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 The world needs less humans (46)

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MasterYoda(224) pic

The world needs less humans

Humans as they currently are are a force of total destruction on the earth. Most people benefit no one but themselves and maybe a few other humans or pets by existing, the rest of the world wouldn't miss them as they only create more pollution and waste. Abortion should be used to lower the population whenever it is necessary. You can get all emotional over human life all you want but if we flood the world with humans eventually there won't be no more world, and therefor there won't be no more humans either, so think about THAT you worthless, selfish monkeys.
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Humans as they currently are are a force of total destruction on the earth.

Okay Thanos. Why don't those with your position leave the Earth...

FacelessMan(87) Disputed
1 point

Why don't those with your position leave the Earth

Why don't those who are destroying the earth leave the earth?

1 point

Why don't those who are destroying the earth leave the earth?

So go ahead.

Less humans, I agree. Let's start with Liberals who claim they are so concerned about our planet's health. Do your part and leave and set the example for the rest of us to follow. I will bid you a fond farewell.

FacelessMan(87) Disputed
1 point


You are an ugly, fat jewish prick who profits from environmental destruction. So tell me, if we want to help the environment who should we get rid of, the guy exposing the problem to the retards of the internet or the guy who's profit based priorities entail shitting on the environment without care? You would gladly trade all life on earth for the opportunity to make more money, you support right wing policies that allow you to keep putting profit before all else.

2 points

You son of a diseased yak and half-crazed camel, your only talent in life is humping tail pipes of cars in public so you can show everyone what a "hot rod" you have. You are a tragic waste of space.

PS- I didn't know I was Jewish.

Humans are the worst scourge ever puked out of the universe. We are a species so hostile and stupid that we have enslaved ourselves. Just look at idiots like Brontoraptor, Jody and Amarel. They would literally sell their own friends and family for a dollar.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

Jody(1791) Disputed
1 point

just look at idiots like Brontoraptor, Jody and Amarel. They would literally sell their own friends and family for a dollar.

Where you would instead rat your entire family out for minor infractions of your Stalinist world view out just to get a pat on the back from “uncle Joe “ you would gleefully smile as your extended family were ferried off to the nearest gulag

FacelessMan(87) Disputed
1 point

Jody raped his sister and super-glued her nipples together.

1 point

Humans are the worst scourge ever puked out of the universe

So do what you need to do to get rid of yourself.

It would make life on earth much better if we would give everyone a test and SHOOT the lowest scoring 1/3. The Georgia Stones say like 90% reduction. So I am a humanitarian with only 1/3 gone!?

>>>ps, I’m ok with lethal injection- we don’t have to shoot em😉

-1 points

The world needs less humans

Hello hater and science denier:

INDEED!! The world needs LESS Jew hating science deniers.. Look.. Do the world a favor.. OFF yourself!!


FacelessMan(87) Disputed
1 point

In what way does a man deny science and hate jews? .

1 point

In what way does a man deny science and hate jews?

You deny dna and hate Jews.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

If the WORLD needs less humans then why is it you OPEN BORDER people want more people that are ILLEGAL in the UNITED STATES ????????

You IDIOT LEFTIST just tie yourself into KNOTS with your CONFUSED MIND !!!!!!!!!!!!

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

You are not sure about SCIENCE because it REALLY confuses YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

0 points

The world needs LESS Jew hating science deniers

Shut your pathetic mouth. You're a liar and a piece of shit who denies science and then projects his own hatred for science onto the very people who disprove him. You're not Jewish and the DNA test you claim proves otherwise was literally described by scientific experts as "meaningless genetic astrology". Fuck off and die you lying little prick.