
Debate Info

Atheists are smarter Christians are smarter
Debate Score:113
Total Votes:126
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 Atheists are smarter (37)
 Christians are smarter (49)

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BisexualAt(7) pic

Are Atheists more intelligent than christians

Even though this may have already been done I want to see your opinion on the matter

Atheists are smarter

Side Score: 56

Christians are smarter

Side Score: 57

Anyone who believes a man was born from a virgin and that the all powerful God would allow a little horned bastard to run around constantly snub the almighty creator - u are victims to evil mysticism. Humans will never advance to the next level until we overcome this antiquated mentality.

Side: Atheists are smarter
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

You are a little horned bastard, trying to kill the one who Fathered us all before you chose rather to be a child of Hell of your father the devil.

Side: Atheists are smarter
3 points

Atheists aren't smarter, they're just more sane.

There are plenty of highly intelligent crazy people.

Bronto, I'm sure you have something to add to this. (he'll probably stay up all night again posting repeatedly)

Side: Atheists are smarter

I consider myself a highly intelligent crazy person, thank you very much for this shoutout.

Side: Atheists are smarter
2 points

Atheists is smarter because they dont relyon beliefsto get things dont they just do it that is why we are here today. Persons put god aside and they think about themselfs to believe themselfs we dont see god because there isnt a god there are just us and us alone

Side: Atheists are smarter
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Let's check out your English Grammar for clues about how smart you are. Atheist should be followed by are, not is, in your first sentence. After that, the spelling and grammar is so poor I will not comment on that sentence again.

In the second sentence, you fail to capitalize God' name...or you are too dumb to grasp the concept of God being a person. In that run-on sentence, you express your futile philosophy......the philosophy of a fool.

Side: Atheists are smarter
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
2 points

Youre such a little pussy. Thats how you defend your religion on a debate site? Crying about grammar? And STILL insisting people capitalize your god's fucking name.

Honestly why are you even here? What is the point of being on this website when all you do is edit posts for grammar ON THE FUCKING INTERNET (the place where grammar goes to die) and dodge the debate entirely over capitalizing a letter when you know damn well the other person is talking about the same exact thing you are.

Side: Christians are smarter
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
-1 points

If you don't rely on beliefs, then you do not accept checks as payment. If you don't rely on beliefs, then you carefully inspect a chair to be sure it will hold you before you sit in it. Everybody relies on beliefs whether or not they have good reason.

You don't see God because you are separated from Him by your sins.

You will see Him on Judgement Day, and you will know Him as your Savior or as your Judge, and you will know He is Jesus Christ.

If you do not fear God, then you have foolishness instead of knowledge.

Side: Atheists are smarter
Demosthenes9(15) Clarified
2 points

First off, I'd like to point out that you are actually voting for the side of the argument you clearly oppose. So there's that.

But most importantly, those circumstances which you list about the checks and chairs are entirely inappropriate analogies to religious philosophy and belief structure. If you believe in God because you also believe in checking if a chair supports you before you sit in it, then your belief in God is superfluous and whimsical at best.

Your religious principles are not based on anything but your own beliefs. The reason that it is so easy to claim that atheists are more intelligent than Christians is because Christians are typically so closed minded to education. There are true believers and then there are persons who have been indoctrinated since birth and literally are not intelligent enough to see beyond their indoctrination. I'm sorry to say that it appears that you fall into the latter category. You have not come by your beliefs yourself, you are just spouting things that have been told to you your entire life. You really should try to suspend your indoctrinated beliefs for a few weeks and do some legitimate research, both internally and externally, and try to find faith that way. Maybe you will find absolute faith, but maybe you will not. Unfortunately most persons are not intelligent enough to see beyond those precepts forced upon them at birth and through their upbringing.

That last statement is the entire reason behind religious wars and fanaticism. It's also the reason I believe atheists, as a whole, are more intelligent than Christians, Muslims, Jews, or any other religious beliefs that were forced upon others since birth. The actual intelligent Christians/Muslims/Jews/Etc. are the ones who searched and found religion on their own. The majority of atheists were born into religious cultures, as most persons in the world are, and were smart enough to see religion objectively and to take actual stock in it instead of blindly believing what their parents, friends, or community told them to believe.

Finally, you don't even seem to have a grasp on Christianity yourself. The Old Testament preaches fear in God. That belief is mostly centered in Jewish ideology. Most theists, including nearly all Christian sects, do not proscribe to a fear of God, but instead they preach a love of God. Secondly, you stated that a previous poster did not capitalize the word "God" because they did not see God as a person. Well, that statement just makes you seem like a huge idiot. God is not a person. No religion in the world sees God as a person. God, or Jesus Christ, or Allah, or whichever deity you worship, is ALWAYS considered a higher power above that of a common man. The fact that you imbue the God you believe in with human characteristics in itself proves your lack of intelligence. If the only way you can perceive God is as a human being, then I'm sorry, you are so extremely narrow minded that your opinions can hold no weight in this discussion, as this discussion will eventually exist on a level that you simply cannot comprehend. It's ok, it's not your fault that you lack innate intelligence. Most people do lack this quality. But if you are going to try to espouse your beliefs on others, try to do so objectively.

Side: Atheists are smarter

This question very much depends on your definition of the word intelligence.

There is no evidence that Christians score lower on IQ tests.

At the same time, it is very difficult to argue that Christians do not lack emotional intelligence and/or the power of reason.

Side: Atheists are smarter
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

How do you arrive at your opinion concerning emotional intelligence?

Side: Atheists are smarter
2 points

How do you arrive at your opinion concerning emotional intelligence?

People do not usually believe in things they have no evidence to support unless there is some kind of emotional payoff involved. Christians believe in God because they want to believe in God, not because the evidence compels them to believe in God. In other words, Christians cannot control their emotional needs. For them, the peace of mind Heaven and God provide is more important than a cold analysis of the facts.

Side: Christians are smarter
2 points

On average they have higher IQs. IQ however is different from intelligence. IQ only measures some aspects of intelligence.

Atheists have also routinely tested higher on measures of bible knowledge/knowledge of christian theology and religion in general.

Side: Atheists are smarter
1 point

Uh huh. I remember being tested...was this one of those polls that said Hillary was up by 12 points, or does the poll even exist...

Side: Christians are smarter
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

IQ scores and political polls are two completely different things you tremendous tard.

Side note, no scientific poll had hillary up by anything more than 5 points. WITH a 5 point margin of error. RCP had an average of multiple scientific polls and they had hillary up by only 3 points for months before the election. Again with a +/-5 point margin of error that means a 2 point trump victory was always statistically possible.

And if we look at the results this polling is actually pretty spot on. Hillary didnt win, no, but she did get like 3 million more popular votes. Trumps victory was an electoral college one. Population wise the numbers match up.

What youre referring to is the tremendous over-estimation of her victory which was done by the MEDIA. They were taking unscientific snap polls done on their websites and then getting massively skewed results because they dont have a random sample. And then they were running with pundits and their own made up guesses. When you heard "90% chance clinton wins" from the NYT that number was 100% manufactured. That was just their OPINION of who they thought would win. And theyre fucking idiots with zero finger on the pulse of the american public.

So please dont blame scientifc polling groups and universities ect who actually do polling by the books and yield consistently accurate results.

Side: Atheists are smarter
2 points

I don't flatly claim that atheists are smarter, but it's foolish to believe in things with no evidence. Literally.

Side: Atheists are smarter
1 point

For the most part, Atheists and Christians have equal intelligence. However, like many theists, Christians are more prone to reject new ideas, along with any evidence that supports them, so that old ideas can be preserved. This behaviour holds Christians back in some areas.

Side: Atheists are smarter
1 point

People ,who believe a magical being makes everyone and everything, must have serious mental health problems

Side: Atheists are smarter
1 point

I don't find it useful to point out who happens to be smarter because I doubt anyone would be willing to change their mind while they're being called dumb but the main ways intelligence is measured is by IQ tests and level of education achieved. Both of these things are negatively correlated with religiosity so as a statistical fact atheists seem to be smarter but there may be other aspects of intelligence that are harder to measure that Christians would score better at. Who knows

Side: Atheists are smarter
1 point

God this is so vague. If, here, intelligence refers to IQ, then seeing as how a vast majority of christians assert that the the biblical god exists (mostly with horrible inductive arguments) and that the bible is a good record of history and how the universe works, I would like to argue that the thought proceses and logic of religious people is visibly fallaciousand their intelligence is inferior to atheists who, on an average, scrutinise all assertions before making any decisions or arguments.

Side: Atheists are smarter
1 point

In my humble opinion as an extraterrestrial being, I believe that neither are more intelligent.

I am one of the reptilian people, a proud member of salamander culture, I observe you humans daily and I am amazed by the lack of intelligence all parties show.

As you know in salamander culture, genitalia is our way of philosophically and critically ANALyzing your culture. I have to admit, it does not come out good for you people(pun not intended). We estimate that in the following 169 years we will indeed invade your puny little orbiting spherical rock that you call "home" and teach you that no God or lack of God may save you.

However until then our phallus board of DICKtators have reached the conclusion that it's fun to watch you fight each other over fictional deities.

Side: Atheists are smarter
Amarel(5669) Disputed
1 point

I am one of the reptilian people, a proud member of salamander culture

Salamanders are amphibians, not reptiles.

Side: Christians are smarter
1 point

Or so you were made to believe.

Not all reptilians are related to actual reptiles, it's just the name you people gave to all of our kind.

Side: Christians are smarter

Guess not...

"Of 10 highest IQ’s on earth, at least 8 are theists, at least 6 are Christians"

Side: Christians are smarter
excon(18262) Disputed
2 points

Hello bront:

I've seen this kind of crap from you before... I woulda HOPED you'd stop on your own.. But, nahhh...

Given that they haven't TESTED all the people on earth, only a guy with an IQ of 47 would say they did..


Side: Atheists are smarter
1 point

"Of 10 highest IQ’s on earth, at least 8 are theists, at least 6 are Christians"

Bronto, stop using this site to post fake news. You are an utter, utter, utter liar. In order of their IQ (highest first):-

1. Stephen Hawking - atheist.

2. Edward Witten - atheist.

3. Andrew Wiles - his father was a Chaplain, but I could not find information on his religious views.

4. Grigori Perelman - atheist.

5. Ruth Lawrence - theist/Jewish.

6. Saul Kripke theist/Jewish.

7. Akshay Venkatesh - could not find any info on religious views.

8. Shahriar Afshar - theist/Muslim.

9. Magnus Carlsen - atheist.

10. Evangelos Katsioulis - could not find any info on religious views.

11. Noam Chomsky atheist.


A survey of scientists who are members of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press in May and June 2009, finds that members of this group are, on the whole, much less religious than the general public.1 Indeed, the survey shows that scientists are roughly half as likely as the general public to believe in God or a higher power.

Side: Atheists are smarter
1 point

Being smart and being in the top 10 aren't the same thing. Probably why you aren't on the list...

Side: Christians are smarter
1 point

You are an utter, utter, utter liar.

You have puppet accounts and don't deny it. Lying is your religion. Anything else?

Side: Christians are smarter
1 point

Oh nomenliar, one more thing...

"There is no evidence that Christians score lower on IQ tests.

At the same time, it is very difficult to argue that Christians do not lack emotional intelligence and/or the power of reason."


Side: Christians are smarter
1 point

I stopped researching after picking out random ones from your link and none turned up as atheists. Amazingly you say Americans are stupid, yet your list is plagued with them.

Shahriar Afshar: Iranian American Muslim-Theist; type=topic

Neil deGrasse Tyson: Overtly claims to not be an atheist

Paul Allen: Can't find anything of any kind on his religious views.

Christopher Langan: "believes God is real", has an IQ over 200, and is known as the "smartest man on Earth" by many, according to your own link.

It’s a mathematical, philosophical manuscript with a radical view of the universe, a theory of everything. He proposes that all things, including the existence of God, the soul and the afterlife, can be proven using mathematics."

Side: Christians are smarter
2 points

Hello Bi:

Neither Christians OR atheists are smarter.. It's NOT a good measure of ones intellect.


Side: Christians are smarter

The question is who can convince the other kind of lies and in this case, Christians are the ones who outsmart the atheists.

Side: Christians are smarter
1 point

Religion, or lack of, doesn't denote intelligence. Some of the smartest people I know are both religious, atheist and Agnostic. The only issue I have is when someone's belief holds them back from study.

Side: Christians are smarter
1 point

at present, as christian population are more than atheist, obviously christian are smarter. But who knows some day if there will be more atheist than christian. thanks

Side: Christians are smarter
Demosthenes9(15) Disputed
2 points

The size of a population has literally nothing to do with the intelligence of that group. To use the size of a population as a point of emphasis in your reasoning is flawed and nonsensical. Try again.

Side: Atheists are smarter
1 point

Some of the top Medical Doctors in the word are Christian. Ben Carson is an example.

Side: Christians are smarter
0 points

It matters not who is smarter as far as IQ.

What truly latters in life is wisdom, and we all know Christians are far more wise because they have the wisdom of God in their soul.

Just look at the condition of the world's broken families verses the families of Bible believing Christians.

The Christian familiy is far more solid than those who ignore God's words.

Side: Christians are smarter
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
2 points

People literally let their kids die from preventable diseases because they believe god will cure them if they pray.

Religion is willful self retardation at best and straight up dangerous self-delusion at worst.

Side: Atheists are smarter
1 point

Says a Progressive cultist who thinks there are 48 genders and that religion is the problem, but can't touch Islam because the liberal messiahs said not to...

And of course, my favorite...Marx, who never labored and lived in the 1800s is an expert on 2017...

Side: Christians are smarter
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

It's sick how anti Christian bigots like you keep bringing up cults who do not beieve in vaccinations.

In all my life, I have never met a Cristian who believed in such things.


Side: Christians are smarter
0 points

Christians are smarter than Atheists for many reasons. The main one is why would someone that doesn't even believe God created them be smart, they obviously aren't even smart enough to realize God created them

Side: Christians are smarter
EldonG(530) Disputed
2 points

No, my father fucked my mother. Sperm met egg. I grew slowly inside my mother, and nine months later, I was brought out into this world of ridiculous people that don't seem to realize they got to be here the same way.

Side: Atheists are smarter
Salamandara(4) Disputed
1 point

I'm a dyslexic lizard and I still type better than you.

Go have an exorcism and pray you gain some more brain cells.

Side: Atheists are smarter