
Taqwacore's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Taqwacore's arguments, looking across every debate.
Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

Historically, if you were physically capable of working, then you SHOULD have been working and you would have been evading taxes if you were to suicide. If, on the other hand, you were incapable of working due to mental or physical illness, infirmity, or incapacity; no none really cared if you were to suicide. Although, historically, you were more likely to go out due to disease anyway.

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

Yes, the police and the mental health system. .

1 point

Laws against suicide began during the Feudal period in Britain when the death of a tax-paying peasant would deprive the monarch of tax revenue. The same holds true today that your suicide is a form of tax evasion.

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

If you can provide some evidence to support the claim that he had a small army protecting him; that would be great. I'm just going sit here and wait for that evidence rather than making assumptions.

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

Whilst that might be an amusing anecdote, there's a strong sense of false equivalence in relating two disparate phenomena.

This might be of interest to you:

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
2 points

That's a lot of assumptions. Can I introduce you to Occam's razor as a reasoning tool? It's always best avoid making assumptions.

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

I take you never saw his documentary "Science and Islam". He went back to Iraq to film on location. Number of times he was executed = 0.

1 point

Yes; but not because the question is problematic. I think it's a fun question to debate; only there are some people on both sides of the debate that lack the ability to debate the question in a reasonable manner while avoiding fallacies. Once we get a more mature membership, I hope to see these debates being reintroduced.

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

Actually, it's only been applied 4 times in the last 25 years. It's not like exmuslims are really living in fear of their lives. Jim Al-Khalili, the British physicist, doesn't seem to be running around like Chicken Little.

5 points

I dunno...some guy bit me on the way home today. I've been feeling a bit weird sinddn'sskdnf...ARGHHHH!!!!

Bwains! Bwains!

4 points

Lets be absolutely clear, we're not a pacifist religion. But the theology of the religion of Islam is far from the violent religion that many neoconservative media outlets would like people to believe.

People I have killed since being a Muslim = 0

Living in a Muslim country as I do, the number of people I have seen killed via sharia law or for reasons pertaining to religion = 0

3 points

Someones got a bit of a chip on his shoulder, eh? .

6 points

According to schools of fiqh which were written around 300 years after the death of Mohammed, the punishment for apostasy is death. However, Mohammed himself was inconsistent in applying this punishment and, according to hadith evidence, only applied in when the apostate also engaged in acts of treason. They were otherwise permitted to leave the religion freely.

Consequently, many contemporary Islamic scholars do not support the classic fiqh position on apostasy. Furthermore, this punishment has seldom being implemented in modern times.

3 points

Can you explain how 40% constitutes a majority? As a physicist, I think it might be reasonable to expect you have some understanding of basic math. 40% is LESS THAN 51%. Therefore, it's a MINORITY.

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
2 points

There's really only one thing you can do in times like this...facepalm.

2 points

OK, I want to hear the story of what happened, and don't skimp on the juicy bits .

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

Well, for starters you'd probably have a lot of trouble being able to read because the letters seem to be all jumbled up or dancing around the page.

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

People with dyslexia see letters all jumbled up. So, the word "pencil" might be seen as "necilp" and the word "bar" seen as "bra".

And there are lots of jokes that begin with "A man walked into a bar..."

2 points

A dyslexic man walked into a bra...

That one always brings a tear to my eyes.

1 point

Muhammad forced his followers to leave their families


He warned those who did not follow him, leaving behind their families, will be cursed by Allah


In Yathrib he banished and killed the Jews who did not believe in him

FALSE - They tried to kill him.

I wont bother wasting my time debunking the rest of your diatribe. Needless to say, is hardly a repudable site. I see critical thinking isn't something you're particularly familiar with.

Not at all unexpected, I suppose.

1 point

I'm not sure if you understand the difference between a cult and a religion. You're using words that you don't fully comprehend and that's funny.

1 point

said by bronze age myth follower

Said by someone who obviously didn't know that the Levantian Bronze Age had already concluded by 1200 BC.

It's called H.I.S.T.O.R.Y

Supporting Evidence: Bronze Age in the Levant (
2 points

He's not the sharpest tool in the shed by any means; but I would think the "Stupidest atheist" award belongs to Sam Harris. Dawkins just likes to talk outside his field of expertise and mash up his epistemologies such that he can make some rather spectacular public blunders. But that both men should never be allowed near a Twitter account is obvious.

1 point

I doubt it; but anything seems to be possible in the U.S. legal system. I think it would be setting precedence though and probably be opening up an ethical powderkeg.

2 points

It's their life and it doesn't impact me. Thus live and let live. If it's a sin against God (which I believe it is), that's something God can deal with. But I don't have the power, and nor should I, to dictate what other people can and can't do in the privacy of their own homes.

Besides, I'm an kinky as all hell myself.

2 points

I have more fetishes than I can poke a stick at and they seem to change on an almost daily basis. D/s, S&M;, bondage, and golden showers seem to be my more regular fetishes.

3 points

Yes, I suppose they are. There are always exceptions, of course. But in general, laws seem to support basic social etiquette and behaviours which are inherently conducive to social harmony. Don't kill and don't steal, etc. Sometimes we have to develop laws which might seem to go outside of this (e.g. laws against file sharing); but this really boils down to definitions, if file sharing theft? Yes. While you haven't removed the physical item and the lawful owner still has it and might not even know its been copied, you're using their item/file without paying them; therefore theft.

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

OK, I take your word for it and retract my earlier suspicions.

1 point

No other species other than humans seems to attempt to create ethical guides. So I'm not sure how we could impose our ethics on another species. It would be up to that species to determine what ethical standards it should hold itself to. We're just the meat in the sandwich, literally. We don't have to like it or take it lying down; but we can't dictate ethics to other species.

1 point

I think a lot of Europeans hate America for pushing its foreign policies onto them and dictating how European governments will conduct their affairs.

Otherwise, speaking on behalf of the rest of the world, we'd really appreciate it if you could stop invading so many countries. Thanks.

1 point

Hi Prod .

1 point

Plantains are closer to potatoes, so I'm going bananas.

2 points

Correct. While we believe in and love Jesus, we don't worship Jesus because to us he's a prophet of God, not God incarnate. We're actually much more similar to Judaism than Christianity in terms of monotheistic beliefs and legal aspects.

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

Thanks, I'll read that. I always find this stuff fascinating.

Is there not a possible "observer effect"?

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

OK, so out of curiosity, how does one proceed to "prove" that a virtual particle emanates comes from nothing? Is this "nothing" a physical nothing or a philosophical nothing?

matter cannot be created nor destroyed therefore wizard did it

Yes, I can appreciate the frustration. It's a non-sequential leap of logic to presume that because we don't know the cause -> God. But you have to admit, the same leaps of logical also happen in reverse. In effect, there is/isn't a God isn't falsifiable; it boils down (you're gonna hate this) - a vibe (which is just a funky way of saying "faith"; but everyone hates the "f" word).

1 point

You are, as far as I know, correct. The Casimir Effect does disprove "god" at all. This is a problem with many young atheists. They read a website or a pop science book and they think they know all the answers. Then they mash up the science. Trust me when I say this, most real scientists loath these kinds of atheists because they trivialize the science that they claim to advocate for.

1 point

Yes! We'll consume it with jam, cream, and scones...all before tea time! Mwahahaha!

Sorry...I seem to have had a momentary brain fart. It wont happen again, promise.

4 points

The Casimir Effect does not in itself disprove the existence of an eternal being. Who ever told you that didn't understand the whole argument which is supposed to be a refutation of the Kalam Cosmological Argument which states that everything has a cause, and, since we supposedly can’t have an infinite regress of causes stretching into the past, a god must be the first cause; therefore an uncaused cause.

Where the Casimir effect comes into the argument is that some atheists suggest that not everything necessarily has or needs a cause. Quantum mechanics shows us that objects can appear out of nothing and then disappear back into nothing. Even in supposedly empty space, virtual particles are continuously appearing and disappearing. This is a real and measurable process, via what are known as the Casimir effect and the Lamb shift.

Here's the problem though...despite our best efforts we're really only scratching the surface of knowledge when it comes to Quantum physic. Those who would argue that the Casimir Effect refutes the Cosmological Argument don't understand science and the limits of our current body of knowledge. Because we can't find a cause, they assume that there is none. Of course, from a strict scientific POV, we shouldn't assume "God done it" right away either. But it's a special kind of "magical thinking" on the part of some atheists if they're assuming that no cause exists (i.e. "Poof! It's magic!"). Of course virtual particles do come from somewhere. We just don't know where or by what mechanism.

1 point

"The Day Before The Day After Tomorrow"....or "Tomorrow" .

1 point

Yep, this is another Prod account. .

1 point

Having no sense of humor is symptomatic of several mental disabilities (e.g. autism); but it isn't a disability in and of itself.

2 points

Good, yes; but necessary? No.

Exams are an effective summative assessment system; but cumulative assessment is also a reasonable means of student grading. Where I can, I try to avoid giving students exams because I believe that assignments represent a more objective assessment method. However, exams are an easier form of assessment for faculty.

1 point

This really depends on how the TV signal is being broadcast. If you're talking about free-to-air TV, then yes, there should be advertisements because that is how the TV station makes its money. If, however, you're talking about cable or subscription TV services, then no, there should not be advertisements because you (i.e the consumer) have already paid for a service.

1 point

I suppose they don't actively run around verbally abusing people. That's the difference.

1 point

Yes, I'm aware of that. There's really no way that I know of to stop him from creating new accounts. The only options I can think of is to either just ban every new account he logs in with, no questions asked (which is time consuming).

Or, to have a shadow banning option whereby he's banned; but doesn't know it. He can still post and comment; but none of those posts/comments actually appear on the site. Reddit and a few other sites use this shadow banning system with this kind of persistent trolls. Of course, they invariably figure it out that their stuff isn't visible. That's when they create the new accounts.

Another option, which would suck from a users perspective, is to limit how many different IP addresses someone can log in from. But that be can problematic because if you make the user experience too troublesome, users start to balk.

So, yeah, crappy situation he's putting you in. Sorry man. Have some man hugs though from me :)

1 point

Way to go! But there are, in all honesty, times where reporting might be necessary. A lot of Prodigee's comments, for example are often worthy of reporting.

1 point

Islam. I was previously a Theravada Buddhist monk. I became a Muslim about 1 - 2 years after a left the temple. The teachings of Islam are almost identical to those of Theravada Buddhism; but much more pragmatic.

1 point

Looser, for sure. Anyone who "needs" points in order to inflate their ego should really be booking an appointment to come see me in my clinic.

1 point

With your last couple of accounts, you seem to have made a little bit of an effort try to be less trollish and less abusive. But as it turns out, you were still abusing certain people in what would be termed "cyber stalking"; which is pretty disturbing. And sadly you're still a very abusive person when you don't get your way; as evidence by your last message to me. Given that you have absolutely no respect for anyone, despite being given respect, I can't see why you be so silly as to start demanding respect from people.

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
2 points

Page not found. Can you reset the link? .

2 points

Done; although you don't need it. You already have infinite chances. .

1 point

Many athiest and non-theists think that religious people are insane.

This would be a truly terrible reason to consider "religion" a psychiatric condition. During the height of Soviet psychiatry, anyone who opposed the Communist Party was considered to be mentally ill and confined to a psychiatric gulag.

Anyone who thinks that religious people are literally insane doesn't understand the science of psychiatry.

1 point

For me, Neutral Good .

Supporting Evidence: Neutral Good (
1 point

They've already withdrawn their missiles from the border. Besides, they do this every few years and always back down. We'll be going through all this again in a few years and they'll back down again. It's all just for show.

1 point

You have. So, get your kit off. I'll be around with the camera at about 11ish ;-)

1 point

Who is the victim of homosexual activities? No one. Therefore, it should not be considered a criminal act.

1 point

You bet! I wish my mum was still around so I could give her a phone call on Mother Day. Still, my wife will be enjoying this mothers day with our two little girls.

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

I can't respond to your PM's because I think you've blocked me.

Anyway, in answer to your question (in another thread), no, I'm not offended. What you said makes perfect sense.

1 point

There are worse things than death and being stuck in prison and denied all the civil liberties associated with a free life is one of them. So I think if you really wanted to punish someone and make them suffer, then thrown them in jail. American is supposed to be a humane and moral society. There's nothing humane or moral about executing people UNLESS there are reasonable ground to conclude that someone cannot be safely contained in a prison.

1 point

Can we not have so many of these blaming posts, accusing other users of things? I know Prodigee is a turd, he's just abused me too. But seriously, these post are the exact kind of attention-seeking that he's after. Stop stroking his ego with these kind of posts.

1 point

Actually, I really like this idea! It would actually make it pretty funny.

2 points

I'm nominating Saurbaby because I just have a mental image of her being hot.

LizziexLaura, because I have the urge to corrupt something that's good (funny how so many people want to see Lizzie in the calendar naked).

And Abby, 'cos she's cute.

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

PTSD, OCD, and bipolar; yes. Bipolar and autism? That's an unusual combination. Is that self-diagnosed or has one psychiatrist said that you have both disorders simultaneously? Technically, those two disorders can potentially cancel one another out to some extent.

I'd be more inclined to suspect Borderline Personality which would include features of all those disorders (esp. PTSD).

2 points

Can we not have so many of these "I'm the victim" and "so-and-so sucks" posts? Lets all be adults, for a change. Let's ACTUALLY have some debates.

2 points

Can we not have so many of these "I'm the victim" and "so-and-so sucks" posts? Lets all be adults, for a change. Let's ACTUALLY have some debates.

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

In all honesty? No, it wont. Although it might help to keep it under control. Has your treating psychiatrist ever talked to you about Borderline Personality Disorder?

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

I know. It's forwards and backwards. You're going to have these ups and downs.

2 points

Firstly, stop assuming that you're a bad person. Your not a bad person. You just do somethings sometimes that are counter-productive.

Learn to ignore people. You'll NEVER be able to get along with absolutely everyone and you don't have to. But you set yourself up as a target for bullying because you react so strongly. I know some people give you a hard time on this site; but you have to ask yourself why that is. The same person (you know who) used to try to bait me too. He stopped because I declined to entertain him by complaining about him, banning him, and antagonizing him further.

Don't assume the worst other people. This text-based communication is tricky because you can't see the facial gestures that go with the communication. Therefore, you can't always tell how serious or joking the other person is. I've seen you becoming angry at my comments to you in the past when they were intended only to be helpful or friendly joking around (e.g. when I suggested that you were getting on in years).

By all mean, ban people when they're being verbally abusive. Calling you a bitch or a cunt isn't something that you should tolerate. But banning people for simply having an opinion which isn't the same as your opinion probably isn't the best idea. And calling them cunts and bitches is pretty disrespectful too. You're not going to get any respect from people when you offer no respect.

And the reporting thing, don't abuse it. I think you've probably been making Andy's job a lot harder by reporting things unnecessarily. Again, by all means, report abusive comments. But consider for a moment what actually constitutes an abusive comment.

1 point

Can we not have so many of these immature pointing the finger kind of arguments? Let's STOP bitching about one another and get on with actual debates.

3 points

Other suggestions:

- Add a CONCEDE button to concede a debate. It might encourage some resolution to debates rather than just letting them fizzle out over time.

- Add a LOGICAL FALLACY button that can be used to highlight fallacies in arguments and with an explanation of the various types of fallacies.

- Add a QUOTE option or some system for quoting other people in replies.

1 point

I think forks, rakes, shovels, seeds....basic agricultural equipment. Little known fact, Nintendo is an extremely old company and well before the invention of computers, Nintendo made and sold agricultural equipment. You can keep that in your book of useless trivia.

1 point

What's the reason for putting the animal down? It it punishment? The animal doesn't know any better and it simply abiding by its natural instincts. Is it for safety concerns? That's a poor excuse for putting the animal down. When wild animals attack in these "controlled" situations, it's more often than not the human whose done something stupid to put themselves at risk.

1 point

Actually, yes. I agree with you. I should and intend to post similar comments about how silly all these "I hate X user" posts, including those which are "I hate Prodigee".

That said, it's to your benefit to ask yourself why are there so many posts which deride you.

2 points

It should be paid by the government in order to provide a stimulus to population growth which is necessary for sustainable income taxes across successive generations. When paid by the employer, a level of risk is introduced which can result in discrimination against female workers, as has happened in the past.

1 point

Kids, enough of the "I hate X (insert username here)". You don't have to like everyone or anyone here. But these hate and complaining posts are getting to be way too much.

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

Just shoot me now .

2 points

You said "when". When was the last time that the economy failed and the kids couldn't turn on their iphones AND it got so desperate that survival skills might be come in handy?

Answer - NEVER.

Maybe we should run mandatory classes on how to respond "when" the zombie apocalypse happens?

1 point

Impeach him on what grounds? You can't just impeach a POTUS without due cause.

2 points

What do you define as "survival skills"? Survival for what kind of environment? In a modern society, learning essential budgeting skills might be considered a survival skill.

1 point

No. Given the strong links between autism and atheism, there's empirical evidence to support the argument that atheists are more single minded. Theism demands the mental capacity for abstraction; a faculty which appears to be absolutely absent in both autism and atheism.

1 point

Assuming that the US is a democracy (which I rather like to think that it is) then "yes", Obama (POTUS) does reserve the right to ban assault weapons. The POTUS is charged with the responsibility of heading the legislative process, that's why.

1 point

I'd be gone in a flash. It's called self-respect. Say with me now, "R-E-S-P-E-C-T"

Cue music.

1 point

No; but I don't think one can be completely impartial either if they're in this position. The advantage of having a "friend in the middle" is that they can act as a voice of reason. If your enemy wont listen to you, they might at least listen to your mutual friend who can act to keep the peace.

1 point

Thanks Dana :-) .

2 points

One successful terrorist attack after 12 year and you're already jumping to the conclusion that we've lost the war on terror? Given how many lives have been saved, I think we're doing an outstanding job of reducing terrorism. The only problem is that while we've stopped 99% of Islamic terrorists, the majority of successful terrorists attacks on US soil since 9/11 have been carried out by secular, Christian, and Jewish extremists groups; and we've done absolutely nothing to target these groups.

1 point

I don't like it; but how the hell does that make it NWO? It's inevitable that a US President would have to head the SC eventually.

1 point

You know, one of the main reasons why Prodigee gets so many points so quickly on CreateDebate is because of all the attention that you lavish him with. If you could just make the effort to ignore his childish attacks against you, he might become insignificant. As it stands, he's the most significant person on CD because of all this negative attention.

You know the saying, "there's no such thing as bad publicity".

2 points

You can't just impeach a president for the sake of it. You have to have a legitimate reason for impeaching them. Your argument doesn't offer any reason to impeach.

2 points

Currently there are two debating options available, a perspectives debate and a for/against debate. Having the option of posting a poll would be terrific.

0 points

I'm not sure; but there were heavily armed Kraft mercenaries stationed at the finish line with bomb detection dogs. That was odd. And yet these bomb detection dogs failed to find anything? And why were there Kraft guys so heavily armed in the first place?

1 point

When your wife/girlfriend/lover asks you, "Does my bum look big in this?"

The correct answer is ALWAYS "No, your ass look fine". ALWAYS!

1 point

There probably is such a thing as a 'just' war, war for the defense of a weaker state or the victim of an unjust war might be considered 'just'.

America's involvement in WWII against the Axis powers was probably just for the defense of the Jews (although I don't think that was the actual reason for their involvement).

Can you outline the six criteria for a 'just' war? It wasn't in the debate proposition.

1 point

Amendments to the US constitution and to the intergovernmental and supranational agreements that define basic rights in other liberal democratic states prohibit the use of torture by state agents.

And yet: waterboarding-is-torturenews#.UX97u6LIuwg

1 point

Double negative

Good call! My bad.

The choices were very specific, chicken or egg. Not species-like-chicken or egg.

swears under breath

You sunk my Battleship! I concede the debate to you and doth my hat.

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