
Daver's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Daver's arguments, looking across every debate.
4 points

NASCAR owners, drivers and employees have figured out what Lefties fail to grasp. Any sort of protest failing to honor our flag or our national anthem is miss guided in it's tactic and does nothing to gain support for their cause.

daver(1771) Clarified
3 points

Your reporting skills could bring you employment at


1 point

She has proven what we all suspected, " Not all Lefties are idiots, but all idiots are Lefties." Ergo she's an idiot lefty. So simple.

3 points


The US and NoKo will go to (a very brief) war, if we or our allies are the target of a successful nuclear attack from NoKo.

2 points

Quite evidently Hillary and the word "thinks" no longer belong in the same sentence. One day historians will list Trump as the man who saved us all from electing Crooked Hillary.

1 point

There is a faction of the American political left that are communists. They no longer admit to their communist beliefs, but now hide among the ranks of a faction called Progressives. Their aim is the undoing of democracy. Their tactic is civil unrest, promoting violence with the aim of bringing about chaos. They are seen at every major incident involving political violence and social unrest. They are not the "red scare", they are the enemy.

2 points

Self pity will not destroy an individual, but it will block many paths to success, leading to achievement far below potential.

2 points

Of course respect must be earned. I love that insight into

"disrespect must ALSO be earned."

2 points

The PC crowd has no stopping place for this sort of stupidity.

2 points

There is no line between PC & RESPECT.

PC is a lib construct. It does not exist in reality.

Respect is shown by libs to only other libs.

To disagree with a lib is to incur the wrath of complete intolerance.

See Berkeley, CA

1 point

You assume much FW. It's highly unlikely that you know how I vote in elections, or if I support Nazis, or if I'm liberal, or anything else about me. Still you berate me as though you know. More than a little foolish, you are.

1 point

Another natural cycle of the Earth has been discovered. Doom for us all?

Where have I seen this hysteria before?

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

It's funny the concept of goodness to mankind without God. In all their so called goodness, they have made it legal to kill viable babies for any reason up to birth.

Actually FW, I and millions like me don't need a god to tell us that murdering babies is abhorrent by it's nature. So explain that fact. Nor do millions of people in the US today who give aid and comfort to victims of natural disasters, need a god to tell them to do so. Human kindness is just that, HUMAN.

Don't get me wrong, I respect the millions across the world who draw strength and solace from their belief in a god. They are NOT my enemy, but rather my fellow man.

1 point

Conservatives simultaneously depend on a mental illness (i.e. Christianity) in order to get any votes at all.

Judging from the election results last November, it would seem that more Americans want a chance to work, than another handout. So much for liberal coddling.

2 points

In American society, victim hood is the business and full time vocation of men like Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton. Leading the blackman to wallow in perpetual dependence on government handouts. We have a population of Nigerians as well as Muslims and even gypsies. Their numbers do not yet allow them to wield much power.

From a political perspective, liberals coddle the minorities to garner their votes.

1 point

Here's the thing FW

If there is a creator of all things, it's kinda far fetched to imagine that someone who created the entire universe, could possibly be inclined to need and demand that tiny insignificant creators like us should worship them or burn in hell for eternity.

Not very believable.

1 point

Trump is a pragmatic leader, who will employ those who can help him succeed in making his vision for America become reality. As for conservative and liberal, he is both and neither.

1 point

Hi Bront:

Your definition seems a little off the mark. While science is in fact an organized methodology used to study something, in this context the use of the term is broadly understood to refer to the body of knowledge science has generated rather than the methodology. As a body of knowledge, science can often be counter to religious beliefs. We are pitting accepted knowledge against accepted doctrine. This is a completely valid comparison.

Or so it seems to me.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Hi E:

I'm not so sure that argument is actually valid. The rich person spends many times the amount the poor spends. The rich then, pay many times more taxes than the poor in real dollars, just like now. Comparing taxes paid, as percent of income distorts the picture by making it seem that the poor pay more, when the opposite is actually true. Soooooooooooo

1 point

Your asking good or bad president. Of course he's a good president. That does not preclude that he is human and therefore subject to the same failings as us all.

3 points


Leaking government documents to the media in order to bring about a special investigation, is against the law. He should be charged, tried and if guilty, punished.

1 point

Remember Caesar

1 point

Mayweather will prevail in a boxing match against McGregor. McGregor is only able to use one of his skills, while Mayweather is a trained and superior puncher.

2 points

Obama had at least three distinct styles of speaking. He could lecture with a high tone vocabulary, he could also use a distinctly smaller vocabulary when speaking to a black audience. Then his everyday manner of speaking which was common conversational containing an everyday vocabulary.

In the same way Trump is able to tailor his style of speaking to the audience. There is little to suggest any impairment from these facts.

3 points

There has been an unfortunate choice in using the word code to describe DNA sequences. A more appropriate choice might be "Sample Arrangement". Complexity is not dependent on intelligent design. Everything in our universe, taken as a whole may seem complex, yet it's all created from hydrogen and gravity. Given limitless time, gravity stirs the soup to make more and more complex atoms. Simple processes do result in complexity. There is little logic or reason in believing that an entity capable of creating the universe, would somehow require the worship of tiny, short lived creatures on one infinitesimal speck of dust floating in an undistinguished galaxy among trillions in just the visible universe alone. The complexity and infinite variance among snowflakes needs no guidance, simply cause and effect.

1 point

YES For example see the healthcare bill debate. Focused entirely on the question of how to pay for healthcare while completely ignoring the root cause of the problem. All efforts are directed at the cost of health insurance. No one is asking why it cost so much to see a doctor, or to spend a night in a hospital, or to purchase a medicine.

Another example of miss guided effort can be found in the "social justice" movement demanding higher pay , just because min wage is not enough to live on. Employers are compelled to pay $15.00 per hour for an unskilled worker, while thousands of employers are unable to even find the skilled workers they need at any price. The focus is to artificially increase the earnings of employees with no increase in their value to the business.

1 point

There are two main groups claiming liberalism.

1) The individuals who want to turn the US into a socialist Utopia.

2) The old school liberals who are unaware they have been hijacked.

The first category of liberals have used government handouts to create a dependent class who will vote to keep their free stuff, thus insuring that the liberals remain in power.

The latter category are simply fools who believe they are helping, but are actually enabling the socialist's agenda.

The individual in the video, like millions of patriotic Americans, has awoken to the truth.

1 point

YES Journalism carries a deep and fundamental responsibility. Truth is paramount in importance. ANY bias or hint of bias effecting the truth of what's reported completely negates the purpose of a "free press". Important political events, when reported as news MUST ALWAYS be reported without bias.

News Commentary must always be clearly distinguished from factual news.

This hardly happens anywhere in our current media.πŸ˜•

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Nope that's not it at all. Time is not an absolute. Synchronize two atomic clocks on the surface of the Earth. Then put one in orbit around the Earth for an earth week. Return the orbiting clock to the surface and note that it will be measurably behind the clock that remained on the surface of the Earth. Gravity and relative speed between the two atomic clocks will appear to slow time.

1 point

WRONG There are NO planned cuts to Medicaid. There are proposed reductions to FUTURE Medicaid expansion. If your on Medicaid, you are NOT affected. Chill and get some facts. πŸ˜•

2 points

If "Sharia Support" includes failure to comply with any host nation's laws or legal system, it is fair to judge such supporter, not as immigrant but rather invader. Such individual immigrant is not simply expressing opinion, but also failing to accept the laws of the host nation.

2 points

The "Fake News" media will stay on the Russian probe until something new gets invented to use in their "Never Trump" battle. There will be no mention of Democratic plans to create jobs, or to protect us from Mexican drug gangs, or to combat terrorism, or to fix you broken healthcare system. Simply the worn out vague promises of the past. Get Real Dudes

2 points

Yes, and Still with no clue what their core problem is!!

It's astounding when supposedly clever people fail to see the obvious cause of their defeat. The failed progressive agenda was been rejected in election after election, in state after state, year after year since 2012. Yet they doggedly cling to socialism while it drags them into oblivion. -------- Weird 😏

1 point

The larger the group we form, the more freedoms we sacrifice to the group. There is a limit and a balance point between liberty and the protections of the group. People want both freedom and protection. For this reason there will never be a total world government.

2 points

Hard to understand the panic on the left over this agreement. The effect of full implementation will bring about a 0.2 Β° change on global temperatures by the year 2100. In a word negligible! So what does the panic actually stem from? Perhaps money - America dollars.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

I'm sorry, but where do chickens and dogs have any liberties?

Chickens are in cages and dogs are on leashes. I believe I am correctly referring to rights of living creatures, not to be abused.

3 points

Investigations uncover facts.

Here is a fact: Obama began an investigation into Russian hacking nearly one year ago. NO facts nor any evidence has been uncovered.

Here is another fact: Since the election, Obama began another investigation into Trump-Russia connections. Again NO facts were uncovered.

Further investigations are a waste of time, resources and focus.

Who is apposed to making America great again?

daver(1771) Clarified
2 points

Today millions of people are migrating from the Midwest to the South, which is exactly the opposite of one hundred years ago. People have, are and will move for jobs. Those able-bodied who chose to stay, do so partly because the government support makes it possible.

2 points

A quick look at history will show the extent to which president Roosevelt shared secret Intel with great Britain and saved the world from Hitler.

Seeking alliances often involve Intel sharing. There remains no reason for Trump to share Intel, other than seeking an alliance against ISIS.

Get a clue.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Much tighter requirements for receiving government support.

If you can't get the job you want where you are ------------ MOVE

Literally millions of Americans move each year for employment.

daver(1771) Clarified
3 points

You can pay over here through your salary for various health coverage plans which gets more expensive by the year ; to pay into a plan is optional those who don't through unemployment etc,etc use government services and are covered by the tax payer .

This rather charitable notion seems reasonable only when you eliminate those who choose to "Game The System". Millions of people choose to have the government support their needs, rather than support themselves.

2 points

I like this point the best. A right, by law alone, is very distinct from a moral right. The left simply conflates the two, in order to imply healthcare is equivalent to life and liberty.

Very good answer.

2 points

Of course it's a privilege to be earned whenever possible. God did not give us a right to a job, nor a car, nor a place to live or even to food.

4 points

The investigation is not only ongoing, but long going as well. No evidence has been found in nearly a year of searching, by the most competent investigative organization in the world. Time to dig for dirt somewhere else.

4 points

Yes. For example cock fighting, as well as dog fighting are illegal in most if not all states. Most would agree that needlessly torturing an animal is wrong.

So it would seem that we believe animals in fact, do have a right to be treated with a measure of respect.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

There are a great many pieces since December of last year. Get the real story from US sources.

Who has bought Trump?

2 points

Once again At Rag, whatever that is?

You butt into our affairs with little to no understanding of the laws of our land. Trump HAS in fact divested his business. Further there is NO legal requirement for US Presidents to divest their personal interest in business.

So Rag on with your lefty rant, but know that the facts do NOT support your pointless and powerless claim.

Globalists everywhere are cowering before the man they cannot buy. πŸ˜‹

4 points

Domestically, Obama widened the gap between Democrats & Republicans, and failed to support our police, then eroding the mistrust between races and still had time to ridicule people with different policy or political views than his own.

Internationally Obama has shown only weakness and indecision.

He has successfully evoked both fear in our allies, and laughter from our enemies.

In short Obama made the world worse for everyone.

1 point

Iran no longer working on nuclear weapons!

Yeah right, just like Syria got ride of their saran gas ------ NOT

daver(1771) Clarified
3 points


You want to guide foreign policy, based on pistachios?

Hey that's just nuts πŸ˜‚

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Interestingly the CEO of United said today, that they will never again bring a police officer on a plan for this situation.

What new rule should the CEO make to resolve this situation in the future?

1 point

If an airline representative orders you off, tell them NO.

They created the problem, it's not your responsibility to solve it.

3 points

You have to get off, If a uniformed police officer orders you to.

1 point

Oh right --------- Two bugs get entombed in tree sap, a hundred million years ago and OMG 😱, they look like bugs, so of course there is a magic guy in the sky. NOT

4 points

Hillary failed yet again because she offered no plan to increase employment. No reasoned jobs plan = NEXT. 😑

daver(1771) Clarified
3 points

Perhaps I can help. You are correct in saying that children and young teenagers are physically capable of screwing. The major negative experience being PREGNANCY. These young people are quite able to produce a baby, however, they are not at all able to care for and raise a child. It is almost certain that they do not have jobs that provide food and shelter for a baby. This fact lies at the root of the myriad challenges both financial and emotional, which face anyone raising a child.

2 points

Yeah like when the media claims Lying Susan is being accused of not telling the truth. It's ALL they've got, give em a break. πŸ˜₯

1 point

Yes it could work. Trump could trans into a female, midget, Muslim cleric from a small town in Turkey, and still be re-elected because he is committed to making America great again, by putting America first in every decision.

1 point

Liberals are screaming Illegitimate:

John Lewis

Michael Moore

Al Sharon

Last time I checked these assholes were liberals.

Putin: Never-mind that zero evidence has come to light that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. Further no one is claiming that the Russians influenced the outcome of the election. But apart from that of course your absolutely correct ------ Oh wait ----- NOT πŸ˜‚

1 point

Sitar, I agree with you, but would have to include rape and incest.

Liberals want us to forget that abortion involves killing babies. They want to refer to it as a "woman's right to choose what she can do with her own body".

Which of course makes no sense at all, because while pregnant she is sharing her body with a baby. Daaaaaaa πŸ˜‚

2 points

The Devil being subversive communist bastardos 😱

This fact is strangely unknown to most liberals.

Swallowing the line that communists have been using since to 60s. EQUALITY -----------

While all people are equally deserving of human dignity, clearly the potential for success varies greatly among individuals.

2 points

You miss the lesson history has shown us.

"All that means is that communism must be preceded by something else".


All that means is that communism must be supported by something else.

Hence the repeated and continuing failures. Daaaaaaa πŸ˜‚

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Stupid or not she was an avowed eugenicist. Abortion was her weapon of choice? Purification was her aim.

Note that today the overwhelming majority of PP clients can be described her own words:

"On blacks, immigrants and indigents:

"...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born." Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people".

"On the purpose of birth control:

The purpose in promoting birth control was "to create a race of thoroughbreds," she wrote in the Birth Control Review, Nov. 1921 (p. 2)"

"On the extermination of blacks:

"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," she said, "if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America, by Linda Gordon"

2 points

Strange that you don't know the facts about communism. There are currently 5 failing communist countries, and 15 previously failed communist countries.

Communism is an idealistic fantasy, that has NEVER succeeded. While capitalism has lifted the standard of living higher and for millions more people than ANY other system EVER. Those are the facts.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Click the link on her name and see what she really provided

daver(1771) Clarified
3 points

I reject your assertion that conservatives are on the loosing side. Full blown Communism is so repugnant to lovers of freedom, that the subversive commie bastards hiding in the liberals tent won't come into the light until we have first collapsed into chaos. If they show their face today, they would be finished.

As to which is stronger, which is more powerful and which is the likely winner, look to this. Free democratic markets and the wealth they create, can exist without socialism or communism to support them. While socialism and communism can not exist without the wealth that free markets produce.

daver(1771) Clarified
2 points

Sounds to me like we are identifying the same enemy and expressing in different ways, their plan to bring us down. Removing resistance is a tactic used to accomplish their goal of replacing our society/government with a communist state. But anyway we seem to see the same threat and that's the important thing. πŸ˜‹

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Ever hear if a bitch named Margret Sanger

That's all you need to know about PP.

daver(1771) Clarified
2 points

Our society/government has to collapse before the progressives can unmask. Communism has been rejected in this country. Their only path to taking over our nation is from within. They are pushing socialistic programs, ideas and policies, which weaken our economy. Their aim is to put us in so much debt, and divide us so deeply that our government ceases to function.

Sounds familiar don't it.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Hell if I I know 😯

I just jumped in where I saw you. I don't know that other debater.

2 points

Why would progressives push ideas that so weaken a society?


Because when society/government finally collapses, the progressives can unmask their charade and establish their Communist state.

Read Saul Alinsky

1 point

No and neither are all Indians or orientals or Negros. To me nearly everyone has prejudices and opinions about other races. But a true racist actively works against others of a different race. Hiring, firing, housing, lending, even in some churches.

I believe there is a clear line between racial prejudices and outright racism.

2 points

The ACA was never intended to work. It was meant to drive insurance companies out of the market. Which is happening now.

Then the plan was to have Congress step in and save us all with "single payer".

The plan went South when the Democrats lost first the House, then the Senate, then the presidency. No one left to push the final vote to single payer.

Republicans now have to restore years of damage and create something that will actually work.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Yeah it's true that the Republicans had years to get their shit together, but Ryan should have brought the whole party together with a bill that nearly everyone supported. Instead he told Trump that he could get a bill through the House, and clearly he failed to do it. This left Trump with the impossible task of making a deal happen with the Freedom Caucus, which was Ryan's responsibility in the first place. I take your point, but Ryan is the guy who failed to deal successfully with the situation as it was.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point


The existence of homosexuality in nature has little to do with evolution, since nearly all species are dominated by heterosexual populations, which easily reproduce in numbers that ensure survival.

Homosexuality exists and species evolve. Two separate things.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point


I'm with you on trauma, both physical and emotional leading to pedophilia.

Can you elaborate in the chain of events which may begin at birth, that lead to pedophilia?

I'm still seeing a difference between homosexuality and pedophilia being that sexual orientation is set in the brain during gestation, and can be a miss match with physical gender development, resulting in homosexuality.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

I've understood that gay people are simply born with a sexual orientation that does not match their physical gender. As I understand it this has both genetic and hormonal causes which occur during gestation.

I have thought pedophilia to be a different condition, in that it's causes are rooted in developmental abnormalities after birth. Mainly childhood trauma connected to abuse.

Are you saying that pedophiles are born that way?

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

I think you misunderstand me.

Miss matched gender and sexual orientation occurs in nature and has absolutely nothing to do with the value or worth of an individual to society.

Homosexuality occurs in nature. Homosexuality has nothing to do with the value or worth of an individual.

1 point

Your rather weak argument proposing that gay people design attractive clothing and this justifies there place in evolution, is ridiculous. Miss matched gender and sexual orientation occurs in nature and has absolutely nothing to do with the value or worth of an individual to society.

4 points

Have you considered a reality in which atheists exist who harbor no anger toward theists?

Are you not condemning others for their beliefs?

Look inward and see the truth.

2 points

One single individual is responsible for the failed attempt at repeal of Obamacare. The speaker of the House, Paul Ryan. Trump listened to Ryan's advise and Ryan blew it, with a half ass , weak attempt, bound by reconciliation, rather than a bold and powerful bill to repeal completely.

1 point

Immigrants should be viewed as invasive.

If they do NOT assimilate.

Islam is, by its creed, an invasive movement, from a vastly different culture.

President Trump said it plainly "We welcome immigrants who love our country and want to become one of us" --- Americans ---.

In contrast the stated aim of Islam is to spread .

3 points


I wanted to go to the beach tomorrow, but Moore & Gore said it will be gone soon due to rising sea levels. Where's the justice? No one cares πŸ˜‚

1 point

There is little doubt that Trump is causing employment to rise sharply, when you factor in all the paid protesters. 😁

1 point

I've been a cowboy for 25 years and I've never liked liveral.

Oh and triads are like trifectas but with the nucler option intact.

Did he say calf or caths ?

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Look, it all hinges on when the baby becomes a human, right. You nor I, nor anyone else has an absolute answer. This, being unarguably the case, the only prudent course is to not kill. That's it 😐

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

If they are alone in their bodies, I'm with you.

When their NOT alone, there are at least one more, sometimes two or three more to be considered. Can't ignore math right?

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Hey your the one mentioning bodies, I'm just counting them.

Soooooooo 😁

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Aborti is the subject of an abortion, by way of an aborter. 😡

daver(1771) Clarified
2 points

Aborti is abortion that has been aborted.

He he πŸ˜…

1 point

Liberalism is not a genetic or hormonal trait. It is rather a learned perspective.

As individuals mature and prosper from their labors, the notion of government controlled revenue sharing becomes less and less attractive.

1 point

seem to think they have the right to tell women what to do with their bodies

The obvious fact that is ignored in your argument is while pregnant, there are TWO bodies ------------- Checkmate 😎

1 point

Well you just keep on insisting that socialism is cool without any evidence to support it. And continue to claim that Trump has no "How To" plans for the economy, even though jobs are already up due to Trump. I will leave you to stew in your fantasies.

2 points

The best part will be when Trump stomps Pocahontas.

Can't hardly wait 😁

1 point

Are you implying that every single citizen of these 7 countries is a terrorist? That's laughable.

In a word NO Never said thatπŸ˜‚

No, they are not significant sources of terrorism. Not a single terrorist in the last 17 years has come from any of those countries.

Really πŸ˜… 2614582

Where do you get these Fake News facts 😜

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