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Carock is a pest From Within is right
Debate Score:37
Total Votes:48
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 Carock is a pest (8)
 From Within is right (6)

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NowASaint(1380) pic

Atheistic Sodomites know welfare will not save poople from Hell

Democrats are not so stupid to think that after giving irresponsible able bodied people free stuff, that they will be thankful and turn a new leaf on life. You see, it's not the goal of Democrats to get people in poverty back on their feet and off the tax payer dole.
If it were, there would be many more limitations on how long an able bodied person can stay on welfare without getting a job. There would be many more incentives to get off welfare.

These people are the Democrat Party's base. If they were ever to move into the middle class, Democrats know they would most times vote for Republicans. Democrats have no incentive to get people off Government social programs, so this is why they make it so easy to make a career out of welfare.

This is why they make commercials telling people they are entitled to free stuff and to come on down to their local social program. They advertise for future low income voters on the tax payer's dime. Does taxation without representation ring a bell? How often does the Democrat Party represent the middle class?

Democrats see a huge voting block coming from illegal immigrants, Muslim refugees, and millions of other minorities. They are dividing America by constantly pandering to these future voters. The Party no longer looks at the betterment of all Americans. It's all about politics and what group will get them elected.

Trump just proved that the working man is fed up with having it's hard earned money used to buy low income votes.


Carock is a pest

Side Score: 23

From Within is right

Side Score: 14
Dermot(5736) Banned
4 points

Again more ranting from always angry hypocritical American Christians who are filled with hate against those who need help and support .

The ' good book ' and Jesus strangely had totally different views of charity and giving but it matters not to these hate filled hypocrites who backslap and congratulate each other on how ' Christian ' they truly are , not one of these Christian cowards has ever read the bible so it's up to me to educate them yet again .....

Jesus talked a lot about loving and helping others but even he would hate people like Stain and his bully boy hypocrites ....

What the bible says about giving ..... OUCH ........

2. Hebrews 13:16 Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.

3. Luke 3:10-11 And the people asked him, saying, What shall we do then? He answereth and saith unto them, He that hath two coats, let him impart to him that hath none; and he that hath meat, let him do likewise.

4. Ephesians 4:27-28 for anger gives a foothold to the devil. If you are a thief, quit stealing. Instead, use your hands for good hard work, and then give generously to others in need.

5. Matthew 5:42 Give to everyone who asks you for something. Don’t turn anyone away who wants to borrow something from you.

Be generous

6. Proverbs 22:9 Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor.

7. Proverbs 19:17 The one who is gracious to the poor lends to the LORD, and the LORD will repay him for his good deed.

8. Luke 6:38 Give, and it will be given to you. A large quantity, pressed together, shaken down, and running over will be put into your lap, because you’ll be evaluated by the same standard with which you evaluate others.

9. Psalm 41:1-3 For the choir director: A psalm of David. Oh, the joys of those who are kind to the poor! The LORD rescues them when they are in trouble. The LORD protects them and keeps them alive. He gives them prosperity in the land and rescues them from their enemies. The LORD nurses them when they are sick and restores them to health.

10. Proverbs 29:7 The righteous considereth the cause of the poor: but the wicked regardeth not to know it.

11. 1 Timothy 6:17-18 Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate.


12. Psalm 112:5-7 Good comes to those who lend money generously and conduct their business fairly. Such people will not be overcome by evil. Those who are righteous will be long remembered. They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the LORD to care for them.

13. Acts 20:35 In every way I showed you that by working hard like this we should help the weak and remember the words that the Lord Jesus himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

14. Psalm 37:26 The godly always give generous loans to others, and their children are a blessing.

15. Proverbs 11:25-27 The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself. He that withholdeth corn, the people shall curse him: but blessing shall be upon the head of him that selleth it. He that diligently seeketh good procureth favour: but he that seeketh mischief, it shall come unto him.

16. Psalm 112:9 They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor, their righteousness endures forever; their horn will be lifted high in honor.

Greedy VS Godly

17. Proverbs 21:26 Some people are always greedy for more, but the godly love to give!

18. Proverbs 28:27 Whoever gives to the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to poverty will be cursed.

Give not with a grudging heart.

19. 2 Corinthians 9:7 Each of you must give what you have decided in your heart, not with regret or under compulsion, since God loves a cheerful giver. Besides, God is able to make every blessing of yours overflow for you, so that in every situation you will always have all you need for any good work.

Side: Carock is a pest
sylynn(625) Banned
3 points

Again more ranting from always angry hypocritical American Christians who are filled with hate against those who need help and support

I always find it funny how much preaching comes from him, but the sheer amount of hatred from him is astounding. Is this Christianity? Pure hatred for those that don't agree? Sure seems contrary to what the Bible teaches.

Side: Carock is a pest
Dermot(5736) Banned
2 points

Stain is probably the most confused , two faced , hypocritical individual I've ever come across ; the poor man is obviously insane ...........

Side: Carock is a pest
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

Do you know exactly when Christians became filled with hate and hypocrisy ?

Side: From Within is right
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

I get tired of hearing his stuff......I would like to see him answer you on this question but the guy just begs to be banned by being a jack ass with me.

Side: Carock is a pest
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Sorry, Dermit....a person who does not believe the Bible is true has no business quoting it to support their points. If you believe the Bible is full of lies, then you use it to support your points, you are using what you yourself say is lies to support your you are a liar, using what you yourself say is lies.

Beside that, you have completely failed to prove you deserve anything but death, eternal dying in the fire of Hell.

Side: Carock is a pest
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

If you think you are all good and people who believe the Bible are hypocrites, why are you dying the same as people who believe the Bible? Could it be that we are all morally and physically corrupt and getting what we deserve in our bodies?

You're the hypocrite, dermit, you're the hater, Hell bent on a mission to insult Christians only because you hate God and don't want Him to rule over you, you want to be free to be a pervert and what you call freedom is nothing but death and you can have's your choice. Go ahead and see if death exonerates you of your immorality, and go ahead and see if you don't end up frying like an eternal sausage. You're a a fool.....and go on and cuss up a storm.

Side: Carock is a pest
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

You bugged me all day with your "Christians are hypocrites" garbage. Sir, we all have faults and while Christians are commanded to be perfect their faults will always cause them to fall short of God's demand which is perfection, holiness, sinlessness. You act like since Christians believe all expressions of sin are wrong, they are supposed to be angels and speak to you, or act with you, in no way less than perfectly angelic and always gentle and never contrary to your ideas or feelings.....I'm not sure what you really think a Christian is supposed to be like, but why are you exempt from that same standard of perfection; and when you place that standard on Christians while you obviously could care less about living up to any such moral code you require of Christians before you stop calling them hypocrites......aren't you the hypocrite by implying others should live up to a standard which you could care less about living up to yourself?

What you are really doing is trying to prove that Christians are no better than you, which in a way I stated earlier is true....we all have faults, we all fall short of perfection, we all deserve to die and burn in Hell. Christians (and I mean Biblical Christians, not Catholics who serve Catholic dogma which is held in Catholicism to supersede the Bible) are people who know they need God's mercy and have found His forgiveness in Jesus Christ who gave His blood to cover their sins, and rose from the dead justifying their lives as they have sought and obtained God's mercy and forgiveness based on the fact that He Himself paid their price in death and in His resurrection is justified to forgive them while holding in condemnation all who refuse to believe on what He did for them.

The fact that you can prove we all have faults does not exempt you from the penalty of sin which is eternal separation from God, consumed by and contained in the fire of Hell forever. You can go on off into eternity thinking death exonerates you, but you will find you do not get out of reality in death and every word, thought, and action in every moment of time is on your account and you owe God for it.

I really do feel sorry for you if you will not believe God proved His love for you by dying for you on the cross, and He proved His power and willingness to forgive you by rising bodily from the dead and offering you peace from God so you can know Heaven is your home.

I expect more of your usual insults, so I won't be reading your response here....oh yeah, you are banned anyways. If you have a change of heart, I'll pick up on it if we are still here long enough......until then, it's too much for me to keep trying to get through to you as I honestly care about you and feel sorry for you but from you I get nothing but the impression you want to tear me to pieces......which is no surprise, Jesus said the world would hate me the same as they hated Him if I follow Him and I gladly pick up and carry my cross following Him and I know where I'm going; the One who went through it for me will take me through it for the honor and magnification, the glory of His name which is above all names, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, HOLY< HOLY< HOLY........and forever I will praise Him for creating me and giving me life.

Side: Carock is a pest
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

When did Christians become filled with hate and bigotry? When did it start, and how did you manage to survive? Why didn't your Catholic pagan relatives kill you?

Side: Carock is a pest
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Would it be wrong for God to kill you now, is it wrong for God to not kill you now? Would it be wrong for God to leave you in Hell so the fire will eat your words and He won't hear your oral diarrhea?

Side: Carock is a pest
AlofRI(3294) Banned
1 point

I have never found a reason to hate Jesus and I'm an Atheist. I just don't believe he was, or could be, the son of such a cruel "god". I believe he existed as a MAN with a conscience and a love for people, that is, IF the stories of him can be believed. (The "stories", not the "miracles"!) If only todays right wing "Christians" were as nice! Many of THEM, as broadcasters, so called "journalists" and other big mouths with a bully-pulpit, have convinced themselves and their followers that Democrats want to get "STUFF" for free. NO. We want to pay our taxes and get our money's worth! Not waste it on "Great Walls" and "bridges to nowhere". To get health care as good as the rest of the world at as reasonable a cost as the rest of the world! Be able to get the education our children need to make a decent living ... WORKING.. and take care of our fellow Americans, and anyone else we can help ... like Jesus says ...!

We would also like to stay out from under the rule of those "modern, right wing Christians" who don't have ANY relationship to Jesus or what he (allegedly) stood for. The undeniable cruelty Fromwithin these poople is against human decency and, if ANYONE is headed for "hell" it should be THEM. But, alas, the place exists in the same imagination that makes them think they are "saints". No wonder they voted for a mentally challenged President ... birds of a feather, ya'know?

Side: Carock is a pest
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
0 points

I have never found a reason to believe you don't deserve to die and burn in Hell the same as me and Dermit.

Side: Carock is a pest
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
0 points

I banned you, but the post I just wrote for Dermit, long as it is, can be addressed to you the same as Dermot. You guys are both basically the same, what I wrote to him goes for you just as well as it does for him....and I said it as gently and compassionately as I know how.......and it's the same for you.

I suggest you read it.

Side: Carock is a pest
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
0 points

Read the last post I wrote to Dermit here....the first two or three were done hastily in frustration.....not apologizing for anything I said there, but I think I said it better in the last post......said it as gently and compassionately as I could.

As for all this welfare talk, I really care little for it. I worked five years in an inner city gospel mission where we served around 3000 meals a month...I forget the number, provided around a thousand beds per month (that's one person in one bed for one night, average around 30 a night every day of the month) gave bags full of clothing to whoever wanted them, the meals were given to whoever came to eat and I became very familiar with the people personally and very well aware of the mechanics of our welfare society. Most of the people coming in asking for food, shelter, clothes, furniture, whatever were drinkers, most of them smoked tobacco, and most of them were able bodied and could work if they wanted to. They simply settle in to a lifestyle of welfare which comforts them enough so they don't care about providing for themselves.

The people who have enough pride to take care of themselves will not remain on welfare long. The system if abused, the waste is ludicrous, and politicians who push for more welfare handouts know they are buying votes from those who are given a free ride.

You might guess that I read very little of your post and you would be correct. I know your attitude, so I can guess well enough what you are going to say to a person like me who will not back down from upholding the Bible as God's Holy word and the divinity of Jesus Christ who gave Himself for our sins so we can be forgiven by Him in His resurrection and our sins can be covered by His blood so we don't have to pay for our sins in Hell.

I know everything you are saying here, I know what you will say, I heard it enough and if you ever have a changed of heart which I think is highly unlikely I will pick up on it sooner or later.........but I think you are going to wake up in Hell and you will remember God sent you a messenger who tried to get you to wake up before you woke up in Hell with no way out. I honestly feel sorry for you. You're probably generally a decent just turn into some kind of raving animal at the sound of the gospel of Jesus Christ who died for your sins and rose from the dead able and willing to forgive you and save you from Hell.

Side: Carock is a pest
-1 points

looks like the winning side is From Within .

Side: Carock is a pest
-2 points
JatinNagpal(2678) Disputed Banned
3 points

That's you, of course.

Everyone knows that stain and maggot are the same person.

So, are you q stain of lust, or of gluttony?

Side: From Within is right
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
0 points

Hi. Good to see you are not burning in Hell, do you still hope to be exonerated in death, and do you still believe God has no right to kill you and leave you in Hell forever?

Side: Carock is a pest
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
-2 points
4 points

Let's read a few things between the lines just looking at the debate topic heading alone...

"Atheistic Sodomites know welfare will not save poople from Hell".

1) "Atheistic Sodomites" are condemned here. Not Sodomites who are believers.

2) Atheistic Heterosexuals therefore are also fine and not the target of this debate.

3) Religious Sodomites are also fine.

4) "Know". Meaning they have foreknowledge of this with zero doubt. Wait, I thought they were the subjective ones not accepting the absolute truths in this world? There are many many things they do not know, but THIS they do know?

5) "Welfare". Which encompasses everything from food stamps to unemployment compensation to Medicaid. None of that will save the poople from Hell, so basically why bother to give any of those things to the needy? (A very Christian position of you).

6) "poople". Hmm. I'm not very familiar with that term. Can I assume because poop is brown that this is some sort of racist slur?

7) "save poople from Hell". Actually, doesn't everyone have to pass through hell to get to heaven?

This whole debate heading is a sloppy and troubling mess. Although kudos to you for not simply cutting and pasting all of this from one of your many fine ultra conservative holy roller websites.

Side: From Within is right
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

I'm going to keep banning you until you stop whining about being banned, which probably means you'll never stop being banned by me. If you want me to stop banning you, you need to make it clear you won't whine anymore about how I have banned you so many times, and you have to go light on the personal attacks. Your "holy roller" comment is ban worthy by itself, as is your (a very Christian position) comment......for me to address those insults would make for debates not related to the discussion here, those insults are disruptive and call for you to be banned. If you would leave the wine alone for a while, your brain might clear enough to figure that out.

Have a nice day. I hope God gives you enough time outside of Hell so that you come to your senses and realize it's not good having your sin keeping you separated from God..........but I know there is probably not enough time as your mind seems to be made up that you are too good for Hell.

Side: Carock is a pest
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Hi Grenade, I hope you are still with us and not burning in Hell.

Side: Carock is a pest
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

how ya doin? I hope you are still with us and not burning in Hell.

Side: Carock is a pest
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

will you ever stop getting banned from my debates/discussions?

Side: Carock is a pest
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
0 points

The point is that all the welfare in the world is not enough to keep an atheist or a sodomite out of Hell. Yes they are condemned by their own sin. You, like the sodomite, have stinky sin which condemns you, it holds you in condemnation, you are on death row awaiting execution. I understand why you like your wine, but it's not going to keep you out of Hell. Only God the Savior, Jesus Christ, can keep you out of Hell and He's doing it now but you don't care what He did or does or will do for you if you trust in Him so you might as well have another glass of wine and enjoy your existence while you can.....assuming you do find some enjoyment in your existence.

Side: Carock is a pest
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
0 points

Claiming ignorance is not proof that you don't know. Ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law.'re funny. The title it what it is. So?

Welfare in the broad sense is anything that contributes to your well being. You're just like a sodomite atheist, condemned in your sin and on your way to Hell. The air you breathe is welfare from God, a gift you do not deserve which aids your sustenance outside of Hell. I hope that clears it up, genius...I mean I hope that clears up your brain so a glimmer of truth can shine through.....

Hahahahaha.........a racist slur, brown......hahahah....never thought of that. Only a Democrat would come up with that. Funny.

I guess I'll have to clear it up for you. We are all poople, wasted by sin, stinking in moral and literal corruption, corruption of body and soul. As poople, we all belong in the flaming dunghill of Hell where the fire will consume the dirt and keep it from sickening the living or polluting their homeland (that's the people He redeemed by His blood, living with the Lord forever in Heaven).

Nobody passes through Hell on their way to Heaven. I know the Poope......I mean Peep......ooops, the Pope, and Muslims teach that if you don't follow their religion carefully you have to burn in Hell a while to be corrected so you can enter Heaven. All religions teach basically the same thing, that you can earn a "don't burn in Hell forever" card by your own doings. That's not how it works. Reality is that nothing is going to correct you, nothing is going to change you, you need to start all over as a new creation, be born again of the Spirit of God who will be in you a new person, making you a new person born of His Spirit, replacing your old corrupt stinky poople nature with His holiness, Himself, Jesus Christ in you to be born again as a child of God, a brother of Jesus Christ destined to be like Him when your body of sin is finally destroyed by the death that is working against you in it now. Reality is that only God the Savior can save you from your sins, burning in Hell for a while will not pay off your debt as your debt grows constantly as a sinner. Reality is that God Himself paid your price with His own blood which will cover your sins while He lives in you by His Spirit if you will believe on Jesus and receive Him by faith...agree with God prayerfully about your predicament of impending justice against your sin, believe on Jesus who lives forever having conquered death after His blood paid for your sin, and call on God in prayer in the name of His Son to forgive you and Jesus will come in to you and give you a new heart which hates indulgence in intoxicating substances, and sodomy and atheism and all kinds of sin you can name, a heart born of His Spirit, Fathered by God, making you His child and a joint heir of Heaven in Jesus Christ.

The only reason you find this heading "troubling" is because you are wrestling with your own sin, trying to convince yourself that you are justified to exist outside of Hell. I don't deny the title is sloppy......atheists (militant ones who get kicks out of being offensive to Christians while they cower like sissy fags at the thought of Muslims telling them to bow to are one of those hateful militant atheists, always hated me from day one) and sodomites always want to stick their dirt in the faces of people who say they are wrong, they have a death wish and they are getting their wish, and I really didn't care much about making the title pretty.

Too bad you are too insecure to pay attention to some of the excellent videos I have presented. It's sad to see somebody who seems to be intelligent but has decided they have nothing to learn while wine helps them not care.

Side: Carock is a pest
sylynn(625) Banned
0 points

1) "Atheistic Sodomites" are condemned here. Not Sodomites who are believers.

Sodomy isn't even part of the topic so I'm not sure why it's even in the title, but given the use of the word in the past by NowASaint, I fairly certain he doesn't even understand what the word means. I do also find it funny that religious sodomites do seem to be okay by him.


I'll also make the obligatory comment that anyone who disagrees with him will be banned.

Side: From Within is right
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Sodomites are annoying me lately, I didn't write the OP and I read very little of it. I modified the title to make it can call it trolling. Looks like it worked.....I put a little bait on the hook and got some nibbles.

Jesus said if I follow Him, He would make me a fisher of men......I practicing my fishing and don't mind if people call it "trolling", as trolling is one of the best ways to catch fish.

I see no reason to ban you, except for your statement expecting me to ban everybody....that is uncalled for, and in itself it is reason enough to ban you but for now I like having you here.

Side: Carock is a pest
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Sodomites are so named because the men of Sodom were extremely wildly homosexual by consent with each other and by force toward anybody they felt like raping. The Bible often mentions sodomites and it always means men who defile their bodies with other men, some of them prostitutes but in most cases sodomites refers to men who simply take pleasure in sexual indulgence with other men.....the term also applies to women who act the same way with other women. They are also called "dogs", "whore mongers",

The Bible says all fornicators are going to Hell, along with liars, thieves, murderers, and drunks. Sodomites are fornicators, and the Bible classifies their with a special emphasis as "abomination"

Sinners are condemned by their sin, they are not condemned by me. Muslims might condemn then and cut their heads off......I simply tell them the truth about their predicament and the solution to their problem.

The Sodomites here practice a form of mental rape by putting their perversion in people's faces for shock effect.

Side: Carock is a pest
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
0 points

Outlaw does not agree with me on matters of faith, and I don't think I have ever banned him. From Within agrees with me on basics of faith, yet I have banned him several times in the past......and while him and I still have some differences in matters of faith, they are not fundamental differences and we understand each other well enough so it is unlikely I will be banning him....

Outlaw offered his opinion once on something regarding my faith and how I express it, I forget what it was but he had a bit of a disagreement with me, he was respectful in his manner when he posted about it, I answered him respectfully and that's the end of it. I do not ban people simply for disagreeing with me .....even Dermit managed to disagree with me in a long back and forth discussion lasting ten rounds or so before he started melting down at the end and reverted back to his jack ass childish antics and I finally banned him. I ban people when they are rude jack asses who are not listening. I seem to remember you showing enough respect that I can tolerate you.

Ir you want to run with the herd here of many who use blanket insults and accusations void of reason, keep saying stupid things like I ban anybody who disagrees with me. That is not true, and people who won't stop saying it will be banned when I see them because I know they are always going to act like whiny rude jackasses with me......and even those people may get another chance if I happen to find they seem to be learning to show a little respect with me.

Side: Carock is a pest
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
-1 points

Oops, forgot to ban you before you could post.......atheistic sodomites can't keep you out of Hell, you can't keep yourself out of Hell, you might as well have a glass of wine and relax while you can as you have made it pretty clear the only way you will believe God can keep you in Hell forever is for you to be there unable to get out of the fire.

Side: Carock is a pest
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
-1 points

Oops, forgot to ban you before you could post.......atheistic sodomites can't keep you out of Hell, you can't keep yourself out of Hell, you might as well have a glass of wine and relax while you can as you have made it pretty clear the only way you will believe God can keep you in Hell forever is for you to be there unable to get out of the fire.

Thanks for showing up so I could get a kick out of banning you....get it? in kicked by the boot out the door and hoping the door don't hit ya where the good Lord split ya.

Side: Carock is a pest
3 points

Stupid poople.

Side: From Within is right