
Debate Info

Violent left Fascist left
Debate Score:57
Total Votes:78
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 Violent left (30)
 Fascist left (16)

Debate Creator

brontoraptor(28596) pic

Rand Paul attacked. Peaceful left continues to attack Conservatives

Violent left

Side Score: 36

Fascist left

Side Score: 21
1 point

Hello bront:

Dude! He's doctor living in the same gated community that Paul does.. He's as right wing as you get...


Side: Violent left
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

What? What the hell does living in a gated community have to do with political affiliation? Think Hollywood. And since when does being a Dr. Make one a right winger?

I was told the perpetrator was. Democrat. If it was political, the attack wasn’t because Paul isn’t right enough

Side: Violent left
Nomenclature(1257) Clarified
1 point

I was told the perpetrator was. Democrat. If it was political, the attack wasn’t because Paul isn’t right enough

He is a registered Democrat but it is pure cynical speculation from the right that the incident had anything to do with politics.

Side: Violent left
excon(18262) Disputed
0 points

Hello A,

It’s a reasonable assumption. Most wealthy people are right wing. Are there a few wealthy lefties? Yes. But, I repeat. MOST wealthy people are right wing.


Side: Fascist left
1 point

I don't know exactly what happened. But what I do know is if your next door neighbor body slams you and breaks a bunch of ribs then either the neighbor is a raging ahole or you are (or both of you).

Side: Violent left
1 point

Come now Grenache. You and I were wrestling in a tub of chocolate just last night. And we're not assholes. Oh wait...

Side: Fascist left
Grenache(6053) Disputed
2 points

I only wrestle in tapioca. Chocolate ends up looking a little like a black face Jim Crow performance.

Side: Violent left
1 point

It was all about their love affair breaking up as a result of Rand Paul carrying on with a Jr High School boy.

Side: Violent left
3 points

Let's not jump to conclusions about his motive but it does make sense that simultaneously calling for violence against "Nazis" while portraying half the country as "Nazis" would lead to violence.

Side: Fascist left

This is exactly why you can't take neo-Nazis like bronto seriously. They are so disingenuous it's absolutely spectacular. He opens threads like this pretending to be anti-violence when a right wing politician gets smacked in the mouth, but then has the opposite reaction when it comes to invading Iraq and killing a bunch of Muslims. It's completely pointless arguing with a prick who flip flops from pacifist to war junkie dependent on who has initiated the violence. He's literally just like Hitler, who was on TV every day denouncing "communist violence" while he simultaneously invaded half of Europe.

Side: Fascist left
1 point

killing a bunch of Muslims

Allright. I condemn Obama and the EU killing a bunch of Muslims. Libs should be ashamed of themselves.

While we're at it, libs should be ashamed of bombing Japan with atomic bombs, having slaves, opposing the civil rights movement, creating Jim Crow, the Trail of Tears, electing Robert Byrd from 1953-2010, creating the KKK, and putting Japanese people in prison camps during WWII.

Side: Violent left
marcusmoon(576) Disputed
1 point

He's literally just like Hitler, who was on TV every day denouncing "communist violence" while he simultaneously invaded half of Europe.

So you are saying that Bronto is on TV every day AND invading half of Europe?

You might want to reconsider the use of the word literally.

That said, there is definitely more than enough hypocrisy to go around.

Side: Violent left
xMathFanx(1722) Disputed
1 point


This is exactly why you can't take neo-Nazis like bronto seriously. They are so disingenuous it's absolutely spectacular. He opens threads like this pretending to be anti-violence when a right wing politician gets smacked in the mouth, but then has the opposite reaction when it comes to invading Iraq and killing a bunch of Muslims.

Aren't you the same way with ANTIFA and the like?

Side: Violent left
Amarel(5669) Clarified
0 points

So then are you cool or not cool with Rand Paul being attacked?

Side: Violent left