
Arsenal's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Arsenal's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Popular Mechanics is a good publication not just for its name but for its impeccable writers. Like the ones whom I linked and who busted up your silly truther conspiracy.

Now here's where you say Ouch.


Arsenal(220) Clarified
2 points

LOL... You're naive, mate. That's not her. Its some model named DiDonato.

You should know there are no hot women on CD.


Arsenal(220) Clarified
1 point

Science disproves the literalist notion that all those metaphorical fables like god stopping the sun in the happened.

Science proves to us that staffs don't turn into serpents. Serpents don't speak with and seduce humans....trumpets don't destroy concrete walls...dead carpenters don't rise from being dead for three days.

Science relegated all those allegories into, well, just that...allegories.

1 point

A retarded ten year old can spout groundless boilerplate fire and brimstone like you do.

But an educated person provides links and sources to support his science.

I can list thousands of valid links from professionals that prove your bible miracles are physically impossible.

All you can do, ad nauseum, is run to your Bronze age book of Hebrew Mythology. Its all you got. Period.



There is not a speck of evidence... Even the size of those support your sky god.

He's the result of your unsatisfied and under developed mind.

Get a grip, man. Quit sqandering your life worshipping a non existent entity.

Tick tock.


0 points

Is it possible that your god is simply a delusion and an emotional placebo?

An adult version of that imaginary childhood friend that most rational and sane blokes outgrow.

To quote one of your holy book's heroes, Saul of tarsus, who, BTW, was a homosexual.... When I became an adult I out away childish things.


Godists see through the glass of truth darkly.

Ouch..I reckon I'm your worst nightmare, eh? An atheist who is not only more educated than you but also knows your bible as well as if not better than you.

Know thine enemy, right mate?

There is no god.

Its all in your head.

Like Thor and Zeus and Odin and Yahweh.

Get a grip, son.

His...hurry up and ban me. I consider it a compliment and a testament to my superior intellect to get banned from threads like this one.


2 points

Are you gay for old Putey Poot? As W calls him?

Listen, numbnuts...Putin is an old school soviet hardliner nationalist who will and has used any means necessary to attain his agenda. Up to and including murder and poisoning and rigging elections.

Why do you like him? Is it some sort of man crush? He'd sooner have you killed than look at you. And in fact most likely respects you less since you are sycophantic toward him and don't have the savvy to see him for what he is.

Hope this helps


1 point

The famed quantum physicist Edwin Schroedinger said no, we cannot.

He illustrated that theory with his Schroedinger's Cat thought experiment, which told us that the moment we observe a quantum particle, it is forced to abandon its ability to occupy more than one position and state, and must settle to one specific finite position and spin.

1 point

All those godists who dismiss decades of solid and proven science just because it contradicts a Bronze Age book of Hebrew Mythology and fables. Most of which was never meant to be taken literally, but rather, metaphorically.

Delusion runs rampant with those hapless wankers.

Cheers, mates.

2 points

Sound like you chaps need to brush up on your science.

Popular Mechanics devoted an entire issue on debunking you wacky insider conspiracy wankers. I suggest you read the issue and educate yourselves. All their claims and proofs were supported by experts in the fields of metallurgy and structural engineering.


1 point

The only problem with capital punishment in the USA is that its not used enough and when it is the muderer usually spends way too much time on death row. There needs to be a constitutional amendment stipulating that no prisoner should ever wait more than three months or so on the Row once he is sentenced to execution.

And these executions need to be televised. Perhaps an entire channel dedicated to it. Child molesters need to be executed, ad do drug dealers and home invaders and anyone convicted of a violent crime against the elderly or children.

White collar guys like Madoff who caused thousands to lose their life's savings also deserve the needle. Tell me their victims wouldn't dig that, mates!

Try my methods.and see if we don't see a drop in those crimes. Those who claim that capital punishment is not a proven deterrent are wrong. It certainly could be if it were used more frequently and consistently.


2 points

A Brief History of Time.....Stephen Hawking

Any historical fiction book by Jeff Shaara.

The Selfish Gene...or The Greatest Show on Earth by Richard Dawkins.

James RR Martin's Game of Thrones series

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

Foundation series by Isaac Asimov

A Soldier of the Great War by Mark Helprin

Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger

A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Flags of Our Fathers

Any of the "Killing..." Books by Bill O'Reilly

....happy reading....hope this helps!

Cheers, mate.

Arsenal(220) Clarified
3 points

What a pussy. Do you guts really think that harassment on a forum like this is a jailable offense? In what nanny state libtard world would that be in, exactly?

2 points

What sort of books, mate? Fiction? Or non fiction? Novels? What topics are you interested in? What fiction genres? Let me know and I can offer some good suggestions. I read about two books a week. And have been for years now.


1 point

Solo...yeah, mate....I'm gonna have to call bullshit on you.

Main reason being, Muslim is not an ethnicity or race. Its a religion.

You need to do a bit more research before you try to bullshit us.


1 point

Nice post. And you're 100% correct of course. Bronto crapper tows a wagon train of bullshit behind him big enough to fertilize the West Texas Badlands.

And I'd bet money his IQ aint much above room temperature.

And I'd also wager the difference between his real IQ and his version of it is about half the points of his real one.

Let him do the math on that! LOL


2 points





2 points

How do I download pics of my pics here? I took the pics with the same tablet I'm typing this on. Thanks!

1 point

Are you retarded?

The penalty for people who simply use guns is not prison or death. Its not even a penalty, genius. So long as they use them legally.

Its the people who kill others with them that face prison or execution.

Get a grip.

1 point

If you think guns are not designed to kill and that an automatic assault rifle capable of firing hundreds of rounds of scorching hot lead at thousands of feet per second in mere moments is no more dangerous than a club then you are hopeless. And literally too retarded or moronic to even argue with.

I'm also guessing that due to your blinding and truly impressive ignorance of fire arms that you've never even been near a battlefield nor seen gun damage first hand.

You're a sissified NRA sycophantic dipshit.

Stay the fuck away from me. And other combat vets who you are nor even worthy of wiping our assez for us.

1 point

OK... You asked for it, genius.

Is this the book you guys look to for morality? And claim those sinful atheists who don't follow it are the problem in the world?

Here are some verbatim quotes from your bible. I dare you to read them. And to defend them. And to explain to us how we atheists need this load of evil and antiquated horse shit.

Arsenal(220) Clarified
0 points

Do you really wanna go there, mate? Where I begin a long long long list of murders committed in the name of god and religion?

Just say the word, genius. I'll post links till you have to like on your bible. LOL


Arsenal(220) Clarified
1 point

You were talking ABOUT me. Thus I take umbrage at being falsely accused of having had a sock puppet account. I believe you owe me an apology, mate.

I've no earthly idea what your slipshot thing is.


2 points

Straw man alert!!!

Gee...I forget...was booze used to murder hundreds of innocents at Sandy Hook...Columbine..... Aurora..... Lakeland....Virginia Tech....Vegas?


So...this is now my impersonation of you, after reading my answer.....



Cheers, mate.

1 point

You are obviously quite ignorant of how much more severe DUI laws have gotten in the USA over the past three decades. I suggest you research this issue.

Second time DUI drivers are often incarcerated. They may lose their licenses for life. A second DUI can also be a felony. Thus, the driver is now a convicted felon for life and is subject to facing all the restrictions.

Like not buying a firearm legally, genius.

So...with the drastically increased and severe DUI laws we see a case where government has instituted change in an attempt to save lives in the future.

So....why are you gun nuts opposed to government doing the same for gun control in the wake of continued mass murders?

Get a grip, man.

Wake up.


Arsenal(220) Clarified
1 point

Stricter gun laws will prevent some criminals and potential criminals from obtaining fire arms, yes. But not all. However.. And those these laws will likely save some lives down the line. Who knows? Maybe if the lakeland or Columbine or Sandy hook dipshits would have had more trouble getting weopons, they would have abandoned their plan. Or gotten psychiatric help. Or been busted and locked up for something else.

And there is absolutely zero reason any of those idiots should have been able to purchase assault weapons. Period.

We don't want to take away that nine mil you have in your nightstands for home protection, genius. We just want to make it impossible for deranged psychos to legally get their hands on weapons.

If you cannot grasp this, I have nothing left to offer. You're going to refer to any opinion opposing your own as liberal babble anyway. Right, Charm School boy?


2 points

Uh...if we exterminated any group of people because their agendas were different or even opposed to our own, would that not make us terrorists or fascists to them? Would we then not have simply sunk to their level? And thereby no learned anything useful for preventing such potential conflicts and violence in the future?

Food for thought, mates.


1 point

I hope it's not accurate. I deliberately half assed it, only answering the easy ones where I got the answer in seconds. If I had to think about it more than about ten seconds I marked I don't know. I think I marked the last five like that.

And....I got a 100. Which is exactly average.


1 point

Kids have always been the majority demographic here, mate.

I'd reckon that a good 75% of our top 40 or so contributors are under 32.

And the trollung will only increase until Andy ramps up his membership requirements. Ax well as his bans on the obvious trolls.

If you wish serious and more adult debate and far more civility, I suggest heading over to


0 points


Go troll elsewhere, pops.




2 points

They do, take the shite out of your ears.

The usual liberal opinion on gang violence is that it would be drastically less if those dipshits could not obtain guns so easily.

LOL...did that answer work out the way you hoped it would?

I know...ouch, right?

Cheers, mate.

1 point

Sorry, mate. I've no earthly idea what a slipshot is, nor why you think I'm the slapshot bloke. Feel free to have a moderator check my IP address.

What is more important is.......

Do you have the right to exist outside of hell?


1 point

Quite the opposite, really. Most of the guys who truly comprehend the vastness of the cosmos and how we are less than a speck of dust on one grain of sand out of all the world's beaches are among the smartest most educated people in the world. Cosmologists and astronomers and physicists.

So, uh, they don't drool over it nor have a stroke.

On the other hand, one of these godists just might! LOL they'd see how small and silly their invented god really is.


0 points

The number of people killed by gun wielding hone invaders is almost zero in the USA. Look it up.

While the number of mass shootings be psychos who should never ever ever been able to get their greasy blood stained crazy ass hands on an assault weapon continues to grow by the dozens every month.

Get a grip....if the founding father's came back today and saw all these mass shooting from Columbine till Lakeland they would rewrite the second amendment in a Philadelphia minute. And you know damn well that's true.


1 point

Uh...I'm actually pro life, dipshit.

But you still sound psychotic.

Obsess much on the abortion issue?


0 points

You sound psychotic.

If somebody ever thinks they really met your fictional god, they are either dreaming, under the influence of a hallucinogenic drug, or just been wracked in the head with a hammer.


Cheers, mates.

Arsenal(220) Clarified
1 point

You really fancy they're the same bloke, mate? Seems to me that FW is more of an older, stodgy, avuncular sort. While hellno is an under educated, mist likely un or under employed younger chap. More how you Yanks say....recheck. Fw is more like his uncle who lives up in Michigan while hellno drives a pickup in little Rock Arkansas.

Just me two cents, mate.


1 point

I love it!!!

And any anthropologist will tell you its true.

Just think....that dude is worshipped by the theists as their god!


Just....plain old fashioned wow!



1 point

I know, huh? Its total hypocritical bullshit perpetrated by libtards and arrogant but actually inferior minorities in the USA.

A unemp!oyed reverse racist uneducated nigger can go around wearing a Black Power hat all day and nobody cares. He will probably get some good comments.

If I wore a White Power cap they'd be people who want to string me up by my bollocks. How is that not reverse racism and hypocrisy?

Just like affirmative action.


Arsenal(220) Clarified
1 point

I just totally destroyed you with not one but three links showing big bang proof. us just one of your sky god that Was invented by angry oppressed Bronze age Hebrews who were tired of getting their assez kicked!


I'll be waiting. Cheers.

Arsenal(220) Clarified
1 point

But wait, there's more. I can go on busting up you godists all day. Its easy because you're so uneducated

1 point

Saved by being imbued with education and logic and reason and Atheism?

You bet your ass I am.


2 points

Exactly! The godists don't know that, far from answering any questions about the origins if the universe and the scientifically proved big bang, the notion of a supernatural and very unproven god actually only adds more questions to the entire subject. Like who created their god? Why is he eternally unseen? Why does he now have zero control over somsthing he allegedly created? Why are the most god fearing folks the least educated? Why are the most religious States the poorest? As well as the most religious countries? Why are the most atheist states the most prosperous?

LOL..see? Their world is all ass backwards if there is a God! So why worship such an impotent And absentee and capricious deity?

Its all quite silly, mates.

Excuse me, I gotta go laugh my ass off.


-1 points just listed several of the godists main tactics. They'd be funny if they weren't so sadly deluded. I just live busting up their arguments and watching them run away or attack me. Like when I cite verbatim absurd bible passages that they cannot explain. Yet they worship a sky god douche god and a long dead Jewish philosopher and rabble rouser who didn't even speak English or knew they existed. And who couldn't even converse with them if he came were real! LOL.

Its really all quite humorous. But makes less sense than any other religion. Truly. Islam even makes more sense.


1 point

You truly sound like a drooling psychotic senile bugger.... Believing in that mindless bible shite. Like the time where Lot offered up his two young virgin daughters to gang rape just to protect a couple angels. the way..shoulda been able to fend for themselves if they were really emissaries of Yahweh the homicidal sky god.


Worship that? You people are criminally insane.

And hell exists only in your decayed mind. Its as real as Narnia or Mount Olympus.

Cheers, wanker.

1 point

Godists are not just stupid....they're psychotic.

Truly. Many of the OT fables read like stories told by a ranting drooling thorazine munching psycho. Like Yahweh was! He was a murderous bullying homicidal child killer. I dig that story where he had a couple dozen children slaughtered by bears, just cuz they teased Elisha about being bald.

Truly...what the holy fuck is wrong with you people? Worship that? You must have been psychologically fucked over by your Mom and Dad as a kid.

Cheers, wanker.

Arsenal(220) Clarified
2 points

I'm sorry, mate, but that post reads like something a schizophrenic with a religious persecution complex would say. It sounds ad if it came verbatim from a psychiatric journal in a patient interview.

But you don't know that yet do you?


And do you know the most comon form of schizophrenic delusion is about god and religion? Sby do you think that is? Sby is it not about atheism?


1 point

What you are referring to is called abiogenesis. It is a common biology term. You need to do some research on it. Also...time itself was created with the big bang. So before that there wax no time. period in which there wX nothing. Its must your human mind cannot grasp the idea of time not existing.

Cosmo!ovists have nailed step be step exactly what happened from 10/43 hundredths of a second after the big bang.

That number looks like this on a stop watch....0.0000000000000000000000043.

Just because we have not yet extended our equation to ore big bang is no reason to spew oyr your tired and lame god of the gaps drivel. You guys are hilarious! You neglect the fact science has incredibly improved your lives and had discovered millions of facts, and proved them time and again. Then you find one area where we hsvenr yet discovered some component, and hoy hold up a Bronze Age book if Hebrew Mythology and exclaim, Aha! You can't prove it because god did it!

Do you have any earthly idea how lame that is? If people like that ran the world then We would be living in the Stone age.

And why don't you apply any of your science critique to your bible? LOL. The book is filled with absurdities science and physics prove to be impossible. But you ignore that and attack PhD level science.

Hypocrite much?



2 points

I love how the usually loud mouthed and groundlessly arrogant godists and Christian folk are unusually silent whenever somebody asks for proof of any of their silly claims from their holy book of Hebrew Mythology.


All they can usually do is that tired and very old and very lame squawk that says, "well we can't prove cuddly shit, but you can't disprove it!"

See? Thats all they go nowadays. Science and reason has destroyed all their other claims. And of course anyone who's not retarded or indoctrinated knows that hell is just another silly superstition.

Its about as real as Narnia or Westeros.

Cheers, mates.

2 points

Sagan was a gifted astronomer and writer and public speaker who did more than maybe anyone to help bring the wonders of cosmology to the masses.

I also am forever indebted to him for giving us his Dragon in my Garage parable, which I have used a thousand tines to shoot down the theists and their silly arguments that we atheists can't prove their silky god doesn't exist. The parable tells us that even the stupidest most absurd claim cannot be disproved at times, especially when the purveyor if them keeps moving the goal posts, like the deluded and desperate godists do.


2 points

Bach was one of the finest and most prolific composers of the classical era. Especially for piano and violin. I love his chamber music stuff. I might even put him up there in the top two or three of all time. Even today's, some three hundred years later, pianists still use his études to practice to. Bach is perfect dinner or cocktail party music. Just like Mozart and Tchaikovsky.

Arsenal(220) Clarified
1 point

Secular only means not part of the church. So there is no reason that some secular scribe would not have dutifully recorded those alleged miracles of Jesus. Especially Roman writers who would have been compelled to report to Pilate so he could keep tabs on the situation. your bible's own admission... Pilate nor anyone knew who JC even was! Why? Because he was simply another itinerant ho!y man and political insurrectionist. There were many in first century Palestine.

JC really brought very little to the table, mate. Most of what he espoused had been said before. Like sine 500 years before, by Siddhartha Gautama.

Hope this helps, mate. You seem a tad confused.


Arsenal(220) Clarified
2 points

Typical gun nut NRA jungo babble. conveniently neglected to mention that gun deaths have plummeted since the Aussies banned guns twenty years ago. And that they have not had One mass shooting.


Cheers, mate

1 point

In the immortal words of colonel Frank Slade......"The only two words in the whole damn world that mean anything....Puss-sseeey!


2 points

Catcher in the Rye

The Selfish Gene

A Brief History of Time

A Soldier of the Great War

Crime and Punishment


Ball Four

2 points

Independent. the man...not da party.

1 point


With Conservative ideation.


1 point

But those are sources from your holy book! Of course they say the itinerant Jewish rabbi and carpenter and political insurrectionist you call Jesus was a god. Using them is like me using my book of Greek mythology to prove that Zeus was a god. LOL

But show us a secular source who says that! You'd think that if a man god really went around doing all those miracles that others outside the small fledgling group of followers would've written about it.

Yet....there are NO secular sources who said Jesus was in any way divine. The very very few who even mention a man named Jesus do so in only very brief passing. They treat him as a briefly popular rabble rouser more than anything else.

Which is of course exactly what he was, mate.

Hope this helps.


1 point

This is an excellent parable of how lame the godists are! They know they cannot prove or even show evidence of their fictitious sky god. So they ask atheists to disprove it. But Carl Sagan shows us how hard it is to disprove even the silliest and mist absurd claims. Enjoy!

1 point

Nice try. The burden of proof is upon those who make extraordinary claims. Like a benevolent, caring, loving, creator of the universe who although has never ever ever shown himself, listens to your prayers. LOL godists cannot offer even mildly compelling evidence of your god...let alone anything remotely resembling proof.

Indeed...all evidence in this world leads to the exact opposite assumption... That we here are under the auspice of no divine creator. Answer me this, me one way where we can see even a hint of your god? Name me one example of why anybody should think this world us not driven by pure biology. Show just one visible aspect of your god. Just one.

You cannot do it. All you have is your own ideas and your Bronze Age compendium if Hebrew Mythology you call your holy book.

But maybe you can prove us atheists wrong. I'll be waiting for that one example of a hint of evidence of your god.

1 point

Actually what you said about us atheists is total rubbish. I will debate religion and the existence...actually, non existence.. Of your fictional make believe sky god anytime. And at length if you like.

Rather, I tend to find it's you godists who get pissed off and defensive when pressed for details on your adult version of your childhood imaginary friend. LOL


1 point

I could switch the term Right for every time you said Left in your OP And my post would be equally valid and equally able to support with links and sources.

Doubt it? Try me.


2 points

Do any of you dipshits who down voted Andy know that he is the creator and owner of this website? Create Debate is by miles the most liberal forum of its kind on the entire internet.. Insofar as censorship and moderation are concerned. I used to be a mod over at DDO. And I can say that a great deal of the profanity and personal attacks that go on here on a daily basis would get those authors banned over there. So count your blessings, but keep it up and Andy is bound to clean things up a bit.

2 points

I consider parents who immerse their kids into fundamental religion to be guilty of emotional and psychological child abuse. It should not be allowed. It is borderline criminal. Most schizophrenics as well as serial killers were raised by a religious zealot.


1 point

Alcohol is good because it makes those little hotties wanna drop their panties.

Jolie got his salad tossed when he was in the joint with ex con.


1 point

Splatter painting, as you call it, is not considered to be of the minimalist genre.

Rather, it is abstract expressionism. Such as the works of Jackson Pollock and others. I am not a huge fan of Drip Art....but yes, it is an Art form.

Hope this helps.

1 point

If you are indeed so scientifically inept and possess such a dismal grasp of biology so that you really think that Atheist Evolutionists claim that homo sapiens evolved from pond scum, than you're just too plain stupid to debate with.

So....yeah....go ahead, Einstein, what you said in your OP? Yeah....that's what we think. Pond scum can shoot pond scum with no deleterious consequences because such actions fall under the auspice of Darwinian natural selection.

Happy? Cool. Now run along and thump your bible. You know,,,,that book of fables and superstition that had great science lessons in it. Like how your silly sky god stopped the sun from moving in order to give his boy Joshua a bit more time to slaughter some women and children.



1 point

Wtf does lit or nah mean?

Are you retarded or just illiterate?

1 point

Its not even in the top ten.

Maybe not even the top fifteen or so.

I'm not sure I'd even call MX racers athletes.

Most physically demanding particular order...

Ice hockey


Rock climbing..mountain climbing

Marathon running



MMA fighting


Full contact martial arts

Ocean swimming

Drag racing...the G forces!

Bull riding

Downhill slalom skiing

Speed skating

Wrestling.....including professional

Arsenal(220) Clarified
1 point

Thanks for making my original point. That the USA government can only be accused the most....committing an Intel lapse. But to those who think our government was IN on the attacks, or did them, I say they're idiots and all their how we blew up WTC 7 or that the jets were missiles...have been roundly debunked. You may wish to read my OP a bit closer.

1 point

Typical troll answer from an unemployed Sissy who still lives at home. Yes..I know who you are.

You cannot name one insider theory that I cannot debunk with sources. So!. True to form for all you dipshits with internet engage in ad hominem attacks. Youd be funny if you weren't so lame.


1 point

I hope they ARE watching. Total and comprehensive surveillance is needed so as to effectively derail or eradicate any attempts of terrorism--domestic or foreign--upon this great country of ours.

And..hey! Here is an idea: If you ain't doing anything wrong you do not have anything to worry about. Right?


Cheers, mate.

(Izzat the answer you were looking for, mate?) LOL

1 point

Every single conspiracy theory argument that the Insiders have tried to pull out of their asses has been totally and thoroughly debunked. Hell.....Popular Science Magazine even devoted an entire issue to the topic, and busted-up each one of their silly points, one-by-one.

Just as I will be glad to debunk any Insider claim that any of you wish to pose here. As a tech professional who works for the Government, and somebody who has spent months and months studying and dissecting the mechanics and the physics of the 911 air strikes, I am up to the task. Just try me.

Lastly...the worst that the US government can be accused of for the whole 911 tragedy is that they dropped the ball as far as failing to collect and act of available Intel. They should have know those dipshits who were training on a flight simulator and were already on the watch list were up to something. But that is about it.

The government did NOT deliberately allow the attacks, and it is absurd to think they were directly behind them and/or orchestrated them. That is about as silly a proposition as BigFoot or Jet ChemTrails.

0 points

Well of course animals should be continued to be tested upon. Although I believe they should be treated as humanely and kindly as possible. Though I am aware of course that oft-times this is impossible, and that these animals must die in the testing process.

But hell, what is the alternative? Test on humans? This is not gonna happen. Like it or not we homo sapiens are on top of the food chain and we evolved a long long time and overcame some very difficult obstacles--and also had a lot of luck!--to reach the top. So we get to call the shots and we ARE the superior animals. the basics of it all, we ARE animals. But we are also imbued with unparalleled intelligence that tells us it is better and safer to test new products on lesser animals than it is ourselves.

Make no mistake here, all you animal lovers. (Actually I am an animal lover too, but I do not delude myself): if those animals were above us on the food chain and had the chance to test THEIR new stuff on US, you can bet your PETA Card-carrying ass that they would! LOL.


2 points

It impacts OUR own reality.

Just as your belief in a non-existent god ONLY impacts your own reality. And does not for a nano-second even hint that such an absurd proposition as a caring, loving, prayer-answering sky god exist in the real world.


See what I did there, numbnuts?

Us professional debaters call it "turning the tables."


1 point

I would not be bothered nor concerned with the blind man's opinion in the least.

In fact, I would agree with him, insofar as, so far as HE is concerned, there indeed is no such thing as color.

Even if he is wrong, and his opinion is in his own mind.

Just like god exists only in the mind of those who are deluded and believe in him.

See what I did there? I might be the smartest and most clever bloke on this whole bleeding forum. You were trying to use the blind man thing ad an allegory for how you godists see god and he us real but we atheists just can't see him. But I no only refused to play your silly game....I also totally turned the fucking table on you, and therefore bested you and showed how color exists and your god does not.

Except of course in your own mind.


Better put me on auto ban. I eat godists like you for breakfast. I once made a godist cry by busting him up in a formal debate in college Debate Society.

Cheers, wanker!

1 point

You are a teenage zit faced nerdy virgin who still lives at home with your mommy and daddy.

Run along now, Skeezix..... Mommy has your dinner ready


So.....look....I just totally jobbed you...what will you do about it?

Cheers, wanker.



1 point

I think it is possible that the phenomenon we call Dark Energy may be comprised of a force that we have not yet discovered. You also must remember that Gravity has not yet been completely figured out. We still cannot explain what exact medium it uses to attract matter. Oh.. We know full well it exists of course. And we see what effects it has, and we feel its force every single day and minute. But we don't know what its comprised of at the smallest level. We use the term Gravitons but that's just a pkaceholder catch all term. Just like Dark Energy...which makes the universe expand faster than it should.

1 point

Evo!ution is proven daily And has been for decades now. Do you really think that all those tens of thousands of professional scientists are wrong? And that a Bronze Age compendium of Hebrew Mythology is right? Are you really that far gone? That spun? Indoctrinated that harshly as a kid? Its a shame what some parents do to their kids. Child abuse, I say.

I challenge you to read this....

2 points

For a history of violence and bloodshed and oppression, Christianity wins hands down.

Buddhism is by far the more rational, peaceful, and palatable religion. I would choose Buddhism is I had to join a religion. While I'd rather drink warm piss out of a dirty boot than become a Christian.

1 point

Evolution is proven and witnessed ever single day. It has passed with flying co!ors every test that has ever been thrown at it. There are zero processional biologists ir anthropologists who deny it.

It is mind numbingly absurd and sad that anyone in this age of information and knowledge be so deluded as you and your ilk to believe the words and dogma of Bronze Age Hebrew Mythology over that of modern science.


Just plain old fashioned Wow.

1 point


You are referring to a small percentage of Asians. Like those in america and those of higher income level. The vast majority of Asians live in squalor and work mundane jobs and are not very inventive or creative. What Asians do well is follow orders and take discipline. Then they learn by sheer repetition. Hence the 13 year old trained monkey Asian girl violin players we see.

And those Asians in America are prospering from bring taught By us Caucasians and emulating our ways.

1 point


On the contrary...... The fact majority of evidence in the disease and evil and innocent children dying by the thousands every single day...point to the conclusion that there is no god.

Maybe what you meant was that there is no proof that god doesn't exist?

In answer to that I'd ask you to google Carl Sagan's parable of the Invisible Fire Breathing Dragon in My Garage. That will tell you how any ridiculous and even absurd your god, for hard to disprove.

1 point

You're a vet?

So am I. And I'm calling bullshit on you right now.

Tell us who you served with? Outfit? MOS?

I bet I can bust you in front of all these good people. Let's discuss our military service.

I was a 19K in OIF.

Do you even know what that means without google?


Let's go. I'm sick of now I shall destroy your cred.

I'll be waiting.

Cheers, wanker.

2 points

Excellent post and very thought provoking.

I noticed that rheology or Comparative Religion majors were so low in IQ that they weren't even listed. LOL. Off the charts on the bottom, eh?

This comes as no surprise to me.

Cheers, mate.

PS... My major and my degree would fall under the Other Engineering category, I reckon. Since I got my Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering. I then got a second degree in Communications, which is what I do now as I travel for 200 days of the year installing and repairing satellite dishes and microwave towers.


1 point

Evolution and selective inheritance is science.

All that woo about equality between races is not science. Its liberal propaganda. Designed to get the votes and the constituency of the minority and far inferior races.

The Caucasians race is superior insofar as intelligence and leadership are concerned. This is why over 95% of all the great inventions and innovations and scientific discoveries of all time have been made by us Caucasians. Blacks always do poor in IQ tests sobthry whine about the tests being unfair and biased.

Whites proved their superiority by enslaving and conquering lesser peoples. If the laws of biology and selective inheritance were allowed, we would weed out the minority races. But manmade equality laws prevent that.

Those laws are the only thing the lesser races have going for them. The laws are not science, though. In fact, they prevent natural biological Survival of the Fittest from doing its work.

1 point

Anybody who crossed our borders without permission is a criminal. The very word illegal alien tells us that. I refuse to use the term undocumented worker. That nothing but a libtard euphemism. Its like calling a rapist a sex act extrovert. LOL.

In the legal business we have a term called the Fruit of the Poisonous Tree. It deals with illegal searches. It says that anything found illegally is not admissible. So.....I think Dreamers are like that Fruit. They came from illegal and criminal....even treasonous..actions.

Ergo...inadmissable in the USA.

They all need to be sent packing.

Hope this helps.

1 point

I'm so sorry mum.

Must suck to live only for a long dead Hebrew carpenter and philosopher/political insurrectionist who not only was as mortal as you but also never even heard of you.


1 point

Facial hair is simply another of what biologists and anthropologists call our vestigial traits. That means the physiological remnants we still have from our evolution in the primate and bipedal hominid genus.

Other vestigial traits are body hair...tail bones...fight or flight responses...and finger and toe nails. And if you look at a lic of our brain you can see how it evolved too. You can zee how it began with the basic reptilian brain and then spiraled into a larger brain with a frontal lobe. We homo sapiens broke off from the great ape lineage about 6 mya. This is not all that long in geological or anthropology time... Since their has been life on this planet for over three billion years...which is three thousand million Years!

1 point

So sorry to see somebody squander their short life by worshipping a non existent long dead Jewish rabble rouser and philosophy who really brought very little of anything new to the table in the first place.

Such a waste of a life. Which could be filled with the glory and wonder and awe that science can show and explain. Hebrew mythology is so lame and limited compared to the wonders of Science.

Cheers, mate. Hope you come to your senses.

1 point

Are you wankers still debating this white? Its been almost a year since I been here and I see the braindead Godists still blathering about how science is not science but their holy book which has zero science is the truth. Anyone who thinks that in this day and age with all of our discoveries and technology is bloody hopeless. Deluded beyond help. They need to go all bugger off to the same island and live together and sing Kumbaya and get in one big circle jerk.

We can call it Fantasy Island.

Since god is a fantasy and all.


1 point

Every time I look in the mirror, mate. I'm thin and I drink Coke Zero when I'm not drinking me ale or whiskey.

2 points

LeBron James

Steph Curry

James Hardin

Russell Westbrook

Chris Paul

Kawaii Leonard

All those blokes have games and plays where they can claim are the best in the NBA!

0 points

It's only good if it's England doing the colonizing.

Otherwise, I'm against it.


Cheers, mates.

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