
TyTheTiger's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of TyTheTiger's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

"Oh, come on. It's not that hard to understand. Negative feelings are bad because we perceive them that way, but they are not immoral because only actions can be immoral. Actions which cause negative feelings are what are immoral -- they are also bad because immoral things are in the subset of bad things."

Define bad.

"I don't know how you got that from what I wrote. What I'm saying is maintaining the idea of justice holds great utility in the long run."

Now you're going back to "I'm right because I say I'm right". You know that the scenario I put forth passes both your tests, so to avoid acknowledging that killing a hermit to build a mall is morally correct under your system you say "No, we need justice!" You just invented a new "test" on the spot. And what is justice?

"Um, yeah. I mean, it would depend on how clear my case was. But if I could clearly demonstrate that I was right and you were wrong, then I would be justified in using force. This is how our legal system works."

Your a sick person Jess. So, if you convince yourself you're right (not hard to do) and I don't agree with you, you are "morally correct" to use force on me =/

What if I refuse to submit? Are you going to kill me? For not agreeing with you? What if some women gets an abortion 1 month later than you would deem moral and you say she should go to prison for a month or something. Say she refuses because she feels she has the right to her own body and what she makes in it. Are you going to force her into prison? What if she gets a gun and locks herself in her home to defend herself from you? Are you going to kill her? What if the same scenario happened, but the crime was littering? Are you eventually going to kill this person for not submitting to your littering punishment? Just because we do it this way now, doesn't mean its "right". =/

"I guess I would apologize? I don't see why you're going off on this tangent..."

Well, lets say the above happened with me and you (or a cop, w/e) killed me for not agreeing that what I did was "immoral". Now you agree, and you've killed an "innocent" person. Do you now need to go to prison? Just because you view the situation different?

"Inferior people? Who are you referring to? I'm certainly not advocating the use of force against people who live differently -- only against those who are clearly committing evil."

By "inferior" I just meant people who haven't really thought about their morals but are going to act on them anyway.

And who gets to decide what's evil again? Oh, that's right; YOU. Like how people used to burn witches for being "evil" you get to define evil and if a person does something that doesn't meet the requirement you set for them you get to kill them =/.

"Democracy tends to work less bad than other systems of government."

But is is still bad?

"Oh yes it is. We can live our lives with drastically greater levels of morality even with the crudest of estimates. For example, take this assertion: "murder is wrong". This is about as crude a heuristic as one could come up with, but even so, we can use it to guide ourselves toward taking morally correct actions. Let's say you and I stumble across a pot of gold; should I kill you and take all the gold for myself? I could apply my crude heuristic and come up with an answer: no. Would my heuristic lead me toward the morally correct choice in all situations? Obviously not. A more nuanced one would work more frequently, but we can never be 100% sure we're doing the right thing. The point is: crude estimates work fine in most circumstances."

That's exactly why I'm saying a crude estimate is worse than nothing; because it creates more of your "morality", but I guess we're just going to have to agree to disagree on this point for now.

"Democracy is not about collective decision making. Democracy is about power sharing."

And what is "power sharing"?

"Of course not. But any real-world system of justice is obviously going to have imperfections."

"I'm gonna ignore the rest of your questions because I'm getting tired of answering them. I bet if you think really hard you can figure out what my answers would be."

When the pressure gets on you just back down? The last few questions were the ones I was most interested in. I really have no idea how you would answer them =/

2 points

"No, the things that cause negative feelings are immoral."

First you say the negative feelings are bad, now it's the things that cause negative feelings? Which is it Jess, you're not making sense anymore =/

Besides, what if something makes you feel bad but not me? How can a "thing" be immoral? If seeing a painting of a dead cat gives you negative feelings, is the painting now immoral? What if that painting gives me good feelings? Is it moral and immoral?

"I wasn't referring to the loss of the person's productive capacity, I was referring to the acceptance of murder as the thing that causes harm to society. Upholding a sense of justice has near infinite utility in the long run."

So, it's only immoral if society views it as immoral? Did I hear you say your morality ISN'T arbitrary?

"Well, if you insisted on ignoring logic, I suppose it would come down to force. In a democracy we would put the issue to a vote."

You think I'm wrong, so you are now morally allowed to use force against me? What if later you diced you were wrong? What good is this system when inferior people are able to cast judgment on others just for living their lives a little different? And why put it to a vote? Are more people less likely to make a mistake than one person? But EVERYONE is running on a crude estimate, right? How the hell is that better?


You preach "logic" and yet you're o.k. with this embarrassingly fatal flaw in your system. A crude estimate? That is NOT better than nothing, or is it moral to you to lock up innocent people? You are morally allowed to destroy the life of others based on a crude estimate, not even a complete formula but a CRUDE estimate; but it's immoral for a women to change her mind and abort her baby if she does it later than YOU want her to? Haven't you thought your own moral code through?

You get to cast judgment on what a woman can do with her body AND you cast judgment on the value of another's life based on a crude estimate? You must be the most egotistical s.o.b. to walk this earth if you think that your morals are logical.

What if everyone took up your system today, and started voting on things, but disagreed with you on abortion and punishment and the value of life etc.

Are they wrong? Are you the only moral person? Or will you change your morals so they fit the whim of contemporary society? But, at the same time this system is logical and there can only be one answer... =/

"Well they could make cruder measurements through simple observation. One can tell when another person is happy. Evolution has ingrained in us basic principles that maximize long-run utility (that is, moral behavior)."

Long term utility is more moral than short term utility? Why? Who gets to say?

"Again, it's a question of degree. Basic morality is easy. "Thou shalt not kill." Trickier moral questions require careful thought and reflection."

I'm asking you about when things get complicated, saying "sure, it gets muddy the more complicated you go, but if you dumb it down a notch it works perfectly!" isn't going to convince me of anything. And i am perfectly open to accepting your moral code if you can prove to me it is free of contradictions.

"Lol, the chimp I guess. It's evolutionarily closer to humans and therefore gains my sympathies. I will admit this is a somewhat arbitrary choice. I don't know what the right answer is and I would just be taking a guess. Leaving them both to die would clearly be the worst outcome. Finding a way to save them both would be best."

And what if you find out later that dolphins feel more pain than chimps? Are you now immoral and deserving of punishment?

2 points

"negative feelings are what are bad."

And bad things are immoral? Is it immoral to feel sad? Or is sadness immoral?

"Even if you could kill a person without causing them pain it would still be immoral because acceptance of that sort of behavior would cause harm to society."

So, human life only has value is that person contributes enough to society? What if I find some self-reliant hermit living in the forest? What if I shoot him in the back of the head? he feels no pain and society will never miss him. What if I kill him so that he wont be able to protest against the mall I want to build over his property? The mall will create huge utility, so is it moral to kill this person?

"No, because in the long run, the harm that would cause to society is far greater than the pleasure you would get from robbing the bank."

What If I invest that money in an up-and-coming business? If that business becomes the next apple, was it moral to rob the bank?

"What's worse, killing one person or killing a million? Killing a million, obviously. Why? Because killing a million causes far greater harm, both to the individuals and to society as a whole."

What if I kill one million Indians? They are over-populated, they will be much better off with a smaller population, and if I do it painless it meets your criteria for morality. So, should I go shoot one million Indians? It is morally correct after all =/

"Well we would have to reconcile our divergent perspectives through discussion. We could try to find the most basic point where our logic diverges and attempt to fix any logical errors we may have made. There is only one right answer, after all."

Let's say I'm just too damn stubborn to be as lenient as you, then what?

"I believe there is a right answer to this question, but there are far too many variables to give a precise answer. The best we can do given our limited human faculties is come up with a crude estimation."

That's what morality gets chalked up to? A crude estimation? What gives anyone the "right" to cast judgment on anyone else when the best anyone has to offer is a "crude estimation"? Were people 100 years ago incapable of being moral because they couldn't measure the value of different life forms the way we can (assuming there is a way to measure)?

"Logically, yes, it's based on which form of life feels things more strongly."

So, I can't be moral until the pain threshold of every living being is measured? And everyone has to study and memorize this to be moral? Do you consider yourself moral? How can you, you don't know these things. If a chimp and a dolphin are about to be burned to death and you have the choice to save one of them, which one do you choose? (assuming you don't know which would feel more pain).

"Ug. That was a lot of questions."

It gets worse before it gets better, I tried to cut out some of the side issues =/

2 points


2 points

Pain is only "generally" bad now? What happened to pain being bad? Killing is immoral because pain is bad right? How can killing be immoral if the very thing that you use to define it as immoral is only bad "in general"? Who gets to say when pain is bad or good now?

"Laws provide incentives that help self-discipline win out over temptation."

So, is it the law because it's immoral or is it immoral because it's the law?

"No, I'm not inventing arbitrary qualifications. I'm arguing that those qualifications are what you arrive at when you logically consider what is right and what is wrong."

You're saying that what causes pain (or, at least unnecessary pain) is immoral. Well, what if I say what causes anxiety is immoral? Sure I can can go about making rationalizations for this belief, but it's still ultimately arbitrary. I could connect morallity to literally anything I can think of. What makes pain so special?

Utility is the foundation of morality? So, If it feels good, it's moral? If it feels bad, it's immoral? What if I feel good after robbing a bank? Is robbing a bank now moral?

"It would basically be more immoral the longer you wait. Because the fetus becomes closer and closer to a developed human with time."

How can anything be "more" immoral or "more" moral? Are things not either moral or immoral? Are there morallity points now? What is this point system based on? What if I consider waiting a month for abortion more immoral than you? Who is right? What should the punishment be for doing this "immoral" act anyway? Who gets to say?

"Obviously not. The immorality of late-term abortion comes from destroying human life. Anything that avoids that is morally correct."

Life has different values now? How much is one human life worth? Two chimps? 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 sperm? Is it based on what form of life feels more pain? Why is the life of a human worth more than the life of a fetus?

1 point

What makes something "right" and "wrong" is arbitrary. Why people create "right" and "wrong" is because they aren't comfortable living a life they can't define. So, they build some moral code to serve as rules for behavior.

The irony is these moral codes people use to define and judge the universe around them has nothing to do with the universe they are trying to define. Morality is constantly evolving and differs from person to person. It's completely imaginary and arbitrary. The only thing all moral codes have in common is that everyone thinks the one they subscribe to is right and free of inconsistencies.

And a perfectly consistent philosophy is impossible because the universe it is built around is itself inconsistent.

You can spend your whole life jumping from moral code to moral code, this is right now, tomorrow it will be immoral. It wont matter. life is just too damn vast to fit into a model. You can't fit the ocean into a cup.

No worries though, life isn't some riddle to be solved; it's a mystery to be lived. =D

1 point

There is no objective "right" or "wrong". These things are imaginary. I may be a "psychopath", but at least I'm free of prejudices =D

1 point

Pain is obviously bad? Not "we", "you" percieve pain this way. Your not right just because you say so. =/

You assume too much. If we need laws to stop our self-destructive nature, then by our very nature these laws can't be upkept. Is self-destruction is not in our behaviour (which, for all except a select few is true) then what need is there for anti-self-destructive laws? Isn't it understood that if you start killing people you don't agree with then other people will try to kill you back? Is it not understood that if you steal from others people will mistrust you?

"The whole point of my argument was that something should be considered morally correct if it results in greater utility. Early abortion does that, therefore it should be considered morally correct."

So, according to you, what you say is morally correct because is meets the qualifications you set for it. Your right because you say so... =/

What exactly do morals have to do with utility? Nothing. Morallity and utility exist independant of each other. You're connecting them arbitrarily.

how the hell can an abortion at any time be "moral"? early abortion is morally correct? Exactly when is abortion considered early? Who gets to say? And what about everything that isn't early abortion? is it now "immoral" the day after you consider it "early"? What if you don't get pregnant at all? Now you can't get an early abortion, which means your not being morally coreect, right? Or is early abortion beyond morals now? in which case, why conect it to morality at all? =/

3 points

Thank god for people angry enough to down vote me, but to cowardly too write a dispute =D

0 points

1. No I didn't and it's not a belief.

2. You haven't proven that pain = bad

3. There is no need for revenge against killers. If we are by nature self-destructive then we will destroy ourselves anyway and make room for a less retarded species.

Oh, and abortion isn't "morally correct" just because it meets the qualifications you built for it to meet. That's like saying as long as ice cream is cold, it is morally correct to eat it. =/

0 points

It's not.


1 point

So then, it's better to wait for the child to age and become intelligent enough to convince it that it should be killed before killing it? It's more "moral" to kill a consenting 4 year old than a fetus that isn't even capable of caring either way?

1 point

There is no love but true love. I don't believe in it because I have the experience. Since I have the experience of love, there is no longer a need for belief.

1 point

As far as I'm concerned, If you're willing to live with the sacrifice of any action you make then who the hell am I to say you're not allowed =/

1 point

Well, it didn't

but thanks for asking what it meant before you went ahead and assumed anything =D

you damned idiot, you =/

0 points

You know I'm not being serious, right =P

Jeez... I even put a smiley at the end =/


1 point



2 points

They don't have one any more. It offends minorities, remember?


2 points

"You're equating marriage to a slow and painful murder?"

Have you never talked to someone who's been married 20 + years? XD

Seriously though, you don't need marriage to spend your life with the person you love. It's literally that simple. I like my friends, I trust my friends, but I'm not going to bind them by law to be my trust-worthy friends, that would be stupid! Why is it different for a spouse?

"If your love is so fickle, I don't think that you, personally, are ready for marriage."

There's nothing fickle about my love. I've loved the same women for almost four years now and never once have I felt the need to marry her. Why would I? I don't need to marry her for sex. I trust her to stay with me, so there's no need to bring the government into our dating. And if one day we decide to go our separate ways, that's o.k. too.

Sometimes love is there, sometimes it isn't; but the reason is always the same.

1 point

If you're marrying to compliment your love, then you're obviously don't need to get married. =/

Furthermore, marriage is not a compliment to love. It is an insult! If you love a person, how can you destroy his or her freedom? If you trust a person, you trust her or his freedom too.

In what way is it a compliment to rip a fully blossomed flower out of the ground and put it in a pretty little vase for others to enjoy? Because you want full control over this flower you rip it out. Now all variables are under your control.

Just like in marriage, it is a very uncertain thing. One moment love might be there, the next moment you might not feel like loving. So, you tie yourselves together through law. Now all things are certain; you are legally bound! Whether love is there or not you've snagged your spouse like a snake constricting a mouse. And what happens then? The mouse dies.

1 point

Well hey, it has the potential to do all those things. You can't know it wont. Why is a sperm suddenly too precious to let die just because it meets an egg? Especially when any other sperm can do the same damn thing.

Sperm and fetus are the same, the only difference is a fetus is a few steps closer to being birthed. You're older than me, probably a few steps closer to making your own children than I am. Is your life worth more than mine? Surely you must think so. A fetus is closer to being born than a sperm, just as you are closer to creating a fetus than I am. You're one step farther on the chain, so, is it alright for people like me to die en masse as long as you get to live?

And furthermore, I am farther along the chain of life than a fetus. I am much more capable of creating life than a fetus. I have much more potential at this time. Sure, the fetus has the potential to one day be like me, but right now it is not. That means it's worth less right? Is it o.k. to abort millions of un-born children but not o.k. to kill me?

No? But at the same time, you say it is o.k. to let millions of sperm die, but wrong to kill a fetus. Why? Because one is farther down the road of life than the other? Or is the life of a fetus worth more than any other conceivable form of life?

1 point

If your in love, you don't need to get married. If you need to get married, it's because your not in love.

I'd get married anyway for the tax breaks and to get nagging family members off my back though =/

1 point

"should" be? How could forced rehabilitation possibly work? Furthermore, if a person is willing to make the sacrifices necessary to be a drug addict, then what right do you have to take that choice away from them?

Just because it isn't "good" for them? French fries aren't good for me, should you have the right to force me into french fry rehab? Or are french fries o.k. because some drugs are worse for me than fries? Exactly how toxic does the things I put in my body have to be until you have the right to take away my right?

1 point

What about it? I have millions of sperm swimming in my testicles right now. Should I remove them and impregnate millions of women to avoid the loss? Or is the loss of life only immoral when it comes to a select few organisms? Where exactly should the line be drawn?

1 point

I never said you said nothing happens after. Just sayin', if nothing happens after then there's no point in doing the test.

1 point

unwanted pregnancy = problem

broken bone = problem

unwanted pregnancy =/= broken bone

guess I should of made that more clear =/

"A broken arm is an injury, easily mended. When a person's life ends, there can be to going back."

Sure there is, you can make another kid later when your ready.

1 point

If nothing happens after, why bother with the test?


1 point

Because, you know, there isn't a surplus of orphans or anything. =/

Should women who don't want kids have them anyway out of guilt for people who can't?

"and we have millions of people having sex and not being able to handle the consequences of pregnancy. if u have sex u better be ready to have babies too."

That's stupid. Just..... stupid. So a woman should go out of her way to NOT solve a problem just because she got herself into it? If you tripped and broke your arm should you NOT get a cast on it just because you were foolish enough to trip? maybe you shouldn't have been walking if you weren't ready to handle the possibility of breaking your arm. Maybe you should of had the good sense to wear a bubble-wrap suit. No? Why does that backwards logic only apply to abortion then?

1 point

Test them, then what?


4 points

You know, because it's worked out well so far =/


3 points

Your comment made me LoL =D


1 point

Didn't even know that was a factor. =/

Learned something new today =D

1 point

cuz ppl rn't hipy jez bein demselvz


1 point

No, but then again no one "has" to follow rules anyway. =/

1 point

Because the North American hobo is a lazy specimen. All of them. =)

1 point

Some do, some don't. =/

As for "Were slaves better off in America than as free men in Africa?"

It depends on what you mean by "better off".

1 point

It would be much easier to create a new country and make it "Whitlandia" than to try and "purify" the U.S.

1 point

You know, I just can't see any good coming of it =/


3 points

Relax Siriusly. Whether I liked this movie or not is not objective, so there is nothing to debate. Or, are you egotistical enough to tell me I'm wrong in thinking I liked the movie?

I doubt it =/

That comment gave you your second reward point. 2 points and your going to tell me you know more than me about how to make appropriate comments? =/

With all the other debates on this site, there's no reason to take this one in particular so "Siriusly".

1 point

Adagio for Strings is 20th century, not classical =/


1 point

I find it boring. Baroque was much better.


4 points

I liked it. Well done =)


3 points

The egg. You have to intend to make a chicken before you can have a chicken. =/

1 point

They don't have my respect. I don't care if other people do because I don't out source my opinions.

If an apologetic has the respect of someone else, then they deserve it; whatever the reason, they deserve it.

But, they don't have mine because they don't deserve it.

2 points

No..... just, no.

If by "law" you mean "invention" then of course not. Never will all people accept one moral law, it doesn't exist.

If by "law" you mean "discovery" then also no. Morals are subjective, they must be invented and cannot be discovered.

2 points

It's easy to blame outside sources for our problems. Sometimes a little insearch is needed.

1 point

If they did, they would already have it. =/


3 points

You assume race is only skin deep. Talk to an actual racist and you will see their hate has less to do with skin colour and more to do with behavioral patterns.

I'm sure the KKK hates albino blacks as much as regular blacks =/

1 point

There is. And women can change which level they're on in a heart beat!

1 point

As someone who has been here less than a month (well, less than a week thanks to some internet problems >=O) could you explain further what you mean?

2 points

If god requires belief, then it is false and needs to be rejected.

1 point

Morals and ethics are stupid. What sort of rational person decides how to react to a situation before it even presents itself?

This goes for all things, not just science.

1 point

It's not a scapegoat if it's true. But then again, when you look at where government comes from the whole situation looks like one yelling at a mirror =/

Why do the government education camps suck in the first place? =/

Government, religion. Potato, potato. =/

Government is necessary? Prove it.

1 point

The "United States" part of America is by definition a constitutional republic and not a democracy.

just sayin' =/

0 points

Maybe muslims would stop hating Americans if.....

They stopped being muslim. Hate comes from within. If you don't take responsibility for your own emotions then you will just continue to find outside sources to blame them on forever.

Others can't bring out in you what isn't already there =/

1 point

he was a politician =/



1 point

They would be like .... "whoa."



1 point

Atypican, define justice - in your own words.


2 points

Just look at the other arguments. They justify abstinence because they fear std's and pregnancy. Sure, you want to see these kids healthy and happy, but these are your fears, your insecurities. Let these teenagers decide how to run their own lives; after all it is THEIR lives.

Its like saying kids shouldn't be let to ride bikes because they could fall off and we can't trust them to always wear a helmet. They need to wait until they are much older to learn how to do it right so they can be trusted.

This is stupid; to expect kids to fear what you fear, to stop them from doing things that make them happy just to satisfy your insecurities.

2 points

To act as though European-Americans should "compensate" Native Americans isn't justice, it's revenge.

And it's revenge on people just because of the colour of skin they were born with.

I'm not going to give away my money, property and surrender my happiness about who I am just to satisfy the egos of people stuck in the past.

How can you say a child is born guilty of anything? How can someone be in debt for being born with the wrong skin colour?

Sure, long dead Europeans settled and violently took from the (also long dead) natives, but is doing the same thing in reverse going to fix that? Do two wrongs make a right?

How can one be born in-tittled to what others have?

2 points

Kinda, this is selfishness - this is revenge.

Not justice. Not "equality".

Just as people are not "wrong" for being born into poverty, so to are people equally not as "wrong" when born into wealth.

1 point

Interesting comparison, but one problem.

Yin-Yang is simultaneous while chicken-egg is linear.

1 point

The dictionary is great for agreeing on means of communication, but since you can't force people to go by its definitions I prefer to just deal with each situation as it comes, that's all.

I consider them the same, but others might not, so I'll leave my idea of each word open; rather than rely on my own prejudices of each word.

1 point


Information isn't coherent until it's observed.

3 points

Get over yourselves =/

It's not the mothers fault you can't handle such a sight.

1 point

Good and bad are just labels built by your prejudices. They mean nothing.

This is like asking "Can people do things?" =/

1 point

Whatever other words you tie to one and not the other, that's the difference.

These are just words. There's no point in labeling one as "moral" and one as "immoral". =/

1 point

Who the hell am I to force my insecurities on teens just because they're horny?

2 points

What a silly thing to stop kids from doing.

I have little trust for a system that needs to force students to stay unless given permission to leave =/

2 points

Treat them as property?

Raise your child. Give them what they need to live, then, let them go. They don't belong to you.

4 points

Government can't do it right.

Charity is the way to go.


2 points

I wouldn't do it, my ego doesn't need to be stroked thank you very much =)

But, if you want to, go ahead.

3 points

Easy. It hurts homophobes and their fragile world view.


1 point

If it all works out in the end, great. Let it go and move on.

1 point

Well, by definition.

I eat meat still =)


3 points

Minors don't "owe" you their sexual lives. It's just egotistical to try and force celibacy on minors to make yourself feel better.

It's not your life, stop imposing on it =/

1 point

You can refuse all you want, but it's not "your" baby. People aren't property in the same way organs are.

Or should your girlfriend be allowed to stop you from getting a vasectomy? =/

2 points

It makes no sense, but you're free to hate anyone you want =/

I can't tell you your hate is "wrong".

Personally, I think it's hilarious that people constantly (and subconsciously) sabotage themselves just to blame their misfortune on whom they hate.

Not really, it makes me sad =(

1 point

Revenge is alright as long as it's "legal", right? (rolls eyes)

1 point

How stupid =/

Don't base what you say on what others think you should be "allowed" to say.

1 point

There's nothing wrong with being open towards your emotions and sensitivities.

1 point

Even "legal" thievery is still thievery =/


3 points

About as much as any other politician =/


1 point

How can you trust government? Government requires belief. How can you trust something that requires beLIEf?

1 point

.... Conflict is the cause of all problems. No need to over-complicate this matter with scapegoats =/

2 points

If you want to pray, pray.

Just because I feel it's a waste of time doesn't mean I'll force you to stop. =/

1 point

... It'll help me to know which of my friends I shouldn't hang out with so much =/

2 points

How stupid,to act as though sex is "bad" because of someone else's self-torture based ethos.

If you want sex, have sex. Don't live your life for others approval, jeez =/

1 point

This is a matter of definition, not "logic".

Rules are man-made, they aren't real =/

1 point

No one should be forced to pay for someone else's anything.

That's it =/

1 point

We're not overpopulated, just poorly managed.

And by poorly I mean managed at all =/

1 point

You really can justify anything with anything if you can convince yourself it makes sense =/

Justice is a laughable notion anyway.

1 point

Should you whip the son as compensation for his father getting away with thievery?

The whole idea that land can be stolen is stupid =/

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