is wrong. What ever and however anyone may try to justify. What a person is made or becomes is at large the result of society and it's baseless norms.

To judge a person by their physical appearances is exactly the kinda thing we need to get rid of!

1 point

Trust you me, when compared to Sanskrit, English seems rather sane a tongue.

What's up with Sanskrit?

2 points


Big time Lmao!

2 points

I walked a little.... A few hundred miles. And then I started to run. I was blazing through the World. I didn't know what was passing by. I kept running. The last that I remember. Edward had finally bitten me. As soon as I got the venom in. I knew I was a vampire. I felt Gorgeous but pale, I felt a pain in my ass. Shit... I wanted blood. Edward said it was normal. He also told me I should take a stroll. I took a stroll but I was captivated with my powers. So I just ran. I ran and ran and ran. I stopped little.

Uhoh... The World had changed. It was the year 3458987575737. Damn.... Edward had once warned me...

''We are vampires. We are invincible, inviolable and invulnerable. But, what we fear the most is physics. And Stephen Hawkings. He thinks that if we run faster than Earth by the speed of light. We'll reach the future. Always stop and look Bella. Always stop and look.''

How could I forget that? Damn I was busy cheating on Edward in his absence with Jacob when Physics was on. How do I go back time? Run backwards? No... I can find a Worm hole in space. So I just got into a regular space shuttle of a family named f,agsjf/oIEFHL/sk;. They said they would help me. Drop me to Alpha Centauri.

When I got there to a planet that seemed like Earth. I met a man with a beard...

''Do you know where I can find a worm hole?''

He stared at me and said,''I haven't found a shaving blade for ages for God's sake. The only wormhole I know is my Ass.''

God Aliens are cocky I thought. Oh Edward. Come save me... Come save me...

''Holy Balls.... Are you Isabella Swan from Twilight?''

Asked a teenage girl with glasses who looked like she will never have a boyfriend and fantasized sex as she read Breaking Dawn. And would probably die meeting me since I must be her only role model.

''I'm... Who are you?''

''Your worst nightmare you BITCH! We have been waiting for you for ages!!! For taunting us. You book sucks and is hated in ALPHA CENTAURIIIIII! 810000yrs from Earth!!!! EVERYBODY.... The bitch is here.''

Okay... Not as good as I thought.

They dragged me to place where sat Edward and Stephanie Meyer.

''We abducted Earth a million years ago which is a different scale to us. You'd know if you hadn't been messing with Edward's trust in Eclipse and missed your class on Einstein's theory of Relativity.''

''Punish them...

Show them back to back Harry Potter. And the Awards it won. Learn... Hp is unbeatable. Even in Alpha centauri!!!!''

----I just like to poke fun at Twilight.------

Moral: Vampires are natural Time machines.

1 point

I have had several worst nightmares but the worst of all was when I dreamt that I had lost my family. That is not just a nightmare but also a fear.

And I have many a times dreamt of my death. So that is pretty scary too.

1 point

Hey, that is disturbingly close to my actual birthday which is 19th of Jan.

God! That speaks too much..

1 point

i thought that you were, given the way you contested my orginal post.

I understand... LOL... There is gotta be a reason why you are the popular Garry!

but they have come up with incredibly sophisticated arguments largely based on mainstream scientific orthodoxy,

After abiding by your suggestion to read some of their arguments. I'm bound again sadly to call it stupid. The arguments that they make are based on unscientific facts under the sheets of which they attempt to make a logical sense.

It is of no use since to science, nature is God.(Not literally.)

their ideology, which has long since corrupted their minds in my opinion.

But,religion is not really corruption. You do not believe in the existence of God. But, what they say that God teaches is not particularly harmful now. It has much of exuberance in the form it is simply accepted and prayed about. Except for the obsession over creationism being scientific- Which is a waste of breathe. And also hypocritical because if it is God that you have faith in then you do not need the science support to hail it on. I may sound confused but I really know what I'm saying. Like I have argued before that religion has it's place where it belongs in the religious scriptures and science in the labs and books.

I don't see any hollowness in creationism, i see a theory that doesn't fit with the facts

The facts that to a person with a mind that more openly denies the existence of God. The creationists with crazy scientific methods aside. A priest, a nun, a person like my grand mother those facts that appeal to you are no facts to them. Because they fail to see it. And what makes them happy is the -maybe- silly presence of God. I don't like to call them stupid because I respect them all. They are all nice people who have certain harmless believes and I do not like to watch them being mocked.

that statement seems to suggest that each thery has equal merit, they do not.

To them it does.

I agree with you on this note that the story of creationism has no place in a scientific context. It is of no use and is highly unorthodoxic to do so which brings them back to a state of confusion. And thank you for a better insight on this topic. It is always a great experience debating with you.



2 points

Is it okay for a woman to be a house-wife?

It's okay to be whatever that you like. And especially a woman has to have a right!

1 point

one's morality is decided by one's belief system??????????

Morality is decided by one's thought's alone. You are not understanding that it is a useless and an unfair argument that people wont agree to. You cannot tag that a person is of a kind only because someone in the past did something close to that.(Which in reality is not even close to the deciding factors of being a pedophile.)

It is narrow and close minded to tag or call people names. Or decide that a particular race or a religion, caste or region makes you bad. That is obviously not even an argument. It's a lame assumption which seems like a useless effort to create a controversy.

1 point

God... You really cracked me up man!!!!!!!!!!!

gF,WHJGSOwlbj.vkhfdsfknlGKCGXCGJBJKKNLjkcghcghh jbm!m

1 point

Tudodude seems to have a problem with understanding things or is simply the master of Nag tribes. I can conclude on one thing-You hate Islam and figuring out ways how to put it into a shitbag controversial thing on CD. Unfortunately not everyone thinks like you.

Second thing... You are mocking a psychological disorder. In psychology even a murderer is unblamed if the brain isn't as normal as your's. Hence, you have proved your cruelty and the level of misunderstanding you have to towards the differently abled.

Third... If you still think Islam promotes pedophilia in people... Kindly give a scientific, unbiased and for God sake fair argument. At least not something that will make you sound lamer.

1 point

Creationism has no place in a science class,

Wouldn't dispute that.

and the only reason creationists want it there is because they know their beliefs can't stand up to critical reasoning.

I'm sorry. But, I'm not exactly familiar with any creationist who'd like to have Adam and Eve chapters in the Science text book. If they do, it is stupid. I think a creationist would like a religious class that teaches religion, it's methods and believes and all with the story of creation.

in a class on religious studies anything is fair game.

True... And in a class of science creationism will have no place as it has not enough or rather any evidence.

but they should not be allowed conflict with the truth.

But, that is the problem nobody knows what happened actually and with the little books from the past passed down by generations of religious believes or evidences that scientists collect we try to base facts.

Creationism is not a theory,

I'm sorry. What I meant was that the hollowness that you see in creationism is the same hollowness that creationists see in evolution. It is all in the mind, It is all in the kind of evidences that convince you more. I hope I'm not messing up your understanding of my argument.

a theory in science is something very different.

Which is why, sir... I agree with you that creationism has no place in a science class.

But, it has a place in a school.

1 point

Do you think in the far future the majority of people will be atheist?

Hmmm... Well, can't say. There are a number of maniacs on this planet. And now it's left to the choice of the beholder of who it is in the maniac position.

1 point

"Address the logic that you have a problem with, don't attack a person or group"


1 point

Some of them just jump into abuses. I mean... Come on... You dislike... You say it. You don't start to abuse.

And there is a lot of communal, regional and racist suggestions in the comments. CD needs to get rid of that. People, as a part of civilized society have to learn how to respect one's culture, one's race, country or religion.

1 point

But by your logic the only man who should give advice her is the dude who has slept with 1000+ women.

Yeah, that is apparently true. But, sometimes not even that would be enough. Knowing people is pretty tough.

1 point

Bad advice is bad.

But, if a good advice is just not worth the shot. You'd rather have a bad advice worth while for you.

Most women now a days are judgmental and want someone with the perfect personality and if they can get it looks to boot

I'm sorry. But, you have probably had bad experiences yourself and haven't been very lucky with people. But, quite honestly as you say 'most', it is not really that often.

Women who are rather success oriented or materialistic usually go for options that are so judgmental. You always have women who are simpler in choice and who do not demand things like that.

There are always all kinds of people. Always...

1 point

You should simply be happy that you are not with of those judgmental women who really care for what is not important. Maybe you should just wait for the right person who likes you for who you are and not for the kind of person you should be...

0 points

The surgery is over.... There is nothing that can be done!

1 point

Most average guys have a chance of getting some girl. And if they lose that chance, then they have no chance of getting any girl. Most average guys or hot guys only have to do with sex, so if they do not take chances of having it with any girl then they might as well drop their chances of sex at all. What I mean is that be concerned with what you ultimately want. SEX... And not how hot or average a girl is.

If you can't keep an average girl happy, and it is still hot girl you need, stop screwing with the average girl and keep dreaming of a hot girl cuz you as that sort of a person do not deserve either of them.

I'd suggest that to your friend...

2 points

NO... The kind of Christ we know in the holy scriptures is a man of goodness and purity and there are none like that left. Even if we willed today it is almost impossible to be as good and pure.

1 point

Yup! It is a crazy language... But, it's global. It's confusing but most spoken.

1 point

No... With debates going on if Death penalty must be removed, it would be crazy to legalize Suicide. Legalizing suicide is like saying that if you have no go, just kill yourself. That is really wrong. A wrong notion to the younger generation. It must absolutely not be legalized. Just not...

Besides, Euthanasia is a different thing. It is a completely different aspect that has to be sometimes in greatest of needs utilized. It is kind of a requirement at times.

1 point

Agreed in all ways...

violent men tainted the reputation of Islam, making people think differently about it.

Yes...But, the World ceases to see reality in it's sense of existence and people tend to act and be more influenced by what is said around. Men and Women must start to see people as who they are not as what they are said to be.

Islam is not a violent religion, it is based on peace and forgiveness.

This answers the question the debater demands. It is true that there are certain policies that do suggest an amount of war like action. Something protests. But, as of everything seen it does not promote violence or glorify. It has spoken of peace and justice and honesty and love and co operation and etc. It is a religion just like every other religion.

People should start to see the World differently not the way it is always shown.

1 point

It's much better. Thought that is just as good but the music makes you jump!!!

1 point

It would be unreasonable to think that there is no life other than our's in the entire creation. Besides there are arguments of so many sorts that haven't been solved. It's more likely to have something bizarre than imagination.

1 point

Even if the person I'm disputing is in disagreement with me I take time to understand what they are trying to explain. Everyone has got a point of their own. Though I do agree that people should really use the right grammar!

1 point

The thing is that, Islam as a religion is only based on principles very patriotic to it's being. And such principles are inherent to several other religions in different ways. I'm not trying to offend anyone. Just trying to prove this point that Islam is not a violent religion. Only cuz some violent men of Islam are causing violence, does not mean that Islam is a religion of violence.

1 point

No, it's not! If you don't feed a fish something that is living, a fish would just hunt it's dinner down. Look... such things will only lead to hypocritical comments!

2 points

Despite, I don't agree with most of their conquests and is currently a long term victim of their colonial loot. I still think that they have been immense contributors to the history. And have done a bit of their good to the World!

3 points

I really would like to know... Is it something personal? Or is it something else that you just simply hate Indians so much! You seem completely disgusted....!

1 point

if you've never even heard of "untouchables" as they are called in India,

That is an abolished system. You can't climb old ladders. That is gone. There is economic gap today. N that exists everywhere!!!!

1 point

I'm getting my information from two sources. A cousin who just returned from a vacation to Bagalore,

BANGALORE. So according to you India is a shit bag cuz some asshole in Bangalore thinks it is a shit bag. You depend a lot on others for your facts. Don't you?

He says that he has to hire bodyguards when he returns. They'll kill you for your shoes

Please... Have some respect for some of the poor in India who are only begging for money. If you cannot afford some charity kindly save you shoes to get out of the Country of charity.

1 point

What I'm saying is, they're economy is dependant on them being poor and remaining that way.

I'm sorry. I agree with most of what you have said. Indian economy has it's reasons for the so called development. Though I'd take to mention that it had it's reasons for the early downfall too. The British conquest, the colonial rule and the dirty game of politics that started off wrong.

You say that our economy is dependant on the way things are.

It is... But, there is a reason for all the outsourcing that is comming to India. For it's efficeincy, it's population, also maybe for the fact that they know that India will be inclined to accept the offers. The benefits thay are gaining is out of the Indian masses. I don't suppose they would like that to stop. They get a lot of cheap labour done.

But, if they happen to stop as you said, will not stop the sale. India may be dependant, but it is not stupid. We might have learnt a few tricks in the process of dependancy but we sure have gained progress in several sectors. India was and will always have demand for those certain things exclusive in India. Our spices, our tea, our coffee. They are popular in most of the Middle east. In most of the Asia. We are gaining the progress through you, but out of that we have safeguarded enough for the future.

Now, if the other countries happen to repeal it will lead to our independancy. We do have a literate group of people. But, if they do not move out, we will have the progression we are making here as well as the progress that we as of whole in the future with new brains and new attempts and new ventures independently. And we will then have both the sides on our side.

Has the medium Indian income increased?

Has the poverty rate dropped?

Has the percent of illiterate decreased?

Actually they have. It is slow and gradual. It is taking time. But it is happeneing.

1 point

oh yeah???? how come???

I'll tell you how not... Because the rest of the India is busy complaining that there is nothing right going on with it while the rest of the countries actually show the patriotism.

That while India is sinking and not only because the politicians are not right but also because the citizens don't give a damn.

I'm sorry mitgag for being this straight but I found your comment a little too ingnorant. I mean we are Indians and we just go on complaining. If you are not willing to see anything positive, if your so negatively inclined, forget moving closer to leading the World. We'll still have people dying for food, farmers commting suicide. It is essential that India sees it's light through it's own people. Cuz we make it after all. Don't we?

0 points

Okay.. I don't understand why this was down voted. It got me laughing like shit!!!

0 points

Ilike the right.... The left is kida too left. Right is in perfect position. Hey, I wish this had up votes!!

3 points

I think you are a nice person. I like the spirit that you stick on to what you believe in. I have seen the dislikes you sometimes get. It is just bizarre...

1 point

If you hate blood or do not prefer tea over coffee is not just choice but your body functioning. If you cannot tolerate cold and like heat better, it is your body functioning. If you cannot make your mind up to be with a man and your a girl is your body functioning. If your a man and cannot force yourself in a woman is your body functioning. You cannot force yourself into something you do not like. And you do't have to... You do not need to worry what the entire World will think of it. Cuz at the end of the day what happens to you is your problem not the World's!

Besides sometimes people alsosuffer with genetic disabilities perhaps abnormalities. Like the klinefelters syndrome or turner syndromes. Things that can't be exchanged with the entire World.

1 point

I'm sorry I answered you the way you answered me...

They haven't been serious enough about these things happening?

That is a wrong interpretation of what I said. What I meant was that death, is taken for granted. And people in power(Not metaphorical, but the ''real'' people who have the authority. I cannot name every person.) have used this death to get to the ends they desire. Obviously which means the endless accusations on Iraq.

I'm not mocking you

It looks like you did.

1 point

9/11 was a terrorist attack.

Yeah... That is simply cuz it was. But, the point is who are the real terrorists.

But there are also reasons why the government, historians, and majority of people believe that 9/11 was a terrorist attack.

A MAJORITY of people have been wrong a several times. A majority of people have happened to, in the past, elected individuals who weren't right after all... Nixon, Indian president Indira Gandhi. My only point is that the majority not necessarily be right every time. And, the chances of something inappropriate to happen with something as huge as this, with so many beneficial points is a larger than what it seems.

It's a heck of a better reason than any that you have given.

Only cuz it seems easier.

1 point

Twitter... Why cuz... HATE FACEBOOK!!!

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

1 point

I actually witnessed it happening on television with live video feed..

NPT theory may be false. But there are reasons why such theories have come into existence. That something wasn't right.

1 point

Death is never fake.

Death never was and never will be fake. Tragic events like these continue happen. And it's a game of blood that is splashed across the globe. But, the point is that the people in power have taken this for granted. Have made it a political drama. This has become a hidden method to gain what is much bigger. 9/11 seems to be one of those tricks played.

1 point

but you're pretty lost...

Didn't help me in anyway. You didn't pay any heed to the theme of the debate. Nonetheless, your observation of me being a kind of cult follower and all that. Well, if that makes you feel better. Suit your self.

My point here is only against the kind of image that the people like yourself have developed and are willing to follow. I'm raising questions against the possibility with a bunch of other people.

If you could answer me quite sensibly why you think it is the story that you have been narrated by the media and the one's in power is true? And the possibilities are false?

1 point

why are you trying to make a bigger scene of this than it already is?

Exactly... It is quite a big scene enough already. And, it's it bigger. All that we are demanding is answers to those questions? If are a bunch of paranoid idiotic people? I think there has to be something that shuts us up?

Look... Even if the NPT theory is untrue. A bunch of loaded questions are unanswered. I know bout it. And you do too... The difference is, I'm taking a chance at the possibilities. You are not the only one who is unhappy with what happened. So are we. You can't let things get away like that. People have died out there.

1 point

people like you just try to say everything is fake..

People like me, don't think everything is right. People like me like to question so we know that the people in the power aren't misusung it. But, some people do not like to know what is going on. Who willingly believe everything a man in an expensive suit with an invulnerable power asks you to be;lieve. Listen.. Everyone knows that people died. And they were innocent. They didn't deserve it. They had to live. Why did they die? Is it just some guy in a beard killing people around or is a man you trusted, And if it is the trust you have so much in that man... And believe him so blindly of what happened. Why wont he tell why our brothers and sisters died a death so inhuman? Why wont he answer those who ask him if he had the right answers?

im guessing you think the holocaust is fake too?

Quite honestly, I don't take any special interest in enjoying people's death. What happened is true. But, why?

Hitler had this power? There was someone who trusted him? Someone who gave him a power. That he misused. People with power grow more dangerous as the power grows.

1 point

Can you provide evidence for this?

Yes.. There it is. All over the internet. All over the protesters and disbelievers. But, no body wants t believe. Because your blinded. Your not ready to see. Things can be different than the good old World that you think you live in. You have different notions my friend. And I have different. And so do the millions of people who died out in Iraq, in the World trade center or in every terror attack. Every place that is facing it each day. Look... People have to understand that there is not just what the good old eye sees that has gotta be right. There is also what you see... But, you ignore. Because everyone is brain washed. We have to get over time and reality.

1 point

Actually... I do wonder sometimes. People who are older will be the kind that I personally put a lot of my faith in. I tend to believe in most of the stuff they say. Under contextual influence of'course.

Otherwise, It is usually not in relevance. But, it is interesting to know where a person comes from. A lot of different perspectives some from different places.

1 point

Well.. I'll back you for it though the sytems differ immensely. And, I would personally appreciate their method but it is about time that they moved to an adaptation which will help them reach a certain level.

1 point

that people just... dissapeared? that debris from the building just came crashing down? that the building turned invisible?

No... Duh! There is a high level of possibility that it could have been a bomb attack.

that america faked it?

It is a most likely though that America did create something out of the usual. I'd suggest you refer to the links. Besides I'm in no offense to America. But, there events that precedent certain hidden motives. I'd say that if evil lies outside of America, what exception does America have not be a participation of the evil race?

1 point

.more than half of the employees of the same originality did not show up at could all those employees be absent in the same day and of the same originality if something was not wrong? is it a coincident?

Good point. There is also a further reference to the kind of attacks or blasts that were or can still be seen. What would happen if a plane really crashed and what happened gets people think.

1 point

Well it is kind of an utter disgust to have known that certain facts have a sense of the unavoidable evil content that drives one into conclusions way too easily. Calling me sick I'd suppose would make no difference to facts over fake. There are crazy things happening in the World. Can you in a context and a personal level guarantee a one way to what really happened on 9/11. I'd say not.

NPT or the no plain theory is bizarre. It has all the chances of an actual occurrence.

1 point

Well.. Then those who refuse to celebrate Christmas or believe in God or his angels is free not to celebrate it. And those who wish to believe in it and anyone who finds joy in it's celebration is always welcome to celebrate it as it is happening so now.

And, we have to talk of Hypocrisy. Oh come on.. We all live in hypocrisy. If for once Hypocrisy is making someone happy, there shouldn't be someone questioning it!

1 point

Oh come on... There has been fun and celebrations linked with Christmas for ages. Just cuz Atheism is so strongly opposing God gives no one a reason to fight Festivities. Why would there not be reason? There is... JOY!

1 point

The World will end someday. And it will. It is NOT GONNA BE 2012, dec 21st!!! There can never such a prediction made ever!!! Besides, there are so many theories. None of them have enough proves!

1 point

Look... It is a fact that Einstein was a born Genius. So were many others. A lot of them carry it in the genes. And some don't. But, that does not mean that they cant be made something out of it. They can. Especially by making them geniuses in their fields. Be it math, history, literature, communication, arts and crafts or just a simple make up artist. It is you who can make yourself a genius.

''The seed of achievment lies in the Human Mind''- Sudha Chandran.

3 points

Whoa... Really? Then who will pay the schools. Your school must be a jackass to have asked this. One word- LAME!

1 point

Well.. Why not. A girl has an equal right to be open about the feelings and her desires. She should not be insulted at the most for being frank about what she feels. Yup... That should do it!

1 point

Well... I'm from India. And there are pretty much a lot of them from here. I have some of my five friends in it already....!

1 point

People should believe in God if that makes them feel more secured and satisfied or more happy. People have their choices. They can believe in God. The only problem is that it becomes an obsession. There has to be a solution for that now. But, the solution is not, not believing in God!

1 point

Actually we pay taxes on all kinds of Food already. This hasn't stopped the junk in the trunk!!!

2 points

Art is a lovely thing and it comes in all forms. Art is creating something. In photography you create an image. Make a moment last a long time. Hence it is an art. Also because not everyone can make the best moments last for long. Photo editing is also a creative job. It is just not the true self from it's original form.

Besides art is sometimes a tough job, sometimes easy. It's just how it is done. But, creativity will remain creativity as an art.

1 point

Yeah..., apparently the excuse helped the revolution happen. The action led to a reaction!

1 point

I was taught both the Evolution and the creationism. I'm old enough to choose now.

There are all sorts of people from all sorts of societies and cultures. Most of them in India don't believe in either of them. It's the Hindu Mythology. My friend has faith in the Sumerian text of the Anunakis. I was on a debate with someone on a different site if Greek Gods exist. One cannot deny them their believes or the faith that they hold.

It is essential, that we at large as a society not discriminate the believes that some, who you may call Unintelligible, be discriminated.

In Indian society due to the majority of Hinduism the Myth of their Gods is extremely popular in the texts. The Maldivian schools teach the theory of creationism that is associated to Islamic ways.

A society comprises of both scientific people who lead and people who would rather be religious. That may sound stupid to us. But, I cannot walk up to my mother who has brought me up well educated, made me who I'm through her education that the creationist theory she has so much faith in is false. I cannot afford t hurt her feelings or anyone that good a person or even well contributing to the society just cuz they think differently of how the World began.

Al I'm trying to say is that each one must have their say. Must have their choice.

Creationism is a theory and so is evolution (despite all the evidences) so what wrong is it to let the generations choose?

1 point

There is only one thing that I understood... This is COMMUNAL!

1 point

We must be teaching the debatable aspects of both the creationism as well as Evolution and let them decide what they would rather believe in!

1 point

I'm getting an eastern education and I've gradually realized how important it is for students to actually know facts for real instead of just being left to exploration. So... Yup! Eastern...

1 point

It's beautiful... How old is he?!

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

1 point

"My cousin died when..." becomes, "I feel terrible when I think of my brother."

My cousin brother.... Which I mentioned contextually before.

1 point

Everyone differs, human capacity differs... but it can't be that much.

Your right. But, no one attempts. You must come to India to know how badly and miserably things like that can differ. And not just India, any third World you'll see.

I would blame myself for a tragedy I could prevent just as much as I would blame any other neurotipical parent.

And you should. Atleast now you agree that events and consequences matter.

But I don't think I'm that special, not mentally.

You are a brother of an autistic person. You are both special.

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