
Debate Info

Yes they should. No they shouldn't.
Debate Score:104
Total Votes:109
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 Yes they should. (45)
 No they shouldn't. (40)

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Hoover4(27) pic

Should guns be allowed on college campuses?

Do you think that guns should be permitted on college campuses? Leave your opinion below.

Yes they should.

Side Score: 63

No they shouldn't.

Side Score: 41
3 points

College students should be allowed to carry gun on school campuses. They are old enough to know what a gun is and how to use one. If someone were to come in and shoot through the place, what can they do if they don't have something to defend themselves with? For their own safety and for the safety of everyone else in the college, guns should be allowed on college campuses.

Side: Yes they should.
2 points

Yes they should, its also a law anyway. If a person obtains an open-carry license he or she may bring that weapon anywhere public that he or she pleases. And that law applies to handguns, shotguns, and low caliber rifles such as a .243.

Side: Yes they should.
xljackson(260) Disputed
1 point

Owning a firearm instantly increases your chances of being shot or involved in a shooting.

Given this fact how can you justify owning a firearm at all?

Let me guess, second amendment right, well you're just a genius lol

Side: No they shouldn't.
Amarel(5669) Disputed
2 points

Owning a swimming pool is statistically a far greater risk to your house hold than a gun but without the benefit of potentially saving your life. How can anyone justify having a swimming pool? I suppose you think it's your right to own that kind of property?

Side: Yes they should.
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

Whether or not it should be, that is not currently the law. An open carry license does not legally permit a person to bring a firearm into any public space. There are consistent and regular exceptions for certain public held or operated properties, such as prisons, educational buildings, hospitals, etc. (e.g. even in TX). Also, not all colleges are public colleges.

Side: No they shouldn't.
2 points


If guns are GOOD, then they're GOOD everywhere. Why is carrying it on the street FINE, but you need to put it in your glove compartment when you go into a bar?? Makes no sense to me.


Side: Yes they should.
2 points

I think an important distinction here is whether it's a state school or a private school. State schools are funded by taxpayers, which means their property is tax funded, which means if they can legally carry guns in almost every other state property or in the public in general then they should get to do so at school. Granted, even states with permissive gun laws may still restrict them from places like court rooms, so whether or not allowed may vary.

Private schools, on the other hand, are private property, even though they may have tens of thousands of students and be open to the general public. On private property they can pretty much do whatever they want. And you can't say that violates your gun rights because it's no different from you at your home saying someone with a gun better get off your front porch or you'll call the police for trespassing.

Overall I voted on this side because the quantity of state schools and the size of their populations makes the first paragraph more commonly true than the second one.

Side: Yes they should.
1 point

Dem guns will be needed whens those Muslims decides to go all Red Dawn on we.

Side: Yes they should.

Providing guns with non lethal rounds is more advisable, I feel.

Side: Yes they should.
1 point

I think sidearms and light automatic weapons should be permitted on campus but not heavy machine guns nor R.P.Gs.

Revolvers and pistols could be used for target shooting at break times, providing lecturers were not used as targets, although there is an argument that they would be ideal for 'moving target' practice.

The one statutory proviso which would have to be applied is that all such lethal weaponry should be surrendered, properly logged and securely stored during lecture classes.

Side: Yes they should.
1 point

Of course they should be allowed. How else will cops do their job?

Side: Yes they should.
xljackson(260) Disputed
1 point

Obviously cops are allowed to carry guns on college campus's, I'm surprised I had to point this out...what the hell are you talking about?

Side: No they shouldn't.
Amarel(5669) Disputed
1 point

Cops are people. Trusted and trained, but they are just people. So why should other people, who are trusted and trained, not be allowed to carry a gun on a campus? Even if trusted and trained people aren't there with a gun, the guy who wants to do damage will be.

Side: Yes they should.
1 point

Owning a firearm instantly increases your chances of being shot or involved in a shooting.

Given this fact how can you justify owning a firearm at all?

Let me guess, second amendment right, well you're just a genius lol

Side: No they shouldn't.
3 points

Walking through Compton, California without a gun increases your chances of getting shot. So does doing drugs. Was that the whole argument?

Side: Yes they should.
Hoover4(27) Disputed
1 point

Okay "GENIUS". If you're going to shoot a college campus and no one has a gun you're just going to kill everybody. However if three students have a gun pointed right back at you then they prevent you from shooting everyone in the building. Stupid liberals think that preventing people from having guns will stop murders and crime but if someone wants to kill people then they will find a way. Letting citizens carry firearms for their defense will help them have the ability to defend themselves.

Side: Yes they should.
xljackson(260) Disputed
2 points

So your justification for increasing the risk of school kids being shot, by giving them their own firearms to carry at school, is based on the potential of a school shooting?

Do you even understand statistics? Do you have any idea how much the chances of those kids potentially shooting each other outweighs the chances of them potentially protecting each other in a school shooting?

How old are you lol

Side: No they shouldn't.
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point


Moreover, correlation does not demonstrate causation. Even if it is the case that owning a firearm correlates with a higher probability of being involved in a shooting, that does not necessarily mean that it is because one owns the firearm. One alternative explanation of that data, for instance, would be that those who are more likely to own a firearm are more likely to be involved in altercations either because of their circumstances or because of their emotional temperament.

Further, even if there were a causative link between owning a gun and being involved in shootings that would not necessarily mean one cannot justify owning a gun themselves. The negligence or misbehavior of others does not immediately preclude rights from others.

Side: Yes they should.
xljackson(260) Disputed
1 point

What do you mean?

Owning a firearm increases your chances of being shot or involved in a shooting.

Do you dispute this simple factor?

Side: No they shouldn't.
1 point

Only in America does such a concern come up ,meanwhile in most civilised countries people attend schools and colleges without the additional stress of worrying about getting ' tooled up '.....

Side: No they shouldn't.
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

You don't think they are stressed about mass shootings in France? London? Denmark? Sure they are. Because it happens there. They just see a different solution.

Side: Yes they should.
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

What religion is committing mass killings in the countries you referenced ?

Side: Yes they should.