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Debate Score:37
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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Social Justice: Should Liberals give Native Americans their land back and move?

I ask the question because Liberals are quick to say that the "White Man" stole this land from the Native Americans, so they (Whites) owe everybody else. My question is, if you are a Native American, who didn't authorize the first "steal" in the first place, why are Natives ethically required to now allow even more people to flood into their land in a 2nd "steal"? We need some Social Justice here. Are Liberals ready to give Natives back their land and move back to Europe, Asia, Africa, and/or the Middle East?

And it's a reasonable question because many tribes reside today in states and counties which vote vastly Conservative, meaning? The Natives are voting to keep people off of their native soil and Liberals are fighting against them.

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3 points

indeed they should ...... and they should also give up their cell phones since cell phones cause Global Warming

2 points

It be time for da liberals to back their mouths and give up their spots in schools, jobs, etc to minorities and then leave da country.

1 point

Hello bront:

Well, we needn't go that far.. But, I think we SHOULD keep our treaties with them, no?


3 points

I'm all about keeping treaties. Can we make one that says the white man isn't allowed to keep flooding Natives and native lands with foreigners in mass?

excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Hello again, bront:

I'd go for that.. But, WHO is gonna put nickels in your slots???

Look.. You got a good thing going.. The white man inflicted alcohol upon the natives, and casino's are the natives revenge..


AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

No. At least not with Steve Bannon in the White House. He wants a white nation for White Nationalists, no others need apply! (Blond hair helps too) Hmmm , who does THAT sound like?? (I don't think he'll be going to Jerrod's, either!)

1 point

The only reason, and I mean the ONLY reason, that the non-Native Americans get to stay is that we're already many generations into the new occupation and possession. The people alive today are not the same people who took the land, and since the non-Native Americans for the most part were not born overseas and genuinely have spent their whole lives here then there is technically no logistical means to send them back to anywhere.

I use the same argument when it comes to arguments of restitution against slavery. The harm committed was by people living long ago and it's no longer fair for current non-Blacks to have to pay a financial penalty to Blacks when the people alive today did not personally commit the crime.

History is packed with solid examples of one group of people getting the shaft at the hands of another group of people. When the people shafted get a chance for legal recourse or restitution in their own lifetimes then I support it. But when it is retro, trying to open a pandoras box to undo the harms of all of history, then it becomes ludicrous.

3 points

The people alive today are not the same people who took the land

We don't know that. Those conquer natives genes may have gotten passed down. No no. We'll need you to all leave just in case and right the wrong.

1 point

Oh OK. I'll pack my things.

How do I send 50% of myself to France, 45% to Germany, and 5% to Poland?

1 point

To late for that, we've ruined it anyway! We SHOULD, however, give them the respect they deserve and let them have a HUGE voice in how we plan to FURTHER ruin it ... like that pipeline WE don't need (only the Koch Bros. and a few other billionaires need THAT!)

3 points

like that pipeline WE don't need (only the Koch Bros. and a few other billionaires need THAT

No no. We'll need you to leave the pipeline as payment. And we will be using it too. We'll move our huts and teepees and casinos away from those pipes.

Amarel(5669) Disputed
1 point

There is no "we" to leave the land to. The various tribes of Native Americans were not united. They warred with each other all the time. They displaced each other and took over each others land. Europeans got here and played the same game, but more effectively. If this was massively unjust, it was an injustice shared by all the various people of the time, and no restitution is in order.

2 points

We SHOULD, however, give them the respect they deserve and let them have a HUGE voice in how we plan to FURTHER ruin it

Okay. So we'll need you to vote Conservative, so that we aren't forced to allow any more takeovers by foreigners of our territory.

If the natives had focused on advancement rather than hunting, then they could easily defeat the Europe retarded by the Dark Ages. But they didn't, and were wiped out by the European diseases.

2 points

Nope. We need some social justice here. Liberals were spouting about oppression and paying back minorities. Today is the day. Leave the deed to your home on the counter.

Everything America is today is because of the combined work and efforts of people from different ethnic groups living in America, thus not making it possible to talk about giving things to a particular ethnic group..

0 points

there's this old Indian dude who is always standing outside the Heart Drug Store over at 21st and Market street ... He never seems to have an opinion of anything ... bores me half to death .... sheeeze !

Negligentt(397) Disputed Banned
2 points

Dats because the liberal thugs of da past toad dem two shut up alldat time and hit da trail. Dose Natives has nuthin left to says to deeze bastards.

1 point

All right rat boy. Off ya go.