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Debate Score:66
Total Votes:79
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 Yes. (21)

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Sitar(3680) pic

Are all white people privileged?

I say no. I am white but not privileged. Myt mother is white but not privileged. Instead of judging based on skin color, judge based on content of character.


Side Score: 38


Side Score: 28
3 points

A white person living in a nation or society that has historical and systematic racism against people of color will always have racial privilege. The error in reasoning lies in thinking this means they are inherently privileged in all ways. This ignores intersectionality. A person can be white and poor, for instance, which means that they are racially privileged but disprivileged by class. It also ignores circumstance. Privilege is not a character trait or personal attribute, and it may not come in to play if it is not relevant (e.g. identity blind admissions). It might be more accurate to talk about people having privilege, rather than being privileged.

Side: No.
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
0 points

You talk like you know the truth, when you believe life has no meaning and being a sodomite is ok. Why don't you shut up? What are you waiting for to shut up?

Side: Yes.
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

No good reason to shut up, I suppose. Certainly not going to on your account.

Side: No.

I absolutely hate it when people believe you are "privileged" because you are white. White people have had a hard past too you know.

Side: No.
IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified Banned
3 points

Would it make you feel less insecure about the implications if people said referred to "dominant ethnicity privilege" for a given country?

Side: No.
1 point

Exactly. I am tired of the the race card. I have had horrible things happen to me, and I am white. I believe that we are all one race for religious reasons, so all of the ad nauseum hate is making me angry.

Side: No.
IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified Banned
2 points

I am white, and I recognize that, by being white, I have been privileged, and have received different treatment as a result.

Is that "ad nauseum hate"?

Side: No.

But you need not believe in the "one race" concept only for religious reasons. Plenty of Anthropologists and Biologists also think the entire concept of different races is a Myth. That we all came from One Common tribe of peoples.

As far as my personal religion goes, we believe we are all children of God. Sinners as well. Maybe even ESPECIALLY the sinners. We also value those who are simply ignorant of God's words but have good intentions and live good and decent lives over zealous but spiritually-bereft False Prophets. (A couple of which we have right here on CD!! Our very own!)

God Bless.

Side: No.
2 points

Privilege is always relative. Technically, the poorest and most oppressed person in the USA is still more privileged then the poorest and most oppressed person in a worse cr@phole corner of the world. Yet a middle class white family really isn't privileged at all compared to a very wealthy minority family.

Side: No.
1 point

I agree. Privilege is very subjective.................................................................................

Side: No.
1 point

That's about as ridiculous as saying all black people are ghetto. You can't paint an entire race with such a broad brush.

Side: No.
2 points

Agreed. I don't care about race. We are all one people................................

Side: No.
IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified Banned
1 point

Spoken like a white person :P

Side: No.
1 point

Why listen to people's opinions when you got statistics? They are more reliable.

Side: No.
1 point

As a white person, I agree that, to some extent, white people have certain privileges over other ethnic groups, and I think that its wrong. I feel that, in general, white people are still treated as 'ethnically better' than other groups, such as black people. I, personally, do not understand how the color of your skin could determine how you fit into a social hierarchy by there we go. Moreover, I believe that white people often receive better opportunities than black people, such as job offerings, especially if the employer is white. Again, no idea why that is. However, I do not believe that ALL white people are privileged, as not all white people come from highly educated, high income families such as the stereotype suggests. Speaking from personal experience, my family is not rich, neither of my parents have high paid jobs and therefore I would not class myself or my family as privileged. I believe that all ethnic groups should be treated equally, as no ethnic group is better than the other. I am aware that there are white people in the world who do believe themselves to be better than certain groups, namely black people, but that is a stupid, egotistic belief that has no proof nor rationality.

Side: No.

Yes, but only as a consequence of being in the group of peoples who have superior intelligence/enterprise/work ethic to that of blacks. Almost every invention/discovery made for the advancement of, or the welfare of mankind has been made by white people. Britain with it's industrial revolution and America with it's 'mass production' techniques enabled such inventions as electricity, the light bulb, the automobile, radar, the aeroplane, space going rockets, the telephone, navigational aids, visual aids, the petrochemical industry, the radio, television, the camera, life saving and pain relieving drugs and so forth to be used on an industrial scale throughout the world and improve the living standards for the citizens of those nations which had the mental capacity to maximise on their benefits. It's false modesty to apologise for being superior. Muhammad Ali enjoyed a privileged position in the world of boxing, but only because he was the greatest boxer of all time. Could you ever have imagined this athletic genius apologising for being ''The World's Supreme Pugilist''? R.I.P.

Side: Yes.
2 points

Huh. It's not often I get to read something so unapologetically racist xD.

If your claims are true, then one would think that we would find major genetic differences between people of various races, correct? Or at least more differences in people of different races than those of the same?

Side: No.
1 point

So, you feel that it's simply a series of massive, ongoing coincidences that the computer you're using along with the internet, the language in which you're communicating, the inventions catalogued in my first post along with an endless list of other innovations were attributable to the superior intelligence of the white man and a few other non white ethnic groups. There is absolutely nothing whatsoever racist in stating the only possible conclusion that the black man's, comparative underachievement is due to their underlying inferior brainpower. Their lack of executive and organizing skills manifest themselves in their inability to form effective government, both nationally, ( check out Africa) or locally,( check out Detroit). The black man's congenital characteristic of laziness and inborn reluctance to learn results in them forming a great % of the great ''unwashed unemployable'' with the resulting ''black crime wave''. Where are the great multinational ''BLACK MAN'S'' wealth and job generating Corporations? On the last set of figures released by London's Metropolitan Police, before the P.C, brigade had them stopped, blacks, who form 10% of the population were responsible for 90% of all violent crime. No one with even half a brain needs some academic Don Quixote or sanctimonious ''do-gooder'' to explain that this is all a combination of sheer coincidence and the fault of the white man. In the main the only time blacks enjoy any reasonable standard of living is when they live in in a country which is predominantly or exclusively governed by whites. Save me from the dangers of the illogical rants and irrational mindsets of the politically correct brigade who, metaphorically speaking, continue to argue that the earth is flat. For Christ's sake, the facts are staring you right smack bang in the face and are graphically illustrated all around you. You, and all the other bleeding hearts who accept the ramblings in the text books are dangerously incapable of recognizing the facts of the world in which you live.

Side: Yes.
1 point

Thats a very racist claim you just made, though I doubt you care.

Many anthropologists would argue with you when you claim Caucasions are the superior race. And they would tell you that the reason whites have so many inventions and techno progress is only because of the geographical and societal advantages they have enjoyed throughout history.

I would love for you to read Jared Diamonds book, Guns, Terms, and Steel, which explains all that. I think you might find it interesting. It's also available in DVD if that's easier.

Side: No.
0 points

No sane person would try to argue with the indisputable facts. Those who attempt to change centuries of history by spewing out what is no more than a load of embarrassing romantic gobbledygook by making it sound terribly scientific only succeed in fooling the easily led and gullible. I rest my case.

Side: Yes.
Sitar(3680) Disputed
1 point

Not all white people are privileged. I am white, but not priviled.......................................

Side: No.
Ignoramis(381) Disputed
1 point

What about if they are handy capped or really really weird looking white people?

Side: No.
1 point

We are all privileged to be existing outside of Hell as sinners.

Side: Yes.
2 points

You just don't give it a rest, do you? What street corner are you preaching on now?

Side: No.

I just advised him that he needs to stop that, and be more positive and tolerant, since that's what God wants. He and dadman would improve their spirituality so very much if they knew and practiced this. As it stands, I reckon they are as far from being enmeshed in the True Godhead of Love than just about anybody on this forum. Including atheists.

Side: No.
Winklepicker(1021) Clarified
2 points

I'm sure I heard him bellowing about 'fire and brimstone' in Arthur Square, Belfast on Saturday night just as the barroom brawlers spilled out onto the streets.

Side: No.
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

I'm saying you are a foul mouth jerk, a sinner, who deserves to die and burn in Hell the same as me and everybody else.

I'm saying God is love, and He loves you the same as He loves me.

I'm saying God is merciful or we would both be burning in Hell.

I'm saying God Himself became a man and paid our price in death, paid for our sins with His sinless blood, and rose from the dead to be the Savior of all who believe on Him.

I'm saying God has the right to leave us in Hell if we do not care what He did for us to save us from Hell, when The Father gave His only begotten Son so that whosoever believes on Him should not perish, but have eternal life.

I'm saying that if you will believe on Jesus in His bodily resurrection, and ask the dear Heavenly Father in the name of the Son of God who died for us that He be your Savior and you accept Him as He is, God your King, your Creator, your Master, your Savior...because He is all of those things and will be saved and have eternal life.

The guy I called retarded is very intelligent, but being a jerk acting like he is not capable of understanding what I'm saying. He's acting like he has a mental block, retarded is fitting for that guy, and foul mouth punk is fitting for you. I don't know what your problem is, but hating me will not make your own sins go away, you have to answer to God for your sins and not for mine. My sins have been paid for, the blood of the Savior has me covered, I am forgiven. You can nitpick and find fault with me all day long. I do not need your forgiveness, I do not need your understanding, I do not need your approval.

Read the gospels, all four of them, and you can see how Jesus boldly called people names according to their sins, never being nice to people who.....LIKE YOU......are unrepentant.

Side: Yes.
Saintnow(3684) Clarified
1 point

Why don't you go join Unity Church, tell them Demon Hunter sent you............they will love you

The devil sends sinners to Unity Church cult so they can be fooled into thinking they are good and do not deserve to burn in Hell. Then the devil gets the Unity Church cult members to say they are Christian while they deny that Jesus Christ is God, and they deny that He conquered death by His bodily resurrection. Every basic doctrine of Christianity is denied by Unity Church, but somehow they call themselves "Christian". It's nothing but Americanized Hinduism mixed with occult and anything they say pretending to be Christian is said if words that make Unity Church a church of lies.


Side: No.
Demon_Hunter(635) Clarified
1 point

Only partially correct.

God does not send all sinners to hell. In fact, there is no Hell, per se, except in the way that it's a void and totally cuts you off from God. This Hell can exist for you either during this life or in the next level. Which is Spiritual.

And God doesn't send the sinners there anyway. They fall under the power field if Satan, and he keeps them ensnared and unable to rejoin the Godhead.

Only the very worst sinners, that is. Probably less than one percent of all who sin, which according to Paul means only that you missed the mark. Most sins are no biggie to our all loving God. They are more accurately called disappointments. As a father disappointed in a child he loves.

You dwell on hell and sin too much. This will hurt your spiritual progress. You would do well to also need to be more tolerant and positive. This is what God wants. Not empty and angry street corner preacher hyperbole.

God Bless.

Side: No.
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

The devil sends sinners to Unity Church cult so they can be fooled into thinking they are good and do not deserve to burn in Hell. Then the devil gets the Unity Church cult members to say they are Christian while they deny that Jesus Christ is God, and they deny that He conquered death by His bodily resurrection. Every basic doctrine of Christianity is denied by Unity Church, but somehow they call themselves "Christian". It's nothing but Americanized Hinduism mixed with occult and anything they say pretending to be Christian is said if words that make Unity Church a church of lies.


Side: No.
dadman(1703) Disputed
0 points

lol pfft !! the Gospel (which is no gospel) according to an apostate fake so-called / self proclaimed New Age christian ...

move along folks ... nothing here to see

Side: No.
Sitar(3680) Disputed
1 point

No one deserves Hell.............................................................

Side: No.
dadman(1703) Clarified
0 points

..................................... for now that is ... for some .. the second death will soon arrive

Side: No.
1 point

Sure just ask any Progressive Leftist and they will confirm this !

Side: Yes.
0 points

Jesus: For NATION (ethnic) will rise against NATION (ethnic) .. and kingdom against kingdom ..

and in various places there will be famines and pestilences and earthquakes .....

Matthew 24:7 NATION = eth'-nos (ETHNIC)


Strong's Greek Definition for # 1484 - NATION


1) a multitude (whether of men or of beasts) associated or living together / a company, troop, swarm

2) a multitude of individuals of the same nature or genus / the human family

3) a tribe, nation, people group


06-02-2015 .. New Black Panthers’ Militant Black Muslim Leader Calls for “War” Against Police and Whites ....

"We will defend ourselves as Malcolm said, 'by any means necessary,' and that the only option cannot be non-violence ... We have the right to defend ourselves with deadly force"


Side: Yes.