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 What does pro-choice mean? (278)

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JustIgnoreMe(4290) pic

What does pro-choice mean?

When someone says they are pro-choice, what does that mean to you?

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3 points

Being pro-choice, at its most basic level, is the idea that each woman should have her own decision on the right to abort. Who the hell am I to make that decision for someone else?

I think that if you don't want the woman to be prosecuted, you are pro-choice. (Even if you prefer that people choose not to abort.)

1 point

Or the doctor. I think many of the laws prevent the doctors from performing abortions.

1 point

Same with pro-choice Euthanasia. The doctor gets charged with murder/malpractice/etc.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Absolute deceptive LIAR! No State is trying to prosecute women for abortions. It's doctors who would be prosecuted for breaking the law and killing innocent babies!


0 points

MATTHEWS: Do you believe in punishment for abortion, yes or no as a principle?

TRUMP: The answer is that there has to be some form of punishment.

MATTHEWS: For the woman.

TRUMP: Yeah, there has to be some form.

2 points

Pro-choice is an umbrella term that refers to who people who believe that it is a woman's right to terminate her pregnancy up to a certain stage of fetal development. I honestly find it hard to form an opinion on abortion but, until I do, I'll allow abortions up until the fetus is capable of living outside the womb.

2 points

Pro-Choice is a very easy concept, if you ask me. It's just that a woman should be the one making choices about her own body, so also when it comes to abortion.

1 point

Prochoice means tyhat you think abortion should be legal. I know because I used to be prochoice.

JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

So, that means you now think it should be illegal, right?

If so, what should the woman be charged with - murder, something less? How long should she typically spend in jail? Does it depend on the circumstances (rape, date rape, incest, maternal health, etc)?

Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

Yes. I think abortion is wrong unless the mother's life is in danger or the child will diie die anyway.

1 point

It could just mean that you think the anti abortion attitude of the pro life movement is in direct conflict with your pro gun stance which most pro life people seem to also have.

Yea, I definitely think there are several parralels to make between the abortion and gun conversations. e.g. here and here

1 point

I would go with the general definition that a person has the right to make decisions in regards to his/her own body (assuming it does not affect another person/group adversely). That includes abortions, euthanasia, DNRs, suicides, etc.

JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

Good catch going general - I probably should have said in the context of abortion. Is there a gestation point where you would say that abortion adversely affects another person?

flewk(1193) Clarified
1 point

In the end, the life of the child should be put in the hands of the parents. They are responsible for raising the child. Not the government, not other voters. Most abortion arguments only care about the act of abortion. They rarely consider the life of the child afterwards.

1 point

It means they are abortionists.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

What does this debate have anything to do with freeing slaves? :)

1 point

So someone can not be pro-choice if they have not had, or been involved in, an abortion?

1 point

That's not what I said.

1 point

There is quite a lot of difference between abolitionists and abortionists

It is interesting how many people do not think about what they read

1 point

Being "Pro Choice" simply means you have accepted a rational that allows you to kill your baby prior to an arbitrary point in the pregnancy. You have reasoned that the decision to abort a healthy baby is by right, your choice to make as a mother.

JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

I created a tangential debate here that I would like to get your take on.

It means they believe a woman has the right to do what they want to their body.

I think the term "pro-choice" is rather loose. From my perspective, pro-choice means that you are all for the choice of an abortion to be left upon who ever is faced with that decision. I believe it means more than this, but this is what I see most often.

JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

I think the term "pro-choice" is rather loose.

I agree.

I believe it means more than this

What does it mean to you?

Starchild123(832) Clarified
2 points

To me? Well, I'd say it's a few things. First, I think it possibly is someone who has acceptance towards abortion. I don't think they necessarily have to like the action, but are willing to tolerate it and believe that it's the right of the child bearer to decide on the operation. Secondly, I believe it means that abortion is alright, as in the person takes a stance as is in full support for a woman's right to an abortion. I'd say this sums up most of society.

1 point

People who are pro-abortion.

Really, people should just say that's what they are already. This, along with calling anti-abortioners "pro-life" or "anti-choice", is just obnoxious wordplay.

JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

People who are pro-abortion.

Some people believe abortion should be used as a last (but legal) resort - do you believe they are better described as "pro-abortion"?

pakicetus(1455) Clarified
1 point

Pro-abortion in some circumstances. They could also be described as anti-abortion in most circumstances.

MKIced(2511) Disputed
1 point

It's true that people who are pro-life are also anti-choice because they think it is wrong for everyone to get an abortion. They don't want other people to have the choice to abort at all. But being pro-choice is not equivalent with being pro-abortion because that would insinuate that there are people who actually like abortion and want it to happen, which isn't true.


1 point

Something to do with abortion. .

1 point

To me it means that they are pro-abortionists.

MKIced(2511) Disputed
1 point

No one is "pro-abortion" because that would indicate the desire to terminate pregnancies. People who are pro-choice realize that sometimes an abortion is a necessary action to be taken in the course of a pregnancy. People who are pro-choice understand that we each have our own body sovereignty and shouldn't be telling each other what to do with our own bodies.

1 point

I don't see it so much as telling people what they can and cannot do with their bodies.

I see it more like telling people to be responsible, mature, adults...

to have control over their bodies and desires...

and to take responsibility for their actions,

because a life may depend on it.

1 point

I bet you aren't even against abortion, this is just another Joe antic of pretending to be an arsehole in order to get attention.

1 point

I never said I was against abortion. As far as I'm concerned, it's God's job. He's the one who is supposedly against abortion. Let Him deal with it. If you find yourself at the pearly gates and you can't get in because your a gay male who decided to get an abortion, that's your problem. Hopefully heaven is pretty much empty so I can get some peace and quiet.

Now I bet you're going accuse me of not being religious.

1 point

Pro choice actually means pro death. Margaret Sanger, the founder of planned parenthood, said that it was her goal to erratic blacks in this country through abortion. Ever notice that most abortion clinics are in poor black neighborhoods? This is intentional. More black baby's are aborted than carried to term. How sad is that? I would say that Sanger is laughing her ass off, but I'm certainshe's in hell. No laughing going on there.

2 points

Pro choice actually means pro death.

About as much as saying pro life actually means pro slavery.

Margaret Sanger, the founder of planned parenthood, said that it was her goal to erratic blacks in this country through abortion.

Which really is entirely irrelevant to the organization now.

Ever notice that most abortion clinics are in poor black neighborhoods? This is intentional

Do you have a statistic to back that up?

More black baby's are aborted than carried to term.

Or that?

Diogenes(102) Disputed
1 point

You know how to use Google, right? I don't have the time to do something that you are entirely capable of doing on your own.

1 point

There is no such things Hell you religitard.

Diogenes(102) Clarified
0 points

Prove it. You can't. Hell is mentioned in the Bible. The Bible has been shown to be a reliable historical record. I know you atheists deny that. You say it's full of errors, yet one knowledgeable in Scripture can always show how the Bible is actually correct. Or at least raise a credible doubt about your ignorant attacks.

1 point

"it was her goal to erratic blacks"

completely made up.

1 point

It is a medical fact that life begins at conception. There is no longer any serious debate about that. Pro choicers simply claim that that life has no value. Who are they to decide? After all, their mothers didn't abort them. I'm sure they're happy to be alive. Millions of babies were denied that opportunity.

MKIced(2511) Disputed
1 point

I'm sure they're happy to be alive. Millions of babies were denied that opportunity.

I wasn't aborted. Am I happy about that? No, I'm ambivalent because if I were aborted, I wouldn't even have known about it!

Do you really think that the millions of babies "denied that opportunity" are going to be born into loving homes with a caring parent or two? Happy couples who can afford to raise a baby would not have the same desire to abort a fetus as a single woman who can barely afford to keep herself alive.

1 point

It is a medical fact that life begins at conception. There is no longer any serious debate about that.

There is a lot of debate about that, as people disagree philosophically on what constitutes life. Declaring your opinions and beliefs to be indisputable fact is just lazy.

Pro choicers simply claim that that life has no value

No, they claim that life begins at a different time than you claim.

After all, their mothers didn't abort them. I'm sure they're happy to be alive. Millions of babies were denied that opportunity

It's not as if those that were aborted would be "unhappy".

Diogenes(102) Disputed
1 point

I see nothing but strawman arguments here. It really is a medical fact that life begins at conception. Ask any doctor. But here is something you can't dispute, since it is based on actual statistics. Women who get abortions are several times more likely to commit suicide. That, by itself, should be reason enough to ban it, except when the mothers life is in danger. Also, women who have their babies are LESS likely to commit suicide. Guess people like you don't care about the mothers either. Pathetic.

It means that someone believes that a woman can decide for herself if she wants to have an abortion.

0 points

Pro choice once meant having the right to choose sane things.

This extreme Left wanted some words that did not sound so barbaric, so rather than Pro abortion, they like the more palatable Pro choice.

It all means the same thing. To be pro choice (other than extreme cases) means you have the humanity of animals.

You are fake and a fraud to try and say you would personally not kill your baby (because it is taking an innocent life), but would afford other's the choice to KILL THEIR BABIES!

Who do you think you are fooling? Yourself? God?

Try being honest to who you are just once in your life.

DarkEntity(38) Disputed
0 points

To be pro choice (other than extreme cases) means you have the humanity of animals.

There are countless examples of animals who are actually more socially conscious, sentient and empathetic than a human fetus. If your obsession with abortion is rooted in empathy rather than mere robotic indoctrination, than you must value sentience above all else because it is the ending of a sentient life or bringing upon it the experience of pain which you are objecting to. Why then do you not speak out against animal cruelty or about the countless dogs who are euthanized for human convenience? A fully grown dog is objectively more aware and capable of feeling pain than a fetus, particularly in early stages of development when a fetus is not even sentient or capable of feeling pain but even in later stages of development.

Why do you obsess constantly about this one issue and never talk about animals, or even adult humans who are being treated inhumanely?

It's because you're a mindless hypocrite without a drop of genuine empathy in your body. You are a retarded fucking parrot ranting about one issue as if it is the only issue in the world.