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smilinbobs(590) pic

Socialism in the USA is it a good thing?

California has been experimenting with "Democratic Socialism" This is what it looks like  
I will continue to ask those who support socialism what is good about socialism?
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3 points

Social Democracy is not Democratic Socialism.

thejax(68) Disputed
3 points

Socialism is socialism no matter what façade you wrap around it. The end result is always the same... Poverty, Misery, War, and Mass Murder if it goes long enough.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

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smilinbobs(590) Clarified
1 point

Exactly what is democratic socialism? Maybe I'm looking at it wrong.

DragonBorn(315) Disputed
2 points

Exactly what is democratic socialism?

Democratic socialism is socialism which is democratic social democracy is a hybrid economy with both capitalism and socialism. Bernie Sanders for example calls himself a democratic socialist but his policies are technically social democracy. Real democratic socialism is literally full on socialism with minimal centralised control.

1 point

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1 point

Moreover, the concept of repair extends to the social and justice spheres. Societal injustices and inequalities can be viewed as fractures in the collective human experience, demanding repair through systemic changes, policy reforms, and the active pursuit of justice. Repair

okabeb(160) Clarified
1 point

Repair in this context requires acknowledgment of historical wrongs, a commitment to rectifying systemic imbalances, and the cultivation of an inclusive and equitable society. Repair

2 points

California has, other than New York, the closest thing in the US to Social Democracy but because the Federal Government, under Trump, is lowering taxes and other things that force States to have to become harsher to the poor, it's not quite working out.

smilinbobs(590) Disputed
5 points

I have lived in a poor rural community in NY for most of my life. I work at a hospital another basically socialist entity. Here is a truth about the socialist portion of my world. In my youth there were a few "welfare families" in my area. We termed them that because they lived off of the system (socialism) It was not that theses people couldn't work like everyone else it was to make their lives easier. Most of them had troubles with the law and drug abuse stemmed much of that. Now in the same area there are a higher number of people than ever before living off of the system with the same drug abuse problems. GIVING PEOPLE AN EASY WAY OUT OF LIFE'S RESPONSIBILITIES IS NOT HELPING THEM

2 points

During Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech, many of the old, white, Republican Senators and Representatives must have gotten more exercise how to buy an essay paper than in weeks, jumping to their feet to applaud almost every sentence of the endless rhetoric.

1 point

I have lived in a poor rural community in NY for most of my life. I work at a hospital another basically socialist entity. Here is a truth about the socialist portion of my world. In my youth there were a few "welfare families" in my area. We termed them that because they lived off of the system (socialism) It was not that theses people couldn't work like everyone else it was to make their lives easier.

Capitalism is a pyramid system you idiot. The parasites are at the top, not the bottom. Frankly, I find it astonishing that you are sat here complaining about people picking up fifty dollars from the government so they can eat, yet say absolutely nothing about the 2008 stock market crash in which a million American families, working families, lost their homes. You begrudge a poor family fifty dollars, but have absolutely nothing to say about the banks stacking interest upon every dollar in circulation just so they can make you work forever to pay off a debt it is mathematically impossible to ever satisfy.

When you look down at the people beneath you and spit on them as a solution to the fact that the people at the top are making your own life shit, then that is fascism.

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thejax(68) Disputed
3 points

What do Trump's tax cuts have to do with the rising homeless and human feces covering the streets of San Francisco.

What does Mexico, Venezuela and San Francisco have in common? Their is hardly any middle class. Extreme rich and extreme poor. Why? Because the federal government makes promises of free give-a-ways creating more poverty and taxes and regulates the middle class into an oblivion.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
2 points

Good question. You see, the issue is that since the opposite of single payer healthcare system happened (which even Hillary supported, though she's less Left-wing than Bernie), healthcare in all forms is becoming as 'survival of the richest' as is possible. Imagine how hard a common cold would be if you couldn't afford the simple cold medicine, or at least paracetemol-variant without sacrificing meals for you and your family. You're that poor. Yeah, see when you can become that poor then we start to have a trap; everything is privately funded and you're begging for public mercy. It's not gonna work out. Charity is random and based on spur of mercy, it involves appealing to people's urge to give, rather than the government's urge to care for the worst off in the nation so as to appreciate that you're only as good (on a true scale of appreciating development in a nation) as your worst team member(s) and how you treat them versus how productive you are able to be AT THE SAME TIME, in the end.

Trump is making many, many laws (or removing them, more like) that cause states preferring to rely on things like obamacare to become confused what to rely on. It's not just healthcare, he's going to ruin public education for good and not just because the idiot is allowing school shooters to get guns easier and legislating it as 'defence against that kind'

Trump is putrid... A cancer much like all Republicans but none more so than Reagan and Bush Sr. (Bush Jr. was more duped than a maniac, once you study the history).

smilinbobs(590) Disputed
2 points

Do you know what kinds of programs they have for getting the people on public assistance off of public assistance? Rhetorical, the government gives them the wealth which they steal from producers and call it good.

1 point

Do you know what kinds of programs they have for getting the people on public assistance off of public assistance? Rhetorical, the government gives them the wealth which they steal from producers and call it good.

Strange how you claim to be poor yet have the opinions of a rich bigot.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

LOL, people like you on the Left will NEVER admit how the Democrat's social agendas are creating more homeless, more Government dependents, NOT LESS!

These things were happening long before Trump came along but with all things, you Trump haters will blame him for it.

2 points

Define 'good' please.

smilinbobs(590) Clarified
1 point

Good = having far more beneficial aspects than detrimental aspects

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Oh! "Smilin", You mean like the capitalists are experiencing with a Republican run Washington … far more beneficial aspects than detrimental aspects??

There ya' go! There's not much difference between socialism and capitalism, capitalism just benefits fewer people. ;-)

2 points

Socialism in the USA is it a good thing?

It's a giant, steaming pile of nonsense.

2 points

Went to san Francisco in 2006 HAD A FANTASTIC TIME and was greatly impressed.

Returned again last year to discover a filthy shithole full of urine soaked beggars.


2 points

Socialism in the USA is it a good thing?

Hello bob:

There is a distinction between democratic socialism, and socialISM. It IS confusing, I agree..

One PAYS for things like Medicare, and the other OWNS everything.. The ONLY thing democratic socialism owns, is a printing press.. That kind of "socialism" IS good for the USA.


smilinbobs(590) Disputed
2 points

What is good about that? If we use "Medicare" as the example, why should that be a socialist program? We pay into it as an insurance program why not just make it an insurance program? Eliminate the government from it entirely.

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
3 points

An "Insurance program" run by an insurance capitalist exists to make that capitalist(s) RICH. WE have to pay the cost of the insurance expenses AND the often even BIGGER expense of the HUGE buildings around the country that house those capitalists trying to get rich! (Along with the very nice vacations, traveling perks, extravagant dinners with "clients", maybe a much "needed" massage or three??) And then, you have to figure the "bargaining" between the Drug Cartel, the Hospital Investors, the contractors and others looking to get rich off the industry. (During more dinners and junkets). No wonder health "insurance" is so expensive!

Socialize ME! Use ALMOST all of the money I pay for medical PROTECTION, (in taxes FOR the people AND myself), not for some capitalists home or yacht! My taxes "might" be a bit higher, but, deduct the insurance expense we pay and the total will be very much lower, because the cost of operating (and the perks) will be MUCH lower! It might make you smile MORE, Bob!

2 points

well, it didn't work out so much for Jonestown in Guyana 1978

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Another branch of "God" worshippers didn't either, did it?? They were looking for help from your "god", who didn't show up to save his misguided "creations". Musta' been on vacation?

Sorry, I try not to make fun of someone's religion, but when they USE it to make a ridiculous point …..

2 points

Socialism is alive and well in the US...for the rich.

Just ask bankers, federal insurance, farmers with federal crop insurance then pensions and overseas investors also get federal insurance.

Then there is dairy price supports. Do you get price or income support ?

Then ethanol is billion$ in corn welfare. (socialism)

TARP, the S&L bailout cost the taxpayers trillion$. Socialism for wall street even comes with $37 million in bonuses.

1 point

Don't forget all the women having babies without marriage, that tax payers have fund from day one to age 18.

Pedestrian(151) Clarified
1 point

So what ? Marriage is irrelevant, Govt. has a tax subsidy for ALL babies.

2 points

I don't remember when socialism was good. USSR, North Korea, Venezuela, and other countries. These countries are poor because of the economic policy of socialism or communism. Capitalism and laissez-faire is the only option if the country and its citizens want to be prosperous. You can read an article on if you want to know the consequences of socialism in the US. Also read Ayn Rand "Atlas Shrugged." You will see the clear picture of what it will bring.

Pedestrian(151) Disputed
2 points

One could easily say look at how good capitalism is in N. Korea or China. See how easy it is ? Doesn't do much for the capitalist proletariat.

Capitalism (or really Free Enterprise) is a very good driver economically. But just like we have always had a social education system- we need at least a socialist catastrophic health net.

Also - we really don’t have a true FREE MARKET! We have CORPORATE PROTECTIONism which is so hypocritical!!

Face it : Capitalism committed Suicide!! Cronyism and childish greed killed it. The mule learned the carrot on the stick is bullshit

Had it remained ethical and reasonable- it may have survived. Humans are too juvenile to be that free..

thejax(68) Disputed
2 points

Capitalism hasn't committed suicide. The government is busy destroying Capitalism, by creating dependencies in many aspects of life.

The government has convinced enough people to give up being personally responsible, self-sufficient and depend upon it.

In which case, the government has no choice but to initiate the use of force against free people practicing Capitalism.

Free people give up their right to be self-sufficient they stop practicing Capitalism.

Pedestrian(151) Disputed
1 point

Rather capitalism is destroying the market by not paying its participants. Govt. creating dependencies ? That's a good one. Much more like the capitalist is creating those dependencies.

Reduce the markets buying power everyday means debt and the capitalist has very successfully driven the country into $71 trillion of debt going up $6 million per minute.

Rather, the govt has convinced people that laws of both marketplace and taxes should favor capital and the corp. to inspire growth...that never occurs.

People without capital which is by far most people...are not capitalists at all. Capitalism requires capital.

Pedestrian(151) Disputed
1 point

Rather capitalism is destroying the market by not paying its participants. Govt. creating dependencies ? That's a good one. Much more like the capitalist is creating those dependencies.

Reduce the markets buying power everyday means debt and the capitalist has very successfully driven the country into $71 trillion of debt going up $6 million per minute.

Rather, the govt has convinced people that laws of both marketplace and taxes should favor capital and the corp. to inspire growth...that never occurs.

People without capital which is by far most people...are not capitalists at all. Capitalism requires capital. As for choice, the US govt. has chosen to initiate forces of capital and govt. against the poor.

The capitalist is among the least self sufficient in economy, always with his hand out to govt.

Pedestrian(151) Clarified
2 points

Capitalism is not only not free enterprise, it is not real enterprise at all. Capitalism is money-ism. Capitalism is speculation, debt and turning paper into money. Capitalism involves no labor, that is reserved for whoever the capitalist speculates on or...invests in.

Capitalism is hardly dead, it thrives on a total US debt of $71 trillion, going up $6 million a minute.

Capitalism has its firm grip on govt. with all of that 'capital'...being free speech.[sic]

Truly facing [it], crony, greedy capitalism won the 20st century and has most successfully in partnership with having successfully bought and owned govt. especially as exemplified by the latest of several tax giveaways...thrives in the 21st.

More accurately, [it] has remained un-ethical and unreasonable where greed rules everyday and has survived quite well, while humans do not exist and are...,merely profit centers.

This is what it looks like

Lol. Right buddy. If you want to know what socialism "looks like", ask the hardcore American capitalist who has swallowed a lifetime of bubblegum propaganda from the far right. Ask the guy who thinks capitalism is what gives us teeth.

Good one.

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The U.S. currently has elements of socialism, such as Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment. Socialism, as seen through its implementations in various countries, has proved to be impractical as it did not achieve the mass equality it sought to.Key Takeaways. The U.S. has a mixed economy, exhibiting characteristics of both capitalism and socialism. Such a mixed economy embraces the free market when it comes to capital use, but it also allows for government intervention for the public good.Capitalism is the economic system in the United States. It is a market economy. Capitalism means that people, not the government, own most