
Debate Info

Kick em out Dumb deserve equal treatment
Debate Score:74
Total Votes:80
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 Kick em out (27)
 Dumb deserve equal treatment (34)

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Slavedevice(1389) pic

Refuse To Serve Stupid People?!

Ok, so you can refuse to make cake for gay weddings and kick Trump staffers out of restaurants.  So, do we have the right to refuse business with people of low IQ?!

Kick em out

Side Score: 34

Dumb deserve equal treatment

Side Score: 40
3 points

Refusing to make a cake for gay weddings is only an political issue for the Regressives and demonstrates Low IQ. A restaurant owner kicks Trump staffers out of a restaurant and their Brown Shirt IQ shows. The Low IQ is shown by the restaurant owner and just watch the business tail off because of political bias.

Side: Kick em out
2 points

This form of discrimination may seem harmless at first glance but such prejudice can snowball and quickly develop into an escalating battle of tit for tat reprisals which will end up way beyond political or religious issues.

Racial bigotry or even a proprietor disliking how someone dresses could be considered legitimate reason to refuse to serve or evict people from your business premises.

Democrats kick out Republicans and Republicans oust Democrats.

The next evolutionary stage of this shallow minded bigotry is the escalation to violent revenge.

All because some dumb, smug bitch wanted boost her business takings by being seen to occupy what she perceived to be the moral high ground.

Side: Kick em out

There are 7 billion people on the planet. We need to put Darwinism back into society. ;)

Side: Kick em out
1 point

Hello S,

I suppose you can.

Since it’s legal to refuse service to people because of Christian beliefs, certainly you can refuse service to people because of your religious beliefs against stupid people. It isn’t the governments’ business to tell a religion what it should believe and what it shouldn’t.


Side: Kick em out
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

I suppose you can.

Since it’s legal to refuse service to people because of Christian beliefs, certainly you can refuse service to people because of your religious beliefs against stupid people. It isn’t the governments’ business to tell a religion what it should believe and what it shouldn’t.


But Water Boy your party made it government's business regarding business. Have you forgotten ?????????

Double Standards is all your party has BOY and it's not a winning ticket for your party.

Side: Dumb deserve equal treatment
blamonkey(3) Disputed
1 point

It seems that the crux of your argument depends on the legal system siding against the baker. If you look toward a more recent, similar case, you can see that the legal paradigm was overturned by the SCOTUS. This sets a precedent of businesses being able to sell to whoever they want. Thus, If businesses want to discriminate in selling their products based off of deeply held beliefs, they should be able to do so regardless if it pertains to political ideology or sexual orientation.

Oh, and I wouldn't put anyone's political affiliation on a pedestal. Both major parties in the US are corrupt, worthless facets of the government that do not represent anybody. Praising a political party is akin to expressing great enthusiasm toward taking cyanide. Sure, it may seem slightly better than the other political party (a noose) but the end result is the same, a large mess to clean up.

In conclusion, people can't have their wedding cake and eat it too. Either businesses can discriminate against deeply held beliefs (my position,) or they can't. While I think it horrible that Sanders was not served due to her opinions, and that businesses are only "fanning the flames" in angering others, under law it is similarly justified.

Hopefully this doesn't start a flame war.

Side: Kick em out
0 points

There have been bakers refuse to make Christian cakes. In 2014, 13 bakers refused one Christian service because the cake had a Christian message on it. That doesn't appear to bother the Democrats much.

Side: Kick em out
Factology(405) Disputed
1 point

Christianity is a vile disease which is objectively incorrect, and has held back scientific progress, destroyed large parts of our history systematically in it's own disgusting interests and caused countless wars and acts of brutality justified by it's so called "morality".

Side: Dumb deserve equal treatment
Gibby_Prime(37) Disputed
2 points

Christianity is a vile disease which is objectively incorrect,

Christianity is a religion/belief, not a vile disease.

and has held back scientific progress,

Then why are we living in an era with advanced technology?

destroyed large parts of our history

How does Christianity destroy history? History is history, no one went back in time, and no one destroyed any historical textbooks.

caused countless wars

So what are the countless wars caused by Christianity?

Side: Kick em out

Amen Bro! So when are we going t get enough support to bury this old whore?! She s gonna go down fighting- but nonetheless she’s going down! Hitler should have spent time killing the Bible and he would have been more respected.

Side: Dumb deserve equal treatment
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Christianity is a vile disease which is objectively incorrect, and has held back scientific progress, destroyed large parts of our history systematically in it's own disgusting interests and caused countless wars and acts of brutality justified by it's so called "morality".

Well defined explanation of the Religion of Islam !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Kick em out
1 point

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. § 12101) is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on disability.

Side: Dumb deserve equal treatment
2 points

Stupid is not classified as a disability.


Side: Kick em out
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Hello HF:

Well, stupid IS classified as IMMORAL and DANGEROUS by MY religion.. What??? You wanna tell me what my religion can believe and what it can't???

That AINT freedom of religion.


Side: Dumb deserve equal treatment
Factology(405) Disputed
1 point


You really love retards don't you? .

Side: Kick em out
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

BOT you don't like the retarded children at the Southern Border ????????? LMAO

Side: Dumb deserve equal treatment
Slavedevice(1389) Clarified
1 point

That’s funny as hell! So, at what IQ level is one legally disabled?! Lol

Side: Kick em out
Factology(405) Disputed
1 point

I believe it's 70. .

Side: Kick em out
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

“To be diagnosed as having mental retardation, a person must have an I.Q. below 70-75, i.e. significantly below average. If a person scores below 70 on a properly administered and scored I.Q.“

“An I.Q. in the 60 to 70 range is approximately the scholastic equivalent to the third grade.”

Side: Kick em out
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Hello A,

What if it’s a Christian run business and the disabled person is also gay? Can he be kicked out then?


Side: Kick em out
Factology(405) Disputed
1 point

What if it’s a Christian run business and the disabled person is also gay? Can he be kicked out then?

Christians shouldn't be allowed to have businesses, all christians are mentally disabled and should be exterminated.

Side: Dumb deserve equal treatment
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Water Carrier the game is working against your party and your party started the game. As it is now viewed the Regressive playbook will be turned to a disadvantage for the party. No more SCOTUS rulings on the issue. Christians can refuse to make a cake for a gay wedding and Regressives can run a customer out for political reasons. All is fair in war BOY get use to it.

Side: Dumb deserve equal treatment
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Have to say again you Spun Out Dummy when did religion come into question ? You being an religious person and all !!!!!!!!!! LMMFAO

Side: Dumb deserve equal treatment

So, it was fine to refuse to serve someone based on their political stance because the employees didn't feel comfortable serving them, but you can't refuse to serve someone based on their sexuality because the owner didn't feel comfortable serving them? Someone, please explain why this double standard exists.

Side: Dumb deserve equal treatment
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Hello the,

Let’s go for a triple standard. I don’t serve people with big ears. It makes me very uncomfortable being around people with big ears. In fact, my religion says I’m not allowed to associate with people who have big ears. Clearly, if people can discriminate because of religion, why can’t they discriminate because of ears??

Of course, I’m being silly. When you get a license from the city to serve the public, it’s my view that you should serve the public.


Side: Kick em out
3 points

Wanna see something interesting Con? Me too. The Democrat media forgot to be outraged about it.

Christian With Christian Message Refused Service by 13 Pro-homosexual Bakers

Written by Selwyn Duke Monday, 15 December 2014

Side: Dumb deserve equal treatment
2 points

There's a difference isn't there Con? A gay couple walks into a bakery, and the guy is happy to serve them, but there are certain things he doesn't make. He doesn't scream. He doesn't refuse to serve them in any other way.

A Republican walks into a restaurant, is targeted, screamed at, run out of the facility, and with no offer of any kind of service.

Not quite the same now is it?

Side: Dumb deserve equal treatment
ExConsHound Disputed
1 point

Democrats descriminate against elephants though.

Side: Dumb deserve equal treatment
1 point

Yes, but as a company, you retain the right to refuse service to anyone. I'm okay with this, in fact, I think it's great. However, many people were fine with Sarah H. Sanders getting kicked out of The Red Hen based on that right but were not okay with Jack Phillips refusing to make a cake for Charles Craig and David Mullins based on the First Amendment.

Side: Dumb deserve equal treatment
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Do be stupid Water Boy this has nothing to do with religion because you are an Atheist !!!!!!!!!!! LMMFAO

Side: Dumb deserve equal treatment

"Refuse to serve stupid people?!"

If you refuse to serve liberals, you are killing off half your potential business- not smart!

Side: Dumb deserve equal treatment