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Resources Capital
Debate Score:35
Total Votes:47
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 Resources (9)
 Capital (10)

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FactMachine(430) pic

Capitalism sucks


Side Score: 14


Side Score: 21
1 point

In a resource rich economy one that has oil and diamonds why would they want to change the existing system as a nation and switch to a resource based economy ?

Side: Resources
marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point

Hello Dermot,

Just a couple Thomas Sowell quotes will suffice.

“Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good.”

― Thomas Sowell

“No government of the left has done as much for the poor as capitalism has. Even when it comes to the redistribution of income, the left talks the talk but the free market walks the walk.

What do the poor most need? They need to stop being poor. And how can that be done, on a mass scale, except by an economy that creates vastly more wealth? Yet the political left has long had a remarkable lack of interest in how wealth is created. As far as they are concerned, wealth exists somehow and the only interesting question is how to redistribute it.”

― Thomas Sowell, Controversial Essays

Side: Resources
Dermot(5736) Clarified
2 points

Hi Marcus , thank you for that interesting piece ; capitalism isn't perfect but it works for most people where I'm from anyway , I don't like any of the alternatives

Side: Resources
FactMachine(430) Disputed
1 point

“Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three centuries has involved replacing what never worked with what barely worked. That's why capitalism was established”- Thomas Factswell "No government of the world has done jack shit for the poor, poor people didn't exist before the monetary system. Even when it comes to the redistribution of income, the left talks the talk but the free market doesn't even pretend to care." What do the poor most need? They need to stop being poor. And how can that be done, on a mass scale, except by an economy that is based on tangible resources rather than wealth? Yet the politicians of all labels have long had a remarkable lack of interest in how resources can be used to help the poor, they only care that wealth is created. As far as they are concerned, wealth exists somehow and the only interesting question is how to accumulate it.”

Side: Capital
2 points

The only criticism of capitalism the video makes is that you need money to do things. Since money is a proxy for the barter of resources and services, and since resources are necessary for life, this makes sense. Strangely no criticism of central banking, quantitative easing, fractional reserve banking and the lack of a gold/silver standard; the biggest criticisms that can be levied at our current monetary system. Also, recently with crowdfunding and patronage one can overcome the monetary barrier to good deeds or starting up a company.

When he speaks of considering those who made the atom bomb "bums" it demonstrates a lack of historical awareness. The Japanese were the most advanced in biological and chemical warfare at the time, due in part to the horrific experimentation that took place in unit 731 and other facilities. Without the creation and use of the atom bomb, the war would have been far more costly in human life, not that this has anything to do with capitalism or money. Further, M.A.D. is a large reason why the cold war remained a proxy war, in addition to making wars between nuclear capable nations unprofitable.

Side: Capital
FactMachine(430) Disputed
1 point

I posted another video that was almost an hour long about the federal reserve in my debate about the federal reserve and it went over everything you mentioned about the fractional reserve system, if anyone had actually watched that video or participated in that debate maybe you would have had no need to write the first half of that comment but instead you where all too busy bickering about the same left versus right bullshit that you always do every single day. If you ask me the people who made the atom bomb where bums, and the Japanese leaders where bums, and the Nazi's (obviously) where bums, they where all just a bunch of bums sending people to their deaths for their own power. There is one simple way that world war 2 could have been entirely prevented- If the average human being wasn't a brainwashed robot living their life in submission to one regime or another, blind to the fact that the entire existence of a "government" only serves as a platform for idiots and sociopaths to fuck up everyone else's life. If the average robotic piece of human waste could realize this, then Hitler would never have risen to power, the atom bomb would never have been built, there would have been no war and no threat from the Japanese, it's all because people are willing to fight and die for the state, that is what makes all wars possible.

Side: Resources
WinstonC(1225) Disputed
1 point

"I posted another video that was almost an hour long about the federal reserve in my debate about the federal reserve and it went over everything you mentioned about the fractional reserve system"

Yet you posted this video as a critique of capitalism, so you must have thought that this video contained good criticism of capitalism.

"If you ask me the people who made the atom bomb where bums, and the Japanese leaders where bums, and the Nazi's (obviously) where bums, they where all just a bunch of bums sending people to their deaths for their own power."

First of all, when you call someone a "bum", it isn't substantive criticism. Second of all, while the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused ~200k deaths, whereas 200k-580k Chinese died in Changde from a singular use of Japanese biological warfare. Use of nuclear weapons unquestionably resulted in less deaths, especially since a similar biological attack was planned against the U.S. 5 weeks after their surrender. If you think it makes you a "bum" to reduce death then I wish I was a "bum". Also, there is no equivalence between defensive war and offensive war.

"There is one simple way that world war 2 could have been entirely prevented- If the average human being wasn't a brainwashed robot living their life in submission to one regime or another, blind to the fact that the entire existence of a "government" only serves as a platform for idiots and sociopaths to fuck up everyone else's life."

Yet it is necessary to have a state in order to defend against other states effectively.

"If the average robotic piece of human waste could realize this, then Hitler would never have risen to power, the atom bomb would never have been built, there would have been no war and no threat from the Japanese, it's all because people are willing to fight and die for the state, that is what makes all wars possible."

I'm no fan of the state but it does seem necessary to have a professional military and police force in order to protect the people.

Side: Capital

Yes it does. It keeps making whites and minorities who aren't lazy pieces of dog shit well off despite being born with nothing. Now go make excuses and look for a way to get someone with ambition's money so you can sit on your ass due to the magic money that appeared without hard work.

We can get rid of capitalism. Of course your cable, computer, and cell phone will disappear with it. But at least you'll be equally miserable as everyone else is as you die waiting in line for a doctor, basic food, and clean water.

Side: Capital
marcusmoon(576) Clarified
2 points


Thanks for the sarcasm at the start. More to the point, thanks for the explanation afterward to ensure that the obtuse folks on both left and right could see you were being sarcastic. ;)

It amazes me that there are people who use devices (computers) and services (internet) which are made and distributed through the results of capitalists' investments and capitalist activities, to denigrate capitalism.

It is hypocrisy used as a method to attempt suicide.


Side: Resources
2 points

It amazes me that there are people who use devices (computers) and services (internet) which are made and distributed through the results of capitalists' investments and capitalist activities, to denigrate capitalism.

What amazes me is how spectacularly indoctrinated by capitalism you are. The fact that you actually seem to believe capitalism is responsible for technological evolution is just simply stunning. How do you rectify your bizarre theory with everything which was invented before capitalism? Or are you saying nothing was invented before capitalism? By your own logic computers could not have been invented without the discovery of electricity, and that happened in 17th century Europe (in fact it was arguably the ancient Greeks who first discovered it). Therefore nobody should criticise imperial feudalism otherwise we'd have no electric!!!??? What a simply senseless thing to believe.

You often criticise Islam Marcus, but the problem is that Muslims invented clocks and maps. So again, using your own logic, you can't criticise Islam because without it you wouldn't know where you are or what time of day it is. The same applies to you criticising Communism. You can't do that any more because without Communism you wouldn't have satellites.

Your thoughts are following precisely the same spectacular pattern of confirmation bias which is regularly exhibited by the devoutly religious. In other words, you are presenting "evidence" of God which is not logically evidence of God.

Side: Resources