
Debate Info

Yes No, obviously...
Debate Score:217
Total Votes:241
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 Yes (91)
 No, obviously... (92)

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SkepticScum(6) pic

Is "God" all loving?

Does "God" exist? If so, is it really all caring/loving? Can it be?


Side Score: 101

No, obviously...

Side Score: 116

Of course God is ALL loving... God only does GOOD... Satan does the BAD.. See? Why would Jesus die on the cross if he wanted to give us bad..

Side: Yes
CutMe(109) Disputed
1 point

Well, let me try to explain a few things to you.

1. If God was all-loving, he wouldn't be such an evil bastard in the OT. Satan has killed and decieved far less people than God ever has. 2. God didn't sacrifice anything. God and Jesus are the same guy and they never died.

Side: No, obviously...
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Why don't you go get drunk with some prostitutes, and maybe take the women of your family to join the fun? Pervert. And if you get AIDS (assuming you don't already have it) you can blame God for allowing you to be stupid you pervert.

Side: Yes
pastafarian(79) Disputed
1 point

Ok let's operate under the unlikely premise that God actually exists. If God existed then any developments attributed to nature (which he created) would have to be attributed to him also. Earthquake? God did it. Flood? God did it. Miscarriages and stillborns? God again. There can be no argument for Gods good nature if the nature God created causes so many needless deaths. This is normally the part where someone says "the lord works in mysterious ways." This is a laughable statement at best. If something good happens it's all "thank you God. Praise Jesus!" And when something unspeakable happens you say "the lord works in mysterious ways." People who say this are admitting that they don't know at least 50% of what they're talking about. If God is completely good and all-powerful does that mean he has the power to do evil? If he doesn't have this power, then he is not all-powerful and if he does have this power then he is not all good.

Side: No, obviously...
Sitar(3680) Disputed
1 point

God is so loving that He forces people to suffer. Makes perfect sense.

Side: No, obviously...
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Why don't you go get drunk with some prostitutes, and maybe take the women of your family to join the fun? Pervert. And if you get AIDS (assuming you don't already have it) you can blame God for allowing you to be stupid you pervert.

Side: Yes
Saintnow(3684) Clarified
1 point

I don't think I intended that comment to be directed at's been a long time and I really don't want to dig back to see who I was talking to, but I do not make comments like that unless they accurately respond to the comments of the person they are directed toward. There are several people here I know may have been on the receiving end of those comments because of things they have boldly stated about their love of perversions.......but I don't recall ever having you in that category and I apologize for the impression that the comments were directed at you.

Side: Yes
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

God hates sin, He hates evil, He hates that which destroys the good things He created. "All loving" is not an attribute of God. It is wishful thinking of sinners who do not want to agree with God that their sin is evil.

God is love. God hates sin. God loves sinners because He created them. We all will serve God willingly in Heaven with all of His blessings, or unwillingly in Hell forever unable to believe God is love as we can believe it now. There will be nothing good in Hell where sinners fry like eternal sausages, no way for them to have any indication that God is love because they preferred their pride and would not repent of their sin and incurred His wrath against their evil ways.

Side: No, obviously...
1 point

Of course.....?

Those who have faith and belief in God need to believe the deity is all loving to justify our existence and give meaning to our lives.

Without an all loving God what would they do instead......believe in themselves.....?

Maybe one day but not in my lifetime.

Side: Yes
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
0 points

There is no need to believe God is loving toward evil unless you are evil and feel the need to believe God will not leave you in Hell forever. Our existence is justified by God since He created us. Our right to live is good as long as God's mercy gives us time we do not deserve. Is your lifetime over yet, are you still counting down to zero or are you lost and gone forever away from God into Hell's fire? Are you still with us?

Side: No, obviously...
1 point

God IS Love. All who live in God, live in love. That's Love (caritas/agape/charity).

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes. God is love. If He didn't love us, He wouldn't have created us. Bad things happen because we live in a fallen world. And most if the time, we pay the price for our own actions. God has given us free will; we have a choice whether or not to obey Him. He gave us free will so that we would have the choose to love; to love as He first loved us.

Side: Yes
1 point

Reality wants the life forms that inhabit it to transcend - God or no God, that's good enough.

Side: Yes
1 point


Side: Yes
1 point

God is the Creator, He is not an "it". An "it" is a created thing. Your arguing is against a god who is not God. There is no wisdom, nor counsel, nor understanding against the LORD. When you argue against God, you have to invent falsehoods so your argument is in reality against a god who is not God so you can feel like you are winning the right to exist outside of Hell as a sinner because in your mind you have murdered God. Your OP here is framed in willful ignorance, and you are only going against your own life.

The fact that God is love precludes Him from tolerating evil. If God were to tolerate evil, then His love would do you nor me any good as evil would destroy us. God will contain evil in the fire of Hell. The creatures which turned to evil were good and knew God's love before they became sinners. In God's wrath against evil borne out of His character of love, He will destroy evildoers and confine them in Hell forever as a testimony to His goodness, He made no mistake in creating them, and there is nothing to imply He ever stops loving them though the remain condemned under justice and it's good to know God hates evil and can be counted on to purge all bad things out of His creation and leave them in the burning garbage pit of Hell where they belong.

Side: Yes
1 point


But let me put it another way. If instead of being a loving God he is an angry do as I told you God then there is literally zero reason to worship him. An angry God is just a giant bully and he is going to do with you whatever he wants regardless of how careful you are to try to kiss up to him.

Side: Yes

Yes, it is true... Then why would there be God for?????..............

Side: Yes
CutMe(109) Disputed
1 point

... What? Could you be any less understandable? XD

I really don't have anything else to ask but the site wants me to type more...

Side: No, obviously...
7 points

Well, there is no evidence to suggest the god of the bible exists, but for the sake of argument, say it does.

It depends whether or not this god is all-powerful, because I suppose this god could be all-loving but unable to stop suffering. But this would make it a weak god.

On the other hand if this god were all powerful and able to do anything, then this god would not be all-loving. It would either be ambivalent to human suffering or actually enjoy it, in which case, it would be sadistic.

Side: No, obviously...
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

I think the one who enjoys suffering is you, because you use it happily as an excuse for being angry against God. You point at the suffering in the world gleefully as if by magnifying it you are putting God down. All you are doing is marching yourself into Hell like a fool, trying to prove God is not good.

Side: Yes
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

You are Nosefertu, God of the Bible is God. You are an "it" as you are a thing created by God. God is the Creator who cannot be delineated as an it like you.

If you are going to argue against God as He reveals Himself in the Bible, you have to acknowledge Him as God. Otherwise you are arguing against something that is not God, and your argument is invalid. Simple common sense recognizes there is no valid argument against our Creator, so people always argue against something less then God and then claim they are arguing against God. It's nonsense, and there is a very simple reason why the Bible says in Psalm 14:1 that the fool has said in his heart, "there is no God". It's because they are fools, and they are corrupt.

Side: Yes
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

He is arguing against the existence of the Christian God.

Side: No, obviously...
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Why don't you go get drunk with some prostitutes, and maybe take the women of your family to join the fun? Pervert. And if you get AIDS (assuming you don't already have it) you can blame God for allowing you to be stupid you pervert.

Side: Yes
3 points

It can't be, otherwise how the hell do you explain incurable blood cancer in children? Innocent children who've done nothing wrong and "God" is killing them as we speak. If it does exist I for one have no desire to meet it.

Side: No, obviously...
Saintnow(3684) Clarified
2 points

your sin is killing you and pulling you down to Hell. An child who cannot understand will not be held accountable. You should be thanking God for the gifts He has given you instead of trying to blame Him and accuse Him of not being good enough for you.

Side: Yes
1 point

What kind of God do you believe in? God does not bring down judgement, diseases and sicknesses on His people.. If you are a Christian, that means that you have not read the New Testament and you only focus on the Old Testament...

Side: Yes
14giraffes(87) Disputed
1 point

This is treating the existence of suffering as an intellectual puzzle when the Bible is a narrative that explains how God is dealing with suffering. But the puzzle can be solved by focusing on specific biblical doctrines (Free Will, Universal Salvation, and less popularly Transmigration).

I will address these specifically if necessary, but you get the gist.

a good audio debate on the subject.
Side: Yes
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
2 points

Boring. The Atheist was never a Christian or he would know he deserves to burn in Hell for being a sinner and only God's mercy allows people to live in this world when they deserve to be burning in Hell now. These "problems" and "issues" are not complicated and do not require college degrees to answer or discuss. It's simply a shame that most people, like this atheist who starts by insulting all believers with "faith is not a matter of smarts", cannot discuss these things civilly. The atheist in this video is using insult as the basis of his argument and not accepting the Bible's answers to his objections.

God is going to restore His creation and purge evil from this world soon enough. If He did it today like this atheist seems to think He should, all of the atheists would know nothing more of God's mercy in allowing them to speak against Him while they roam around enjoying His sunshine. Their refusals to admit that God is being merciful to them would end, and forever change to begging God in the fire of Hell for mercy to end their sufferings, and cursing Him for refusing to meet their demands, and being forever haunted by the times when they knew God's offer of forgiveness but declined; thinking it was nothing that He gave Himself as the Son of God to pay for their sins with His own blood.

Side: No, obviously...
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

I doubt that this guy is a Christian, he says way too many things which are contrary to the word of God......that's the Bible for those of you who don't know

Side: No, obviously...
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Why don't you go get drunk with some prostitutes, and maybe take the women of your family to join the fun? Pervert. And if you get AIDS (assuming you don't already have it) you can blame God for allowing you to be stupid you pervert.

Side: No, obviously...
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

why are you asking how in the name of Hell about anything? Do you think Hell is yours to give you authority in this world?

Side: Yes
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

What makes you better than innocent children, and who is killing you? You will stand before God in Judgement if you want to or not, and guess who is going to fall to who on that day.

Side: Yes
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

You will meet God, you don't have a choice about that. You owe Him for every moment of your time, and He will judge you if you like it or not......and obviously you don't like it, so that's just too bad for you.

Side: Yes
2 points

God isn't physical.

The process of feeling love has only been proven to happen within the brain.

Brains are physical.

No Brain= No Love

Side: No, obviously...
2 points

couldn't you say that a brain is just a box of information?

Side: No, obviously...
2 points

1. That's incredibly vague.

2. The Brain doesn't just hold information, the brain is an intricate device that processes information. A simple box of information doesn't do anything, remaining inanimate.

Side: No, obviously...
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

couldn't you say God does not love you if you are burning in Hell? And could you be wrong when you are there and saying that?

God loves you and wants you to believe it before it's too late. That's why He took on a body as the Son of God to pay for your sins with His blood, to save you from paying with your life in Hell forever. Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. If you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus Christ, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Side: Yes
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Jesus Christ is God. God is God over all creation. He paid with His blood for your sins to buy you back from Hell because He loved you and still offers you pardon if you will believe on His resurrection and receive Him as your Savior. I hope it's not too late for you.

Side: Yes
ProLogos(2794) Disputed
2 points

Could you be any more original?

Side: No, obviously...
CutMe(109) Disputed
2 points

Sorry, but if God and Jesus are the same then God didn't sacrifice anything. And if he did sacrifice for us, why are we still threatened with Hell?

Side: No, obviously...
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

I hope it's not too late for you.

You know full well that it is never too late for anyone. You continue to misrepresent Christianity to fit with your own superiority complex.

Side: No, obviously...
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Jesus Christ is God. He is physical. Your brain is more than a pile of chemicals with no life you moron.

Side: Yes
ProLogos(2794) Disputed
3 points

Jesus Christ!? He's dead. Jesus is the son of God. Or are you saying that God went back in time before he was born, banged and impregnated his own mom thus creating himself and becoming his own dad.

You are truly sick in the dome to worship such a being.

You will be electrified for all eternity in frell if you do not repent for your sinfulness towards Glub.

Side: No, obviously...
2 points

Well to start off no proof that God even exists, I haven't seen or got any "love" from him, have you... Which leads into this argument having no point accept "believers" I can't change your religion and I won't even bother trying.

Side: No, obviously...
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

you feel you have not received love from Him because you love your sin and you don't want Him to get it out of your life. God loves you so He will let you keep your sin if you insist, but He will not allow you to skate around eternity insulting Him who created you for His own goodness' sake. Hell is for the devil and his angels, and is enlarged to make room for people who prefer being like devils over believing Jesus is God who took their place in death to purchase them back by His own blood from sin's earnings of Hell fire.

Side: Yes
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
0 points

You yourself are proof of God's existence. You choose to ignore Him, that's not His fault.

Side: Yes
ReaLogic(6) Clarified
1 point

Not much to it, I "ignore" him because he shows me no love anyways.

Side: Yes
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
0 points

you feel you have not received love from Him because you love your sin and you don't want Him to get it out of your life. God loves you so He will let you keep your sin if you insist, but He will not allow you to skate around eternity insulting Him who created you for His own goodness' sake. Hell is for the devil and his angels, and is enlarged to make room for people who prefer being like devils over believing Jesus is God who took their place in death to purchase them back by His own blood from sin's earnings of Hell fire.

Side: Yes
ProLogos(2794) Disputed
2 points

What if I love the devil just as much as I love Jesus, will God accept me to heaven?

Side: No, obviously...
2 points

I'd quicker become a Satanist than a Christian. The God of the Bible is a sadistic Psychopath. If you read it and interpret it for yourself you will see a lot of murder and other horrible crimes being committed by this God.

Side: No, obviously...
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

This "God of the Bible is sadistic, psychopath" junk is way overused and terribly lacking in usage of mental capacity. Try to think logically about right and wrong. If God ends your time now, He is right to do so. If He leaves you crippled and drooling in bed for a couple years before you waste away in death, He is right to do so. You are not right to say He has no right over you. He created you, He sustains you, and you badmouth Him and expect Him to be kind to you? He is being kind, and you try to paint Him as evil, and you still expect Him to relieve your sufferings? Are you crazy?

You already are a Satanist. You are accusing God the same way the devil accuses God, trying to blame God for allowing you to be evil, and then expecting God to allow you to roam freely. Death is yours, and it's taking you into Hell which was created not for people but for the Devil and his angels (demons).

Just because God allowed people to be born into a fallen world does not make Him evil. He gave Himself over to death to pay the price for the fallen ones so they can be redeemed. You can be redeemed but you are choosing to be lost to death. He is risen from the dead in victory, and you are going down in defeat rejecting the one who will give you the victory He has if you will repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Side: Yes
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

"Good" = things that would otherwise be evil but because God does them they are the opposite. "Giving himself over the death" means an eternal being separating himself into two but yet still being 1 at the same time as being 2 and then dying but yet not really dying because he is and always has existed.

It is fun how some religious people can completely redefine words to make their rhetoric plausible.

Side: No, obviously...
0 points

You probably did not read the New Testament...... Read more then you will know

Side: Yes
3 points

Even with the New Testament, non-believers can still easily see God as somewhat evil.

The message is still "worship Jesus, or go to hell".

Side: No, obviously...
1 point

I did. You should go read it more thoroughly. And the OT as well...

Side: Yes
2 points

It made us so no....All we've done is kill each other. God has done nothing to alter it!

Side: No, obviously...
1 point

This is so stupid. The concept of God being "all loving" is nothing but desire of sinners to live forever as sinners.....loving their sin and hating God while they expect God to bow down for them and overlook their guilt.

Side: No, obviously...
1 point

A loving God does not force people to suffer. .

Side: No, obviously...
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

God allows us to live when we deserve to die. Sin causes suffering while God gives us time outside of Hell. Sin also is the cause of the suffering of sinners in Hell who have rejected God's remedy for their condition, which is that He Himself paid for their sins with His own blood as the Son of God, to redeem them from the penalty of their sin which is Hell. If you end up in Hell, it's because you wanted to be unthankful toward God for your life and He gave you what you wanted.

Side: Yes
Sitar(3680) Disputed
1 point

I used to have faith like you, but it died when I realized that He forces us to suffer. :(

Side: No, obviously...
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

In another post you said the faith you had died because God forces us to suffer. Here you say He is not loving. I don't think you are saved at all. You sound completely ungrateful for God's mercy, blaspheming Him when you say He is not loving. It's your own attitude causing you to feel God is not loving, it's you who needs an attitude adjustment....that's an observation and you shouldn't get mad at me over it. Isn't it bad enough being mad at God?

Side: Yes

Basically, if you don't agree with him (believe in him) he punishes you by sending you to hell. Talk about bigoted and intolerant.

Side: No, obviously...
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

God hates sin, He hates evil, He hates that which destroys the good things He created. "All loving" is not an attribute of God. It is wishful thinking of sinners who do not want to agree with God that their sin is evil.

God is love. God hates sin. God loves sinners because He created them. We all will serve God willingly in Heaven with all of His blessings, or unwillingly in Hell forever unable to believe God is love as we can believe it now. There will be nothing good in Hell where sinners fry like eternal sausages, no way for them to have any indication that God is love because they preferred their pride and would not repent of their sin and incurred His wrath against their evil ways, and High Fallutin fools will be destroyed.

Side: Yes
1 point

Re: "God hates sin, He hates evil, He hates that which destroys the good things He created"

Then you should repent, sinner!

PS - What street corner are you holy-rollering on?

Side: No, obviously...
1 point

God hates sin, He hates evil, He hates that which destroys the good things He created. "All loving" is not an attribute of God. It is wishful thinking of sinners who do not want to agree with God that their sin is evil.

God is love. God hates sin. God loves sinners because He created them. We all will serve God willingly in Heaven with all of His blessings, or unwillingly in Hell forever unable to believe God is love as we can believe it now. There will be nothing good in Hell where sinners fry like eternal sausages, no way for them to have any indication that God is love because they preferred their pride and would not repent of their sin and incurred His wrath against their evil ways.

Side: No, obviously...
1 point


Side: No, obviously...
1 point

God is love, but He cannot love evil because it is against Him, He cannot be good if He does not hate evil...what good are you if you don't hate evil?

Side: No, obviously...
Amarel(5669) Disputed
1 point

Isahah 45:7 - I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

Side: Yes
Saintnow(3684) Clarified
1 point

soooooo? God hates evil, and he uses it to accomplish his ends. If you don't like God, that's your problem. Your dislike of God causes evil to grow in your heart, God's goodness creates evil in you because you want it so God gives it to you because He is good and you will burn in Hell forever if you wont' believe it.

Side: Yes
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Be sure and tell God that He does not have the right to let you die or to burn in Hell, because you are blaming Him for the fact that you are evil.

Side: No, obviously...
1 point

The Christian God says that he is omnipotent and benevolent.

However we all know that evil does exist so therefore God cannot be both omnipotent (all powerful) and benevolent (all loving) at the same time. This is called the omnitriad. So therefore in the Christians eyes, God is more powerful than loving (as he created the world) so he cannot be benevolent.

Also God flooded the world and killing everyone, not very loving to me (Noahs ark)

Side: No, obviously...
1 point

What if God doesn't care?


Side: No, obviously...