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Debate Score:42
Total Votes:50
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 I agree (14)
 I disagree (15)

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Nomenclature(1257) pic

Theresa May: Trump was 'wrong' to retweet far-right posts

UK Prime Minister Theresa May has said Donald Trump was "wrong" to retweet posts from a British far-right group.

I agree

Side Score: 22

I disagree

Side Score: 20

It is extremely obvious to anybody with half a functioning brain cell that Trump is sympathetic to the fascist far right, and his most recent tweets only prove it.

Side: I agree
3 points

He's sympathetic to the fascist far right because he's a part of the fascist far right. Maybe he wasn't always, but David Duke can see it.

Side: I agree
brontoraptor(28596) Disputed Banned
2 points

Uh huh. That's why the real kkk donated $20,000 to Hillary Clinton, and also why Democrats voted Robert Byrd into Congress , Hillary's kkk "mentor" ,from 1953 up until his death in 2010.

Side: I disagree
brontoraptor(28596) Disputed Banned
1 point

Says nomenclature and May as they shamefully bask in their 92% white country lecturing us about diversity, immigrants, and Islam from a pulpit that seems to happily exclude all of those 3 things.

Side: I disagree
1 point

lecturing us about diversity, immigrants, and Islam from a pulpit that seems to happily exclude all of those 3 things.

There are 2.8 million Muslims living in Britain you clown.

Side: I agree
2 points

Thankfully more and more people are realizing what a joke he is. His latest round of re-tweet was either race-baiting or shown to be fake/false, even those who usually stand for him are questioning his judgement at those tweets.

Side: I agree
1 point

Trumpty Dumpty is wrong every day. He is a liar every day.

Funny, Obama was far more popular than Trump and you white supremacists and Nazi sympathizers say he was the worst President. The two opinions don't seem to make sense, given the poll numbers, do they? Obama was rated in Japanese polls about "trust" at over 80%, poor little Trumpy Bear came in at about 17%. About the same with S. Korea. Doesn't make sense, does it?? Polls found Obama "misstated" a few times over his 8 yrs. They find that Honest Abe Trump tells an average of 5 lies a day (about a month ago). Now, with his "Tax Cuts", it's GOT to have upped his average considerably! Now he's tweeting our allies away ... you know, the ones who trusted Obama!? The ones who welcomed BO with open arms are trying to get Trumps visit cancelled! Could it be that you supremacists are "possibly" wrong ... and NOT the rest of the world??? Face it! The only people that like him are white supremacists, Nazi's and dictators! (Aside from a low 30% of brainwashed Americans. The rest of the "base" don't want to admit they made a mistake!) TRUMP WAS, and IS WRONG!

Side: I agree
1 point

Hello N:

Trump was BORN wrong!


Side: I agree
1 point

Is Trump entitled to repost, or to say whatever he wants to say? Yes. He lives in a free country with constitutionally protected freedom of speech.

Should he have? No.

1. He represents the US as a whole State, not just his sole opinion.

2. His entire first year of Presidency is based on the mantra of fighting fake news, and then he turns to a source widely considered bogus and treats it as the real deal.

Side: I agree
2 points

And of course in Great Britain, it is illegal to speak against Islam in any way. Christianity or atheism? Fair game. They have literally thrown politicians in jail simply for saying Islamic mass migration needs controlled. That's what speech control looks like in a rabidly liberal nation.

The Brit elites are simply butthurt that someone has the ability to leapfrog their propaganda and brainwashed version of mindless groupthink. I think I'll retweet it just to piss the bastards off.

Side: I disagree
0 points

I totally aggree, I have an example for this too: yesterday in sociology class we were seeig religions and the teacher said christians were a bunch of retards and compared them to gallic paysants, that pissed me off so I asked him why he didnt make any jokes on islam, as he didnt answer I said told him it was because he was to scared

For me class ended earlier that day -_-

Side: I disagree
0 points

And of course in Great Britain, it is illegal to speak against Islam in any way

There are British far right groups who harass Muslim mothers in the street, you insanely dishonest twit. You know what, bronto? I'm in no mood for your lies, so you can gtfo.

Side: I agree
2 points

First of all, Trump is unlikely to have known who "Britain First" are, I'm British and was ignorant of their existence until now. The tweets weren't even from their main twitter (if one exists), rather from their deputy leader's feed under the handle "@JaydaBF". Secondly, the videos were purportedly showing Muslims committing crimes, which in itself isn't extremist content. To quote an NBC summary:

"The first video Trump shared claimed to show a Muslim migrant beating up a Dutch boy on crutches. The second was captioned “Muslim destroys a statute of Virgin Mary,” and the third read “Islamist mob pushes teenage boy off roof and beats him to death!”"

Side: I disagree
1 point

I dont see why it is wrong...

Could someone post a link to said posts? I cant find them anywhere

Side: I disagree
EldonG(530) Clarified
1 point^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

Scroll down a bit, you'll find posts re-tweeted from Jayda Fransen - those are the ones.

Side: I agree
cruzaders(326) Clarified Banned
1 point

Im sorry but your link seems to be dead .

Side: I agree
1 point

No one really gives a shit except people who do worse things all the time.

Side: I disagree