
Debate Info

Standing Being
Debate Score:21
Total Votes:24
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 Standing (7)
 Being (7)

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excon(18262) pic

Which takes more courage? To BE a racist or to STAND up to one??


Side Score: 9


Side Score: 12

What is racist?---------------------------------------------------------------

Side: Standing
1 point

It doesn't take "courage" to be a racist, it takes hate and stupidity! Many even get their "courage" from their religion to justify it. The KKK feels it does "Gods work", putting the blacks and Jews in their "God given, inferior place". Sick.

Side: Standing
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
0 points

Crazy Al you want to see what Negros do in Chicago during Anti-Gun Walk Out ?

By the way Crazy Al has nothing to do with the KKK or Religion.

It's plain and simple Negro Mentality

What you got to say now Progressive ?

Did your Propaganda Driven Media miss this ?

Side: Being
1 point

When you say 'stand up to a racist', are you meaning to stand up to one on the internet, because that doesn't take any courage at all.

It's virtuous but not courageous. It is however quite cowardly to BE a racist on the internet when it's obvious that you're acting out online

in a way that you would never have the balls to do in real life knowing that if you behaved that way in public you'ld frequently get your ass kicked.

But when you have a big racist idiot in front of you and you have every reason to think he could kick your ass, that does take some courage.

But then, that's what they make baseball bats for isn't it?

Side: Standing
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Here is a Racist and your candidate for president in 2016 !!!!!!!

Get a new message ROTFFLMMFAO !

Side: Being
1 point

Being a racist is not courageous. It's cowardly. You use your power to insult minorities and spew hate. I guess it is courageous to stand up to one, but I would say it is your moral obligation to do so.

Side: Standing
1 point

If you are living in nazi germany it takes more courage to stand up to racists. If you are living in the modern west it takes more courage to be racist.

Side: Standing
3 points

Being a racist means risking losing your job, standing up to racists carries no such risk. While I disagree with racism, I certainly feel there is more of a cost to being a racist than criticizing one.

Side: Being
Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
3 points

I think there is a difference between cost and courage. Having courage to stand up to a person spewing hatred may not have a cost in terms of potentially losing your job (unless you are standing up to your boss) but you simply don't know what a person is thinking or capable of doing when they proudly display their anger at a group or racism for all to see. Being racist in this day and age SHOULD have repercussions but I don't think it takes more courage to tell the world you're a jerk.

Side: Standing
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

"I think there is a difference between cost and courage. Having courage to stand up to a person spewing hatred may not have a cost in terms of potentially losing your job (unless you are standing up to your boss) but you simply don't know what a person is thinking or capable of doing when they proudly display their anger at a group or racism for all to see. Being racist in this day and age SHOULD have repercussions but I don't think it takes more courage to tell the world you're a jerk."

Dummy who is Racist other than your Party ! Do i need to show you as the Fool you Are ?

There is your Racist in her own words !

Side: Standing
WinstonC(1225) Clarified
1 point

"I think there is a difference between cost and courage."

Yes but I don't see how one can be courageous without perceiving themselves as being at risk of paying a cost for their behavior. Further, the greater the cost willingly risked, the greater their bravery.

"you simply don't know what a person is thinking or capable of doing when they proudly display their anger at a group or racism for all to see."

This is a reference to a risk of cost. I'm sure that if there were stats available we'd find that saying racist things is more likely to get you fired or socially ostracized than challenging a racist person's views is likely to get you assaulted (also the former costs are higher).

Side: Standing
3 points

Being what is often wrongly interpreted as being a so called racist, is having the moral fibre and conviction to state your beliefs which your experience and observations have developed.

No one is born with opinions about racial or national characteristics but it is easy to study history and to see what is going on in the world around you and to make rational and unprejudiced judgments.

For instance it has been my experience and observation that the German people are well ahead of most other nations in terms of innovation, ability and work ethic.

The evidence of this nation's superiority is there for all to see.

America is the greatest and most powerful nation on earth, and once more this is due to the self-reliance, strong work ethic and confidence of it's people.

The pointing out of the strengths and weaknesses of certain races should not be interpreted as anything other than a chronicle publication of the facts as the author understands them to be.

Most reasonable people will be open to challenge and will consider all counter arguments on their merits.

People like to refer to white privilege as though it was bestowed on them by some deity or other.

WHITE PRIVILEGE had to be earned the hard way

White privilege has been in the making for centuries and it has been their inventions/discoveries along with their pioneering and adventurous spirit which has led them to be the dominant race.

Pretending otherwise is emotional clap trap and does nothing to spur those struggling to keep up with the herd to recognise, address and hopefully redress their shortcomings.

''Shooting the messenger'' is worse that being ridiculous.

Side: Being
1 point

LMMFAO !!!!!! What is not Racist in the World of Progressives ?

Damn Super Stupid it is an Alphabet Soup of Terms !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Being
1 point

A person who stands up to a racist will have all the support in the world and will be called courageous. This causes some folks to call others racist in order to appear virtuous while supposedly standing up to racism. In this situation the truly courageous person will stand by their non-racist beliefs in the face of mass slander and undeserved public shaming.

Side: Being