
HighFalutin's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of HighFalutin's arguments, looking across every debate.

I don't know about climate change, but droughts do. They've been contributing to wild fires since time immemorial.

That was easy.

Sure do. They're always wrong, as usual. The one thing I can think of that liberals always do right is being wrong.

That was easy.

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
2 points

I'm not saying they can't speak other languages, I'm saying if they can't understand English, they have to rely on others to tell them what's what.

It's basically death management.


HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

That was 3 days ago. I had a pork chop with steamed vegetables, avocado and taters.

Mmmm, mighty tasty!

You will find none more faithful and loyal to you than the furry friends we take care of. You absolutely should give them the respect and love they deserve. You will be handsomely rewarded.

Re: ".......but her hands were tied by a lack of evidence."

And therefore, NOT GUILTY!

That was easy, give me something difficult- sheeesh.

Dayum, I'm good.

Zimmerman is not guilty, period. Deal with it, you reality-challenged retard.

You're welcome.

I recalled correctly. Zimmerman was acquitted because he wasn't guilty. Now, back you go from whence you came from, tumble turd.

It goes to the person saying it. Say, for example, Ilhan Omar, the representative from Minnesota. She has bashed the USA in the past, and I say, if you can't appreciate the goodness that this country has afforded you, go back to where you came from. It's not based on race, it's based on attitude.

If I recall right, Martin attacked Zimmerman and Zimmerman defended himself. Zimmerman was acquitted by a jury of his peers. He is now a role model and icon that we all aspire to be. He heroically defended himself from an errant, neer-do-well and came out victorious. What the hell is wrong with you?

You're welcome.

Race baiting is the liberal way. When George Zimmerman defended himself against Trayvon Martin, and it became known Zimmerman was Hispanic, the Left claimed he was a "White Hispanic" so they could race bait. It never ceases to amaze me how the Left is always injects racism into everything that happens.

That was easy.

Are you maddy waddy? Did your welfare check not come in? Don't worry. Go to Mexico, cross the border back to the US and get on welfare once again.

You're welcome.

Ah, the little people- they just don't know their place. You just can't accept the fact that the richer, more accomplished are better than the poorer, non-contributing members of society. You can deny reality, but reality will always prevail.

That was easy.

Damn, I'm good.

Trump is always right; he's conservative, isn't he?


You're welcome.

Re: "a fair society which doesn't ignore homelessness"

They sure don't ignore them; just look at every place the Left reigns unchecked. The homeless spring up like weeds and multiply like rabbits. Homelessness, hopelessness, despair, chaos, crime and dystopia- it's the liberal way.

Thanks for agreeing with me, box boy. Say high to your fellow homeless box people.

You're welcome.

PS - In ancient Greece; how did they separate the men from the boys? With a crowbar.

Stay away from those underage ones.

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

Paying taxes is a result of productivity. The more productive you are, the more you pay. Why should the less/non contributing have much if any input on election day?

You can put all the money and effort in the world to prevent losses, but if the law isn't enforced, there is no incentive for criminals to stop what they're doing. The best you can do is pack up and move to a new place where sanity prevails and law & order are observed. This is exactly what's happening in liberal states.

The Left promotes, lawlessness, chaos, and dystopia- a recipe for the decline of modern civilization. Why, go figure? Nothing can function properly in this kind of environment. I guess as long as it's in your neighborhood and not the lefties who support this, it's ok to them. It's a case of NIMBY- Not In My Backyard.

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

Can you separate yourself from those underage kids that long?


HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
0 points

Well, it it ain't the kid-diddler projecting himself on others. I'm not surprised, coming from a guy engages in back roads buggery with underage kids.

Just face it- you resent people who are better than you. It's pretty obvious.

Vanity Fair is a hyper-partisan liberal rag full of venom and vitriol towards anything on the right, especially Trump.

Here's a breakdown on who pays what and the "rich" pay the lion's share of the federal tax burden:

Supporting Evidence: Federal Taxes Paid By Income Bracket (

The rich pay more than their fare share. The Left completely lies about this.

Supporting Evidence: Taxes Paid By Income Bracket (
HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

So, you're saying all rich people are obnoxious frat kids?


If you play with fire, you get burned. He should have heeded that old maxim.

NPR is a cesspool of liberalism. Let it die on the vine and good riddance.

The left is trying to mainstream the errant behavior of the few who endorse this craziness and force you to go along with their make believe. All this will do is foster resentment and a strong push back.

No, I think if you don't contribute, you shouldn't have any sayso at the voting booth. All those people are gonna do is vote for the one who promises them the most free stuff. No thanks. Giving people free stuff only makes them more dependent.

Paraphilic infantilism, also known as autonepiophilia, psychosexual infantilism and adult baby syndrome, is a sexual fetish that involves role-playing a regression to an infant-like state. Behaviors may include drinking from a bottle or wearing diapers.

Soon, the Left/MSM will try to normalize this behavior like the tranny stuff and demand you accept it lest you be this-a-phobe and that-a-phobe, or this-a-ist and that-a-ist. Just wait and see.

You're welcome.

Leftist mind? As if. How about leftist mindless minion. That's more fitting.

You're welcome.

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

Re: "Why not get together and actually solve it rather than shouting that it's all the leftists fault?"

The power of solving it is in the Dem's hands. All they have to do is enforce the laws already on the books, something they have refused to do.

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
2 points

No, I'm saying we should follow the laws on the books, something the Left is refusing to do.

They've opened the border to augment their future voter base. This has nothing to do with the best interests of our country and everything to do with the Dems future hopes and gaining a permanent majority in the house, senate and WH. They're ignoring ALL immigration laws by doing this and giving the middle finger to America. These people are not refugees and this is not a humanitarian crises; it's a blatant attempt to game the system at America's expense. These people will be a permanent part of the underclass and a reliable voting block for the dems. They get them on welfare, make them dependent and then promise them more free stuff for voting Democrat.

This is why they're doing this and they'll try to fast-track amnesty and give them citizenship so they can have an instant democratic voter base in the 10s of millions.

This is their long game and sadly, they're getting away with it.

It's not for me, but if liberals of legal age want to, it's their business. They're not gonna stop at same sex and pedophilia, family members are next on the slate as well as your family pets. Watch out- They are insatiable!

I use to think Comey and the other Russian Hoax participants were the exception, but now it's clear they ARE the rule. The entire upper brass needs too be exited as well as a few mid-level grunts and let's kick out some low level munchkins for good measure. I think criminal indictments should be in the offing, too. But, let's not stop there. The DOJ, CIA, NSA, IRS, State Dept. et. all. should be on the table as well.

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

All politicians act out of self interest. Regardless he gave people drinking water and all the left can do is complain. They ignored this disaster until public pressure forced them to acknowledge it.

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

Nope, I just want informed people voting for what's best for the country, not some hapless individual voting for free stuff.

You're welcome.

I don't resent people's good fortune like you do. I would imagine most earned their way.

If you receive welfare, you're contribution is a net negative, therefore, no vote for you!

All MSNBC did was complain that Trump gave out his Trump-branded water. Who would complain about giving water to people whose water source has been contaminated????? Go figure.

Agreed. No pay, no play. The rich are far more wiser than the poor, that's why they're rich, and should be the ones determining the course of our great country. Stop and think about it: do you want a high school dropout who works at Walmart deciding the fate of our country? That's one BIG HELL to the no for me.

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

Ok, you're allowed to vote in local elections, but not Federal. That is more than fair and that's all the representation you get.

Not only that, but people who pay the most taxes, think top 10%, their votes should count for more than those who pay less than they do.

I would say yes, except for the unknown.

That was easy. Damn, I'm good.

I don't know if they're better than smart people, but they are definitely better than poor people, hands down.

-1 points

Wray was brought in by Trump to clean house. Instead, he contributed to problem by ignoring it and allowing it to fester under his watch. I think Wray and the upper brass needs to be exited as well as a few mid-level grunts, and let's toss in a few low-level munchkins to let them know we mean business. The House can also cut back funding, too.

To be considered better, farmers should be out standing in their field.

-1 points

Hey kid diddler, your obsession with excon is misguided. I'm sure he's a adult, not the 3-12 year olds you're use to molesting. It's time for you to move on.

How about renewing your tags to avoid the problem to begin with????

That was easy.

Our airspace, our right to shoot it down. This was a trial balloon to see how we would react to an invasion of our own country in preparation for an invasion of Taiwan. Biden's dilatory response emboldens them. Just guessing, but it wouldn't surprise me. Biden and the Left project weakness as evidenced by Putin's invasion of the Ukraine.

You're welcome.

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
0 points

Go ask Bernie, an avowed socialist, kid diddler.

That was easy.

-1 points

I guess Mr. Rogers is now on every liberals shit list. What he says is absolutely true, but to the woke toadies, he's now the devil reborn. I would love to see their reaction to this.

-1 points

The very policies the Left endorses, think defund police, hurt the very people the Left claims to want to help. Crime is rampant in the cites they control rendering them unlivable. To me, it's complete madness that anyone would vote democrat. All I can say is, you get what you ask for. I hope they enjoy it.

You're welcome.

-2 points
-2 points
-1 points

To liberals, capitalism is evil only when you engage in it, not them. Previously, Bernie was saying all those millionaires and billionaires were holding you back. Now, after indulging in capitalism, he only mentions those evil billionaires. I wonder why.

You're the one who voted for Biden, pal, not me.


Is Pedo Bear mad? What Pedo Bear do? Go, Pedo Bear, Go!


Racist, in what regard, race baiter?


The pedo bear is projecting himself on others once again. I hope you get caught and get the help you need.

He was probably spewing forth a standard, canned, vacuous liberal talking point like the mindless minions of the left often do.

-1 points

Right or wrong, they probably did society a favor by extinguishing another ne'er do well like they did with George Floyd. I say give them the benefit of a doubt and let the facts come out.

I do have a question that no one seems to be asking: Why did Nichols resist arrest and cause the escalation in force needed to subdue him?

I think it now means, social justice, diversity, equality of outcome, white privilege, lgbtg stuff and a whole bunch of other crazy shit.

Get away with what? Unfounded accusations by the Left? Oh, the humanity of it all!

Knowledge can be converted to money and, therefore, you can have both.

That was easy, and you're welcome.

Immigrants. They had to come from somewhere else since the Cradle of Mankind is in South Africa. I'll say they originated from the later.

Biden's cooperation, or lack thereof, does not mitigate the fact that he is criminally guilty of taking classified documents. He had no authority to declassify them like Trump did and he should be dealt with harshly for said crime. His current mental state and cooperation is not relevant. He is GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY. I think an Iron Maiden or the racks would be appropriate here. An example must be set.

Got a lot of down votes, but no one cared to rebut my comment. It just shows how right I am.

You're welcome.

All the down votes came from the lesser endowed. You're just jealous- ha ha

-5 points
-7 points

Off hand, California and Atlanta are the 2 that come to mind. I believe Northern California? wants to succeed because the liberal South is bleeding them dry through taxation to finance their woketopian ideals. I think the same applies to Buckhead and Atlanta proper. Buckhead is tired of financing the liberal lunacy of the Atlanta city council and mayor. Buckhead has been actively talking about splitting of from them in recent months, too. I think the operative word here is balkanization.

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

You strike me as the type of guy who would do up-skirt videos of you mom, then upload them to the Internet so you can invite your friends over to have a circle-jerk party. Am I right, or am I right?

Didn't watch the video all the way through, only the first minute or two, but what sources are making this report and are they credible? Just asking and trying to be fair.

I wouldn't be surprised if Garland proceedes against Trump and downplays Biden's theft of similar documents like the rest of the MSM. Hypocrisy is not something the Left will let get in their way.

I think you're a kid-diddling, diaper-sniffing, tally-wacking wankmeister, if you ask me. I'll bet you also have a boner for Biden and that you still have Obama-dong fever, Pedo Bear.

All I can say is: He/she who denies it, supplies it.


I suggest the most efficient and cost effective that fits your budget. Here's a place to start:

Supporting Evidence: 8 Most Efficient Solar Panels (2023) (

The DOJ will proceed and claim Biden's theft of classified documents is entirely different and is much ado about nothing just like the rest of the MSM.

You seem obsessed with kid diddling, Pedo Bear. I hope you get caught.

No proof whatsoever, Kid Diddler.


I own it. I stand loud and proud of my creations.


No. But morally, if you have the ability to help them, you should. You may have moral culpability by your inaction, but no legal obligation to help out.

Rapists and pedophiles vote democrat. You should feel right at home, Kid Diddler.

You sound like a walking, breathing, vacuous liberal talking point.

Porn is in the eye of the beholder. Just like one person's norm is another person's perversion, porn is subjective.

That's about the best I can come up with.

Reprobate, and proud of it. Happy f'n New Years, m'fers.


The Jan. 6 Get Trump Committee was nothing more that a political witch hunt to get Trump. The DOJ, FBI, Capitol Hill Police were already investigating the incident and resulted in the overly aggressive harassment of Trump followers. There were some legitimate arrests and prosecutions, but many were simply political retribution for daring to support Trump.

Biden plagiarized, lied about his background and a whole host of other lies. The laptop was also turned over to the FBI, who is sitting on it, doing nothing with it and trying to run the clock out on it. It is 100% real and has been verified by CBS as well. Biden has never disputed the evidence and Hunter's lawyer even asked for it back.

BTW, were you also skeptical about the Steele Dossier, an unverifiable and fully debunked collection of anecdotes? I doubt you were.

This whole Jan 6 was a nothing burger, just like the Russian Collusion Hoax.

While what he did was reprehensible, rules should be applied to ALL, not just Santos.

Can't argue with that. I think each side's ultimate goal is the get reelected. Everything else comes in a distant second.

The ADL, like the SPLC, are tools of the Left. They exist for one reason: to push and defend the liberal narrative and demonize those that don't go along.

Facilitating potential harm to those your disagree with is the liberal way, but it is not acceptable in a civilized society. You wouldn't want it done to you, would you? Of course not.

Free speech on this site doesn't include aiding and abetting in potential harm against those who committed the sin of having an opposing opinion.

You're welcome.

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
2 points

You wouldn't know until they swooped down on you. They may be monitoring you as I write.

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

I doubt if RSB and the others listed knew they were targeted, that's why they didn't "stand up for itself".

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