
Debate Info

It IS, praise the Lord No. I'm NOT nuts
Debate Score:27
Total Votes:36
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 It IS, praise the Lord (8)
 No. I'm NOT nuts (12)

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excon(18262) pic

Is the Bible the only thing keeping you from murdering 58 people??


Right wing Christians constantly tell us that the ONLY thing keeping them from committing MASS MURDER is God..  Oh, they don't phrase it that way, but, make no mistake, that's what they're saying..

Fox and Friends co-host Ainsley Earhardt echoed that sentiment suggesting that Stephen Paddock fired into the crowd, killing 58 and wounding hundreds more, because he was an atheist.  Speaking to co-hosts Brian Kilmeade and Steve Doocy, Earhardt picked up on statements made by Paddock's twin brother, claiming that that the shooter, "didn't believe in God or didn't have a God or didn't have faith in his life." 

Of course there's NO evidence whatsoever regarding the killers religious beliefs, but my question is NOT about the veracity of Fox and Friends. 

I just wanna know if the Bible is the ONLY thing keeping you from murdering 58 people??  


It IS, praise the Lord

Side Score: 11

No. I'm NOT nuts

Side Score: 16

Here's a better question Con. If the Sermon on the Mount was programmed anywhere in this man's mind, would it have stopped HIM?

Side: It IS, praise the Lord
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
2 points

If it would have then why didnt god just do that to everyone. No matter which way you wanna talk this argument it will always come back to God's incompetence or lack of will. Lack of will which would make him complicit in these acts of terror

Side: No. I'm NOT nuts
Srom(12120) Disputed
2 points

It is in everyone.

"The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse." Romans 1:18-20

"For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools" - Romans 1:21-22.

Side: It IS, praise the Lord
1 point

If free will and "sin" exists, God has little to do with the acts of man other than to have put the system itself in place and let it accomplish its overall purpose. Nevertheless, this guy wasn't an Atheist. I've seen this behavior up close and personal. Americans don't understand it because it doesn't come from a Judaeo-Christian-Secular culture.

Side: It IS, praise the Lord
1 point

Everybody is made in the image of God, and has value, dignity, and worth. We are commanded to love our enemies, and pray for them.

Side: It IS, praise the Lord

Of course there's NO evidence whatsoever regarding the killers religious beliefs,

This sounds so stupid!! , So stupid!!

Side: It IS, praise the Lord
2 points

Uhm. No. My belief in God is one thing, but it doesn't take the Lord to keep me from murdering 58 completely innocent people.

Side: No. I'm NOT nuts
1 point

Even God killed a bunch of people. No one is innocent......DUH DUH DUNNNNNNHHHHHHH!

Side: No. I'm NOT nuts
2 points

Bump Stocks are the best thing the Obama ATF could have ever done and he claimed to be a Christian. The site clown is covered up in a BS cloak of stupidity.

Side: No. I'm NOT nuts
2 points

I'm sorry, but not every atheist is a psychopath. If they were, then there would have been many more murders like this.

Side: No. I'm NOT nuts

Nope. Being a Conservative, having not been indoctrinated with Liberalism, and being grounded in reality keeps me from shooting 500 people. Otherwise I'd shoot up a gay nightclub, wear masks and use violence to keep Conservatives from speaking, firebomb the police, shoot the police with sniper rifles, bomb a London railway, shoot 500 people at a Country concert from a Mandalay Bay window, bomb a Belgium airport, have gang wars with my own minority race killing them in the street, bomb the Boston Marathon, mow down a concert at the Bataclan theatre with machine guns, take sex slaves, burn children alive, shoot up girls schools, drown people in cages, chop off heads at a plant in Oklahoma, kill my co workers in San Bernardino, kill my fellow student in Columbine, Colorado, and take down the Twin Towers like a devout Liberal or liberal alliance group does.

And if you have the Sermon on the Mount programmed into your mind, that certainly doesn't hurt.

Side: No. I'm NOT nuts
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

Nope. Being a Conservative, having not been indoctrinated with Liberalism, and being grounded in reality keeps me from shooting 500 people. Otherwise I'd shoot up a gay nightclub, wear masks and use violence to keep Conservatives from speaking, firebomb the police, shoot the police with sniper rifles, bomb a London railway, shoot 500 people at a Country concert from a Mandalay Bay window, bomb a Belgium airport, have gang wars with my own minority race killing them in the street, bomb the Boston Marathon, mow down a concert at the Bataclan theatre with machine guns, take sex slaves, burn children alive, shoot up girls schools, drown people in cages, chop off heads at a plant in Oklahoma, kill my co workers in San Bernardino, kill my fellow student in Columbine, Colorado, and take down the Twin Towers like a devout Liberal or liberal alliance group does.

Are you seriously saying that liberalism (i.e. American left wingism) leads people to commit this acts. Man, you want attention bad eh?

Side: It IS, praise the Lord
1 point

Are you seriously saying that liberalism (i.e. American left wingism) leads people to commit this acts. Man, you want attention bad eh?

No. Islam makes many people do things like this, and oddly, the left defends it and even welcomes it into their countries with that dumb look on their face.

Side: No. I'm NOT nuts
1 point

Being a Conservative and being grounded in reality

LOL. Oh bronto, you clearly are not well.

keeps me from shooting 500 people

Just last week you were calling Muslims Conservatives on the grounds that they are (according to you) violent.

You are about as detached from reality as it is possible for a human being to get.

Side: It IS, praise the Lord
1 point

Just last week you were calling Muslims Conservatives on the grounds that they are (according to you) violent

Or because they are ultra religious and strongly believe in gender roles. Be sure and explain how that is "liberal". Then explain why you aren't suspicious of a group voting left that is far right by definition.

Side: No. I'm NOT nuts
1 point

LOL. Oh bronto, you clearly are not well

Why is that Nom? Because I agree with the Olympic committee in that having male chromosomes makes you...male, no matter how you "feel" inside?

Side: No. I'm NOT nuts
-5 points