
HighFalutin's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of HighFalutin's arguments, looking across every debate.
HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

Regardless, Twitter has a rule against doing such. You can do it on your webserver it you wish, not Twitters.

Again, what legitimate reason is there for doing so?

They doxxed him. I'm sure that was an oversight on your part, as if.

My question is: what is the underlying purpose of doxxing if not for hoping some ill will comes the doxee's way? There is no legitimate reason for doing so. Certainly, the doxxer isn't wishing good tidings to the intended target..

Obviously, the corruption runs much deeper than thought. Initially, I though it was just a few rogue players in the upper brass at the FBI, DOJ, et. al. who were using their position to push a political outcome, but this is way beyond what I would have ever imagined. A house cleaning of the upper brass, some mid-level grunts and a few low-level munchkins is in order here. I don't know how much the House can do without a majority in the Senate, but at least they can bring this to the forefront with their investigational authority.

They're NOT asylum seekers, they are economic migrants. The Left is labeling them asylum seekers so they can use the law to justify entry. They are playing a game of semantics.

This guy was chosen because of diversity/wokeness, not because he was really qualified for the job. This is a common occurrence with liberal wokeness.

Diversity courts mediocrity in that if the best, most qualified candidate doesn't have the right look, lifestyle choice, gender etc., they won't hire them. Instead, they will settle for 2nd, 10th, 100th or 1000th best person for the job because of of the aforementioned criteria, criteria that has nothing to do with whether they can do the job or not. Diversity is the bane of getting topnotch talent.

Diversity = quotas = affirmative action.

Defund the police and stupid go hand in hand- you can't separate the two. This has to be one of the dumbest things the dems have ever done among all the other dumb stuff they do.

Illegal alien is the operative phrase here. One came in lawfully, the other didn't.

You're welcome.

.I'm a simple guy, so it's coffee and beer for me.


Looks like they omitted the best poll of all that proves, hands down, Democrats are the dumbest people in the US:

They voted Democrat.

Mike drop, case closed.

That was easy.

This talking point will change Wednesday morning after the election results come in. The Left will cry foul; that the election was stolen; that democracy is teetering on the edge etc., etc. Just wait and see.

I don't care. To each his/her own. But, lesbians are hot. Just saying.

A red tide of reason, rational and sanity- with an exclamation point will prevail.

We'll easily take the House and in the Senate, the Republicans will lead with a 52-48 majority and minimum.

On the table: impeachment for Mayorkas, Garland, Wray and then Biden. Adios, motherfuckers!

I think he's using his cognitive decline as an excuse to lie. He can always claim is was a brain fart for the misspeak.

Few (as in small number), if any....

You would be that small number.

I have no idea what you're talking about. I've never messaged the owner about anything, nor do I support banning.

In general, Dems don't like dissent. They are lock-step, single-minded group thinkers. Anything outside the liberal narrative makes their heads explode. That's why there are very few, if any, on this site.

That's a standard, canned vacuous liberal talking point. If it were true, Biden would be on the chopping block because that's exactly what he's doing to the tune of millions.

Bottom line is, the liberal elite got a taste of their own medicine and they don't like it. The hypocrisy is glaring.

Animals can't give consent. Humans can.


It will ultimately come down to this. Maybe, that's the reason the Left wants to disarm us.

The raid is a pretext to go on a fishing trip to find anything that can be used against Trump. The Jan. 6 Get Trump Committee has reached a dead end. Garland is going to give them fresh material.

Does Garland feel the same way about local law enforcement and the left's effort to defund them and kick them to the curb?

Biden want's her back for headline news and to score points with his base.

Why did they wait so long? Why did they wait until the weekend was over before raiding Trump's home? They got the warrant days before. Why did they wait til August 8 to execute the warrant? That date is the anniversary of Richard Nixon's resignation. Message sent. Message received.

Diversionary. Up to that point, the Dems haven't had any good PR in recent months, so this was a good way to change the news cycle. Also, I think the leak was intentional, too.

Love him or hate him, Trump projected strength. The world noticed. Biden projects indecisiveness and weakness. The world noticed that, too.That's why you have the Ukraine mess and now China threatening.

They won't. It's all bluster and bravado. She should absolutely visit Taiwan. Not doing so projects weakness.

It's an election year ploy. He'll go through the motions b4 the election, then do nothing afterward. It's just to mitigate the damage before November.

The Jan 6 Committee is the Dems reelection campaign for 22 and 24. They have nothing else to run on, so they are using this as a diversion. It's not going to work. We'll see a red wave this year and again in 24.

I think he's a Bozo wannabe- a real clown show if you ask me.

Just nope. Each has their strengths and weaknesses, but they are two different birds. A newborn can tell the difference between men and women, why can't liberal adults? Go figure.

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

Why do you hate black people?



I didn't watch your whole video, but what evidence does the Left have to prove he's a Republican other than their say so? They always try to place these kinds of people in the Republican camp, but seldom have anything to base it on.

All the left does is generate empty talking points to divert from the fact that they offer no realistic solutions to today's problems. Think defund the police; open borders; free this; free that; you're a racist/sexist/xenophone/homophobe/transphobia/islamaphobe, etc, etc. That's all the have- just empty rhetoric and ad hominem attacks, no real solutions.

That was easy and you're welcome

Re: " The left would lose their collective minds."

The Left has no minds to lose; that's why they're Democrats.


You're welcome.

I say no to both. These are topics that should be taught at home.

He used the same excuse Hitler used and, like Hitler, has a bunker mentality and is out of touch with reality. Too bad no one can tell him the truth.

In other words, he-shes get to play with she-hes. Makes sense to me... not.

Agreed. We have a vocal minority of influential people driving the agenda for the majority. The reason they get away with it is because the majority is silent. But now, I think they are finally waking up. Parents getting more actively involved in schools and countering the hate America, racial divide game the left is playing in the every-day curriculum being taught to their kids. They've poked mama bear and she is not happy. A change is gonna come.

Europe is in the mess they're in because of the ex-politicos from their respective countries who got on board with Russian oil companies to lobby on behalf of them. Gazprom, for example, a Russian oil company, landed Gerhard Schroder, an ex-chancellor of Germany, on its board of directors. Schroder and many other ex politicians were hired by Russian companies to influence European leaders to become client States for Russian energy. This is how they got themselves into the mess they find themselves in now. Schroder and the others basically sold their countries out.

Nope, never! I don't wanna and I ain't gonna. You can't make me, either.

Racism is racism no matter who practices it. The Left doesn't get a pass.

As they say: whatever the Left accuses you of, they're guilty of it themselves times ten.

From what I've heard about some of the candidates, Candice is as qualified as any of them.

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

Based on what?




No need to change your mind as you are 100% correct.

Also, I would like to add:

If you were born with a dick, you ain't a chick and if you were born with a pie, you ain't a guy.

Who's pussy did he grab?

How did he start a civil war? He told people to peacefully and respectfully make their voices heard.

Again, indicted for what?

Factually correct trumps being morally correct just like reality trumps idealism.

Nope. The world will still be here, but you, I and everyone else will be long gone.

It can't detect life on Earth. Why? Because it's pointed away from it. Ha ha ha!

Indicted for what????.............................................................................

Biden is the President, he owns it lock, stock and barrel.

That was easy.

How about if Trump used his sons and other family members as bag men to collect tens of millions of dollars from the Ukraine, Kazakstan, Russia, China and other nations while in office to enrich himself; how would the MSM react?

It's already been investigated by the DOJ, FBI and the Capitol Hill Police and there was no findings of "insurrection". Furthermore, the charade going on in Congress is NOT an investigation, it's a political witch hunt by the left.

"Insurrection"? Nice talking point, Mindless Minion. If it was an insurrection; how come no one was charged with insurrection?

Maybe Hunter is on the Saudi payroll like he was with the Ukraine, Russia, China, Kazakstan and others to push whats best for them, not the US.

I'm here because this is one of the few sites where you can express your opinion without worrying about being censored like so many other sites. Reddit, Twitter, Facebook et. al. would be prime examples where conservatives are penalized, blocked and banned.

Simple: Reality shatters their idealistic world.


In America, the Left is offering free stuff in exchange for votes. They won't say it outright, but that's exactly what they're doing. And, as a loser from the 3rd world, what's not to like about that? They're doing back flips for it.

There's nothing wrong with it, except racist democracts will disagree about the white part. You have to have good and bad played against each other or they have nothing to run on.

White, brown, black and yellow. That should about cover it all.

Nope. I don't need to know if you're vaxxed or not; I have mine and that's all that all I need to know.

The left is always the opposite of what they claim they are.

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
2 points

Honestly, I though the term "vanishing" cream was being used to mock Kamala's no show status; it's like she disappeared from the scene and is no where to be found. She's rarely in the news. That's really what I thought it was. I guess what it really is known as is skin bleaching like what Michael Jackson did.

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

Do Black people use "vanishing cream"?


HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
2 points

Racist, in what regard? How is what he cites racist, race baiter?

No true. The current rate is 5.4%

The rest of what you post is total BS. I'll ignore, thank you very much.

We're seeing it now: runaway inflation; weak leadership; lawlessness on our border; reckless disregard for the laws of our Land; loss of prestige on the world stage; massive gov't expansion; weakened military; incompetent leadership; degradation of our school system....just to name a few.

They will go along with anything that gives them free stuff and socialism fits the bill.

The left has the most hateful, bigoted and racist people around. Look at how they act when someone has an opinion they disagree with. Look at how they react to Black conservatives. The bigotry, hatred and racism really comes out for them. Larry Elders, former gubernatorial candidate for California, was harassed, tailed and accosted by a woman in a monkey mask, yet nary a word about it in the MSM. There are plenty of other examples with BLM, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Luis Farrakhan et. al. All are racists and ALL are embraced by the Democratic Party.

That was easy. Give me something difficult to answer.

The Russian Collusion Hoax lives on, only in the mind of a Liberal minion, that is. What about Biden's sources, like China, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakstan et. al. He used Hunter as a bag man to collect millions on his behalf while in the VP office; why no outrage over that???

BS! The left is trying to find anything they an make hay with, period.

"make love and enough babies to take over....."

That's exactly what these LBFMs coming across the border are doing. They multiply like rabbits.

Little Brown Fucking Machines

Funny thing, the left always went off on Trump and his alleged mental deficiencies and are completely silent on Biden's real mental issues. Also, they alleged Trump was a Russian asset and compromised as per the Russian Collusion Hoax and are completely silent on Biden's real grifting off the VP office under Obama with Russia, China, Ukraine, Kazakstan and who know what other countries. His crime syndicate family made 10s of million off his VP office pedaling access. Not one word about any of it.

It's been barely 9 months, but it seems like years with Biden. Profligate spending, rampant inflation, woketopian idealism and open borders are going to turn us into they type of countries these southern gatecrashers were fleeing. I hope in 2022 we can put up a firewall to stop the insanity.

The unvaxed should only infect the unvaxed; all others are protected. They are equally liable, so let's call it even.

People with voids in their lives fill it with fluff like this.

Whatever the left accuses you of, they're guilty of it themselves. The are the most racist, bigoted, censorious, authoritarian group there is- bar none.


Not a spin, it's a fact.



HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

The left (Pelosi) was holding the public hostage to their pork barrel projects. If Trump and the Senate didn't act, those in need would have never got the help they needed. That's they way it goes, Eskimo.

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

The bill came from the House and to have it redone would have taken forever since the Left would not budge. It was a compromise on Trump and the Senate's part. That's how it works, Ace. Time was of essence; relief was needed immediately.

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

It was the Left that doubled it from 300 to 600, not the right.

If that were a conservative doing the same to a liberal black candidate, you would be condemning all conservatives. So, turnabout is fair play.

I second that. I hope those "refugees" that come here don't get the idea they can establish a Caliphate and go back to their old, backward ways.

It was so clear the FBI, Capitol Hill Police and other intelligence agencies didn't know about it; that kind of clear?

How about the Russian Collusion Hoax?


HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
2 points

Only because of pressure from the Right. The left wanted it to go on forever. Also, they gave them more than they could earn to begin with thus removing the incentive to go get work.

State ID is accessible and acceptable. Anyone can get one, so what's the problem with that?

If I were an entitled democrat, I would stay at home and get my free stuff. But, as a self-respecting conservative, I would rather earn my way than live off government dole.

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
2 points

Just as I though. Making wild accusation with nothing to back it up is typical liberal.

Trump didn't send these people to do that; there is no evidence to support your claim. Even the FBI and DOJ said there is no evidence of such.

Trump said to peacefully and respectfully protest,not do what they did.

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
2 points

Fascism where? Give objective examples, not vacuous liberal talking points.

Trump rallies have no history of this kind of behavior. The only exception was when Hillary supporters crashed his venue inside, or attacked attendees outside. Peacefully and respectfully mean exactly that, not what they did. The FBI said no evidence exist to claim this was an organized event to crash the Capitol like they did.

Again, Trump is NOT responsible for the actions of these idiots.

This is politically motivated. Trump asked them to "peacefully and respectfully" protest. He is NOT responsible for what these nitwits did.

That's their business, not mine. I'm vaccinated and good to go; why should I care what they do? To each their own.

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