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True False
Debate Score:50
Total Votes:63
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 True (21)
 False (12)

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Daegonius(329) pic

Liberals need the government to wipe their ass for them


Side Score: 32


Side Score: 18
4 points

Its good to be able to observe and consider the reasoned opinions of all sides of an argument, especially when they're presented in a civilized and persuasive manner.

Believe it or believe not, some debate forums are infested with those who engage in name calling and swearing at anyone who holds an opposing viewpoint to their own.

As rational discussion begets rational discussion so vituperation begets vituperation.

Side: True
Kalamazoo(333) Clarified
2 points

Most of these Yankee doodles seem to hold a 1st class honours degree in profanity.

Maybe obsenties are taught at their universities.

How the standards of the descendants of the well educated early settlers have declined since 1783.

Those rebellious colonists shot themselves in the foot.

Side: True
2 points

Liberals are made up of socialist elites, and low end voters who want others to support them.

There is not an ounce of pride in any able bodied Government dependent capable of working. Liberals pander to these types of people with our money, to further their socialist agendas.


Side: True
seanB(950) Disputed
0 points

Government of the people by the people for the people is by its very definition a socialist fucking endeavour. You had literally, without exception, the most perfect basis for a free and equal society at your fingertips. Only a Christian Conservative horde of morons could possibly fuck that up and turn it into the farce that it is now.

That's how the pyramidal corporate slave-trade you call free-market capitalism has managed to turn your country from the most progressive and innovative country in the world, into literally a degenerate nation run by an orange-faced astronomical failure whose pockets are so fucking empty he has to break every conflict of interest rule of the Presidency so that he can keep money in his pocket (money that isn't even his to begin with).

Well done, fuckface.

But considering that you believe in what is essentially a fairy-tale, I am prepared to concede that you are genuinely, through no fault of your own, biologically incapable of the intellectual capacity required to realize your own stupidity and to drag yourself out of the gigantic shit-heap you've landed in.

So goodnight, and stay stinky.

Side: False
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
4 points

Progressive your dream is a Socialist Government and Hillary losing at the ballot box has driven the likes of you Rabid Progressives off the rails. Tell me all about the Progressive talking point of the Right to Vote and Voter Suppression. Right to Vote and Voter Suppression is what your ideology calls for and that has been shown by you.

"That's how the pyramidal corporate slave-trade you call free-market capitalism has managed to turn your country from the most progressive and innovative country in the world, into literally a degenerate nation run by an orange-faced astronomical failure whose pockets are so fucking empty he has to break every conflict of interest rule of the Presidency so that he can keep money in his pocket (money that isn't even his to begin with)."

Progressives being voted down shows how tyrannical you Rabid Progressives are.

Side: True
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

You absolute hideous hypocritical fool!


You are as inhuman as they come and i will try to ignore your pathetic hypocrisy. Godless people like you have turned our world into a self love commune whereby anything goes because you hate the very mention of morals. It's never your fault no matter what immoral choices you make.

You want to sleep around and if you get the woman pregnant, KILL THE BABY! PROBLEM SOLVED RIGHT?

The harm to our fatherless children is pathetic, and never word one against the immoral lifestyles creating these fatherless children.


Side: True

I believe his two cent tax doesn’t go too far enough.

I agree with every single thing he said.

Side: True
0 points

I am a moderate. I see good in both sides................................................................................................................

Side: True
1 point

I've been an independent for most of my life. Since there is no Republican Party anymore .. it's been taken over by radicals and the religious right (more radicals). So now I must be a Democrat. I have wiped my own ass for over 80 years and I don't need any help.

Apparently the Daegonius that is in the 190's currently is as mentally deficient as our current President. You need your mouth wiped at least!

Side: False
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Bowel Al i thought you were 81? Now speaking of Radicals your Progressive Party owns that.

Side: True
1 point

I've been an independent for most of my life. Since there is no Republican Party anymore .. it's been taken over by radicals and the religious right (more radicals). So now I must be a Democrat

This is by far the least religious the right has ever been. Conservatives didn't even sniff at abolishing gay marriage.

Democrats oppose free speech with violence & defend a religion that kills gays. I mean Seriously?

Side: True

Oops I posted for the opposition there, my bad, who’s killing all these babies anyways, r they doing it right down at the liberal stronghold, and eating tunics and chanting ritual satanism? These are CHRISTIANS and ATHIESTS who are getting abortions, babies they can’t take care of, lest they find themselves on the streets. If I was on the streets with a 1 year old child I’d slit your Christian throat to get the 20 dollars I need for food and shelter for my child.

And who is gonna let FAS babies run around sticking people with knives because they are dissociative, who pays for the round the clock for life care of these mentally defunct children your punching out, do you think about the consequences of your actions or do you sit around reading passages you could never hope to understand out of a book that is trying to give you my opinion.

Side: False
1 point

Actually most of the disgusting grunt jobs, from picking crops to janitors to shoveling sh!t, are done by either the bottom rungs of society or by immigrants. Conservatives need those people to do those jobs, and all the while you judge them as lazy losers who deserve to do it. Basically those people are wiping your ass for you, and the only people sticking up for them are moderates and liberals.

Side: False
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Diaper Boy from Boston what a perfect description of the Elite of the Progressive Party. You could not have done a better job of describing your party. Now change those diapers your party makes for you ROTFFLMMFAO

Side: True
-1 points

Conservatives are too scared to leave their house without being armed.

Side: False
Daegonius(329) Disputed
1 point

Liberals would hand you their wallet and spread their legs like butter on a biscuit if they thought you where an illegal immigrant. Especially if you are a muslim. Liberals like to masturbate in the corner while muslim men gangbang their wives.

Side: True
mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

You literally have absolutely NO idea what you're talking about, you incompetent fool. American conservatives need gerrymandering to win an election, and you claim that the Liberals need the government to wipe their ass for them?

Also, that metaphor "like butter on a biscuit" is really a horrid one. I recommend you try to fix it with your wonderful poetry skills.

Side: True
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Quote numbers of Conservatives that are too scared to leave their house without a weapon. Can you do it ? But wait isn't you Progressives are all about the Constitution now?

Side: True