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 Italy set to offer "Menstrual Leave" for female workers suffering from painful periods (34)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Italy set to offer "Menstrual Leave" for female workers suffering from painful periods

Soooooo…this is what progress looks like?

Italy’s parliament is considering passing a measure which would give women three days of paid menstrual leave. No. Not maternity. MENSTRUAL. You know. For women who experience aches, pains, headaches and basically every other symptom associated with that time of the month and Italian women already struggle in the job market. Italy has one of the lowest rates of female participation in the workforce in Europe. Only 61 percent of Italian women work well below the European average of 72 percent. Feminist magazines like Marie Claire have praised the idea as a step in the direction of progress. 

The government forcing businesses to provide paid menstrual leave is only going to hurt the percentage of women working in Italy but leave it up to the Feminazis to praise a step in the wrong direction.


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So now the men will just claim gender confusion and get the time off, because the left is this far gone...

Person123(28) Disputed
2 points

No, this would only apply to cis women and trans men, people who actually get periods. Please clarify how "the left is this far gone," when menstrual symptoms are something people cannot control and therefore are a medical condition.

2 points

So are you going to have these people drop their drawers and do the check for bleeding, full surgery, and periods?

Periods disappear with surgery.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

Trans men get periods ? But Trans men are not women so explain your insanity !

1 point

You are admitting that gender is a part of biology with your statement. Otherwise anyone can claim to be female and even get the surgery.

2 points

Can transwomen get this? 'Cuz they're women, too. And, transmen, 'cuz "they bleed", too. It's an Oprah show - "You get days off" and "you get days off" and... Well, you get the idea.

Person123(28) Disputed
2 points

Trans men and cis women are the only ones with periods, so they are the only ones who will get this. And as for "you get days off, and you get days off," clearly you have never been throwing up for hours on end after taking as much pain medication as you can. This wouldn't be for everyone, a lot of people get normal periods during which they can work, this is for the people who faint from the pain and literally cannot work on those days. Also, can we talk about how they only people who complain about the fact that this is happening are people who don't get periods anyway and don't have to deal with it.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

When did Trans men and cis women become the only ones with periods.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Trans men and cis women are the only ones with periods LMMFAO ! Your insanity is so noted !

1 point

I'm a female and having a period. Prove me wrong as an employer.

1 point

Maybe, but isn't it conservatives who say a woman's place is in the home?

outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

Only 61 percent of Italian women work well below the European average of 72 percent.

So how will "Menstrual Leave" help the women of Italy ?

Person123(28) Disputed
2 points

Maybe they won't have to come to work on days they genuinely feel sick. Just a thought.

1 point

Not any Conservatives that I know. Liberals think the man and the woman's place is at home, rather than at least one of them out working for a living.

1 point

Husbands suffer too ;)

1 point

I see both sides of this.

In the "for" column:

My wife, for several decades before I met her and before we had kids, suffered from crippling endometriosis, which is when tissue that normally lines the uterus starts growing outside of it and then when it's time for a period there is immense bleeding and pain in places not designed to have it. She had several major surgeries and when at its worst it was as incapacitating as being hit by a car.

Endometriosis is just one example. There are many other scenarios by which periods can get out of hand.

And then there's the argument that if they're having PMS as bad as that co-workers may be genuinely happy to have them not around the office.

Then in the "against",

There are countless medical conditions that annoy, cause pain, or incapacitate. Creating leave for any and all of them would be absurd. And technically being out due to PMS could fall into general categories for away time which already exist.

And the fact that women have existed for as long as our species and they survived without menstrual leave up until now.